5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also in attendance.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Pitter and DC Miller.
Declarations of Interest made.
(a) Cllr Delmege review SID sign. Cllr Delmege reported that the SID sign has been moved and is working well. Some statistics were given out and it is hoped that these will give us a picture of traffic movements and peaks in traffic speeds. Kirstie said that the School children were trying to trigger the speed by running along the pavement.
(b) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett said that some businesses had asked if a plaque could be placed on the seating. Councillors were happy with this. A further report will be given at the next Meeting.
(c) Response from the Forestry Commission/Enforcement Team regarding Church Copse. Clerk reported that she has not received any update from the Forestry Commission. However, the Enforcement Team have said that the landowner was asked to take measures to stop future flytipping. As it appears that the owner has not taken any action there is little that the Council can do apart from take measures if the land is deemed to be untidy by serving a Section 215 Notice (Untidy Land). A site visit will be made by the Enforcement Team. Clerk reminded Councillors that the Forestry Commission’s Report should be completed by 12.12.18 and then the CPS will decide by 12.1.19 if there is to be a case for prosecution.
(d) Update on Broadband issues in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter is putting together a flyer which will be circulated around the village. Andy Burton is putting something on the website.
(e) Response from Planning Officer re Decision made before PC comments sent in. This matter was brought up following last month’s Meeting. Clerk read out the response from the Planning Officer.
(f) Report on WW1 commemoration weekend. Councillors agreed that the commemorations went very well and the comments received from residents at the Exhibition were very good. The whole weekend went as planned and ended with the beacon being lit, bells being rung and the piper playing.
(g) Cllr Delmege said that he has arranged for the CAB to visit Durley Lunch Club on 29th November.
- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that Decision Day had been held at HCC.
Recycling Centres were going to make a £5 charge to non-residents and householders will be able to register 3 vehicles to take to the Centres in the future. Some street lighting will be switched off during 1.00 a.m. and 4.00 a.m. to save energy. Where School Crossing Patrols do not fit the criteria they will not be funded by HCC, although training and equipment will be. Funding has been secured for the Botley By-pass although there are some land ownership issues to overcome. CC Humby has also been to the House of Lords and House of Commons discussing issues. CC Humby also spoke about the Junior Road Safety Officers Training and that children will be naming the 43 gritters which will be on our roads this winter. The recycling of plastics was also discussed.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Mclean reported that a visit was made to Durley by the Director of Place from WCC. The Director’s name is Chas Bradfield. Cllr Charles did ask why the Parish Council was not informed of the visit as he felt that the Parish Council should have been informed. DC Mclean said that no Parish Councils were informed of the visit made by the Director. DC Mclean also said that the Winchester Leisure Centre has got planning permission – this would be a great asset for the Southern parishes. He also spoke about the Station Approach, social housing and that he is now a Trustee on Winacc.
- PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. A resident present asked about the salt bin outside of Durley Church. She has reported this several times and it now needs to be replaced as it is broken and water gets in. A resident present offered to refill the bin if HCC did not fill it shortly. The Clerk has also written to ask that this bin be filled. It was agreed to ask CC Humby to intervene as this is not acceptable.
(a) Complaints regarding parking at The Sawmills. Clerk read out e-mails regarding inconsiderate
parking at the Sawmills. It was suggested that the Clerk write to the business units and explain the problems that are being caused by workers parking in the residential areas rather than in the car parking spaces which are allocated to the business units. Councillors agreed that this might help highlight the problem to the businsses.
(b) Polling Station Review. Councillors agreed that Durley Memorial Hall should continue to be the
Polling Station for Durley and did not wish this to be changed.
(c) Thank you letter to PC for work carried out. Clerk read out a letter from a resident expressing their gratitude for the work carried out by the Parish Council on a particular matter.
(d) Durley Christmas Tree Festival. Durley PCC have asked organisations in Durley if they would like to put up a Christmas tree in the Church representing their organisation. Councillors agreed that they would like to participate. It was suggested that perhaps we hang items depicting the issues the Parish Council covers.
(e) Temporary Footpath Closure – Footpath 15. This was noted.
(f) Request from WCC to sign Register of Interest Forms annually. Clerk prepared new forms for all Councillors to complete and sign apart from Cllr Clegg who has recently completed one. Councillors did feel that this was a complete waste of time and money because at present a Councillor informs the Clerk if there is a change on their Form and then a new Form is completed and sent to WCC.
(g) Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Denmead on Monday 12th October. The main items discussed were the proposed Parish Charter, new logo for the Group, SID and speedwatch, enforcement problems and other issues which are affecting local Parish Councils.
- School Report: Grants for crossing and lights. CC Humby suggested a Policy and Resources Grant
and the Clerk applied, hoping that a Grant would be approved for £6,099 and that would leave £1,000 to be donated by Durley Primary School and £1,000 donated by Durley Parish Council. However, the Clerk has been notified that they will not accept the Grant Application. This was very disappointing as we had been recommended to try this Grant. It appears that most Grants are not applicable for this sort of project. Clerk will speak to the Grants Officer at WCC to see if there are any other Grants on offer. Kirstie said that the SID signs have been well received by the School. The KS1 children have been looking at transport and were invited by the police to look at the speed guns they use to catch speeding motorists. A competition was won by a pupil at the School, and as a result a banner was presented which has been put outside of the School reminding dog walkers to pick up after their dog. There has been no flooding which has been great. Kirstie said that she is keeping an eye on the Boorley Green School as this is opening in 2019 because we do not yet know how it will affect the Durley School numbers. The School is still waiting for the 2 day Offsted Inspection. Cllr Clegg asked Councillors if they would judge a speed awareness poster competition which children have been designing. Councillors were happy to do this.
- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that scams and thefts of vehicle number plates and personal items were the main crimes in the local areas.
- HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter was not at the Meeting to give a Report. Village Entry signs – Clerk has been in touch with Andy Burton for an update. Councillors were again asking about a Width and Weight restriction through Durley. We have tried on numerous occasions without success, however DC Mclean said that BWPC had secured one in Hoe Road, Bishops Waltham. Clerk will contact the Clerk at BW to find out details so that we can ask again referring to the Hoe Road restriction.
- FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.
- HALL: Hall floor progress. Clerk has put in a Lottery Funding Grant towards the cost of the Hall floor,
but will still look at other sources of funding for the remainder of the cost. A HCC Grant for Councils might be available in the New Year. Fencing alongside field – Clerk received a telephone call from Charlie Reeves regarding the fence which needs to be replaced on the boundary of his field and the Hall car park. It was suggested that we pay half the cost. Councillors agreed with this and the Clerk will ask for a quote for the work so that the fence can be replaced.
- RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the replacement seat has now been installed. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – this work still needs to be carried out. Cllr Charles and Colin Watts will discuss the materials needed. Dogs off their leads is causing problems at the Recreation Ground. Cllr Watts also reported that an unauthorised firework display had been held and this had caused damage to the Recreation Ground along with rubbish left on the football pitch. Councillors agreed that this behaviour was unacceptable and residents should be made aware of this irresponsible behaviour and the damage caused. Clerk was asked to put this in to the Parish Magazine in the hope that we might be able to find out who the culprits were. CC Humby also suggested that we should speak to the Environmental Protection Officer at WCC. Cllr Charles has ordered the fencing for the Sawmills play area. It should arrive this week ready for installation.
18/02185/FUL. Mr and Mrs Beazley. Proposed Additional dwelling using existing access with retention of existing dwelling using existing separate access. Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made on this application.
18/02174/FUL. Mr Barnett. Provision of a barn for agricultural use on land/paddock adjoining Old Forge Cottage. Old Forge Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment would be made on the fact that we cannot see the need for an agricultural barn as there is no agriculture on this land, and the applicant is a builder. It was agreed that there should be some justification of agricultural need for this application to be approved.
18/01086/FUL. Mrs Southwell. Change of use from C3 (dwelling house) to a mixed use of C3 (dwelling house) and sui generis, for the breeding of dogs. 2 Hazeldene, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Approved with Conditions.
18/01894/HOU. Mr Stoneman. Proposed construction of detached garage building. Giles Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Approved.
18/02112/FUL. Mr Barnard. Demolition of existing barn, erection of new indoor sandschool incorporating staling and horse welfare facilities. Brownheath Park, Gregory Lane, Durley. Approved.
Appeal for Erection of two detached infill three-bedroomed houses on land north of The Nook, Kytes Lane, Durley. This was noted.
18/02363/OUT. Messrs Hamal, Butler and Emmett. Construction of dwelling. Land west of The Farmers Home, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that we had no comments to make on this application provided Planning Policies allow this development within the current Local Plan.
18/02373/HOU. Mr & Mrs Evans & Helesfay-Evans. Single storey front and rear extensions. New Strathcona, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.