Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller, District Councillor Mclean and 4 parishioners were present.  Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also in attendance.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor/District

Councillor Humby.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Update on table/seating at The Sawmills  – Clerk has been in touch with Vivien Bartlett and she will update Councillors at the August Meeting as she has been on holiday and started a new job but hopes to make progress on this project.


(b)        Report on Meeting with businesses at The Sawmills regarding parking issues.  Notes of the Meeting have been circulated to Councillors.  It was felt that the Meeting had been useful and Councillors agreed that Drew Smith should be asked if they have been able to make any progress in finding additional spaces to use from businesses who were not using their full allocation.  The Clerk would write to all the businesses as only 3 responded to our previous letter.  The Clerk would ask HCC if they were able to visit the site and suggest ways in which the traffic could be slowed down through the development.  CC Humby will also be copied in.


(c)        Bus stop sign reinstatement – Cllr Childs reported that he has received a response and now has been allocated a Job Number.  He will keep chasing until the sign is reinstated.  After a complaint from a resident the Clerk asked the Parish Lengthsman to cut the grass verge and clear the tarmac plinth at the bus stop so that anyone waiting can be seen.  This has been done.


(d)        Updating of Emergency Plan and confirm Meeting to update Plan.  Clerk will circulate possible dates.


(e)        Confirm Meeting for Parish Council Newsletter.  Clerk will circulate dates as in item 4(d) above.


(f)         75th Anniversary of VE Day Commemorations Meeting – Chairman/Clerk to report.  A Meeting was held on 1.7.19 with various organisations within Durley and ideas were discussed as to how Durley might be able to commemorate this Event.  The Event will take place on 8th, 9th and 10th May, 2020.  Suggestions were put forward and these will be discussed further at the next Meeting which will be on 23.9.19.


(g)        Broadband speeds in Durley – Cllr Brenchley read out a quote from our website designer to include a new page for residents to complete regarding their broadband speeds.  The total cost was £339.00.  Councillors agreed that this was expensive and we would not get value for money so it was agreed that Cllr Brenchley would look at using “Think Broadband” to try and get some broadband speeds from residents as this was a free service. Clerk has asked for a response to her e-mail asking for dates to hold an Event in Durley with the HCC Broadband Team and they are going to come back to us with a date, but they are a small team so this might take a while.


(h)        Dog fouling bins in Durley.  The cost of providing the red dog waste bins is approximately £300 per bin and to empty them it will be £7.00 per time.  Councillors felt that perhaps a dual purpose bin might be better so Clerk will ask for prices for these bins.


(i)         Response regarding attendance at PC Meetings by PCC representative.  Clerk wrote to Jamie Balfour and he informed the Chairman and Clerk that he felt that it was not necessary to give a Report at each Meeting, but perhaps a yearly Report would be better.  He felt that there is a good rapport with PCC and PC members and if there were any issues to discuss during the year they are addressed at the time.


(j)         Update on footpaths reported – Cllr Brenchley reported that some of the footpaths which are overgrown have been cut, or are going to be cut by the Parish Lengthsman .  Clerk reported that residents had asked why the trig point was no longer included in the footpath across the former Turf Farm.  A letter was written to the new owner and he has agreed to make a triangular piece so that the trig point is included.  Clerk will write a letter of thanks.  A resident at the Meeting asked about various footpaths in Durley and it was agreed that the landowner will be asked about one off Durley Street to see if anything can be done where the cattle have damaged the ground.  The footpath going alongside The Hedges and The Old Chapel needs to be cut back so the owners will be written to.  The footpath by Stapleford Farmhouse also needs cutting.  The hedge at the end of the footpath/cycleway in Parsonage Lane is overhanging the path.  This is the responsibility of HCC, but as this will take a long time Clerk will ask Peter to cut it back from the path.


(k)        Report on Local Councils’ Conference – Cllr Delmege/Clerk.  Cllr Delmege, Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the Conference in Winchester and the main issues brought to our attention were the introduction of the new Officers, the Residents’ Survey results, Emergency Planning in parishes, Environmental Services Update and the Local Plan update.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby.  There was no County Councillor Report available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS:  DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.  DC Mclean informed Councillors of the new Officers at WCC after the recent Elections.  He also spoke about the Climate Change Emergency which WCC have adopted.  DC Mclean is still on the Planning Committee and WCC are going to trial having Planning Meetings in the evenings from 5.30 p.m. starting in October.  DC Miller said that the Lower Lane planning application in Bishops Waltham is proceeding.  There will be a Parking Review and comments will be welcome.  Although Durley has no public car parks, the Bishops Waltham car park does affect Durley residents.  The Sports Centre in Winchester is progressing.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no additional issues raised by residents.




(a)        Information regarding Winchester Green Week 2019.  This was noted and it was agreed that suggestions would be sought for our next Meeting.


(b)        Dog fouling stickers.  Councillors agreed that we would not put in an order.


(c)        Invitation to Durley School Play – 8th July, 2019.  4 Councillors and the Clerk attended this Event on behalf of Durley Parish Council.  Councillors who attended enjoyed the Play and Clerk will write and thank the School for the invitation and congratulate the pupils on their performance.


(d)        WCC Parish Connect – July, 2019.  This was circulated via e-mail.


(e)        Curdridge mini-bus for sale.  It was agreed that this should be brought to the attention of the Southern Parishes Group as smaller parishes could share the mini bus if viable.


(f)         Parish Councillor Training – Wednesday 24th July at Whiteley.  Councillors will get in touch with the Clerk if they are able to attend.


(g)        Clerk read out a letter from a resident living in The Sawmills who had comments to make about the picnic benches and speeding in The Sawmills.  The comments were noted.  Clerk will respond to the resident.


(h)        A letter was received from an 11 year old resident who asked if the Parish Council could consider a skateboard park in Durley.  Councillors agreed that they would give this suggestion some consideration and Clerk will ask advice from WCC and BWPC as they have installed a skateboard park.  A response will be sent to the resident.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie gave a School Report informing Councillors that an Offstead Inspection and a Church Inspection have been carried out recently.  Pupil numbers are 121 at present and in September, 2019 the numbers are anticipated to be 123 or 124.  There is a new School being opened in September at Boorley Park which will accommodate one Class of Reception children.  A new Assistant Headteacher will be starting at Durley School in September to replace the present one who is moving to be a Headteacher at Sparsholt School.  Kirstie said that the children would be interested in carrying out a litter pick from the School to the Sawmills.  Clerk will drop the litter picks off to Kirstie ready for the children to use.


  1. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the swing seats have been cut in places and that the Pavilion locks were forced.  The locks have now been replaced.  The damaged shower tray has been replaced.  There are some tree branches which are over-hanging the Recreation Ground so Peter will be asked if these could be cut back.  The owner of the trees is happy that the branches are cut off.


  1. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford reported that play area checks were satisfactory.  Quote for play equipment climbing steps from Playdale – Clerk said that the quote for the work was £716.53 and this includes delivery and fitting.  All Councillors agreed that this should be purchased and installed.  Clerk will contact Playdale and place an order for the work.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there has been some thefts in the village recently so she warned residents to be vigilant and keep doors, windows and vehicles locked. Stolen number plates and car wheel nuts being loosened on vehicles is also a problem at the moment.  After writing to our PCSO visits were made to the Recreation Ground and she will continue to monitor the situation.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini said that he has reported one pot hole, but will keep checking the roads and lanes and report any issues that he finds.  Surface dressing is being carried out on some of the roads at the moment.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.  Agree 2019 donation towards the churchyard maintenance.  Cllr Rutherford proposed that we give £200 the same as last year and Cllr Watts seconded this proposal.  All Councillors were in agreement.  Clerk will send on the donation.


  1. HALL: Hand driers for the toilets will be discussed at the Hall Meeting after quote has been received from Neil Ellen.   Painting of main Hall to be discussed at the Hall Meeting on 16.7.19.




19/00990/HOU.  Mr K Kurn.  A side extension and internal alterations to house (resubmission).  Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley.  GRANTED.


APP/L1765/W/18/3206530 – Mr C Page.  Change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of one mobile home, one touring caravan and conversion of part existing stable into utility dayroom.  Land to the east of Maybank Cottage, Durley Hall Lane, Durley.  THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN.


19/01027/FUL.  Mr Churcher.  Proposed barn and storage.  Woodlands, Greenwood Lane, Durley.



19/00845/FUL.  Mr Beazley.  Proposed change of use of existing detached Dwelling to use for holiday letting accommodation with associated parking.  Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley.  GRANTED.


19/01415/FUL.  Mr C Reeves.  Use of land for storage of caravans/camper vans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained.  Clerk received this Application via e-mail half an hour before the Meeting, but the plans were not uploaded so Councillors were not able to view the full Application.  It was agreed that Councillors would view the plans before making a decision.


Councillors were disappointed at some of the recent decisions made by the Planning Officers and the Clerk was asked if someone from the Planning Department would be able to come to a Meeting to discuss our concerns.



10.15 p.m.