6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, Cllr Read (WCC) along with 7 parishioners.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and PCSO Nolan.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest.



(a) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Cllr Humby had no update from the previous Meeting.

(b) Report on Highways Meeting held on 15.6.15 with Andy Smith. Parish Councillors and CC Humby had discussed with Andy the problems with speeding vehicles and large hgv vehicles travelling through the village. Andy explained the procedure that has to be followed to get a weight restriction. He did agree that the signs could be updated at the entrances to the main road to include “ignore Sat navs” as well as “unsuitable for hgvs”. It is hopeful that a Traffic survey/count will be carried out within the area.

(c) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk has asked for advice from Patrick Aust (WCC). It is hoped that a reply will be received shortly. Clerk will arrange a Meeting if possible.

(d) Dumped rubbish in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane update. Cllr M Read from WCC attended the Meeting and answered questions regarding this issue from residents. Residents were in attendance who are regularly monitoring the situation and sending photographs of the fly-tipping and fires which have been lit to burn the rubbish. The Fire Brigade has also had to be called out as the fire was getting out of control. This is an unacceptable situation and Cllr Read offered to follow these complaints up when returned to Winchester. Cllr Read said that there were 8 outstanding Enforcement cases in Durley and he will send them onto the Clerk. Cllr Read was thanked for attending the Meeting.

(e) Report on Parish Council Forum in Winchester held on 24.6.15. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended this Forum. The first part of the Forum was listening to WCC Planning Officers detailing how they deal with Planning applications and that they are now meeting their targets and have a full complement of staff. The second half was on enforcement and exercises were given to members attending to see which examples were planning related and which were not.

(f) Report on Sharing Parishes Meeting held on 6.7.15. This Meeting was attended by Cllr Charles and the Clerk and the main topic of discussion was the affiliation to NALC as HALC is asking Parish Councils if they would like to continue to be affiliated to NALC. The local Parish Councils attending were very cautious and felt that they needed much more information from HALC as to their reasons why they considered not affiliating to NALC, and would they be able to provide the back-up that we would require if we did not affiliate to NALC.

(g) Clerk to report on Transparency Code Seminar held on 6.7.15. Clerk attended this Seminar in Eastleigh and it was all about being transparent which we already do. The updating of the website is important, but as this will be discussed along with other items from the Parish Plan Parish Councillors agreed to leave this for the Parish Plan Team at the moment.

(h) Report on Public Parish Plan Meeting held on 25.6.15. This was very well attended and an Action Plan will now be drawn up of all the issues raised in the Plan for consideration by the Group at their next Meeting on 18th August.

(i) As Cllr Delmege was in attendance and welcomed to the Council, he was asked if he would be willing to act as a Footpaths Officer along with Cllr Smith. Cllr Delmege was happy to fulfil this role. Clerk will try and get the Footpaths Map from John Drake so that this can be passed onto Cllr Delmege.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby said that Burton Properties are going to gift £7,500 to Durley Primary School from the development at Torbay Farm in Upham. This money will be used towards the lay-by renovations to ease the School parking problems. It was agreed that the Parish Council should see a copy of the plans before work commences to keep Durley residents informed.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Ruffell reported that new Council houses are being built in the Winchester District, and a Satisfaction Survey from Council home tenants was also read out. He has been invited on a tour of the Boom Town in August. A Community Cooking Skills Course for the male over 55’s is available. The North Whiteley Development Meeting will be on 30th July. Rob Heathcote is happy to come along to a Recycling Meeting with local Parish Councils. Clerk will confirm date when she has had a response from other parishes.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Some members of the public were residents of Greenwood Lane and were able to listen to Cllr Read speaking about enforcement action at Church Copse. They were also able to ask questions to him, which were answered. One resident asked about parking in The Sawmills. Councillors explained that they have tried to resolve the issue, but it is difficult as the road has not yet been adopted. Clerk will chase up the children playing sign which was ordered some time ago, although she did think that it had already been put up. DC Ruffell will also follow up with WCC. Other residents were at the Meeting to ask about the progress of the allotments in Durley. This item will be dealt with by the Parish Plan Team who will be drawing up an Action Plan at their next Meeting.


(a) Footpath complaints received. Clerk received some complaints from walkers about some footpaths which are blocked. Cllr Smith has reported these to the Rights of Way Officer.

(b) Auto-enrolment Pension Scheme advice. Clerk has received confirmation that the HCC Pension Scheme is a valid scheme for Auto-enrolment. Councillors were happy to continue to be part of this Scheme and continue as at present.

(c) Electoral Review of Winchester – Final recommendations. The recommendations have been changed so that Durley will now be in with just Bishops Waltham, excluding Upham. This Ward will be the Bishops Waltham Ward.

(d) Churchyard maintenance donation for 2015. Councillors agreed that we should pay a donation of £200 as last year. Cllr Farr proposed the £200 and Cllr Pitter seconded the proposal. All Councillors were in agreement.

(e) Boorley Green development Exhibition comments. Clerk had visited the Exhibition and showed Councillors the booklet she had received detailing the Exhibition. It was a detailed plan of where the housing, open space, school etc. would be.

(f) WCC High Quality Places Supplementary Planning Document – Adoption Statement. This was forwarded to Councillors and noted.

(g) WCC – Parish Connect – sent via e-mail and was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported on the PACT Meeting held on 10.6.15. She had asked about the timing of the speed camera as it appeared to be when the School cars were parking in the side of the road which does naturally slow the traffic down. A summary of when and the time of speed checks will be sent to Cllr Watts when it is available. The dead dog/deers which have been left by the bottle banks at the Hall were also reported at the Meeting.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that some pot holes have now been filled in and others have been marked ready to be filled. Cllr Charles said that there was a large pot hole in Chancellors Lane just after the bridge. Cllr Farr will report this. Cllr Pitter said that from 1.9.15 Brijan buses will cease, but another Company will be taking over the routes. They will also be continuing with the Wyvern School run.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. The Clerk confirmed that the new signatories are now authorised to sign cheques.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles will chase the quotes. Quote for cctv at Hall. The price quoted was £1600. Councillors agreed that it was necessary and agreed that this was a good quote. Clerk will go ahead and order after putting in for a County Councillor Grant towards the cost. Report on Hall Meeting held on 1.7.15. Clerk gave a Report on the actions from the Meeting. Guttering outside of Hall has been completed. Plumbing work in toilets and deep clean quotes. Prices were given by Pete Cole and it was agreed that the ladies toilet basin should be replaced and the boiler should be repaired with a new valve. Cllr Charles felt that the replacement taps were expensive and offered to look at alternative prices. Clerk will find out prices for the urinal “eye” and a deep clean of the toilets.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that everything was satisfactory at the moment. The cradle swing with right length chains has been received and will be put up this week. Air vents in Pavilion will be considered by Colin Watts, Cllr Charles and the Clerk and a viewing will take place on Thursday evening to see the best solution to the problem. Guttering will be put up when Cllr Charles and Peter are able to do the work. The woodland area at the Sawmills will also be checked and the fencing reinstated which was broken.


15/00321/LDC. Mrs J Hammal. Use of land for the staioning of a mobile home for residential use (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Cracklewood, Gregory Lane, Durley. REFUSED.

15/00431/LDP. Mr and Mrs R Reeves and Mr and Mrs Reeves (Snr). Siting a mobile home/family annexe incidental to main dwelling (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. GRANTED.

15/00694/FUL. Mr M Curl and Ms V Gillies. Two storey rear extension and single storey side and rear extensions with open porch. 2 Ivanhoe Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

15/00752/FUL. Mr and Mrs Chalk. Proposed replacement of part of existing conservatory with rear extension. The Forge, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

15/01119/NMA. Mrs Clara Wakeford. Amendments to planning permission 13/02613/FUL. Little Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. REJECT.

15/00945/FUL. Mr and Mrs B Smith. Two storey extension and alterations/extension of existing garage to provide first floor accommodation over (PART RETROSPECTIVE). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

15/00996/PNACOU. Mr J Barker. Change of use from agricultural building to dwelling (C3). Hill Farm, Netherhill Lane, Botley. Prior Approval REFUSED.

15/01177/TPO. Mr Saint. Tree works on oak tree. Swiss Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

15/01376/FUL. Mr C Acton. Proposed carport and store following demolition of out buildings. 1 Mincingfield Terrace, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

9.30 p.m.


5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and 2 parishioners were present.

Cllr Delmege was co-opted onto the Parish Council, but was unable to attend due to a long-standing holiday commitment. He has signed the relevant Declaration of Interest Forms and Acceptance of Office Forms and given them to the Clerk.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Pitter, Cllr Delmege, District Councillor Ruffell and PCSO Nolan.




(a) Durley Parish Plan Report has been delivered to all households in Durley. A Public Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th June at 7.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. All residents are invited to attend.

(b) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Cllr Humby reported that he is going to have a meeting with BT to find out the latest situation.

(c) Traffic Survey – Cllr Humby suggested that this issue be raised at the Highways Meeting with HCC on Monday 15th June. This was agreed.

(d) Highways Meeting – 15.6.15 at 4.00 p.m. The Meeting will be with HCC Highways and the Parish Council to discuss the long-standing issue of having an hgv ban through Durley which was requested some years ago.

(e) Drainage at The Sawmills. The Green area and play area need to be viewed so that we can see what drainage requirement is needed. Clerk will ask Dave Rappini to meet with Councillors so that he can inform us of the problems on the Green. A Meeting will be arranged to view the situation in more detail.

(f) Report on Consultation at Moorgreen Hospital – future facilities. Clerk attended the Consultation and said that although Moorgreen is right on our parish boundary it would provide medical facilities for this area and that the Consultation process will be covering a larger area in the next phase of the Consultation. Various Clinics were suggested to save patients having to go to Hospitals for check-ups/monitoring etc.

(g) Dumped rubbish in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane update. Clerk said that she has been receiving regular e-mails from residents in Greenwood Lane and WCC Enforcement Officers to try and get the dumped rubbish removed. This is a very frustrating problem and CC Humby has been working hard to try and get advice. George Hollingbery MP is also involved. CC Humby reported that WCC and HCC are working together and Chris Murray (Head of Strategic Planning, HCC) and Simon Finch (Head of Planning, WCC) are both aware of the situation. A Section 215 may be served on the owner if the rubbish is not removed. CC Humby will keep us informed of any progress and actions which are taken.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he has now been given the post of Leader of Rural Affairs which involves many aspects, including health, rural broadband, rural isolation and other issues which affect the rural areas. CC Humby also said that there looks as if there has been an agreement towards a donation for Durley Primary School from the Torbay Farm developers towards the school lay-by.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. DC Humby had nothing more to report.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Residents present were all there to see what can be done to get the rubbish taken away from Church Copse and what further action can be taken by HCC/WCC.


(a) E-mails regarding dumping of rubbish at Church Copse. This has been covered in item 7 above.

(b) Electoral Review of Hampshire County Council. Councillors agreed that the County Councillor we have to cover this large area is to remain unchanged because a larger area would be too large for one Councillor to cover properly. It was also agreed that Upham, Durley and Bishops Waltham should continue to stay in the same Division. Clerk will respond accordingly.

(c) Consultation on future Affiliation to NALC. Clerk said that other Parish Councils were concerned about this and agreed that a Meeting with local Parish Councils would be useful. BW are going to set up a Meeting with the Shared Parishes Group.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was received.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts is attending a PACT Meeting tomorrow evening so no Report was available for this Meeting. Clerk said that she had received another report of a dead dog being placed in a bag in the Hall car park. She had telephoned the Police as this is the second incident of this kind. Both dogs had been cut open and their heads had been taken off. Councillors agreed that a note should go into the Parish Report so that residents are aware that this is happening and report any suspicious activity to the Police or Parish Council. It was also agreed that a camera should be fitted if possible. Clerk will find out prices and see if any grants are available.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr said that there was nothing to report this month. Cllr Pitter has sent photographs of pot holes in Mincingfield Lane and Manor Road to HCC for action.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles has been on holiday so no further quotes have been received. Hall ceiling tile – this will be put up tomorrow. Guttering outside of the Hall – the remainder of the guttering will be put up as soon as possible. The Disclaimer Notice for the cycle racks has been put up by Cllr Pitter. Cllr Smith said that the Tea Dancing were happy with the trial line markings on the Hall floor for the short mat tennis. Councillors agreed that as the short mat tennis is popular and the lines do not cause any problems then the markings can be put on the floor.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Clerk said that the cradle swing chains are to be replaced as the chains are too short. Clerk has been in touch with the supplier and they are going to change the chains over. The Lock-up has been tidied up and the old items have been removed. Cllr Charles will look at where the proposed air vents are required in the Pavilion and these will be installed.


15/00945/FUL. Mr B Smith. Two storey extension and alterations/extension of existing garage to provide first floor accommodation over (PART RETROSPECTIVE). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment should be made that this development is now getting to be over-development of the original site.

15/00342/FUL. Mr C Page. Erection of 1 no. five bedroom detached dwelling. Land to the east of Maybank Cottage, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. WITHDRAWN.

15/00412/FUL. Mr D Hammal. Conversion of former dairy building to ancillary residential annexe. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. REFUSED.

15/01177/TPO. Mr Saint. 1 no oak to re-pollard the limbs a further 500mm beyond the current pollard knuckles toward the stem of the tree, reshape and balance the crown, removed the partially failed primary limb, south east that overhangs the property towards the building, reduce the primary limb to relieve the lever arm pressure at the stem by appox. 2m, remove ivy from the stem and within the crown. Swiss Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application and would leave the decision to the Tree Officer at HCC.

14/01842/FUL. Mr Chandler. Demolition of existing store and erection of 1 no. two bedroom bungalow with detached single garage and 14 no. solar panels. Land adjacent to Rodlands, Durley Street, Durley. THIS APPLICATION HAS NOW GONE TO APPEAL.



As this is a new Term of Office newly Elected Parish Councillors were introduced and signed the new Declaration of Office Forms and Register of Members’ Interest Forms.

5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 1 parishioner were present.


Chairman – Cllr Pitter proposed Cllr Charles. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Charles was duly Elected.
Vice Chairman – Cllr Pitter proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Watts was duly Elected.
Hall Management Committee Chairman – Cllr Burton proposed Cllr Smith. Cllr Farr seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Smith was duly Elected.
Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Smith proposed Cllr Pitter. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.
Highways Officer – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Farr. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Farr was duly Elected.
Footpaths Officer – Cllr Burton proposed Cllr Smith along with another Councillor. Cllr Farr seconded this proposal and Cllr Smith was duly Elected. Councillors agreed that perhaps the new co-opted Parish Councillor might be able to be the other Footpaths Officer.
Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Pitter proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal. Cllr Watts was duly Elected.
Transport Representative – Cllr Burton proposed Cllr Pitter. Cllr Farr seconded this proposal and Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator – Councillors agreed to leave this post for the moment until we have more information from the next PACT Meeting.

2. CO-OPTION OF ADDITIONAL PARISH COUNCILLOR. There were two candidates who applied to become Parish Councillors – Vivien Bartlett and Steve Delmege. Both had written a short piece about themselves. Councillors agreed unanimously to ask Steve Delmege onto the Parish Council. Both candidates were very good and it was disappointing that we could not appoint both. Clerk will inform Steve Delmege that he has been successful and invited him to the next Meeting. Clerk will also write to Vivien Bartlett and thank her for her interest, but unfortunately although she was unsuccessful on this occasion we hope that she will still apply if there are future vacancies.

3. Congratulate District Councillor Humby on his re-election and welcome him to the Meeting. Unfortunately DC Humby was not able to attend as he had a full Council Meeting in Winchester. A letter of congratulations will be sent to him.

4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were given by Cllr Charles who was on holiday. Both DC Humby and DC Ruffell were at full Council Meetings in Winchester and were unable to attend.

5. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.

6. ADOPT THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS. These were adopted as previously with the safe custody arrangements amended as agreed by Councillors.



(a) Durley Parish Plan update. The Report is to be printed at the end of May and circulated to residents at the beginning of June. The Public Meeting will be on Thursday 25th June and will be advertised within the village and on the website. Cllr Burton showed Parish Councillors the poster that will be put up and circulated.

(b) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Cllr Humby. There was no update.

(c) Open Spaces Fund has been claimed for the cycle rack & swings. The claim has been put in. Cllr Pitter will obtain a disclaimer to put up above the rack.

(d) Traffic Survey – Cllr Humby to report from HCC. No further update.

(e) HGV Highways Meeting with HCC – Monday 15th June at 4.00 p.m. This has been confirmed and it is hoped that all Parish Councillors will be able to attend.

(f) Any issues raised from the Annual Parish Assembly which need attention. There were no issues raised that will not be dealt with at another Meeting.

(g) Drainage in the Sawmills Green and Play Area. Clerk will get advice and someone to look at the area which needs attention.

9. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available.

10. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. There was no Report available.

11. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present who wished to bring anything to our attention.


(a) Update on litter picking by WCC. Clerk read out update from WCC.

(b) Play area Inspection Reports. Cllr Watts will look at the Report and Peter will be asked to do any minor problems.

(c) Letter from Steven Lugg re affiliation to NALC. Councillors agreed that they could not understand why we would wish to not be affiliated to NALC. It was felt that it might be best to have a Meeting with some other local Councils to see what their views are.

(d) Councillor Training – Wednesday 3rd June. Steve Delmege will be asked if he would like to attend.

(e) Moorgreen Hospital – Drop in to give views on services on 28th May between 5.00 – 6.45 pm. Councillor made a note of the date and will try and attend.

(f) E-mail from resident showing photographs of dumped rubbish at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane where there is an unauthorised entrance. This was noted and Councillors agreed that this is a problem due to the entrance being put there.

(g) Resolution from HALC to NALC regarding faster broadband proposals to ask that new houses have the infrastructure for faster broadband and VAT should be zero rated on community broadband enabling projects.

13. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

14. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Although there was no Report Cllr Watts will attend the next PACT Meeting on 10th June. Cllr Watts will also ask why the speed van is always sited outside of the School during School times when the traffic is slower, as this does not give a true reflection of the traffic speed during the rest of the day/night.

15. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr said that pot holes in Gregory Lane, Heathen Street and Manor Road will be reported. The Clerk also said that the telephone cables are still exposed at the side of the road in Mincingfield Lane. Cllr Pitter offered to take photographs of the pot holes and cables to help HCC locate the problems.

16. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Chairman and Clerk to sign the Annual Return for 2015. Councillors agreed that the Accounting Statements for 2014/15 and Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 should be signed as correct. The Chairman and the Clerk then signed the Annual Return ready to be sent off to the External Auditor.

17. HALL: Hall sign has been re-varnished and the ceiling tile has been replaced, although another ceiling tile has been broken and needs to be replaced. Cllr Smith said that the Hall floor was uneven again in one area. Dave Farr will be asked for his advice. A dead dog was found in a carrier bag in the Hall car park which has been disposed of, but will be reported to the Police.

18. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report. Swing seats and chains have been hung, but the cradle swing chains are too short and Clerk has sent a photograph to the company to see if they can send out longer chains. Tidy up of contents in lock-up – DFC have thrown out items which are no longer required. Chairs and tables will be kept and some other items will be tidied up shortly before the Church Fete. Cllr Watts asked if tree branches over-hanging the lock-up/Pavilion could be cut back. Peter will be asked to do this. DFC have re-seeded the pitch and do not wish the pitch to be cut for 2 weeks. Clerk will inform OCS so that they do not visit and cut the grass. The air vents in the showers will be looked at during the summer break. The stile also needs a new wooden step so Peter will be asked to renew it.


15/00752/FUL. Mr A Chalk. Proposed replacement of part of existing conservatory with rear extension. The Forge, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

15/00468/FUL. Mr D Scivier. Extension to and conversion of existing detached outbuilding. Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. REFUSED.

O/14/75735 – Chalcroft Farm and land west of Horton Heath, Burnetts Lane, Eastleigh. This was noted.

15/00996/PNACOU. Mr Barker. Change of use from agricultural building to dwelling (C3). Hill Farm, Netherhill Lane, Botley. Councillor had no comments to make on this application and agreed to leave it to the Planning Officers.

It was brought to the attention of Councillors that Brownheath Park were advertising livery spaces and the planning consent was agreed for the owners own personal use not as a commercial business. This was originally a concern as the large vehicles using the country lanes would not be acceptable. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask the Enforcement Officer to investigate.



5 Parish Councillors along with the Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins were present. Kirstie Baines was also in attendance to give a School Report.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Burton,
County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Ruffell.

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Durley Parish Plan update. Cllr Charles reported that the Report is nearly completed and will be printed soon. A Public Meeting has been arranged for Thursday 25th June, 2015 at 7.30 p.m. at Durley Memorial Hall. The Report will be delivered to every household in Durley before the Public Meeting.

(b) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School. Cllr Charles said that he will speak to the owners of Quob Stables hopefully this week. The gate at the top of the footpath opposite the Church has been repaired. A letter of thanks will go to Rob Marsh for carrying out this work.

(c) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Cllr Humby will update everyone at the Annual Parish Assembly which is being held this evening at 8.00 p.m.

(d) Durley litter pick response. Clerk has had one response and Councillors agreed that a reply should be sent thanking her for her offer and explain that WCC are not encouraging litter picks due to health and safety regulations. However, if she is able to pick up litter when she is out and about in the village this would be appreciated, although it would have to be her decision and responsibility.

(e) Open Spaces Fund – cycle rack outside of Hall. Clerk reported that WCC have agreed that the remainder of the Open Spaces Fund held for Durley would be released towards the cycle rack outside of the Hall, along with the swings and chains for the Recreation Ground play area. The cycle rack has arrived and Cllr Pitter and Cllr Charles will fit it outside of the Hall.

(f) Traffic Survey – Cllr Humby to report from HCC. Cllr Humby was not present at the Meeting to report.

(g) Report from Cllr Pitter and Cllr Charles on Parish Council Forum with HCC sharing the future of Economy, Transport and Environment Services held on 26th March at Winchester. The Report was read out to Councillors and is attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report given as a full Report
will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly which will follow this Meeting.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. No Reports given as full Reports will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly.

of the public were present so no issues were raised.


(a) Deed of Dedication for land at the Sawmills. The highways land was agreed and has been signed by the Chairman. Clerk has returned the Deed back to the Solicitors.

(b) Press release from CC Humby regarding faster broadband. Clerk read out the Press release stating that although he has attended a Meeting with Bill Murphy the Managing Director of Next Generation Access at BT Group in Winchester he would still like to see BT go further and know how the remaining phases of the superfast roll-out would be delivered.

(c) E-mail from HCC regarding HGV ban through Durley. Cllr Charles spoke to
HCC regarding the HGV ban through Durley at the Meeting that he attended on 26th March and Adrian Gray, Head of Highways (Traffic Manager) is going to look into the request and respond back to the Parish Council.

(d) HPFA subs due. Councillors agreed that the £40.00 should be paid. All Councillors were in agreement.

(e) Grass mowing on The Sawmills Green and drainage. Clerk said that D Rappini
is happy to continue cutting the grass at The Sawmills Green for the same price as this year. However, he did say that drainage work may need to be considered in the future as it is very wet in some places. Councillors agreed to meet with Dave and see what can be done to ease the problem.

(f) HALC subs due. Clerk read out the subs due and Councillors agreed that it was a large amount to pay for a smaller Parish Council, especially when you include the HR additional fee of £120. Clerk will pay the subs and ask if a reduced rate could be considered for smaller Parish Councils for the HR fees.

(g) Open Spaces Fund for swings and bike hoops approved. The Grant will be paid once both invoices have been paid.

(h) Clerk said that David Poole’s Memorial Service was to be held on Wednesday 13th May at 2.30 p.m. in Durley Church. David was a former Parish Councillor and Chairman for many years.

(i) Clerk reported that Durley would have an uncontested Election as 6 nominations were received for the 7 vacancies. Clerk will advertise to co-opt an additional Parish Councillor. An e-mail has been received from Vivien Bartlett who has just moved into the village stating that she would like to be considered. Clerk will ask her for more details and she will be considered with any other candidates at the next Meeting.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines was present and gave a detailed School Report which is attached as Appendix 3. The main areas on the Report are the Memorial area opposite the School, the footpaths used to walk to School, installation of flood barriers, pupil numbers and the road widening for car parking outside of the School.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was no Report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr said that she would give a Report at the Annual Parish Assembly.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors to agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Shown as Appendix 2.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles said that he has 2 quotes and will get a 3rd shortly. Hall ceiling has been repaired, although one more tile has been broken. Councillors thanked Cllr Charles, Frank Holttum and Peter for repairing the ceiling. The guttering was also replaced outside of the Hall at the same time so that use was made of the tower which was used for the ceiling. The Hall sign which is over the foyer door has been re-varnished by Dave Farr and will be put up again soon.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts had no issues to report. Swing seats and chains have been ordered. Tidy up of contents in lock-up. An offer has been made to help sort out the lock-up. Councillors agreed that some of the contents could be disposed of and agreed that we would arrange a tidy up after the football matches have been completed and before the Church Fete.


15/00342/FUL. Mr C Page. Erection of 1 no. five bedroom detached dwelling. Land to the East of Maybank, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors were concerned that after informing the Planning Officers there is still no orange notice outside of the property so some residents are not aware that there is a Planning Application being applied for. Councillors agreed that this development is not within the development area of Durley and there is no justification for an additional development in the countryside. It would also set a precedent if approved, for anyone who purchases a small parcel of land in the village, as they would also expect to build a new home. Councillors agreed that an objection would be made, and perhaps the application should be deferred so that an orange notice could be put up.

15/00468/FUL. Mr D Scivier. Extension to and conversion of existing detached outbuilding. Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that this building has been there a long time and would have no detrimental impact on Sciviers Lane if it was converted into living accommodation, therefore no comments would be made.

15/00103/FUL. Mr. R. Webb. First floor side extension. 9 Mill Way, Parsonage Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

13/02670/FUL. Mr C White. Change of use of redundant barn to office use (b1a) with ancillary storage, associated landscaping, parking and access arrangements. The Barn, Church Lane, Durley. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN.

15/00180/FUL. Mr. P. Collins. Single storey side and rear extension and detached double garage. Homefield, Kytes Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

0/15/75953 land at Hedge End North, Winchester Road, Botley. Clerk said that a Non/Technical Summary is free of charge on the internet, but the Environmental Statement is available at a cost if we wished to purchase it. Clerk said that after enquiries the Environmental Statement is huge and fills an A3 archive box. Councillors agreed that they would view on-line.

15/00694/FUL. Mr Curl and Ms Gillies. Two storey rear extension and single storey side and rear extensions with open porch. 2 Ivanhoe Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made on this application.



The Chairman, Cllr Charles welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting and then introduced Councillors to members of the public present.

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Burton and District Councillor Ruffell.

2. The Chairman presided over a Meeting of 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, Mrs A Collins (Clerk), PCSO McCulloch and 9 parishioners.

3. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly (8.4.14) were read, confirmed and signed.

4. Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

5. Chairman’s Report – Councillor Sam Charles gave a Report giving details of all the Parish Council activities throughout the year. This included the planting of the commemorative poppies around the village, a community defibrillator which has been sited outside of Durley Memorial Hall for use in an emergency, various planning issues and legal battles, and working alongside residents on a variety of issues which concern them. The Parish Lengthsman has been a great asset to Durley on his half day every week, and various officers were thanked for all their hard work over the past year. PCSO Sarah McCulloch has been with us for a short while and will now be joining a different beat. A Tithe Map has been donated to the parish and is hung in the Hall from Gwen Houghton. School parking and a faster broadband service as well as an HGV ban through Durley are issues which continue to be pursued.

6. Financial Report – Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins. A detailed Report was given regarding the
Income and Expenditure for the year. A detailed set of Accounts is attached as
Appendix 1.

7. Highways Report – Councillor Mrs Sue Farr said that many pot holes have been filled during the year, emergency arboricultural works were carried out in lanes to clear blockages caused by fallen trees, jetting of drains and gullies has been carried out and the drainage outside of Rodlands on the junction has been greatly helped by the landowner clearing his ditch. Signing and lining has taken place, a fence outside of Durley Primary School has been replaced and other drainage work has been carried out when required.

8. Hall Report – Chairman of Hall Committee, Cllr Marie Smith. Cllr Smith reported that
the Hall is well used and has gradually been updated. New guttering has been placed on the front of the building and the Memorial Hall sign is being re-varnished. Quotes are being sought for the re-tiling of the Hall foyer. Cycle hoops are going to be installed under the fire exit so that bike riders are able to leave their bikes safely. A new hot cupboard has been placed in the kitchen for keeping plates warm, which is regularly used by Lunch Club and other hirers. A hot water machine for hot drinks has been installed in the kitchen. Cllr Smith then thanked John the Caretaker, Sam, Frank and Peter for all the maintenance work they carry out at the Hall and Anne for taking the bookings and keeping everything running smoothly.

9. County Councillor’s Report – County Councillor Humby. County Councillor Humby said that he has been working hard for the residents of Durley to give help and support where he can on various issues. His full Report is attached as Appendix 2

10. District Councillors’ Report – District Councillors Humby and Ruffell. District Councillor Humby included District Council matters in his Report shown as Appendix 2.

11. Police Representative’s Report – PCSO McCulloch was present at the Meeting and said that she has enjoyed working on the Durley beat, but has now moved to the Bishops Waltham/Swanmore/Soberton/Newtown beat and PCSO Richard Nolan has now taken over Durley. Sarah mentioned that Durley has a very low crime rate and then went on to inform residents and Councillors of police initiatives which are happening at the moment. Cllr Charles thanked Sarah for all the work that she has done in Durley.

12. Update and progress of the Durley Parish Plan – Chairman of the Steering Group Sam
Charles. Sam said that the Group has been meeting regularly throughout the year and
is now ready to finalise the Report and then print it. It is anticipated that the Report will
be delivered to every household in Durley during May/June with a Public Meeting
planned for Thursday 25th June at 7.30 p.m. in Durley Memorial Hall.

13. Questions to Council Members:

A resident asked about allotments in Durley. The Clerk replied saying that a request
was made a few years ago and only 2 residents wanted allotments so it was not viable
to install a car park, put water on and do all the necessary work to provide some
allotments. Grants are available, but there would have to be interest over a number of
years to make it cost effective. The Parish Plan Questionnaire did ask about whether
residents would like allotments so this will be part of the Parish Plan Report. This can
be looked into again if there is more support than previously.

A resident wished to thank the Parish Council for all their tireless work on behalf of the
residents as sometimes it goes un-noticed all the hours that are spent working on
behalf of residents. He wanted to show his appreciation. Mrs Merritt from Durley
Lunch Club also thanked Councillors for the new hot cupboard which has been
installed in the Hall kitchen.

14. There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and
refreshments were then served. The Meeting concluded at 9.20 p.m.


4 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, Cllr Smith and District Councillor Ruffell. Councillors wished DC Ruffell a speedy recovery after a recent eye operation.

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. CC Humby said that now the shared catchment area had been decided it was agreed that the widening of the road outside of the School would go to the next Highways Workshop Meeting ready for implementation in the 2015/16 Budget.

(b) Durley Parish Plan update. There is a Meeting this Thursday to discuss the analysis and the start of the Report.

(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School. Clerk has written to Rob Marsh, but no response has been received yet. Cllr Charles has spoken to the owners of Quob Stables about the gate at the entrance, but again no response yet. Cllr Charles will chase.

(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley. CC Humby said that he will be able to give more information after a Meeting in March.

(f) Durley litter pick response. Clerk asked WCC for litter picks and black refuge sacks, but the response was not very positive as WCC do not encourage litter picks because of health and safety concerns. This was disappointing. Some parishioners have been seen picking up litter in their patch and Councillors hope that this will continue. Clerk has put in a request to EBC and WCC to carry out a litter pick along the main road through Durley.

(g) Open Spaces Fund – cycle rack outside of Hall. Cllr Pitter gave Councillors information about the price of cycle hoops that could be placed outside of Durley Memorial Hall. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea and agreed that 4 would be purchased to site under the fire escape. Cllr Pitter offered to install them. Clerk will respond to the original enquirer and say that we will be installing the hoops. A Grant will be applied for from the remainder of the Open Spaces Fund.

(h) Maps for School – Walk to School completed.

(i) Defibrillator training evening and publicity in Hampshire Chronicle. The training evening went well and Clerk has written and thanked Steve Cartwright for his help. A photograph and write up was put into the Hampshire Chronicle.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he had stepped down as Leader of WCC due to the recent Silver Hill Development ruling. He is still continuing as our District and County Councillor. Councillors expressed their thanks to CC Humby for all the hard work that he has carried out in Durley for the benefit of its residents. All other items reported on by CC Humby are mentioned under other paragraphs in these Minutes.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Ruffell was not able to attend the Meeting and DC Humby had nothing more to add so there was no District Councillor Report this month.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present to bring forward any items.


(a) Letter from HALC explaining what they do. This was noted.

(b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Draft Recommendations. A response has been sent to the Boundary Commission.

(c) Precept requirements. Clerk read out some of the other parish precept requirements as it outlined that our Precept was the lowest of the 4 surrounding rural parishes.

(d) Connecting communities on Streetlife. This was read out.

(e) Action Hampshire – HARAH Booklet. This was noted.

(f) Highways Maintenance Newsletter 2015. This has been sent via e-mail to Councillors.

(g) HCC Parish Event – Shaping the future of Economy, Transport & Environment
Services. Cllr Charles and Cllr Pitter will attend this event.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: A School representative was not present at the Meeting, but Kirstie did inform the Clerk that the flood barrier will hopefully be in place during the Easter time. A letter of response to the Winchester Road development was sent to the Council for their information.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Dead tree has been taken down in Woodland area at The Sawmills. Repairs to broken fence. Clerk reported that it is alleged that when the tree was taken down it damaged the top of the adjoining fence. The tree surgeon was not aware of this, but has as a good will gesture replaced the fence panel. The house owner is not happy as it looks a different colour. This is because it has not weathered yet. It is hoped that a resolution can be found which is agreeable to all parties. Councillors also noticed that a lot of signs in Durley have been vandalised. Clerk will report these to HCC Highways.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and Councillors signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment – Grant from CC Humby towards tiling. CC Humby was thanked for the Grant of £500. Cllr Charles is still waiting for further quotes. Hall ceiling. The older tiles were located under the stage, but broke up when trying to put them up. Some new tiles have now been purchased and Cllr Charles, Frank Holttum and Peter will put them up next Thursday replacing all the cracked tiles. The guttering will also be replaced shortly.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the swing chains and seats need replacing. Clerk will order these and if it is felt that they are a danger then the swings will be taken down until the chains and seats are replaced. Repairs are needed to the wood on the veranda and the drain pipe needs re-attaching. Peter will be asked to repair the veranda and Cllr Charles will look at the drain pipe when replacing the Hall guttering. Cllr Watts also said that the gang mowing had started and the grass was not long enough and therefore made marks on the pitch and brought up mud on the pitch. Clerk will make OCS aware of this. Clerk said that Peter is hoping to tidy up some of the overgrown hedge at the end of the Recreation Ground one Saturday and have a bonfire when there is no football game on.


15/00321/LDC. Mrs J Hammal. Use of land for the stationing of a mobile home for residential use (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Cracklewood, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the application is based on a mobile home that has been on site for a number of years being lived in and this is not the case. The old uninhabitable mobile home has been derelict for many years and has not been lived in for many years. No Councillors had ever heard of Cracklewood. Councillors were also concerned that if this application was approved it would set a precedent for other derelict mobile home owners in the area.

15/00180/FUL. Mr P Collins. Single storey side and rear extension and detached double garage. Homefield, Kytes Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

O/15/75953 Outline Planning permission for 680 dwellings and other associated planning on land at Hedge End North, Winchester Road, Botley from Durley Parish Council. Councillors agreed that an objection would be made on the same grounds as the applications for Boorley Green and Chalcroft developments as the infrastructure would not cope with all these major developments on our boundary. Clerk asked Councillors if it would be worth having a Traffic Survey done now, before all the developments happen in EBC. Councillors agreed that this would be useful as there is going to be so much increase in traffic if all the recent Planning Applications are approved. CC Humby will follow this up and see if a Traffic Survey is possible.

15/00412/FUL. Mr D Hammal. Conversion of former dairy building to ancillary residential annexe. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application, and agreed that this Farm was no longer used as a dairy.

15/00431/LDC. Mr C Reeves. Siting a mobile home/family annexe incidental to main dwelling (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application as the mobile home was incidental to the main dwelling. However, they would ask that the present mobile home be removed when a new one is installed.

Clerk read out the Appeal result for Church Copse, Greenwood Lane for Mr C Collins against the Appeals served by HCC.

The Clerk reminded Councillors that our next Meeting would be on Tuesday 14th April, 2015. The Monthly Parish Council Meeting would be held at 6.30 p.m. and then the Annual Parish Assembly will follow at 8.00 p.m.



4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and Kirstie Baines representing Durley Primary School were present.

At the start of the Meeting the Clerk informed Parish Councillors that ex-Parish Councillor David Poole had sadly passed away this week. A card of condolences has been sent to the family.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Burton, PCSO McCulloch, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Ruffell.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. No update was available.

(b) Durley Parish Plan update. The analysis is being written up and it is hoped that this will soon be available to report to the Parish Plan Team ready to incorporate into the Report.

(c) Community Defibrillator Training Evening – Thursday 19th February at 7.00 p.m. Clerk has put up posters about the event and on the Parish Council website. It is hoped that parishioners will attend and benefit from this training session. The Hampshire Chronicle will be informed of the donation of the defibrillator so that publicity can be given and everyone will know where it is sited.

(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School. Cllr Charles has asked the owners of Quob Stables if they could replace the gate, but they are not the owners. Mr Rob Marsh is the owner and so the Clerk has written him a letter explaining the situation, but she has not received a response yet. It was also noted that the gate leading to this footpath opposite the School is in need of repair. Cllr Charles will speak to Quob Stables again about this gate.

(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Clerk said that Durley is in Wave 2, but there is no further information yet on when this might be. More details will be known in September.

(f) Home Energy Advice – Cllr Farr has asked Lunch Club and they are going to let the Clerk know when they would like a talk.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: No Report was available.

parishioners were present.


(a) Planning Policy and Implementation News – January 2015 from E.B.C. This was noted.

(b) Provisional Tree Preservation Order on tree in Gregory Lane. This was for information only and was noted.

(c) Letter from parishioner. Clerk read out letter which had various items highlighted. Most items were already being dealt with and others would be highlighted through the Parish Plan process. A response has been sent to the parishioner explaining this.

(d) WDAPC Executive Committee Minutes – 19th January, 2015. These were noted.

(e) Letter from parishioner regarding the siting of the bin at The Sawmills. Councillors noted the comments made and will monitor the situation. The wrong sticker has been placed by WCC on the bin so Cllr Charles will remove it.

(f) Cllr Pitter has been asked by a parishioner if a village litter pick could be carried out in Durley. Clerk said that this has been tried before, but only Parish Councillors attended so it was felt that if the community do not respond then we would not do it again. However, this was some years ago and it was agreed that we could try again and see what support there is. WCC will provide Clerk with bags and will collect the bags if we go ahead with the litter pick. Councillors agreed to make the suggestion in the Report and ask if residents would like to help if the Parish Council provides the equipment. There are already a number of residents who do pick up litter in their particular area. Clerk will ask Eastleigh Borough Council to pick up litter in Snakemoor Lane as it is dangerous and really needs a good litter pick.

(g) Open Spaces Fund – Clerk reported that we have £359.36 in the Fund at the moment. This should be spent fairly soon. Cllr Watts suggested that we use the money for replacement swing seats at the Recreation Ground, or alternatively we could use the money for the ventilation measures in the changing area of the Pavilion. Cllr Charles will get a price for the work in the Pavilion and then Councillors can make a decision at the next Meeting.

(h) Update from Persimmon Homes regarding the adoption of the highways through the Sawmills. Clerk said that she has received a response and Southern Water and HCC still need to finalise their legal agreements so that the whole process can be adopted. Clerk will be kept informed by Persimmon Homes.

(i) The Rights of Way priority list for cutting has been sent off to HCC.

(j) Temporary Closure of Footpath 28 has been received from HCC.

(k) Electoral Review of Winchester – Draft Recommendations. Clerk has forwarded on the information to Councillors. It appears that Durley and Upham will be in with Bishops Waltham in the Bishops Waltham Ward. Councillors agreed that this would not be ideal for the smaller parishes as it was feared that BW being the larger parish would take over and Durley and Upham would not get listened to. The review seems all about numbers and not about providing the right level of help to parishes. Clerk will make this point to the Review Team again.

(l) Parish Connect – February, 2015. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines gave a Report as shown in Appendix 1 to these Minutes. The main issues were flood defences, parking, defibrillator and the Emergency Plan. Kirstie did say that the On-line sessions which are running at the School at working well and it is hoped that a session can be held at the Easter Fayre to show residents what the On-line training is all about. It is hoped that the Hall can be a “hot spot” for the day, but as we do not have internet access at the moment at the Hall Councillors were not sure how this could be achieved, but would be interested to see if it could. Durley footpaths which will be used for the “Walk to School” week were highlighted and Clerk will obtain a digital map from the PSMA for the parents to use.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: PACT Report – Cllr Watts highlighted the concerns which were brought to the attention of the Police, although these were items which are continuously mentioned. Clerk said that there had been one theft of scaffolding, ladders etc., and one stolen Ivor Williams trailer in the last month in Durley.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Cllr Farr had no issues to raise, but items were raised by Councillors that needed attention. Cllr Farr will report these to HCC. Rubbish has been dumped in Netherhill and Snakemoor Lane. Clerk will report this to WCC. Highways List ready for HCC – Nothing more was added to the list. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – update. Cllr Charles said that the dead tree has been felled, but a resident in the adjoining property said that some of her fence was broken at the top when the tree was felled. Cllr Charles has spoken to the tree surgeon and he said that he was not aware that any damage had been done, however he would replace the fence panel. Clerk will respond to the resident.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Shown as Appendix 2.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles received a quote for £3,200 inc vat for the Hall foyer and kitchen tiling. This would include removal and re-laying of the tiles. If a Grant was applied for then 3 quotes would be needed. Clerk will see if there are any Grants available for this kind of work. Hall ceiling – new tiles will have to be purchased. Cllr Charles will also put a new lock on the Lunch Club cupboard as the old one is broken. Cllr Farr said that someone is getting into the locked cupboard in the Post Office Room so a locked box is now being used to store items for the Coffee and Chat Group. The guttering is also leaking and Cllr Charles said that this will be replaced when the weather is warmer.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report at the moment.


15/00103/FUL. Mr Rodney Webb. First floor side extension. 9 Mill Way, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

Appeal by Mr C Collins against two enforcement notices in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Report on Appeal Hearing by Cllr Charles and Clerk. The Appeal was held in Winchester on 3rd February and 5 residents attended as well as the Chairman and Clerk. No decision will be reached for about 4 – 6 weeks. A site visit was also made. WCC Enforcement Officers also visited the site the day after the Hearing as workmen were on the site and clearing more of site.

Clerk read out an e-mail stating a concern about a main sewer with an inspection chamber under solar panels which have just been approved in Stapleford Lane. The Planning Department have been made aware of the problems that this could cause in the future.



6 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Ruffell, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, and 10 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Drake, County/District Councillor Humby, PCSO McCulloch along with Kirstie Baines and Tony Hughes (School representatives).

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Flashing speed limit sign. Clerk read out information regarding various sorts of signs and prices. Councillors agreed that as it would cost around £3,000 we should wait until the new financial year and perhaps see if it was more viable to share signs with another parish. Clerk will see if Upham are interested in sharing and then we can discuss again after the Elections.

(b) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. Cllr Humby was not present to give a Report.

(c) Durley Parish Plan update. Cllr Burton reported that he has completed the analysis and a Meeting with the Parish Plan Team will be arranged shortly to compile the Report.

(d) Community Defibrillator set up and agree Training Evening if required. The Clerk reported that the Defibrillator has been sited outside of the former Post Office Room in Durley Memorial Hall after advice from the Ambulance Service provider, and is now in operation. A Training evening can be arranged if we would like it so that residents are able to see how the equipment works. It is hoped that by using the equipment in a non-emergency situation residents will feel more confident about using it if and when an emergency arises. Councillors agreed that this Training would need to be publicised. Dates which were suggested from the Ambulance Trainer were 17th, 18th or 19th February. As the Hall is free on Thursday 19th February it was agreed to accept that date. Clerk has also asked the donor who gave the funds if they would like a mention and be at the Opening Event. They do not wish to attend or be mentioned, but will provide a plaque and would like the plaque to be in place for the Opening Event. Clerk confirmed that she has added the Defibrillator to our Insurance Policy.

(e) Fund raising Raffle for Defibrillator at School. Cllr Drake wrote to Councillors informing the Council that he has reviewed the offer of running a Village Raffle for the School defibrillator as he felt that the School Governors could direct funds to this cause, therefore he could not promote it. Cllr Charles asked if any other Councillor would be prepared to run a Village Raffle. As there was no-one available to do this Cllr Farr suggested that a donation be made of £300. Cllr Burton seconded this proposal and all Councillors agreed. Clerk will write to the School and explain that we are not able to organise a Raffle, but are willing to make a donation of £300 if the School can raise the remainder of the funds.

(f) Transport Meeting Report – Cllr Pitter reported that he had attended a recent Meeting and produced a Report which is shown as Appendix 1 to these Minutes. The bus service through Durley over the weekend will be cut back, but during the weekdays it will remain unchanged. This is because not many residents use the weekend service and it is not viable.

(g) Replacement of fencing over Durley Brook outside of School. An e-mail was sent to the Clerk by the Headteacher stating that HCC has replaced the fence.

(h) Botley PC Judicial Review – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting held on 16.12.14. Cllr Charles said that Botley PC are not going to Appeal against the decision as after receiving advice it appears that there is little point. Durley Parish Council was thanked for their support in trying to fight this huge planning application.

(i) Budget Meeting at WCC – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting. Cllr Charles reported on the Meeting and said that many issues were discussed to try and save money. Textile bins were also a way of generating finance for parishes.

(j) Change of Meeting date from 12th to 19th May, 2015 due to Elections. Clerk said that this year the General Election will be the first count and then the District Election count with the Parish Council votes being last. This will mean that we might not get the results until the Saturday which is not enough time to get all the paperwork done before the Tuesday Meeting. Councillors were happy to alter the date for this year to the following week.

(k) Rights of Way Cutting Priority Programme for 2015 – Cllr Drake and Cllr Smith. Paths need to be agreed and Clerk will inform HCC. Cllr Smith will contact Cllr Drake to see if he has prepared anything.

(l) Cllr Watts asked for more information about the Drop-in Centre/Young Persons Clinic in Hedge End. Cllr Charles acquired a leaflet explaining the service available to teenagers and said that 3 girls from Durley do currently attend the centre, which has been opened for 22 years. Cllr Watts will clarify this to parents who have been asking about the Centre and were a little concerned.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give a Report.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: DC Ruffell reported Planning Training will be offered to Parish Councils which Councillors agreed would be useful. WCC are viewing and will comment on the Planning Application for Chalcroft Farm in Burnetts Lane for 950 new homes and other buildings. DC Ruffell also mentioned the Mayor’s Award which is open for nominations. DC Ruffell said that the Boundary Commission decision will be received during mid-February.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Members of the public were present for items 8(a) and 15 – Appeal by Mr C Collins on land at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. Issues raised will be noted under the appropriate paragraph number. The only other issue which was highlighted was the parking at The Sawmills on the turning to the Business Units. As the road has not been adopted yet it is still the responsibility of Persimmon Homes. Once the road is adopted by HCC then they will be able to take action to make the road safer if they wish. The Police will be informed to see if they can help in any way.


(a) Update on dog fouling and landscape bin in The Sawmills. The Chairman had received a letter from a resident who lives opposite the layby in The Sawmills objecting to the landscape bin. Councillors agreed that the situation will be kept monitored, but in the interests of the majority of parishioners in Durley this location was the best siting for the bin for the use that we hope it will have. A resident has also written to the Environmental Health Team at WCC. Clerk did read out an e-mail from D Ingram – Head of Environmental Health supporting the Parish Council stating that “so long as the decision identifying the need to install a bin in that location is justifiable, then that would be sufficient. Individuals cannot overtly influence the management of the public open space because they will place their own interests above those of the wider community, who we as a Council and a Parish are intended to represent”. “Looking at your photo I fail to see what the issue is?. It is clearly some distance from the residence, being on the opposite side of the road”.

(b) Precept for 2015/16. Clerk outlined the income and expenditure and Councillors agreed that we should make an increase to account for the additional Parish Lengthsman costs. Cllr Charles proposed that we increase from £18,000 to £18,500. Cllr Smith seconded this proposal and all Councillors were in agreement.

(c) Updating of Emergency Plan. Councillors agreed that this should be done, but with an Election coming up it might be better to leave until the new Council is appointed. Clerk did suggest that the vulnerable residents who might need help list could be updated when the Parish Plan Report goes out as a letter could be delivered at the same time. It was agreed that this would save another leaflet drop to residents and Councillors agreed this.

(d) Clerk read out a letter of resignation from Cllr Drake as he was no longer able to continue as a Parish Councillor due to other commitments. A letter of thanks will be sent to Cllr Drake. The position will not be advertised as the resignation is within 6 months of an Election.

(e) Play Area Inspections are now due. WCC have asked if we would like the Play Areas to be inspected at the end of March. Councillors agreed that this should be done at the Recreation Ground and The Sawmills.

(f) Home Energy Advice Resource and Training Service. This service is being offered as a free training session for residents/lunch club. It was agreed that Cllr Farr will ask Lunch Club and then a session/s will be arranged.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines sent a Report and the Clerk read it out. The parking has
improved by continuing to put out cones to leave gaps. The flood barriers should be in place by early February and the school catchment area issues with Sciviers Lane has been resolved with both Durley and Upham Primary Schools sharing the catchment area. The only problem appears to be the gate which is opposite the Church leading onto the footpath through to the School. As this footpath is used by the school children it needs to be wider as getting 120 children and adults through is extremely difficult. It is believed that the landowner would be responsible for the gate so Cllr Charles offered to speak to the landowner and ask if a wider gate could be put in. Clerk will inform Kirstie so that she is aware that Cllr Charles will be asking the landowner. School Report shown as Appendix 2.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr will be attending a PACT Meeting and asked if there were any issues to raise. Councillors agreed that parking in The Sawmills, parking outside of Beech Corner Garage and the vehicle which keeps parking outside of 1 Elmdene, Durley Brook Road on the brow of the hill are safety concerns. The Clerk has written to the owner, but it is still causing a problem. It is believed that on the planning permission which was approved for the extension and garage there should be a turning area in the front of the property. If this had been carried out then there might not be such a problem with the parking. Clerk was asked to check whether this condition has been lifted as the turning area does not appear to have been made.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Cllr Farr said that flooding in Parsonage Lane and outside of Rodlands had occurred during the last month. Clerk has chased up the broken pipe to see when it is to be replaced or repaired. Lisa has used cctv cameras again to see what the problem is as HCC could not find the information that they required from the previous cctv camera. It appears that the pipe is not broken, but the ditch in the field opposite in Parsonage Lane has lost the ditch and the pipe therefore goes nowhere. HCC will ask the landowner to reinstate the ditch. The situation will then be reassessed. Highways List ready for HCC – there was nothing more to add. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – Cllr Charles has asked a contractor to take the dead tree down. Clerk has written to the owner of the property with the gate leading into the woodland area asking him to block up the gate or take it out as no access is to be gained into the woodland area. Cllr Watts reported that there was a lot of flooding outside of The Robin Hood. Peter will be asked to look at the drains and gullies to see if any are blocked.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed
cheques. Financial Report shown as Appendix 3.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles said that he has received a quote for £1,750. After viewing the area Councillors agreed that it might be worth asking for another quote which included the kitchen area. Cllr Charles will ask for this. Hall ceiling will be repaired shortly. Cllr Charles said that there are some smaller projects which need to be done at the Hall and he hopes to get them done soon.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that broken bottles were found on the pitch and play area over last weekend. Dog fouling continues to be a problem. Clerk said that Peter was hoping to cut back the brambles etc. at the far end of the Recreation Ground one Saturday. He will let us know a date and then we can check if a football match is on.


14/02756/FUL. Mr and Mrs Thornton. Demolish conservatory and five outbuildings and build two storey extension to side of existing dwelling, detached triple garage and replacement outbuilding. Swallowfield, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application although would like to know what the outbuilding is going to be used for.

14/02917/FUL. Mrs T Dance. Continued use of land for the stationing of an equestrian worker’s mobile home in connection with the use of land and buildings for commercial breeding and training of horses and livery stables. Little Oakdale, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the circumstances have changed since the previous application was approved. It is believed that there is less land available for the business and therefore Councillors were not sure how justified the mobile home is for this business.

Eastleigh Borough Council Draft Travelling Communities Development Plan Exhibition – December. Clerk attended the Exhibition and said that the site in Durley Road which was causing some residents concern was not going to be put forward as a Travellers Site as the owner would not sell it for this purpose. The other sites which were in the immediate vicinity were all in use at the moment.

A large Planning Application has been put in for Chalcroft Farm, Burnetts Lane, Fair Oak. Clerk sent a link to Councillors for them to view. It is agreed that an objection would be sent similar to that which was sent for the Boorley Green proposals. This is because the infrastructure is not sufficient and there would be too many homes being built in this area on the boundary of EBC/WCC.

An Appeal has been lodged by Mr Chris Collins against two Enforcement Notices issued against the use of land at Church Copse, Greenwood Lane, Durley for the importation, storage and treatment of waste. Residents were present at the Meeting and voiced their concerns. Residents and Durley Parish Council will be attending the Appeal Hearing on Tuesday 3rd February at 10.00 a.m. in Winchester. Cllr Charles will speak on behalf of Durley Parish Council.