6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr and DC Miller.
2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations declared. Co-option of Parish Councillor – signing of Declaration Forms. Cllr Charles proposed Vivien Bartlett as our new Parish Councillor. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Bartlett signed the appropriate Declaration Forms. Clerk will write to the 2 unsuccessful candidates who applied. Councillors welcomed Cllr Bartlett to the Meeting.
(a) Drainage work in The Sawmills commencing on Monday 9th January. The work was delayed because of wet weather, it is hoped that it will start later this week.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – Update from CC Humby. CC Humby said that he has asked for the work to put in the pipe under the road to be done as a priority and completed by the end of this financial year. Cllr Delmege said that the ditches which have been dug out are already full without not much rainfall. The ditches on the other side of the road are dry so CC Humby will ask if an Officer can come out and see if the ditches are blocked under the road as this will cause problems when it rains.
(c) Fly-tipping in Durley reported to WCC and prosecution by WCC. Councillors were pleased that there has been a prosecution for fly-tipping in Durley. Clerk still reports regularly on fly-tipping around our lanes.
(d) Hedge/mirrors in Parsonage Lane. Clerk reported that HCC Highways have spoken to the owner of the mirrors and informed him that they are illegal. HCC are going to try and track down the owner of the hedge and ask them if they would be willing to cut it down to get better sightlines. If the owner is not co-operative then smaller, less intrusive mirrors will be suggested. As a last resort legal action might be taken.
(e) Report on BW Bridleway Project (15.12.16) – Clerk reported that the boardwalk over the wet part of footpath 9 is progressing and it is hoped that the funding will be put in place by HCC rather than DPC apply for a Grant. HCC can then purchase the wood required, and then volunteers carry out the work.
(f) Church Copse re-planting – Update from CC Humby. CC Humby reported that the fly-tipping in the Copse has been checked by Officers and has not increased. However, there is still no news on when the new trees will be planted. CC Humby will still keep making enquiries.
(g) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs and e-mail. Clerk read out an e-mail from DC Miller from Simon Finch saying that WCC intend to include Durley in the TRO Programme for 2017-18. Clerk also read out an e-mail from a driver who travels through the village saying that the vehicles parking outside of Beech Corner Garage are dangerous, especially in the dark. DC Mclean has spoken to the Garage owner about parking issues and it appears that the vehicle which is parked at night the wrong way round is from the house not the Garage. It is hoped that once the double lines are put down no parking will occur on this junction. Councillors will need to investigate how to enforce this.
(h) Faster Broadband in Durley – CC Humby explained about the progress of the Broadband Rollout Programme. The speeds in Durley have got better over the last few months.
5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he is involved in the County’s Budget for the forthcoming years. He said that savings need to be made and it is not possible to cut some services any more than they already have been cut, so alternative ways of raising funds are needed. The Rural Forum is working well and he suggested that we contact Amanda Hill for a link to the DCLG information which has been available. CC Humby has also contacted Glen Peacy about the rural broadband services. A Meeting has been held with CC Humby, Kirstie Baines and Holly Wood at Durley Primary School to discuss how the new parking arrangements are working. Phase 1 is now completed, but Phase 2 still has work to be carried out, especially cross the track. CC Humby then spoke about the setting of up an Economic Development Group and a Cabinet Away Day.
6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. DC Mclean gave a District Councillor Report saying that he had attended a Budget Briefing to discuss the budgets for the future at WCC. This year they have broken even, but in future years there will be a deficit and savings will need to be made, or income generated. There has been a new Chief Executive appointed and DC Mclean has asked if she will come to visit BW and Durley, along with other Parish Councils to see how the parishes work.
7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present.
(a) Priority Cutting List for 2017 on Durley footpaths. Councillors agreed that Cllr Delmege would view the list given last year and amend if necessary. If there were no amendments then the previous list would be sent in again. Cllr Smith said that a footpath in Gregory Lane was impassable due to work carried out by Southern Water. Cllr Delmege will check the path and SW will be asked to reinstate it if it is not in a satisfactory condition for walking.
(b) Textile bin in Durley offer. Clerk read out an e-mail asking if we would like another textile bin at the Memorial Hall to raise funds for the Hall and also Breast Cancer. Councillors agreed that there would be room for a further textile bin as the bin already sited is often getting full and is well used. Clerk will respond asking for a further bin to be sited.
(c) Clerk has received an e-mail stating that Gregory Lane will be closed for 1 day to have some ditch clearance work and grip cutting carried out.
9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available.
10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: – Cllr Watts reported that she is now the main Co-ordinator for Durley and various circulars and information is sent to her with a copy to the Clerk. Some of the information received will be sent to Andy for inclusion on the village website so that residents can access it for information.
11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter infomed Councillors that the main problem is the verges which are collapsing. He is in the process of taking photographs of the areas which need reinstating.
12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Clerk will obtain necessary forms to change over the Bank Signatories to delete Andy Burton and add on Vivien Bartlett.
13. HALL: Tiling of Hall foyer and kitchen area will commence on 16th January. Arrangements have been made for the Hall hirers to enter via the former Post Office Room door and use the toilet facilities back stage. The work should take about 10 days to complete. The Christmas decorations have been taken down.
14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the main problem is litter and people using the bin to put their own personal rubbish in.
16/03083/HOU. Mr and Mrs Hammal. Convert former dairy building to granny annexe. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.
16/02337/HOU. Mr and Mrs Innes. Proposed two storey extension. Glencoe Villa, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.
16/03090/FUL. Mr T Keet. The use of land as gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 4 pitches, each containing 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, 1 semi-detached utility building, play area and associated development. Field adjacent Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. This application was received after the Agenda had been sent out so Councillors agreed that a separate Public Meeting should be held as the Clerk had received many telephone calls and e-mail from residents about this Application. It was agreed that the main Hall in Durley Memorial Hall would be used and the date was confirmed as Thursday 19th January, 2017 at 7.30 p.m. Ian Donohue (Planning Consultant) will be asked to attend as he represented us on a previous Application. CC Humby and DC Mclean will also attend the Meeting.
16/02860/FUL. Mr and Mrs Biggs. Conversion of an existing workshop building into two self-contained holiday lets, including the setting out of a curtilage to provide garden and parking area on surrounding land for each unit. Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. GRANTED.
Cllr Watts said that there is a further 50 houses given approval in Madoxford Lane.