Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 12th December, 2017 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins were present, along with 2 parishioners.
Apologies were received from Cllr Pitter, County Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller.
The Clerk reported that the consultation period is now over for the double yellow lines in the village and it is hoped that the scheme will now be signed off. DC Miller will be asked for an update.
The Community Payback Volunteers are painting the inside and outside of the Pavilion, along with the play equipment at the Recreation Ground. Playdale have replaced the swings and chains, along with other peices of equipment at The Sawmills play area. The wet pour surfacing under the roundabout has also been replaced.
Councillors visited the buffer areas around the Sawmills development and had concerns about some encroachment issues. Councillors agreed that there is no access into the buffer areas for residents so any issues will be brought to the attention of those residents affected.
Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended a 6 hour Meeting to hear discussion about the Eastleigh Borough Local Plan at the Ageas Bowl. They reported that the Meeting finished at 1.00 a.m. with the decision being taken to put forward the plans with Options B and C being the better Options for development. Councillors were concerned about the way in which the Options would be submitted to the Inspector without the evidence required to make a sound Plan. Cllr Pitter and the Clerk have a Meeting in mid-January with George Hollingbery and other local parish councils to discuss the next step we could take.
Councillors looked at a quote for a traffic count to be carried out in Durley with a set of tubes for a week’s data. Cllr Delmege is finding out more information about a temporary scheme which is free to use before Councillors make a decision.
The Website designer is working with the Clerk to put additional links onto the Parish Council part of the village website. Some information has been uploaded, but some links are not live yet. Once it is set up the Clerk will circulate to Parish Councillors and then it will go live.
Cllr Charles attended the Teenage Drop-in Centre AGM to represent Durley Parish Council. He said that the Doctor who started the service has received an MBE for all her hard work.
A Meeting has been arranged with the School Governors, Parish Councillors, Rob Humby and Andy Smith (HCC Highways) to discuss the flashing signs, speed signs and proposed school crossing near Durley Primary School in the New Year.
A Notice was received of an Uncontested Election for Thursday 4th January, 2018. Clerk reported that Mrs Karen Clegg was the only applicant so she was duly elected as a Parish Councillor for Durley. Councillors will welcome Mrs Clegg to their January Meeting. Clerk has written to Mrs Clegg congratulating her on becoming our next Parish Councillor and informing her of the Meeting.
The Dog Warden from WCC has visited Durley and said that there was some dog fouling at the Recreation Ground, but he did not see anyone with a dog off a lead that was not picking up after their dog. He will make further visits to Durley in the future.
Councillors signed cheques for payment as presented by the Clerk. The Parish Precept for 2018/19 was agreed. The costings for the Uncontested Election are not known yet, but it will be a lower charge than if it was an Election.
Cllr Watts reported that the main message from the Police was for residents to keep vigilant, especially at this time of year. There has been some thefts from vehicles in the surrounding parishes.
Cllr Pitter has been reporting pot holes around the village, although many which have previously been reported have been repaired.
Cllr Smith reported on the recent Hall Management Meeting. The items discussed were the foyer mat will be pressure washed, replacement panels under the sinks in the toilets, CPBS volunteers will tidy up the Hall car park, the under-stage and on-stage areas will be cleared out, the kitchen cupboards will be sorted and the main Hall floor will be replaced. Cllr Charles is getting more quotes for the Committee Room window and the Hall floor. Clerk updated the Hall Risk Assessment. Neil Ellen is looking at replacing the Hall lights with LED lights which should save money on electricity if fitted.
At the end of the Meeting the Chairman wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.
Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council