Durley Parish Council held their Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 14th January, 2020 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Delmege (Chairman) chaired the Meeting. Also in attendance were Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Miller the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Mclean, and 11 parishioners. Also present was Kirstie Baines (Headteacher).

Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, Cllr Miller and Cllr Brenchley

After investigating the possibility of getting permanent speed signs approved for each end of the village Cllr Delmege reported that it is not possible and therefore he is going to look into alternative options.

Unfortunately the Public Broadband Meeting needed to be postponed and will be re-arranged for a future date. Clerk will put up Notices once a date has been agreed with HCC Broadband Team.

A Meeting will be arranged with youngsters and Parish Councillors to agree a peice of play equipment that hopefully will be installed in the new financial year if a Grant is approved.

The Chairman and Clerk attended a Meeting with Durley School representatives and HCC to finalise the details for the School Crossing in Durley Brook Road. Councillors agreed that this should go ahead as soon as possible now that CIL Funding has been approved. The Defibrillator which is currently sited inside the School Hall will now be located on the outside of the building to enable anyone who might need it to gain access 24 hours a day. Councillors agreed that DPC would pay for a cabinet and for the electric to be put to the cabinet.

Because developers are writing to Durley Parish Council regarding their plans for potential development it was agreed that any Housing Needs Survey would be led and run by Durley Parish Council and the Durley community, and would not be developer led. At the present time there is no housing allocation for Durley in the Local Plan and until such time as a new Local Plan has been approved we will not accept any additional housing in Durley.

The Chairman and Clerk attended a HCC Vision 2050 Workshop in Winchester on 9.1.20. Skills within Hampshire were looked at and then a speaker gave a presentation of how parish councils could help with climate change. Details are being sent to the Parish Council and it is hoped that Durley will be able to play some small part in trying to change attitudes towards the climate emergency.

The Clerk reported that the two dual purpose litter/dog waste bins to be located in the lay-by opposite Durley Primary School and in the Memorial Hall car park will be sited on 16th January.

Residents attended the Meeting for various reasons and most issues were dealt with under items already on the Agenda. Two residents were concerned about the possible closure of Wangfield Lane, which will mean that all traffic will travel down Netherhill. The Clerk has not received any information about this and as Wangfield Lane is in Curdridge parish she will make enquiries.

Cllr Rappini has reported 21 pot holes in Durley to HCC. One particularly dangerous hole has been filled in and others have been marked. CC Humby has asked for the Stapleford Lane ditch to be maintained so that the water flows well by HCC maintenance team.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report and a Summary of the Accounts to date was presented.

Cllr Miller gave a Hall Management Committee Meeting Report. The main issues discussed included trying to achieve more parking spaces in the car park and putting tarmac on the whole car park, tackling some damp under the stage, obtaining a quote for a new ceiling and lighting, the installation of a dishwasher, and other maintenance issues. Some residents attended the Meeting felt that an acoustic piano should be purchased. A full sized digital piano was hired for the Durley Diamonds Event and Cllr Delmege said that the feed-back he had was that it sounded almost as good as an acoustic piano. Cllr Delmege then explained the reasons why the Hall Management Committee have agreed to not put an acoustic piano onto the Hall floor as we have been advised that it is too heavy and even with casters it will damage the new Hall floor. The decision is to purchase a full sized digital piano which can be hired and then stored away when not required. Alternatively, an acoustic piano could be stored on the stage and pulled out onto the stage when needed. As there are usually only 3 bookings a year requiring a piano the additional space for the majority of Hall hirers is valuable. Councillors agreed to ask the Hall Management Committee if they would reconsider putting an acoustic piano onto the stage. Durley Memorial Hall is now in it’s 100th year and the Hall Management Committee would like to organise a Village Event to celebrate this. It is hoped that something can be arranged for September, 2020.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council