Cllr Watts, Cllr Childs, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 10 parishioners were present at the Meeting.




As this was a new term of office and the out-going Chairman was not present Cllr Watts (outgoing Vice Chairman) started the Meeting. She asked everyone to introduce themselves to members of the public and other Councillors present. The Election of Chairman then took place.


Chairman – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Delmege and Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal. There was a proposal from Cllr Brenchley for Cllr Childs, but as there was no seconder Cllr Delmege was duly Elected.


As Cllr Delmege was not able to be at the Meeting Councillors were happy that Cllr Watts continued to chair the Meeting in his absence.


Vice Chairman – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Childs. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Childs was duly Elected.


Hall Management Committee Chairman Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Miller. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Miller was duly Elected.


Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Miller proposed Cllr Rutherford. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Rutherford was duly Elected.


Cllr Miller and Cllr Rutherford asked about the Management Committee as they were new to the Committee. The Clerk explained that there are members already on the Committee and hopefully they will continue to help with the Hall. Cllr Rappini said that he would be willing to help with the Hall Committee.


Highways Officer – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Rappini. Cllr Childs seconded this proposal and Cllr Rappini was duly Elected.


Footpaths Officer – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Brenchley. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Brenchley was duly Elected. Cllr Rappini also offered to help with the footpaths if required.


Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Miller proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Rutherford seconded this proposal and Cllr Watts was duly Elected.


Sawmills Representative – Cllr Rappini proposed Cllr Rutherford. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal and Cllr Rutherford was duly Elected.


Transport Representative – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Childs. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal and Cllr Childs was duly Elected.


As this is a new term of office Councillors signed a new Acceptance of Office Form and agreed to abide by the Durley Parish Council Code of Conduct. All Declaration Forms were signed apart from Cllr Delmege who was not able to attend the Meeting. Clerk will obtain his when he returns from holiday.


  1. Congratulate recently elected District Councillor – David Mclean. Clerk will send a letter of congratulations to DC Mclean as he was not able to attend the Meeting.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were sent from Cllr Delmege who was on holiday, and County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller who all had to attend a Meeting at Winchester City Council.


  1. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Interests Declared regarding items on the Agenda.






(a)        Seating and table at The Sawmills. Former Cllr Bartlett was meeting with the businesses in The Sawmills so it was agreed to ask her how the meetings were going and then report back.


(b)        Church Copse replanting – no further update from Defra. As the trees have been replanted and Defra will be monitoring the situation this item will be taken off the Agenda until there is something new to report.


(c)        Parking problems within The Sawmills – arrange a Meeting date with businesses. Clerk has received 3 responses from businesses who are willing to attend a Meeting with Councillors to discuss ways to resolve this issue. It was agreed that the Clerk will circulate dates to Councillors and then arrange a Meeting with the 3 businesses.


(d)        Bus stop sign reinstatement in Durley Street. Clerk reported that the bus stop appears to have disappeared, but we do not know why. Clerk will contact former Cllr Pitter to see if he has any update as he reported this problem.


(e)        Pavement outside of Millway has been repaired. Councillors were pleased that this was carried out so promptly.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby – There was no Report available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no Report available.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Some residents attended for no particular reason and other residents attended to hear a Planning Application which will be discussed later in the Agenda. One resident asking about parking in Manor Road and the School. Councillors explained that Durley Parish Council has been trying to achieve better parking outside of the School for many years and it is better now than in the past. Manor Road parking is really up to the residents to park considerately.


Cllr Childs asked if the Public Participation section of the Agenda could go at the beginning of the Agenda. Clerk said that we do alter the order of the Agenda for the County and District Councillors if they have to attend the Bishops Waltham Parish Council Meeting on the same evening. This item will be put on the Agenda for the next Meeting.


Cllr Brenchley asked if we could consider a periodic Newsletter like Allbrook Parish Council. This is a printed booklet type document which could be circulated to each household in Durley. We have in the past produced a Newsletter on A4 sheets, but stopped doing it as most ended up in the bins. Councillors were agreeable to providing a Newsletter again and this will be discussed as an Agenda item at the next Meeting.




(a)        Hampshire Association of Local Councils Affiliation fees 2019/20

and National Association of Local Councils levy for 2019/20. Clerk read out the Levy for 2019/20 and it was agreed that this should be paid.


(b)        Village of the Year 2019 Competition. It was agreed that it would be good to participate but it would need all the village organisations to participate. Clerk will advertise our interest and see what response we get before committing to enter.


(c)        Driver Skills Event – 28th May, 2019. Clerk has advertised this Event on the website and on the village noticeboard for interested residents.


(d)        75th Anniversary of VE Day on 8th – 10th May, 2020. It was agreed that this should be a village Event like the WW1 Commemorations. Requests for help will be put in the Parish Council Report, noticeboards and website. It was suggested that perhaps this Event and the Village of the Year Competition could be a combined advertisement for any interested residents and organisations.


(e)        Victim Support – donation request. It was agreed that we would not be able to give a donation at this time.


(f)        Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. It was agreed that as this is a new

term of Office for Councillors we should update the current Emergency Plan with updated contacts and details. There is also a need to update the vulnerable residents who might need assistance in an emergency. Clerk will write a letter to residents as we have done previously and Councillors will distribute.


(g)        An e-mail was received regarding slow broadband speeds in Gregory Lane. Councillors agreed that because Durley residents have varying speeds and we come under 2 different exchanges it is difficult to know how to help. Cllr Brenchley suggested that perhaps we could ask for residents to go onto the website and confirm their current speeds so that we could see what speeds residents are achieving in various parts of Durley. Andy Burton would need to be contacted to see if this could be carried out on the website. Cllr Brenchley offered to ask him.


(h)        Local Councils’ Conference – 18th June, 2019 at 4.00 p.m. Cllr Watts and Cllr Childs offered to attend, along with the Clerk. However, if Cllr Delmege wished to attend then Cllr Watts would step down. Clerk will book for 2 Councillors and the Clerk and ask if there is a reserve list.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report. Clerk said that there is no result yet on the Grant Application for the School Crossing from the CIL Fund.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that unfortunately a horse was shot at in Durley Street recently, theft of dogs is a problem, and general thefts in the area – which involves a white van with Highways Maintenance on the back (which is nothing to do with HCC Highways). Cllr Watts also said that some scams are also being circulated. Any useful information to residents will be put on the website.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Village gateway signs – Clerk reported that Andy Burton now has the new Village Entry signs, and is hoping to install them shortly along the main road through Durley.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Clerk will arrange for Bank signatories to be updated to new Parish Councillors.


  1. HALL: Hall floor – help needed to clear Hall on Sunday 19th May after 5.30 p.m. Some Councillors were able to help with the clearing-out of the Hall. Former Councillors Pitter and Charles are happy to oversee the work and help with the clearing out. The tree in the Hall car park has been crowned. Clerk reported that the Hall and car park has now finally been registered with the Land Registry.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that we are still waiting for the metal plate for the veranda of the Pavilion. If we cannot get the plate soon we might have to look for an alternative material. Capsules are still being found at the Recreation Ground. The dog fouling sign will be moved from the Recreation Ground to the Sawmills as agreed. Cllr Watts will move this. It was suggested that more dog bins be available around the village. Clerk will look into costings for the next Meeting.




18/02363/OUT. Messrs Hamal, Butler and Emmett. Construction of dwelling. Land west of the Farmers Home Public House, Heathen Street, Durley. REFUSED.


19/00731/HOU. Mr M Maskell. Erection of domestic garage on existing hard standing. Rear of Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. After listening to residents who attended the Meeting Councillors agreed that comments should be made regarding the size and mass of the garage, is there a real need as there are garages already next to 1 and 2 Belmore Cottages, the proposed garage is elaborate, the position is right in view of neighbouring properties, there is already a number of additional buildings on this piece of land and Councillors agreed that it is overdevelopment of the site and to add another building would create a back-filling development.


18/02674/FUL. Ms K Kelly. Conversion of outbuildings to create a single, 2 bed dwelling, to include the sub-division of the site and setting out of a curtilage to provide amenity space and parking for each dwelling. 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. REFUSED.


18/02928/FUL. Mr P Taplin. Demolition of existing derelict farm buildings; and the erection of a new livestock building, covered manure store, silage clamp, a principal farmhouse, new landscaping and associated works. Durley Manor Farm, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.


19/00573/HOU. Mr A Shawyer. Single storey front extension. Oaktree Lodge, Snakemoor Lane, Durley. GRANTED.


19/00835/FUL. Mr Marsh. Demolition of the existing two storey semi-detached dwellings (1×2 bed and 1×3 bed) and outbuildings and erection of one two bed bungalow and one five bed chalet bungalow. Erection of detached garage to the rear of plot 2 with revised vehicular accesses from Church Lane. Church Farm Cottages, Church Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.



CLOSED AT 10.30 p.m.