5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 7 parishioners were present.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Clegg, Cllr Bartlett, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean.
Declarations of Interest made.
(a) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not at the Meeting to give an update. Cllr Smith offered to help with approaching the businesses. If there is no support then Councillors agreed to go ahead and purchase a seat for the Green.
(b) Report on Meeting with Inspector regarding Church Copse. Cllr Charles reported that he, and a resident had met with the Inspector and a submission has now been made to the CPS. It is hoped that a decision will be made for our next Parish Council Meeting.
(c) Update on Broadband questionnaire for Durley residents on website – Cllr Pitter said that now the speeds are faster in Durley if residents sign up to the faster broadband package we should wait and see if residents are still unhappy as many residents will be happy with the present speed available. Councillors agreed that this item will be reviewed in a few months time.
(d) Parking in the Sawmills – DC Miller has asked Simon Finch at WCC and he asked for full details from the Parish Council. These will be forwarded onto Simon by the Clerk.
(e) Sports Awards 2019. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Sports Awards to support our nomination – Mr Colin Watts for all his work with Durley Football Club over the past 50 years. Colin was runner up in the Service to Sport Section which was a tremendous achievement and well deserved. A letter of thanks was read out from Colin to Councillors.
- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: There was no Report available.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: There was no Report available.
- PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. The following issues were brought to the Council’s attention by residents attending the Meeting:
3 residents were concerned about the roadside verges and ditch in Manor Road as it has been dug out recently and has now been eroded by vehicles and tractors. A suggestion was made to see if bollards could be placed on the verge to stop vehicles going on it. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask if this could be done. Concerns were also expressed about tractors going at speed along Manor Road.
The lay-by outside of Durley Church is being used for antisocial behaviour again. This has been reported to the Police and they have visited during the evenings. The Clerk will put in a further request for visits to the Church lay-by and the Recreation Ground car park again. Fly-tipping was also reported in the lay-by. This will be reported again to WCC.
Another resident was present to hear a Planning Application which will be discussed later in the Agenda.
(a) Letter regarding medical equipment for Durley residents. Clerk read out a letter asking if the
Parish Council would be able to take on the medical equipment for the village. Councillors agreed that this was not the sort of service the Parish Council could provide and suggested that perhaps the Durley Good Neighbours Group might be the better Group to ask.
(b) Complaint regarding puppy farm in Durley. A complaint has been received and this has been forwarded onto the Enforcement Team for investigation.
(c) Letter from applicant regarding development at 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. A letter was read out asking if the Parish Council has considered the out-buildings at Lower Farm for community use. Councillors agreed that parking would be a big consideration and there were no current plans for any community use on the site.
(d) Response from Police regarding Hall break-in. Clerk reported that after giving the police the cctv with images of the intruder, and the forensic team obtaining good DNA, the Police are not able to follow-up the information further to identify the person who broke into our Memorial Hall. Councillors were disappointed that there was not a satisfactory outcome to this case.
(e) Parish Connect – February, 2019. Sent via e-mail.
(f) Great British Spring Clean – 22nd March to 23rd April, 2019. Councillors agreed that this would be advertised to see if anyone in the village would be willing to participate and clean up “their patch” in Durley.
(g) Christmas Tree Festival 2019. A letter was read out asking if the Parish Council would like to participate in another Festival this year as it had been so successful. Councillors agreed that they felt every year would be too much, but every other year would be more achievable.
(h) Complaint against action taken by HCC on Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that as this work was carried out by HCC Highways and the hedge is owned by them, then the complaint should be directed to them.
(i) Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan (2016 – 2036). Clerk has been informed that a new Inspector has been appointed for the Examination of the Plan.
- SCHOOL REPORT: Response regarding CIL Funding for School crossing and flashing lights – Clerk
reported that the CIL Officer has been in touch and said that the Scheme is being considered for funding and we will go to the Panel in April. Laminated speed signs update – these have been printed and Nick Apps took the signs to give to Kirstie. It is hoped that when the signs go up dog walkers will take notice of them and pick up after their dog. Nick Apps gave a School Report which is attached to these Minutes. He said that the PCSO has visited the School to talk about responsible parking. There has been flooding in the bus lay-bys and litter and dog fouling is a problem alongside the fence outside of the School.
- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that car registration plates were taken in Parsonage Lane, the Church wooden door was damaged and damage to another car were reported during this month. There have been break-ins in villages around Durley, and a male has been asking residents in Bishops Waltham for pain killers. Clerk reported that the noticeboard in Gregory Lane has been damaged. This has been reported to the Police. Dave Farr will be asked to repair.
- HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter has reported some pot holes in Durley and taken photographs of Manor Road and Kytes Lane which show how the verges are being eroded by tractors and large vehicles. Village Entry signs update – Clerk reported that Andy Burton has been in touch with HCC as they wanted further adjustments.
- FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.
- HALL: Hall floor progress – update on funding and date for work to be carried out. Clerk reported that she has not received a response yet from Bovis Homes or BW Rotary Club. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with the Contractor at the Hall and agreed that the work would be completed within 2 weeks and they were happy to work on into the evenings, or at the weekend if necessary to meet this timeframe. The date suggested for the Hall to be closed is Monday 20th May to Monday 3rd June. Councillors agreed that this is the 2 week period the Hall flooring should be carried out. Clerk will write to the Hall hirers who will be affected. Fencing alongside field – no quote has been received yet from the landowner. Repairs to solar panels completed. Old sound system – Clerk said that Neil Ellen is trying to sell the equipment for us. Hall Meeting date – Clerk will circulate dates, Cllr Pitter asked if we had considered a Tesla system on the solar panels at the Hall. Although this would be an initial outlay it would give us cheaper electricity. Cllr Pitter will look at prices and the Clerk will add up the electricity bills for the year.
- RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion will be carried out and showed Councillors a plan of the area so that materials can be ordered. The stile has been repaired in Recreation Ground by the side of the Pavilion. Maintenance work at The Sawmills 2019 – Councillors agreed that Shawn Read will be asked to continue for a further year as he will carry out the work for the same price as last year. Clerk will inform Shawn. Cllr Charles will view the climbing frame at The Sawmills.
19/00117/FUL. Mr and Mrs Ross. Use of land for the siting of three detached holiday let barns. Hunters Moon, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that although they have no objection in principle, they do have concerns regarding the sewage and drainage system suggested for the holiday lets. The stream dries up in the summer and if unclean sewage is discharged into the stream this could have a detrimental affect on the wildlife in that area. Councillors also had concerns about the height of the holiday lets. Although these properties are one-bedroom at the moment, there could be an additional 2 bedrooms made in the roof area if required at a later date and this would mean that the sewage system suggested would not be able to cope.
18/02928/FUL. Mr Taplin. Demolition of existing derelict farm buildings; and the erection of a new livestock building; covered manure store, silage clamp, a principal farmhouse, new landscaping and associated works. Durley Manor Farm, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection in principle to this application, but after listening to residents attending the Meeting it was evident that there are concerns within the village regarding the manure store. Tractors with manure have been travelling to the Farm from outside of the village at speed and this has caused concern with local residents who live on route. It is not clear from the Application if bringing manure onto the Farm will continue, or if, when the livestock building is built there will be enough manure on the Farm? If this could be clarified this would be helpful. Perhaps a Condition on the amount of manure brought onto the site could be put on the Application, if approved, so that residents are satisfied that the present practice will not continue.
19/00116/HOU. Mr Hammal. Demolition of existing single storey extension, construction of two storey extension. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application
18/02174/FUL. Mr Barnett. Provision of a barn for agricultural use on land/paddock adjoining Old Forge Cottage. Old Forge Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. GRANTED.
18/02747/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gamblin. Single and two-storey side extension, enlarge front porch. Northside, Stapleford Lane, Durley. GRANTED. Councillors were disappointed that no conditions were put on the Approval to stop any future drainage/flooding concerns. Councillors felt that they had not been listened to when responding with our comments. Flooding in this area was highlighted in our response. An e-mail has been sent to the Planning Officer expressing our disappointment.
19/00024/TPO. Oakmore House, Oakmore Park, Durley. G1 Thuya – Reduce by 40% to maintain the trees to their surroundings and for the avoidance of doubt. Councillors had no comments to make.
RM/18/83875. Land off Crows Nest Lane, Boorley Green. Councillors agreed that any comments should be given to the Clerk or sent individually.