Cllr Childs (Vice Chairman), Cllr Watts, Cllr Miller, Cllr Brenchley, Cllr Rappini, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller and 5 parishioners were present. In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Childs acted as Chairman for the Meeting.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, Cllr Rutherford,
County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.
Declarations of Interest made.
(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills – Vivien Bartlett will be asked for a Report. No Report was available. Councillors agreed that this has not made any progress for a few Meetings and it was agreed that the Clerk would ask Vivien if she would like someone else to take over this project.
(b) Response from HCC regarding advice on parking problems at The Sawmills. Clerk read out the response from Andy Smith at HCC Highways which stated that there is unlikely to be anything that they can offer e.g. road narrowings or other physical speed reducing measures as they would only be considered if there was a recurring speed-related injury accident history through the road. This location would not be a priority on their safety programmes. This was a disappointing response, especially as residents attending the Meeting were there to try and resolve the parking and speeding problems in this area. There are just not enough parking spaces available for all the workers in the office units. It was suggested that the SID sign be put up if HCC will allow it so that the speed of vehicles could be monitored. Clerk will ask HCC. Cllr Brenchley asked if it might be worth forming a Residents Association for the Sawmills. The residents attending will see if this is feasible.
(c) Bus stop sign reinstatement – Cllr Childs said that he has received a response stating that the work will be carried out by the end of August.
(d) Emergency Plan for Durley Update – Agree Plan discussed on 29.7.19. Councillors agreed the Plan and a final copy will be sent to HCC and WCC Emergency Planning Officers. Clerk has written to the Farmers Home and Robin Hood to ask if they can still be included as Emergency Stations if required. Neil Ellen has been asked about providing an electric socket for an emergency generator. Councillors agreed that this should be provided.
(e) Report on Parish Newsletter Meeting held on 29.7.19. Clerk said that Bishops Waltham use Publisher and do their own Newsletter and copying costs around £300. Clerk will get a quote for 450 copies so that we are able to decide on how often to produce a Newsletter for Durley.
(f) Broadband speeds in Durley – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. Cllr Brenchley reported that he has looked at the suggested website from the last Meeting but felt that it would not be a productive way forward for Durley. Clerk has chased HCC for a date to hold an Event in Durley, but still there has been no response. It is still hoped that an Event can be held during October/November so that there can be some publicity.
(g) Dog fouling bins in Durley – Clerk to advise on prices. Clerk has asked WCC to look at two locations in Durley to see if a dual-use landscape bin can be put in free of charge.
(h) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. Cllr Brenchley reported that brambles are coming over the footpath across Quob Stables to the Church footpath. He will contact the landowner and ask for them to be cleared. Clerk has received a response from the Rights of Way Officer regarding the footpath off Durley Street. Measurements will be taken and then a response will be sent by the Clerk. It is hoped that once ownership is established the footpath will be more accessible.
(i) Winchester Green Week 2019 suggestions. Councillors agreed that a litter picking week would be the best idea as everyone would be able to get involved. At present the School have the village litter picks, but Cllr Rappini does have some available if needed. Clerk will advertise the Event.
(j) Skateboard park prices. Clerk showed information received from a skateboard Company. Councillors were surprized at the high prices – ranging from £60,000 – £300,000. It was agreed that to spend such a large sum of money on a small number of residents would not be feasible. Vandalism was also a consideration and the recently installed skateboard park in Swanmore was used as an example. However, Councillors would like to provide something for the older children in the village so it was agreed that we would look at suggestions and then discuss them with some youngsters before making a decision. Additional funding would also need to be applied for to help towards the cost. Clerk will write to Jack Humphries explaining our decision.
(k) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting – Cllr Delmege/Clerk. Clerk reported that the main topics discussed were Peter Wall talking about the work of the Parish Lengthsman, Grass Cutting Contracts, pot hole repairs, WCC Local Council Update, Eastleigh Local Plan Meeting with WCC and ACSO Sharing. We have been asked to consider whether we would like to share an ACSO. It was agreed that Durley does not have a big problem with antisocial behaviour and this was an additional cost that was not felt necessary.
- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby did not send a Report.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean. DC Miller reported on the Winchester Surgery and added that the Bishops Waltham Surgery was not being enlarged or relocated at the moment.
(a) Two residents attended because they were concerned about the parking and speeding of vehicles in The Sawmills. These issues were address under item 4(b) above. They also asked about ownership of the courtyard area, along with the parking spaces in this area. A question was asked if white vans are allowed to be parked in The Sawmills residential area. Councillors agreed that this should be on their Deeds, but Clerk will ask about the ownership of the courtyard from Persimmon Homes.
(b) A resident present asked about the safety of trees in Manor Road after one had fallen across the road and the electric cables over the weekend. Clerk said that she had phoned WCC and they have been out and inspected two of their trees this afternoon and a letter will be written to the owner of the remaining tree advising that perhaps a safety inspection should be carried out.
(a) Consider Winchester District CAB donation for 2019-20 year. Cllr Watts proposed we donate £200 as last year. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement, so the Clerk will send off a cheque for £200.
(b) Letter from developer to households in Durley. Clerk circulated a letter which has been sent to several households in Durley. This was sent to the Parish Council by a concerned resident. This was noted.
(c) Parish Connect – August, 2019. This was circulated via e-mail.
(d) Thank you letter from Durley PCC for the churchyard donation. This was noted.
- SCHOOL REPORT: No Report available.
- RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that some work has been carried out on the Pavilion, but the veranda still has to be completed. Car park renovation work – some of the car park needs additional scalpings as there is a drop between the roadside edge and the car park now that the road has been resurfaced. Clerk will order some scalpings and these will be distributed in the areas required. Barbeques – it was agreed to add this item to the Agenda for discussion. Clerk read out information from our Insurance Company regarding barbeques. Councillors agreed that it would be impossible to monitor the use and also enforce so it was agreed that we would continue as we do at present and have a no barbeque policy at the Recreation Ground and The Sawmills.
- SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford did not give a report. Clerk reported that play equipment repairs
will be carried out during w/c 2.9.19.
- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts informed Councillors that thefts from vehicles in the area is continuing, although not in Durley. Scams are always present in various forms. A Get Safe On-line Campaign will be put on the website for information.
- HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini reported that some lanes have been surfaced dressed. Clerk reported on the tree which had fallen over Manor Road over the weekend damaging electric cables.
- FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Cllr Rappini asked about the Parish Precept and how we receive it. Clerk explained how the Budget is set and the Precept applied for from WCC.
- HALL: Hand driers for the toilets have been fitted. Painting of main Hall – consider quotes. Only 1 quote has been received as the other person was too busy and did not wish to quote. The cost quote is £1,000 with an additional £80 to cover the radiators. Councillors agreed that we should go ahead with the painting as it is the right time of year to carry out the work, and apply for a County Councillor Grant towards the cost. Report on Hall Meeting held on 16.7.19 – Clerk reported on the Hall Meeting stating that the areas discussed were the Hall foyer mat, repairs to worktops and sink panels, the under-stage area, Hall floor, fitting of carbon monoxide alarms and heating timer and fitting of hand driers in the toilets. The Hall piano has been removed as it was damaged and beyond repair. Painting of the main room was agreed, and Greg will be asked for a quote to put wood on the stage extension to match the floor.
19/01378/HOU. Mrs. J. Cross. This proposal is to extend out the rear of the property to provide an orangery style extension. Well Cottage, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application. This has now been GRANTED.
19/01415/FUL. Mr and Mrs Reeves. Use of land for storage of caravans/camper vans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained. Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment should be made stating that we do not object to this application but there should be a cap on the numbers of caravans on the site and we agree with the applicant that 60 is a reasonable number to be a maximum. We would also welcome some kind of screening to protect those residents who live near to the site.
Proposals for land adjacent to Sunnyside, Durley Street, Durley. No plans have been received so this was not discussed.
Response from Planning Officer regarding some recent Planning Application decisions. Clerk had a telephone call from Nick Parker, Principal Planning Officer stating that Planning Policies do not sometimes allow them to refuse Planning Applications.
19/01354/FUL. Mr Barnard. Alterations to siting and design of indoor sand school, incorporating stabling and horse welfare facilities approved under application ref. 18/02112/FUL (Retrospective). Brown Heath Park, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that a Condition should remain stating that the indoor sand school should be for personal use and not used for a commercial business as we would not wish to see heavy traffic using Gregory Lane or other lanes leading to Brown Heath Park.
19/00731/HOU. Mr Maskell. Erection of domestic garage on existing hard standing (Amended Plans). Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. REFUSED. Clerk has received a complaint from a resident stating that footings appear to have been dug. Councillors agreed that this matter should be brought to the attention of the Enforcement Officer to clarify the situation.
19/01612/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gailer. Remove existing conservatory and erect a single storey rear extension with a pitch roof extending 6.15m long with roof lights in a vaulted ceiling with grey windows and doors. Natal, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.
A resident has informed the Parish Council that Church Copse has been advertised in the Hampshire Chronicle as “coming soon”.
CLOSED AT 9.49 p.m.