5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and District Councillor Miller were present, along with 4 parishioners.
At the start of the Meeting Cllr Charles announced the sad death of our Memorial Hall Caretaker – John Sillence. John has been looking after the Hall for the last 14 years. A minute’s silence was held in John’s memory.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, District Councillor
Mclean and County/District Councillor Humby.
Declarations of Interest made.
(a) Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign installment. Cllr Delmege said that he is still waiting for HCC Highways to come back to him. He was informed that the work on the posts was in the June/July Work Schedule, but has heard nothing since. Ian Janis has been very helpful, but has now passed the work onto Contractors. Clerk will ask CC Humby if he could pursue and get this moving again so that the SID sign can go up. The village entry signs were also discussed. Clerk will contact Ian Medd to see where we are and then let Councillors know the current situation.
(b) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not present at the Meeting to give an update so this will be given at the September Meeting.
(c) Parsonage Lane footpath/cycleway. Response from HCC Highways. The Arboricultural Team are going to put appropriate planting in the gap in the planting season.
(d) Response from HCC regarding continual sinking of road in Heathen Street. Clerk has written to CC Humby regarding the temporary measures which keep being carried out and asked for a timeframe for the permanent repairs. No timeframe has been received to date from CC Humby.
(e) Clerk will now follow up Church Copse Inspection with the Forestry Commission as we have received no information or update regarding an Inspection. Residents were present at the Meeting and are very disappointed that no action has been taken as promised by the Forestry Commission or Enforcement Team.
(f) Report on Home-Start Meon Valley AGM – Cllr Delmege reported that he attended the AGM. The Meon Valley Home-Start has now ceased and has been incorporated into the Hampshire Homestart.
(g) Footpath inspections – Cllr Delmege. It was agreed that the landowner will be contacted along Durley Street to see if he would put in 2 stiles which were more accessible and also level ground out which has rutted. Councillors also agreed that a note will go into the Parish Report asking landowners who have a footpath going through their land to cut it back as the grass is growing quickly at the moment.
(h) WW1 Meeting Report – Cllr Watts attended the Meeting and reported that planning for the Exhibition, Beacon lighting and Church/School services are going well. A note has gone into the Parish Magazine informing residents of the weekend.
(i) Clerk has received costings for the ACSO and additional Parish Lengthsman hours if we wished to have more hours from Bishops Waltham PC. The ACSO is £16.41 per hour + £3.28 admin fee and the Lengthsman is £13.50 per hour + £2.70 admin fee + 0.45p per mile. Councillors agreed that we would most probably have some additional hours, but a decision will be made when we know which other Parishes wish to have extra hours.
(j) After sending a donation to the CAB a response was received concerning our offer of a room for an Outreach Service in Durley. CAB said that they would not be able to hold regular sessions, but might use the room on an ad hoc basis if we are agreeable.
5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available.
6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Miller was at the Meeting and gave information concerning the Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan, Church Copse re-planting enforcement, questions from residents and an update on the Sports Centre in Winchester. Cllr Charles said that it was important that the District/County Councillors attended our Meetings, as well as Bishops Waltham Meetings because residents and Parish Councillors do need to ask questions. Clerk was asked to e-mail District/County Councillors and ask that they attend our Meetings.
7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. 2 residents attended to discuss the re-planting of Church Copse and what enforcement action is being taken as no re-planting has taken place to date. This will be followed up by the Clerk again. 2 residents also attended to ask Councillors about the progress of a Planning Application and also the Bus Consultation at HCC.
(a) WCC Parish Connect – July, 2018. Sent via e-mail. This was noted.
(b) Letter from resident regarding parking issue. Councillors agreed that the resident would need to
apply to WCC for a Disabled badge/parking bay as this is not something the Parish Council is
able to control. However, we would be happy to support this resident if they would wish us to.
(c) Letter from resident regarding seating and tables on village green. Clerk circulated the letter and
The content was noted. The proposed seating and tables would be an asset for all residents and visitors to Durley to be able to use, not just those who live and work in The Sawmills.
(d) Grant enquiry response from WCC. Clerk said that she had enquired about the Community
Grant which we had previously applied for, but it is no longer available. Clerk will look at other Grant resources for the Hall flooring including the Lottery Funding.
(e) Consultation on the WCC Local Plan 2036. This was noted.
(f) An e-mail was received from Durley PCC thanking the Parish Council for their donation towards
the Churchyard maintenance for 2018-19.
(g) Enquiry from resident regarding hedgehogs at The Sawmills. Councillors agreed that a
hedgehog house could be placed in the buffer area provided it did not block the inspection
(h) Cllr Pitter has been trying to gain information from BTand Openreach regarding fibre broadband to properties in Durley. He has not received a response yet, but it does appear that the problem is getting the fibre broadband to premises via overhead cables which is taking the time. Sciviers Lane to Upham appears to be in progress, but not Durley at the moment. He hopes to have an update for the next Meeting.
9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report as it is the School summer holidays.
10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the main issues have been cold calling and break-ins, but not in Durley. Cllr Watts also said that there is a Older Driver Awareness Course locally. These items will be place on the website for information. The next PACT Meeting is on 27.9.18 at the Jubilee Hall, BW
11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that some of the road defects in Sciviers Lane have been repaired and he will go around the village and report any other issues. The double yellow line markings are working well after checking through the last month. Letter from HCC Highways – Clerk read out response regarding highways issues along Snakemoor Lane. National Highways & Transport Survey – Cllr Pitter will complete this. Tipper truck movements through Durley – Cllr Charles advised how to report these movements. Clerk will write to one particular Company who appear to be going through the village a lot. The trees are overhanging the “unsuitable for hgv” signs at the bottom of Wintershill so Peter will be asked to cut them back so the signs can be seen.
12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed. Flowers were agreed to be sent from Parish Council and the village to John’s funeral.
13. HALL: Hall floor quotes – Cllr Charles now has 3 quotes. Under-stage clear-out – this could not go ahead as Shawn was on holiday. This will be done once he is back. Caretaking arrangements – Councillors agreed that as the Relief Caretaker has been covering for the Caretaker whilst he was ill and doing a good job we would offer her the post if she would like it.
14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that some repairs are required in the disabled toilet and the veranda. Colin Watts offered to carry out the work, but the Parish Council will pay for any materials required. Replacement seat for the baby swing has now arrived. The Clerk will order the replacement seat to be installed and arrangements will be made for the concrete/wooden seat to be dismantled and removed. Cllr Watts said that litter is a problem and residents reported seeing young males kicking a football against the Pavilion.
18/01379/HOU. Mr & Mrs Robinson. Single storey rear extension and new porch to bungalow and the
erection of a detached car port. Middle Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Granted.
18/01342/TPO. Mr Saint. 1 no Oak – fell due to reduced health and structural integrity. Swiss Cottage,
Sciviers Lane, Durley. Granted.
18/01346/HOU. Mr Barnett. Revision of 17/02846/HOU – Alteration to fenestration materials with a 2 storey extension to front elevation; 2 storey rear extension following removal of existing; single storey barn style side extension. Granted.
18/01384/HOU. Mr Cole. (Variation to approval 17/02530/HOU). Single storey extension to rear, to provide indoor swimming pool and changing facilities. Baytrees, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Granted.
18/01607/FUL. Mr & Mrs Barney. Construction of orangery. Doerleage Cottage, Gregory Lane, Durley. There were no objections to this application.
18/01089/HOU. Mr Kurn. A large side extension and internal alterations to house. Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. Refused.
APP/L1765/X/17/3191401. Mr M Maskell. Appeal for The Use of land as an extension to residential curtilage. This was noted.
APP/L1765/C/18/3205323. Mr M Maskell. Appeal for Without planning permission, the construction of a brick barbeque building including chimney, walls and tiled roof. This was noted.
O/18/83698. Eastleigh Borough Council plans for land north and east of Winchester Street, Botley for Outline permission for 375 no. dwellings. Councillors agreed that a letter should be written to George Hollingbery MP stating that Durley is getting very frustrated with planning applications on the Eastleigh Borough Council boundary of our parish which are suffocating our small village.
Planning Appeals – on land adj. Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Both Appeals have been approved. Cllr Charles asked DC Miller if WCC could consider having specialist Planning Officers for some Planning Applications like this one as WCC Officers did not appear to have the expertise required.
9.45 p.m.