Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 4th April, 2017 in Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present.

Apologies were received from County Councillor/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting and reported that the Constitution had been drafted and Councillors were happy for the final Draft to be signed on behalf of Durley Parish Council.

Clerk read out an e-mail stating that the present HGV signs will be replaced with the newer version with a red line through the middle at the entrance to the village.

3 Parish Councillors and the Clerk attended a Meeting with other Parish Council representatives to discuss with WCC Councillors, the Leader of WCC and the Chief Executive of WCC the planning options from Eastleigh Borough Council on the WCC parish boundary. It was felt that this was a worthwhile meeting with the local parishes and WCC Officers.

There was no County or District Councillor Reports as these will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly which will follow directly after this Meeting.

The Consultation on WCC Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan was discussed and Councillors had no additional comments to make. No sites were proposed in Durley within the Plan at present.

The Annual Parish Assembly then followed at 8.00 p.m.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Annual Parish Assembly on Tuesday 4th April, 2017 at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley. 7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, PCSO Slater and 3 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) commenced the Meeting by introducing members of the Parish Council and other Officers to the residents attending.

Cllr Charles gave a Chairman’s Report summarising the work the Parish Council has been working on during the year. These include appointing a drainage Company to put in a land drainage system in The Sawmills play area so that it will not get so wet, drainage work and a pipe under the road at Beech Corner to stop this area from flooding during wet weather, helping the village to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday on the Village Green and providing a village website for use by the Parish Council and other organisations within Durley. Parish Councillors have been working hard to try and resolve many issues which have arisen over the past year, including fly-tipping in our country lanes, parking problems, speeding vehicles, pot holes, and footpaths. Cllr Charles thanked his fellow Councillors and the Clerk for all their hard work over the year and for attending the many Meeting which are always supported by attendance from Durley. During this year the road has finally been adopted through The Sawmills by HCC and this will mean that line markings and signs can now be installed by HCC. Cllr Charles also gave his thanks to CC/DC Humby who has been supporting Durley residents and Durley Parish Council throughout the year. District Councillors Miller and Mclean have also joined Durley this year after the May Elections.

The Clerk gave a Financial Report for the End 2016-17. The Expenditure was up this year due to the refurbishment of the Hall foyer and kitchen floors, painting, and new tables for the Hall. Finance was also spent on Consultancy fees for a Planning Application.

Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report saying that he has reported many pot holes this year and most have been repaired. Flooding, parking at Beech Corner and the end of Manor Road have still caused problems for drivers not being able to get a good sightline when coming out of adjoining roads. Repeated requests have been made to WCC for double yellow lines at these junctions. Councillors feel that this is an accident waiting to happen.

Cllr Smith gave a Hall Report and started by thanking all the Hall hirers for the support over the year. The Hall foyer and kitchen has been repainted and new tiles put on the floors. These measures have brightened up the entrance to the Hall and Councillors are pleased with the result. The new small Hall tables are light-weight and easier for hirers to take up and down. Trollies have also been purchased to move the tables around the Hall and store them. Both textile bins in the Hall car park are well used by residents and raise funds for the First Responders, Breast Cancer and the Hall. Cllr Smith then thanked the Caretaker – John, Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter, Shawn and Peter for all their support in the Hall and Anne Collins for taking the bookings.

County/District Councillor Humby gave a Joint Report from HCC and WCC. He said that fly-tipping has been a major concern this year and prosecutions have taken place. One offender was given a custodial sentence, whilst most are given fines of thousands of pounds. All the Waste and Recyling Centres in Hampshire have been able to stay open at the moment, however the hours have been reduced and charges have needed to be made for DIY Waste. Highways is part of CC Humby Portfolio and he has been all over the County dealing with Highways issues on the major roads and infrustructure. Cllr Miller followed with a District Report from himself saying that he is doing all he can to get the double yellow lines installed in Durley at Beech Corner and the end of Manor Road. Councillors were disappointed that they were not painted when the double lines were painted recently in Bishops Waltham. DC Miller will follow this issue up again.

PCSO Stephanie Slater was present representing the Police. She gave out statistical examples of various incidents throughout the year in comparison to last year. Durley is not a high crime area, but Councillors and residents do appreciate the support of the Police when an incident does occur. PCSO Slater has visited Durley Lunch Club and talked to the elderly residents as well as visiting Durley Primary School to speak to the younger members of the Durley community.

General questions were then asked by residents attending and the Chairman then thanked everyone for attending and closed the Meeting.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 14th March, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present. 2 PCSO’s also attended the first part of the Meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean.

Councillors were pleased that the pipe under Durley Brook Road has now been installed. The ditches have also been dug out deep to try and take the water when we have a heavy rainfall. The patching work in Snakemoor Lane was carried out whilst the road was closed. The flooding situation will be kept monitored, but it is hoped that this work will ease the problem. CC Humby was thanked for all his work in getting this work carried out.

The re-planting at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane is still being investigated by CC Humby and George Hollingbery MP as no response has been received as to when the re-planting will take place. It is the responsibility of the Forestry Commission so they will be contacted again for a response.

Vehicles parking outside of the Garage at Beech Corner are still causing safety issues and Councillors are receiving reports of near accidents and hope that double yellow lines will be placed at this junction soon before there is a serious accident.

Councillors discussed the Draft Constitution for the Southern Parishes Group and the Chairman and Clerk will take comments to the next Meeting.

CC Humby gave a County Council Report and he informed Councillors that he has been involved with the School Travel Plan and has met with the Headteacher and School Governors to discuss ways of making the road safer e.g. speed of vehicles, a crossing etc. He has asked that the School inform the Parish Council of their plans as support will be needed from the Parish Council. CC Humby also explained about the work he is carrying out with the National Infrustructure Commissioner who deals with major roads in the country. 3 roads in Hampshire are dangerous and will hopefully have improvements made within the next 4 – 5 years. Fly tipping has gone down in Hampshire. He is also asking for the results of the recent Traffic Survey which was carried out in Hampshire.

Although DC Mclean was not able to attend the Meeting he sent a verbal Report to the Clerk. He said that he has visited Durley and taken the new Chief Executive of WCC around the village. WCC are working with Vanguard on planning issues and his Mayoral duties are continuing to develop.

The gang mowing for the Recreation Ground for 2017 was agreed along with the continued maintenance of The Sawmills.

Clerk read out e-mails which have been received about the inconsiderate parking at The Sawmills. This is a real problem as it often means that residents cannot get out of their driveways or park near to their properties. Now that the road has been adopted by HCC the Clerk has asked HCC to send plans of where they are proposing to put lines on the road and any signs. It is hoped that once these measures are in place the situation can be kept monitored.

Cllr Watts said that there was not much to report on Neighbourhood Watch, apart from reports of vehicle number plates being tampered with, or stolen, and various scams that are going around.

Cllr Pitter gave a Highways Report and said that he is going to have a tour round the village and report any pot holes that he sees. There is one particular hole that keeps appearing along Durley Street. Each time it is repaired it washes out again. Mincingfield Lane has had ditches reinstated and it is hoped that marker posts will be placed alongside the ditch to stop vehicles from pushing them back in again. Parts of Sciviers Lane are in need of repair, but this will be carried out when the building work is completed at Torbay Farm.

The Clerk reported that a County Councillor Grant was successful to purchase a trolley and some tables for the Hall. Cllr Humby was thanked for his support. WCC also gave a Grant from the Small Grants Scheme for some tables. This was also appreciated. These tables will be easier for hirers to put up and down and the trolley will be used for storage and to take the tables around the Hall.

Councillors were reminded that the Annual Parish Assembly will be held on Tuesday 4th April at 8.00 p.m. in the main Hall.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th January, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Rob Humby, District Councillor David Mclean and the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, were present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Farr and District Councillor Miller.

Cllr Charles welcomed a newly appointed Parish Councillor to her first Meeting. Cllr Vivien Bartlett was successful in securing this position and was introduced to other members of the Council. Councillors were pleased that there were 3 candidates who put their names forward to be considered for the vacancy left by Andy Burton. The Clerk has informed the 2 unsuccessful applicants.

Unfortunately the drainage in The Sawmills Play Area was not completed before the end of 2016 due to unforseen circumstances. If the weather is acceptable then work will commence on 16th January. The Play Area will be closed whilst work is underway.

The ditches will be checked in Stapleford Lane to see that they are working correctly. The pipe under the main road will be installed before the end of this financial year. CC Humby has asked for this work to be prioritised.

Councillors were pleased that a fly tipping prosecution has been successful for rubbish that was dumped in Netherhill, Durley. Clerk still reports regularly on fly tipping in Durley to WCC.

Progress has been made on getting double yellow lines put on the road outside of Beech Corner Garage on the junction and at the end of Manor Road to stop vehicles from parking on these junctions. We have been informed that Durley has been put on the Traffic Regulation Programme for 2017-18.

CC Humby gave a report informing Councillors that he has been involved in the County’s Budget setting for the forthcoming years. He said that savings need to be made and it is not possible to cut some services any more than they already have been cut, so alternative ways of raising funds are needed. The Rural Forum is working well and CC Humby has been in contact with Glen Peacy regarding the rural broadband services. A Meeting was held with Kirstie Baines at Durley Primary School to discuss how the new parking arrangements are working. Phase 1 is now completed, but Phase 2 still has work to be carried out.

The District Councillors Report was given by DC Mclean. He said that he had attended a Budget Briefing to discuss the budgets for the future at WCC. This year they have broken even, but in future years there will be a deficit and savings will need to be made, or income generated. There has been a new Chief Executive appointed and DC Mclean has asked if she will come to visit BW and Durley along with other Parish Councils to see how the parishes work.

The footpaths which need to be put on the Priority Cutting List for 2017 are required and Cllr Delmege along with the Parish Lengthsman and Clerk will put in a request to HCC.

There is an offer for a further textile bin to be sited next to the existing textile bin, which Councillors discussed. It was agreed that the present bin is well used so a further one will be installed. The new bin will be for Breast Cancer Charity and a donation will be made to the Memorial Hall.

Cllr Watts gave a Neighbourhood Watch Report and gave Councillors information on the latest scams to hit the internet. Some of these will be put onto the village website for information to residents.

Cllr Pitter said that most of the pot holes in Durley have now been repaired, but there are many roadside edges which need reinstating. He will take photographs of the verges and send a report to HCC for action to be taken.

The Hall foyer and kitchen floor re-tiling will commence on Monday 16th January and will hopefully take about 10 days to complete. Hall hirers have been informed that there might be some disruption whilst their bookings are in operation.

Cllr Watts reported that everything is running satisfactory at the Recreation Ground apart from the litter which is being dropped in the Ground and Car Park. Bin bags full of rubbish are being put into the general bin in the car park which then cannot be used for Recreation Ground use as it is full up. This is a concern as the Parish Council pays for this bin and then it is not able to be used for who it was intended.

Clerk informed Councillors that she has just received a Planning Application for a 4 pitch gypsy and traveller caravan site in Durley Street. As there is a lot of interest in this Application a Public Meeting has been arranged for Thursday 19th January, 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in Durley Memorial Hall.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th January, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and District Councillor Mclean were present.

Apologies were received from County Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.

Cllr Charles (Chairman) welcomed Cllr Karen Clegg to the Parish Council and the Declaration of Office, Code of Conduct and Register of Interests Form were duly signed.

The long awaited double yellow lines at Beech Corner and at the Manor Road/Wintershill junction have now been approved by the Portfolio Holder at WCC this will now be in the hands of WCC to install the lines. Councillors were pleased that this safety issue which has been going on for many years is now near completion.

Cllr Delmege informed Parish Councillors that he is going to take photographs of suggested sites for installing posts for speed indicator signs, these will need to be sent to HCC for approval. Free use of a sign has been agreed and this will hopefully be used for a week starting on 27th January. Councillors are meeting with the School Governors on 10th January to discuss a proposed school crossing and flashing speed limit warning signs near to the School and it is hoped that both schemes will slow the traffic down going through Durley. The positioning of all the signs will be discussed so that the greatest benefit can be achieved.

The Clerk has been working through the Christmas period with the website provider to update the Parish Council website. It is now near completion and once Councillors have viewed the updates the new website will go live.

The Chairman and Clerk attended a Parishes Autumn Briefing on 13th December in Winchester. Councils were informed of the work carried out by Hampshire Highways and Skanska who now have the Highways Contract. There were many facts and figures produced within the Presentation.

DC Mclean gave a District Councillors Report and he said that the Traveller Site on land next to Berkeley Farm has not been recommended for inclusion in the Assessment for future sites within the Winchester District. As DC Mclean is Mayor this year he is willing to open any events held in Durley. The School will be asked if they have any prize giving presentations or any event they would like the Mayor to attend.

Clerk is attending a General Data Protection Regulation Update on 11th January and will report at the next Meeting on the new Regulations.

Councillors discussed the Public Consultation “Shaping the future of England’s Strategic Road” which was circulated. It was agreed that no specific comments would be made but it was felt that the Winnall junction should be done as soon as possible, the proposals were supported and should be implemented as soon as possible.

The Hampshire Flytipping Strategy was noted and Cllr Clegg reported that there is some fly tipping in Chancellors Lane which the Clerk will report.

CC Humby has responded to the Clerk saying that there are no proposals at the moment to close Wangfield Lane, but this will be reviewed when more homes are occupied, along with other proposals.

Cllr Watts reported that outbuildings, sheds and cars are the main source for thefts at the moment, more than dwellings. Residents should phone 101 if they see anything that they are concerned about and take vehicle registration numbers if they see suspicious vehicles.

A Highways Report was given by Cllr Pitter. He said that some pot holes have been reported and some over-hanging trees have been cut back. Vehicles parking on the pavement on the route where children walk to School is causing a safety concern so this will be reported. Eastleigh Borough Council will be asked to carry out a litter pick again from Beech Corner to Denhams Corner.

Cllr Smith reported that the Memorial seat has been installed outside of Durley Memorial Hall in memory of Pat Parker. The kitchen clearence has taken place and some additional crockery has been ordered as replacements for broken items. Cllr Charles gave Councillors a quote for the replacement of the Hall floor and he will get 2 further quotes. Once a decision is made then Grants will be applied for to help towards the cost.

The Community Payback Volunteers are doing a good job painting the inside and outside of the Pavilion, along with the play equipment at the Recreation Ground. The wet pour surfacing under the roundabout has been replaced at the Sawmills play area, but the roundabout is difficult to move so Playdale have been asked to come back and rectify the movement.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th December, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Rob Humby, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 3 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from District Councillor Miller, District Councillor Mclean and Kirstie Baines.

The Clerk informed Councillors that the drainage in the Sawmills Play Area should be completed by the end of the year, although a starting date has still yet to be confirmed.

More ditches have been dug out at the Beech Corner end of the village and the pipe under the road will still happen. Councillors hope that this will be carried out soon so that it will ease the water problems at this end of the village during the winter months.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. The main issues discussed included Recycling Centres, Fly tipping, Dog Waste, the proposed Botley By-pass and the Eastleigh Borough Council development plans.

Parking outside of Beech Corner Garage on the junction is still causing a problem for drivers coming out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane as they do not have good sightlines. DC Miller is trying to see if local funding can be made available to get the doubles yellow lines put down.

Clerk has received notification from WCC that no request has been made for an Election so Councillors are now able to make a Co-option at the January Parish Council Meeting. Notices have been put up on the village noticeboards and website inviting applications from residents who would be interested in helping the village and joining us on the Parish Council. Applications close on 23rd December, 2016.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Meeting with other local Parish Council Chairmen and Clerks to discuss the impact on the Eastleigh Borough Council planning options for large development in the local area. Councillors are very concerned about the impact it will have on the smaller villages like Durley as the traffic will increase dramatically when these homes are built.

CC Humby gave his Report which included the work that he is doing at the moment on the HCC Economic Development Board which looks at investments and making the economy work for HCC. Cllr Delmege asked Cllr Humby is more rental properties are being built to rent out as this would generate income. Cllr Humby said that they are investing in properties to rent out, and also services are being looked at as a possible way of making money to spend elsewhere on other services. CC Humby spoke about the huge social care budget.

The Parish Precept for 2017-18 was agreed and Councillors took into account that the Grant received from Government will be halved next year.

The Winchester District Association of Parish Councils AGM was attended by Cllr Charles and the Clerk on 6th December. The Election of Officers was the main item for the evening along with discussion about future Meetings.

BT have a Programme to remove low useage telephone kiosks. The kiosk outside of The Robin Hood in Durley Street is in the Programme to be removed. Councillors agreed that as it has not been used over the past year they would not be able to justify its retention.

Cllr Farr attended a Durley Primary School Meeting and gave a Report which included items on a feasibility study of the holding of water in the memorial garden, the wall at the entrance to the School will be re-built, the upgrading of the playground, the sides of the stream will be reinforced, the speed of the traffic now that the lay-by has been built and Grants which need to be applied for.

Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr attended a recent Police PACT Meeting and said that issues discussed were mainly speeding vehicles, fly-tipping and the frequency of future Meetings. The Meetings will be twice a year rather than 4 times a year. Clerk has written a letter of thanks to to Linda Summers who has been the main Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for many years. Information will now be sent to Cllr Watts.

The quote for the new tiles in the Hall foyer and kitchen was agreed and it is hoped that work will start in January, 2017. There will be some disruption with Hall bookings during this time, but it is hoped that most bookings will be able to go ahead as normal.


Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th November, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 3 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor David Mclean and 2 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Burton, Cllr Delmege, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.

The Clerk informed Councillors that the drainage in The Sawmills Play Area will be carried out in 2 weeks’ time. The pipe under the road at Beech Corner has been prioritised by HCC Highways. Councillors are hoping that the work will be done before the winter weather sets in.

More fly-tipping in various areas of Durley has been reported over the past month. Clerk reminded members that any fly-tipping can be reported via the on-line service on the Winchester City Council website.

Cllr Watts reported on the Bishops Waltham Bridleway Project, but there were no issues that affect Durley.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham and were introduced to the new Community Support Officer who works for Bishops Waltham and Swanmore Parish Councils. The major part of the Meeting was spent asking questions to Keith House from Eastleigh Borough Council about the housing proposals. He also talked about the proposed Botley By-pass.

A Report was given from the Parish Plan Team. The Good Neighbours Group is now re-vamped and led by Trevor Richardson. There are 9 Committee Members and 18 drivers. Many residents have offered their help. The Village Website is now up and running. A Public Meeting will be arranged in January, 2017 to see how many residents would be willing to help with a Village Carnival. New ideas will be welcome. A decision will then be made as to whether we will be able to hold a Village Carnival in 2017. The Team is also looking at Village gateway signs for the village.

Parish Councillors are still pursuing the double lines outside of Beech Corner Garage to stop vehicles from parking on the staggered junction. Drivers have difficulty getting out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane as they do not have visibility when cars are parked in the road.

District Councillor Mclean reported on development in the area and the impact that it would have on traffic through Durley.

2 residents attended the Meeting to ask about the re-planting of trees in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane and to report on some more fly-tipping in Church Lane/Durley Road.

Clerk read out a resignation letter from Councillor Burton stating that he is no longer able to continue due to work and personal commitments. Councillors were sad that Cllr Burton has to resign although they fully understand his reasons. Cllr Burton instigated the Village Website and will be greatly missed by Councillors. Clerk will be putting up Notices advertising for a new Parish Councillor shortly.

Damage to windows, vehicles and the village noticeboard in Gregory Lane were reported. Garden furniture was also stolen from a property in Durley Street. Residents are asked to keep vigilent for any unusual activity.

Cllr Pitter said that there are still some pot holes which are marked which need to be repaired. HCC are aware of the exposed telephone cable in Mincingfield Lane and the erosion of the road edges.

The Internal Audit Report was satisfactory.

Some new Christmas decorations have been purchased for the Memorial Hall. Clerk reported that the decorations need to be taken down before the Seniors Party in 2017. Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter and the Clerk will meet with the Tiler to discuss the laying of the new tiles in the Hall foyer.

Cllr Watts reported that the hedges around the Recreation Ground have now been cut.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 11th October, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 5 parishioners were present. There was also two representatives from Regal Homes to show Councillors proposals for a development in Durley Street.

Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and Cllr Delmege. County Councillor/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean also sent their apologies as they were attending a Meeting in Winchester.

Cllr Pitter and the Clerk had met with a drainage company and Councillors discussed and agreed the quotation given. It is hoped that work will start on putting in land drains in the Play Area at The Sawmills before the winter. The Play Area will be closed whilst the work is carried out – hopefully this will take a week.

CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give an update of the flooding situation at Beech Corner. Residents attending are getting very frustrated at not being informed of what work is being done and when. Although they are grateful that the ditch has been dug out – it does not lead anywhere and the pipe under the main road has not been put in yet. Winter is quickly approaching and residents in this area of Durley are getting very anxious about where the water will go. Clerk will try and arrange a Meeting with HCC Highways, CC Humby, Councillors and residents to try and work together to resolve this issue.

Fly-tipping signs will be put up around Durley in various hot spots to try and deter anyone from tipping in Durley.

Concern is still being expressed about the amount of lorries travelling through Durley. Clerk has received a response from the Torbay Farm developer stating that their lorries do not travel down Sciviers Lane from the Durley end. If the problem continues then we will need to see where the lorries are going.

Residents attending the Meeting were there to discuss the flooding at Beech Corner and the re-planting of trees in Church Copse. Residents were not happy that no response has been received from an enquiry to CC Humby about the reinstatement of the trees felled in Church Copse, which was requested by the Forestery Commission. Residents were also concerned about the vehicles parking at the end of Stapleford Lane outside of Beech Corner Garage. It makes it very dangerous coming out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane. Clerk said that double lines were requested many years ago and were going through the legal system. Many requests have been made over the last 10 years, but still no lines have been installed. Residents and Councillors agreed that there will be a serious accident at this staggered junction as there are no sight-lines when vehicles are parked outside of the Garage. Cllr Charles assured residents that the Parish Council will do all it can to try and get these doubles lines to stop parking outside of the Garage.

The Consultation Paper on 2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement was discussed and a response was agreed.

The Financial Regulations were updated as agreed, to comply with recent legilsation.

The re-painting of the Hall foyer, kitchen and toilet areas has been completed. Clerk said that some new Christmas decorations were required. These will be purchased. Cllr Charles will get in touch with the Tiler who will be giving a quote for the tiles in the foyer and kitchen.

Cllr Farr reported on a Planning Coach Trip Tour organised by Winchester City Council. She visited many planning sites including the Old Fire Station in Winchester and developments in Colden Common and Wickham.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th September, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 7 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also present to give a Report on the School.

Apologies were received from Cllr Charles and Cllr Delmege.

Clerk reported that Playdale are not able to carry out drainage work in The Sawmills play area. Other Play Companies will be approached.

The flooding in Durley is still a major concern and CC Humby has been working with HCC Highways to put in prevention measures. The ditch alongside Stapleford Lane has been dug and a pipe under the main road will be put in shortly. Some residents have put in flood defences into their property and Durley Primary School are also taking additional measures. Flooding in Parsonage Lane is also an ongoing problem and HCC will be asked if there is anything else that could be done in this location.

The fly-tipping in the buffer area in The Sawmills has been removed after a letter was written to the resident who dumped the rubbish stating that if it was not removed within 7 days then the Parish Council would remove it and send them the bill. It is hoped that residents and people travelling through Durley will get the message that we do not wish to see fly-tipping in Durley. There have been many instances of fly-tipping over the past few months and so it was agreed that CCTV signs will be put up in the fly-tipping hot spots in Durley to try and deter any fly-tipping. As fly-tipping is a big problem in Durley at the moment residents are urged to report any tipping they see on the Winchester City Council website via the Fly-tipping Report link.

The Grant has now been obtained for the HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme so Durley will be able to use this Grant towards keeping some of the footpaths clear.

The brick wall outside of Priory View has now been reinstated after being knocked down. WCC were thanked for their swift response.

Lorries are still travelling through Durley to get to local development sites at Boorley Green and Torbay Farm. The lorry movements will be kept monitored and the Clerk was asked to write to the Torbay Farm developers asking them to use an alternative route rather than going through Durley Street to Sciviers Lane. The main roads would be much more suitable for these larger lorries.

County Councillor Humby reported on the recent Consultation on the Waste Disposal Sites in Hampshire. All 24 sites will stay open at the moment, although their hours of opening will be reduced. CC Humby has held a Meeting with all relevant Authorities to try and produce a Fly Tipping Strategy which will mean that all Authorities will work together to try and resolve this huge problem in Hampshire. Residents present at the Meeting asked when the re-planting of trees was going to happen in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane after most were felled. CC Humby will find out.

Most residents who attended the Meeting were there to hear about fly-tipping, flooding and traffic issues. Two residents were concerned abou the speed of traffic travelling down Parsonage Lane and how danagerous it was trying to get in and out of driveways. Councillors agreed that it would help if the hedge alongside Parsonage Lane in between 1 Hazeldene and White Owl Cottage was cut lower so that sight-lines were better on the bend. Clerk was asked to write to the landowner. Two large mirrors have been placed on the Highways grass verge and complaints were received that they reflect the sun and car lights. This would be a Highways matter so they will be informed.

The External Audit Report was approved and completed. The Insurance for 2016-17 was approved.

Broadband speeds (or the lack of it) was discussed. Councillors agreed that the broadband in Durley appears to have got worse – the speeds are lower and the internet dips in and out frequently. The Clerk suggested trying to get a picture of the broadband speeds which are achieved in Durley and broadband providers. Councillors agreed that this would be useful information. Any residents who are able to provide the Clerk will their speed and provider via the Parish Council e-mail address are encouraged to do so. Clerk will also write to HCC and get an update of when Durley is going to get the faster broadband.

The Electoral Review of Hampshire was reported and it was noted that Durley will still be in the Bishops Ward.

Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) presented an update on the flooding at the School which happened in June. All of the carpets and flooring has had to be taken up and half of the furniture had to be replaced. More flood prevention measures have also taken place.

Many pot holes which were reported have now been filled in.

The Hall toilets have now been replaced and the quote was agreed for the repainting of the foyer, toilets and kitchen areas.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council


Since the Parish Council Meeting the Clerk has received several complaints about the slow broadband and one parishioner said that if there was enough interest then virgin media might be able to provide a cable for a faster service. To consider this option we need to show them our interest so if you would like to sign up to show your interest then please do so at cablemystreet.virginmedia.com

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 9th August, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. Cllr Charles Chaired the Meeting.

Apologies were received from Cllr Pitter, Cllr Burton and DC Mclean.

Clerk wrote to the Company suggested for the drainage work in the Play Area at The Sawmills and they do not wish to carry out the work so Playdale will be approached to see if they have a drainage section within their Company.

CC Humby has been working hard behind the scenes to try and resolve the flooding at Beech Corner. Finance has now been put in place for a pipe under the road at Beech Corner to take the volume of water down Stapleford Lane away from the properties via the ditch which is going to be reinstated by HCC Highways. Landowners will be written to because once the ditch has been reinstated by HCC it will be the landowner’s responsibility to keep it clear. It is hoped that the ditch work will be carried out during August. The flooding at Durley Primary School has also been looked at by HCC Highways to see what action can be taken. CC Humby reported that the brick wall will be reinstated and air vents covered up to try to stop water getting into the School. The brook will also be looked at to make sure that the flow is able to get away downstream.

Cllr Delmege has delivered some of the 30 mph wheely bin stickers, but has not visited all residents in Durley Brook Road yet. Clerk has received more stickers for any resident who would like them. Please telephone the Clerk on 01489 860236 or send an e-mail to durleypc@homecall.co.uk if you would like one for your bin.

The fly-tipping in the buffer area in The Sawmills has not been removed despite writing to all residents in The Sawmills, so Councillors agreed that a letter will be sent to the offender and ask them direct to remove it within 7 days or the Parish Council will remove it and send them the bill. It is not acceptable that the residents of Durley should pay for the fly-tipping to be removed. The majority of Durley residents keep Durley clean and tidy and take their rubbish to one of the local Waste Management Centres in Bishops Waltham or Fair Oak. We also have a fortnightly bin collection service in Durley for garden waste provided by WCC.

CC Humby updated Councillors on Enforcement Action at Church Copse in Greenwood Lane, flooding actions to be taken in Durley, HCC Contract renewal for pot hole repairs – which should be more efficient in the future as a new machine will be used. The Area Wide Traffic Survey is due to commence in September in Durley and then visit other areas.

DC Miller introduced himself to Councillors and as this was his first Meeting in Durley he informed Councillors of positions he holds at WCC. Cllr Charles welcomed him to Durley and said that we were looking forward to working with him over the coming months.

The Agreement and Deed of Grant was signed at the Meeting for The Sawmills. This is in preparation for the handing over of the highways section of the road, but an Agreement was required to enable Southern Water to access the drainage under the road in the future.

Durley Parish Council has agreed to be a Lead Parish for the HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme. Upham Parish Council will also join the Scheme. This will mean that both parishes will be allocated a Grant of £1,000 to spend on the maintenance of some of the parish footpaths. The landowner is still responsible for some of the maintenance, and HCC will do some maintenance, but if the footpath becomes blocked or a problem then the Parish Council will be able to clear it. The Groundsman which the Parish Council uses for The Sawmills will be asked if he would be willing to clear the footpaths as and when required.

Councillors agreed a response to the Public Consultation on the structure of local government in Hampshire. After reading through the Options it was agreed that Option D was the best solution. This would mean that there would be a County Unitary Authority incorporating HCC and the existing District Councils. Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight would remain as they are at present. If residents wish to give their views then they can complete a Consultation Form on the HCC website.

The brick wall outside of Priory View will be reinstated after being knocked down.

There appears to be a large amount of lorries going through Durley to and from the new development at Boorley Green. Lorries should not be using the route through Durley and Cllr Charles said that he is happy to report any lorries to the Transport Manager at Boorley Green. Vehicle times, registration numbers etc. would need to be logged so that they can be reported. Any residents seeing lorries of this nature should report them via e-mail to the Parish Council so that they can be reported.

A Hall Management Meeting was held on 8th August and discussions took place on the Hall foyer refurbishment, the deep clean of the toilet areas, the under stage area and the Hall car park. It was also agreed that some of the charges will need to be increased on 1st January, 2017 to cover the additional heating costs.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council


Junior Soapbox – Durley Parish Council would like to remind residents that there are 2 dog/rubbish bins in Durley – one at The Sawmills and one in the Recreation Ground Car Park which are emptied each week by WCC. Both are well used by dog walkers. However, some dog walkers are still acting irresponsible and leave their dog poo bags on the sides of the lanes or do not pick up after their dog at all. We do ask that all dog owners pick up after their dog, especially when at the Recreation Ground and other public places. It is not a pleasant task for anyone to have to pick up dog fouling when the owner has been irresponsible. If one of these bins are not near where you walk with your dog then please take your bags home with you and dispose of them in your bin.