6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. A Planning Consultant and Kirstie Baines were also in attendance.
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles.
Interest in Planning Application 18/01745/FUL under item 15.
(a) Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign installment. Cllr Delmege reported that some posts have now been made higher and are ready to hold the SID signs. He will check the other locations and then site the sign for a trial period.
(b) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett reported that she has visited the business units and they are willing to contribute towards the seating. Cllr Bartlett showed a bench seat design which is used in BW, along with a plaque stating who donated the bench. Councillors agreed that these were suitable and it is hoped that we will be able to purchase 2 or 3 ready for next spring. Cllr Bartlett will continue to collect donations and report back at the next Meeting with any progress.
(c) Response from HCC regarding continual sinking of road in Heathen Street. Clerk read out the response stating that the geotechnical report states that the probable cause for the collapse along Heathen Street is the result of some failure of the Southern Water pipe. It is believed that leaking water is washing away fine material within the pipe surround causing voids. HCC are contacting Southern Water to attend to any pipe failure of their pipe. In the meantime, HCC will continue to ensure that any further damage is made safe. If Southern Water provide evidence that they are not responsible, then HCC will make a submission for funding through their Operation Resilience Fund to carry out substantial works. Clerk said that a response has now been received from Southern Water confirming that as a result of their investigation there are no faults with their system. Therefore, HCC are going to do a cost analysis on carrying out a major repair as opposed to reactive maintenance as and when a problem arises. Carrying out reactive maintenance is more cost effective so major repairs will not be carried out in the foreseeable future. A submission will be made for funding a major repair, but we will have to complete against all other submissions county wide. Councillors were not happy that this problem is continuing as we were informed some years ago that it is running sand causing the problem, not a problem with Southern Water. CC Humby is well aware of this long-standing issue and will try and see what he can do to progress the work required.
(d) E-mails relating to Church Copse Inspection with the Forestry Commission/WCC. The response confirmed that the fly tipping will be followed up with the landowner and the rubbish removed by WCC. However, the Forestry Commission must enforce the felling of the trees. The Forestry Commission have asked Defra to carry out a report and they are waiting for that information.
(e) Footpath inspections – Cllr Delmege reported that he has walked footpaths which need attention and appropriate action will be taken. A letter will be written to the owners of Brownheath Park to ask about the horses in a field which the footpath goes through.
(f) WW1 Meeting Report – Cllr Watts/Cllr Delmege/Clerk. Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the recent Meeting and progress is being made on the arrangements for the commemorations. It was agreed that the figures for the Church would be purchased by the Parish Council and donation will cover the cost involved. The beacon will be ordered at a cost of £250. The School and the PCC, along with the History Society are all involved in the preparations which will take place on Sunday 11th November.
(g) Update on Broadband issues in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter reported that although fibre broadband is reaching some of the cabinets it is not going into properties. He is looking into a Community Funded Scheme, but will need to know how much interest there is. Cllr Pitter is going to put together an article so that it can go onto the website to see how many residents are interested.
(h) Response from George Hollingbery MP regarding planning on our parish boundary. Clerk read out the response in which George states that he fully understands the frustration of Durley residents and Durley Parish Council regarding the large amount of planning proposed on our parish boundary.
- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby stated that he has attended many Meetings and apologised for not always being available to attend the Durley Meetings. However, he did say that he is always on the end of the phone or e-mail to help in any way he can. CC Humby listened to concerns about the recent road closure and as lack of communication appeared to be the problem he will take this back and see what can be done about informing Parish Councils about road closures in the future. He is also now on the Board of Governors of the NHS Trust. CC Humby also said how difficult it is attending 14 Parish Council Meetings each month.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Mclean said that he has attended Meetings, which include Overview and Scrutiny, Health Service, Planning – along with site Meetings. He also informed Councillors about the recent Boom Town Event and how impressive the security arrangements were. The fly tipping has also been removed from Church Copse in Greenwood Lane.
to raise are all included in the Agenda.
(a) Order acknowledgement received for replacement seat at Recreation Ground. The new seat is
scheduled to arrive around 1st October. The old seat has been dismantled.
(b) Acceptance letter received for the Caretaker post from D Shorney. Councillors were pleased
that Donna has accepted the role of Hall Caretaker.
(c) Letter of complaint regarding latest road diversion in Durley. Clerk read out the letter and also
added that she had received many telephone calls from residents about the road closure, of which the Parish Council had no notification. She had telephoned HCC Highways and asked that the diversion be changed at the Winchester Road entrance so that traffic was diverted along the Winchester Road rather than through Durley as the large lorries were causing chaos in the Durley lanes. The lanes were getting damaged and ditches filled in as vehicles could not pass each other. CC Humby will take these comments back to HCC and it is hoped that better communication with parishes in the future will help to mitigate these incidents.
(d) Insurance renewal for 2018-19. Clerk read out the Insurance quote for the year 2018-19. As this is the 3rd year of a 3 year Contract it was agreed that we continue for a further year. Cllr Watts proposed the quote be accepted and Cllr Smith seconded the proposal. All Councillors were in agreement.
(e) HCC have sent through the costings for the proposed School Crossing and lights. Councillors viewed the quote and agreed that a County Councillor Grant could be applied for to cover £1,000, the vat can be reclaimed of £1,104.27 and this would leave approximately £7,000 more to find. DPC and Durley Primary School will look at Grant funding the £7,000 between them.
(f) Invitation to the CAB Winchester for Tuesday 16th October from 12.30 – 2.00. If a Councillor can attend they will get in touch with the Clerk.
(g) Details were given of the Consultation on the proposed route for the Esso Pipeline – this was noted.
- SCHOOL REPORT: A School Report was given by Kirstie Baines who said that their recent Offsted Inspection had gone well and the School was rated Good. However, they have been put forward for a Section 5 Inspection which might change the rate from Good to Outstanding. It is not known when the visit will take place. There has not been any flooding issues this summer as it has been very dry. House owners have cleared the brook out which must help with the flooding problems. Kirstie asked about the weeds at the sides of the road in Durley Brook Road. CC Humby explained why HCC Highways are only spraying weeds once a year, but the Clerk will write to HCC Highways and see if they can be cleared.
- NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that warnings are still being made about scam e-mails, cold calling suspicious calls etc. The next PACT Meeting is on 27.9.18 at the Jubilee Hall, BW – Cllr Watts will attend. Cllr Smith said that the PCSO will attend Lunch Club to talk to the elderly about scams etc. It was pointed out that the old telephone number for the Police is still in the Parish Magazine. Clerk will ask Helen Childs to delete this and put 101.
- HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that there is a large pot hole at the end of Alma Lane/Durley Hall Lane which he will report to HCC. Road Closure in Durley Brook Road – complaints/no notification to Parish Council – This item was dealt with under correspondence above. Concern from a resident about an oak tree opposite Barn Cottages in Snakemoor Lane was reported to HCC, but it was felt to be safe. Clerk reported that the village entry signs are being followed up by I Medd and A Burton. It is hoped that the signs will soon be ordered. Cllr Clegg said that there is a pot hole in Parsonage Lane – Cllr Pitter will report this to HCC.
- FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.
- HALL: Hall floor progress – Clerk has 2 written quotes and once she has a 3rd one she can apply for a Grant for some of the cost. Under-stage clear-out – This has been carried out. Caretaking arrangements have now been confirmed and Donna Shorney will be the new Hall Caretaker. Cllr Charles has fitted the brush under the main foyer door. Clerk said that she has had an offer of a freezer for the Hall if we wanted one. Councillors agreed that now that the sound system was in the PO Room there would not be enough room and previously the freezer was only used for storage and kept tripping the electric out so it was agreed that although it was a kind offer we would not accept.
- RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the weed and feed has been applied to the Recreation Ground. DFC have paid half of the cost and the Parish Council the other half. Replacement seat due to arrive on 1st October. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – a suitable metal plate needs to be sourced to put on the edge as it would be more sturdy than wood.
18/01607/FUL. Mr & Mrs Barney. Construction of orangery. Doerleage Cottage, Gregory Lane, Durley. Granted.
18/01745/FUL. Imperial Homes (Southern) Ltd. Erection of two detached houses (1 x 3 bedroom, 1 x 4 bedroom) with associated access and parking. Land adjacent to Lyons Cottage, Durley Brook Road, Durley. After discussion Councillors agreed that we had no comments to make on this application provided Planning Policies allow this development within the current Local Plan.
Winchester Local Plan 2036 Consultation – any comments. No comments were made.
Clerk read out an e-mail from the Planning Officer regarding a Planning Application at 2 Hazeldene,
Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that as residents attending the Meeting were still not happy with the situation Councillors agreed that they would still wish this application to go to the Planning Committee. It was also agreed that we need to be assured that Southern Water are well aware of the connections made to the water and sewer systems and that all the regulations are complied with. If this is not so, then problems will arise. Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Officer and ask that assurance be given by Southern Water that the connections have been inspected and do comply with all regulations.
APP/L1765/X/17/3191401 & APP/L1765/C/18/3205323. Clerk informed Councillors that the date for these Appeals has been set for 25th September, 2018 at 10.00 a.m. in The Guildhall.
10.05 p.m.