Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Miller, District Councillor Mclean, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 11 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines was also in attendance.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and Cllr Brenchley.
2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest made.
(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills by Cllr Miller. Cllr Miller reported that she has not been able to make any more progress, but it is hoped that an approach will be able to be made in a couple of months to the businesses.
(b) Speed signs at each end of the village – Cllr Delmege reported that legally we are not able to place permanent signs up at each end of the village. Cllr Delmege will look at alternative options. There does appear to be less large lorries going through the village and a recent accident was reported.
(c) Updating of website – Cllr Delmege is going to speak to Andy Burton.
(d) Public Broadband Meeting on 24.1.20 postponed. Clerk will arrange a further date and has written to the HCC Broadband Team to ask for another date.
(e) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. The footbridge which was reported at Durley Mill has been repaired. Clerk said that a Meeting is going to be arranged with Cllr Brenchley and ROW to discuss the stiles going from Whitegates to the School. Dog fouling was reported on the footpath from Manor Farm to the trig point off Manor Road. Clerk will see if there is a sign that could be put at the entrance to the footpath asking dog owners to pick up after their dog.
(f) Older childrens’ play equipment – ideas/prices. Clerk produced a selection of play equipment ideas along with prices for everyone to consider. These ideas will be presented to the youngsters to get their views. Clerk will circulate some dates and Councillors/youngsters will be able to attend. Once a decision has been made a Grant will be applied for in the next financial year.
(g) Cabinet for School defibrillator. Clerk has asked WEL Medical for a price for the Cabinet and it is £455. Neil’s Electrical can carry out the electrical work required.
(h) WW2 commemorations in Durley – Cllr Delmege/Clerk. The next Meeting is to be held on 21st January. Cllr Delmege has circulated dates for a Meeting to those who are interested in helping, so that we can sort out the arrangements and the food etc.
(i) School Crossing Project – Report on Meeting with School/HCC. Cllr Delmege/Clerk. The Chairman and Clerk have met with Kirstie, School Governors and Andy Smith (HCC) and they have all agreed that the best solution would be to go with Option 1 and install the crossing with flashing lights as per the CIL Funding Application. Councillors were in agreement with this decision and Clerk will write to Andy Smith to confirm that the work should go ahead.
(j) Agree response to developer for proposed planning at Quob Stables. Councillors agreed that as there is no development allocation for Durley in the present Local Plan we do not wish to see any development in Durley. When the new Local Plan is agreed then Durley Parish Council will carry out its own Housing Needs Survey. Councillors agreed that this Survey should be Parish Council and community led not developer led.
(k) Planning Training – 20.2.20 at 6.30 p.m. Numbers of attendees required. All Councillors are able to attend apart from Cllr Rutherford. Clerk reported that other parishes are also sending Councillors along to the Training Session. The cost of the Trainer will be split between those parishes/councillors attending.
(l) Report on HCC Vision 2050 Workshop (9.1.20) – Cllr Delmege and the Clerk attended this Workshop and found it very interesting. Cllr Delmege reported that work skills within Hampshire were discussed, along with Climate change. A speaker informed Councillors of ways in which everyone is affected, and that Parish Councils will be important as they will be able to generate ideas within their community to help with climate change. More information on ideas will be discussed at a future Meeting.
(m) Clerk reported that the two landscape bins are going to be installed on 16th January. One will be in the lay-by opposite Durley Primary School and the other will be in the Memorial Hall car park.
5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: There was no Report available for this month.
6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Mclean updated Councillors and residents on the main planning issues which WCC have been involved in. The Sports and Leisure Centre is still going ahead, but the 2 additional sports halls at Swanmore and Wickham are not. The scaffolding around Abbey House is coming down. Reports were given to DC Mclean that the green waste sacks have not been collected in Sciviers Lane or Parsonage Lane. Clerk will report this to WCC.
7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Residents were attending for various reasons and most items are already on the Agenda. However, concern was expressed about the tractors travelling down Manor Road who are driving on the grass verges and churning them up. Councillors agreed that this was not acceptable, but not sure what action could be taken, but we will find out what could be done. Another resident asked about the possible closure of Wangfield Lane – which would mean that all traffic would travel up Netherhill. Clerk has heard nothing, but will find out from Curdridge Parish Council as Wangfield Lane is in Curdridge parish.
(a) Letter from HCC regarding removal of signs around the village. The letter confirmed that signs will be removed, but due to a backlog it might be sometime. The signs are still on the sides of the lanes at the moment. Councillors agreed that we would give it a couple of months and then write again if they are not removed.
(b) E-mail from resident about language used at Recreation Ground. The e-mail was read out to Councillors, and Cllr Watts said that she has spoken to the Managers of the Durley teams about the complaint. The referee does give cards for bad language and the Managers agreed to speak to their players.
(c ) Enquiry from developer asking if they could come along to our Parish Council Meeting in February. Councillors agreed that they would be happy to listen to the developer, but we are not looking for any development in Durley at the moment.
9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report, apart from Kirstie reporting on the proposed new School Crossing project which was mentioned in item 4(i) above.
10. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda still needs attention outside of the Pavilion and that some youngsters had taken down the dog fouling signs. Clerk will see if more signs can be obtained from WCC. It was agreed that the large dog fouling sign should be taken down and put at The Sawmills.
11. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford reported that the play area safety surfacing has been cleaned by Shawn. Councillors agreed that he has done a good job.
12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts gave a Report, stating that there are still some burglaries in the surrounding areas and a vehicle from the Recreation Ground was stopped on 20th December at 10.00 p.m. by the Police. There are more Beat Surgeries planned for 1st and 29th January, 28th February and 10th March from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at Bishops Waltham Police Station. These Surgeries will give residents an opportunity to ask policing questions to the Police.
13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini has reported 21 pot holes in Durley. He has taken photographs of these pot holes and sent them into HCC. One particularly dangerous hole has been filled in and others have been marked. A resident reported a muck heap in a ditch in Stapleford Lane. Cllr Rappini and Cllr Delmege will take a look as this could be an environmental risk and not help with the flooding in Stapleford Lane. Flooding in Stapleford Lane – a request has been made by CC Humby to HCC for maintenance of the ditch and drainage work to be carried out. Verge marker posts in Mincingfield Lane – HCC are going to dig the ditch out again and then put in marker posts before the ditch gets filled in again.
14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. A summary of the Accounts to date was also given to Councillors.
15. HALL: Hall Meeting Report (8.1.20) – Cllr Miller gave a summary of the recent Hall Meeting, which included trying to achieve more parking spaces and putting tarmac on the whole of the car park, tackling the damp under the stage area, getting a quote for a new ceiling and lighting, the installation of a dishwasher in the former Post Office room along with other maintenance issues. It was agreed at the Hall Meeting that they would hire a full sized 88 key digital piano for the Diamonds Party and the Burns Night. Some residents attending the Parish Council Meeting felt that an acoustic piano should be purchased and Cllr Delmege explained that advice has been sought from flooring experts that the weight of the piano would damage the new floor. Cllr Delmege also added that the digital piano which was hired for the Diamonds Party was well received and the residents he spoke to said that the sound was as good as an acoustic piano. The Hall Committee are trying to compromise and has to consider all Hall users. It was agreed that the Hall Committee will be asked if they will re-consider a piano on the stage as this comprise might be the best option for everyone. Clerk will send an e-mail round to the Hall Committee. It was also agreed that a County Councillor Grant will be applied for to help with the electrical and plumbing work as well as a unit for the dishwasher. The Memorial Hall is in its 100th year as it was opened in December, 1919. The Committee are hoping to hold an event in September 2020 to mark this anniversary.
19/02419/FUL. Mrs Reeves. Resubmission application for revised storage area. Use of land for storage of caravans/campervans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained. Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that this Application should be heard by the Planning Committee.
19/02478/FUL. Mr Saint. Proposed detached single storey office unit. The Barn, Church Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this Application.
19/02367/HOU. Mr and Mrs Wood. Single storey rear and side extension. Fish House, Kytes Lane, Durley. Approved.
19/02631/LDP. Mr Montgomery. Proposed garage conversion, including alterations to fenestration. Middle House, Kytes Lane, Durley. Approved.