6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins were present. Two PCSO’s attended the first part of the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, District
Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage work at Beech Corner – pipe under the road has been completed and ditches have been dug out. Cllr Humby was thanked for all his work in getting this work carried out. It is now a matter of waiting to see how it works. The roadside edges have been reinstated along Snakemoor Lane whilst the road was closed. Clerk has asked HCC to reinstate some of the roadside edges in Durley Road as this was used for traffic during the road closure.

(b) Church Copse re-planting – CC Humby said that he has been following this up with George Hollingbery, but nothing has been forthcoming from the Forestry Commission and it is them that should be making sure that the replanting is carried out. CC Humby will ask if George will take this up and the Clerk will write to Roy Warren and update him.

(c) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs. As no further news has been received from WCC regarding these double lines Councillors agreed to take photographs and then it is hoped that these can be used along with the ones already taken. Cars parking outside of the Garage, especially at night are dangerous and one Councillor present said that she nearly had an accident when a vehicle decided to over-take not realising that vehicles were parked on the junction. Councillors are concerned that there will be a serious accident at this location.

(d) Southern Parishes Group – Agree Constitution. Councillors discussed a Draft Constitution and agreed with the content, but would prefer that the Chairman was elected by the Group every 6 months/yearly so that this Office was shared with parishes rather than just Bishops Waltham.

(e) Maintenance of The Sawmills – 2017/18. Clerk reported that she has asked the present Contractor and he is willing to carry out the work, but he has to make an increase of £200 due to fuel and disposal costs. Councillors agreed that Shawn Read has made a good job of the maintenance work over the year and they would like him to continue. The price agreed will be £1,650 for 2017 and for 2018 and 2019 if we wish to have him for the next three years. Councillors were happy with this and Clerk will write to Shawn. It was also agreed that the buffer area behind the houses should be checked for any encroachment and the new shrub area by Gregory Lane will be included now that we have taken over ownership.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that the drainage has been
carried out at Beech Corner and now it is a matter of waiting to see what happens when we have heavy rain. He has been involved in the School Travel Plan and has met with the Headteacher and School Governors to discuss ways of making the road safer e.g. speed of vehicles, a crossing etc. He has asked that the School inform the Parish Council as support will be needed from the Parish Council. CC Humby explained about the work he is carrying out with the National Infrastructure Commissioner who deals with major roads in the country. 3 roads in Hampshire are dangerous and will hopefully have improvements made within the next 4 – 5 years. Fly tipping has gone down in Hampshire. CC Humby was asked about the Traffic Survey which was being carried out in Hampshire. There have been no results available yet, but CC Humby is chasing for them.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. DC Mclean was not at the Meeting but gave the Clerk a verbal Report. He said that he has visited Durley and taken the new Chief Executive of WCC around Durley visiting the roads works at Beech Corner, the main road through Durley and the Clerk’s Office. DC Mclean said that WCC are working with Vanguard on planning issues and the Mayoral duties are continuing to develop. He also sent his apologies for the Annual Parish Meeting as he will be on holiday.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present so no issues were raised.


(a) Donation request from The Olive Branch Service. Councillors agreed that they
would not be able to make a donation this year.

(b) Gang mowing for 2017 at Recreation Ground. Councillors agreed to carry on
with OCS for 2017/18 year as the gang mowing at the Recreation Ground has improved.

(c) E-mail complaints regarding parking at The Sawmills. Clerk read out e-mails
regarding parking in The Sawmills by workers using the Office Units. Now that the road has been adopted by HCC, Clerk has asked for the line markings at the sides of the road, and signs to be put up to show who has right of way. Clerk has received a response from Andy Smith (HCC Highways) and he is checking details with colleagues at WCC and the Adoptions Team. He will then get back to the Clerk. It is hoped that this can be sorted fairly swiftly as residents and Parish Councillors have been waiting years for the road to be adopted by HCC.

(d) Support for BW-Curdridge Bridleway Project coming through Durley. Cllr Watts
and the Clerk have been attending the Meetings to discuss this Project and showed Councillors the proposed route of the Bridleway. Councillors agreed in principle with the Project, but as it would have little impact or benefit for Durley residents they would not be able to commit any finance for the Project at the present time.

(e) WCC Parish Connect – March, 2017. Sent via e-mail and noted.

(f) A letter of thanks was received from CAB thanking us for the recent donation.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no Report available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: – Cllr Watts reported that some vehicle number plates were being tampered with or stolen.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he will be going round the village
reporting any pot holes which need repairing. Mincingfield Lane has been closed whilst ditching work has been carried out. Road signs and lines in The Sawmills – this was dealt with in 8(c) above. Response to request for updated “unsuitable for HGV” signs. Clerk received an unsatisfactory response from HCC so CC Humby offered to follow this up. Clerk will send CC Humby an e-mail stating that we do not want new signs, but updated ones with the red line through the middle. After a recent road closure a resident has asked if Durley Road could be for “Access only” as it is so narrow. Councillors agreed that this road is no different to many other lanes in Durley and it would set a precedent, also it could not be enforced. The recent problem in Durley Road was made worse because of the recent road closure. The pot hole in Durley Street has been reported again – this needs to be filled permanently as it gets filled with water and then washes straight out again. The road is breaking up in Sciviers Lane, but this will be reinstated once building work has been completed in Torbay Farm.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Councillors agreed the salary increase for the Clerk as per the National Salary Award 2016 – 2018. The increase is for £2.13 per week from 1.4.17.

13. HALL: Grants successful for Hall tables and trollies. CC Grant has been received for £545 and CC Humby was thanked for his support. A WCC small Grant was also successful for £350. Clerk reported that John, the Caretaker is hopefully going to return to work soon, after his recent sickness. Cllr Smith asked if the guttering outside of the former Post Office room could be repaired. Cllr Charles will do this. 2 trees have been taken down in the car park as they were dead. Cllr Smith reported that the textile bins are working well and are emptied 3 times a week.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report at the Recreation Ground.


16/03459/HOU. Mr and Mrs Kurn. Two storey side and rear extensions with attached double garage (as previously permitted 12/00617/FUL). Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

17/00180/HOU. Mr Young. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey side extension, new front porch, raise existing roof with new dormers and remodelling of fenestration and two storey rear extension. The Bungalow, Netherhill, Botley. Councillors agreed that if approved, this property would be a loss of an affordable dwelling in the countryside. It was also felt that this size would have an impact on the surrounding countryside and was considered to be an over-development of the original plot. The street scene in Netherhill would be compromised with such a large dwelling – if approved.

A Meeting has been arranged with Cllr Horrill (Leader of WCC), Laura Taylor (Chief Executive of WCC), Parish Councils and District Councillors on 29th March in Durley. 3 representatives are able to attend from Durley and Cllr Chalres, Cllr Watts and Cllr Pitter will be attending, along with the Clerk. The Meeting has been arranged by Upham Parish Council to enable the Leader and Chief Executive of WCC to discuss with local parishes what they are doing to lessen the impact on neighbouring parishes in the Winchester District with regard to the EBC Local Plan. It will also be an opportunity for Parish Councils to discuss their concerns about the impact these plans will have on their communities.

16. Councillors were reminded that the next Meeting will be the Annual Parish Assembly
on Tuesday 4th April, 2017 commencing at 8.00 p.m. The Monthly Parish Council Meeting will be at 6.30 p.m.