7 Parish Councillors and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins were present. No parishioners were in attendance.

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County Councillor/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean.

Interest in Item 15. (Application 18/00507/HOU) on the Agenda as her husband is currently doing some work at the property.


(a)        Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road – progress with painting. DC Miller sent an e-mail stating that an Order will be put in and will come into effect on 16th April.

(b)        Encroachment onto Parish Council land – update after Inspection on 5.3.18. Councillors walked the area and found that one gate had been removed as requested, compost bins were still in the buffer, the bee hives were still in the buffer along with a gate into the area. The fence which has been moved is still not in line with the original fence-line. A further slip gate is also a concern. Councillors agreed that the bee hives could be moved once the weather warms up, but it would be anticipated that this would be at the latest by the end of May. Individual letters will be written to the owners. The owners who have taken their gate out will be written a letter of thanks for their co-operation. A further site visit will be carried out in early June to check for compliance. It was also agreed to ask Shawn to replace the gate post and re-hang the gate. A lock will also be put on the gate and 4 keys cut.

(c)        Traffic count through Durley progress – Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign.   Cllr Delmege reported that he had sent HCC a street map of where the SID signs could be placed in Durley Brook Road/Durley Street. There are 5 locations and it was agreed that these should be the positions for the signs as the SID could be placed on top of existing signs. The cost is £75-£80 per post extension and it was agreed to have 5. The cost for the equipment is £3,670 plus vat. Cllr Delmege proposed that we purchase the equipment. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal and all Councillors were in agreement. Clerk will put in an order. As two locations are each side of the School it was agreed that this should slow the traffic down outside of the School as well as other locations in Durley Brook Road.

(d)        Website updating. Clerk has updated the website as far as she can. The photograph was taken before this evening’s Meeting and Councillors have been sent the links for viewing. Councillors were happy with the links and felt that it is now time to update the photograph and go live. Once the photograph is received the Clerk will send it to the Jon for uploading and ask him to make the website live.

(e)        Report on Southern Parishes Meeting – 5.3.18. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Meeting and said that the main topics were hearing from the Fly Tipping Officer who has just been appointed, and discussing ways of reducing speeding in villages. Sharing monitoring equipment was also discussed.

(f)         Report on Meeting with George Hollingbery MP on 9.3.18 re EBC planning. Cllr Charles and the Clerk said that fund raising is continuing along with engaging with a QC to take on more detailed work. Highways infrastructure is the main concern. Studies need to be available to Officers at HCC before they can make comments on the Plans. George is stepping down from these Meetings for the moment, but will be on hand if required in the future.

(g)        Response from BWPC about increase in admin costs for Parish Lengthsman. BWPC have said that the increase in cost is because they did not charge enough in previous invoices.

(h)        HCC Town and Parishes Event – 1.3.18 (Cancelled due to snow). This will be re-arranged.

(i)         Review and agree any Parish Council Policies which need updating. Clerk read out our current Policies and Councillors agreed that they did not need updating at the moment.


(j)         Report on BW Bridleway Meeting (22.2.18). Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended this Meeting, but there was no further progress.

  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report was available.
  2. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. No Report was available.
  3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. No members of the public were present.




(a)        E-mail regarding dog fouling along Parsonage Lane. Clerk read out e-mail and Councillors agreed that this is a disgusting problem and will do all they can to catch the owners who do not pick up after their dog. Councillors will keep a watchful eye on dog owners and hopefully residents will report owners who do not pick up after their dog and then the Parish Council can report them to the Dog Warden for a visit.

(b)        E-mail from Enforcement Officer regarding a new case.   This was noted.

(c)        E-mail regarding World War One Commemorations in Durley. Councillors agreed that they would like to be involved in these commemorations and would like an Event at the Memorial Hall as this was built to commemorate those who fell in the First World War. Clerk will inform the PCC.

(d)        Loan of a WWI sculpture from resident if we want to use one. Councillors agreed that this was a generous offer and would mention it at future Meetings when discussing events for the weekend of the commemorations.

(e)        Play Area Safety Inspection Reports – Recreation Ground/Sawmills. There were no urgent or high safety issues raised. However, some concerns will be looked at in more detail.

(f)         South East Water – Draft Water Resources Management Plan Consultation – sent via e-mail.

(g)        Affordable Housing Scheme – 15.3.18 from 6.00 p.m. in Kingsworthy. This was noted.

(h)        A complaint was received about a vehicle parking opposite 1 Hazeldene which is causing a safety hazard. HCC has replaced the railings and put in a post to stop parking, but this vehicle has parked further out into the road. Clerk will report this to HCC and ask if another post could be put in to stop the parking, or provide an alternative solution before there is an accident. Cars parking on the brow of the hill just up from the Memorial Hall are also causing a safety hazard. This has been reported to the Police previously, but will be reported again.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report, but a summary of the questionnaire was sent by the Chair of the School Governors for Councillors to view. After discussion it was agreed that the majority of concerns could be addressed by the parents themselves without the parish needing to spend a huge amount of money. It was agreed that Cllr Delmege will meet with Kirstie and discuss this with her, along with informing her of the progress made with the SID signs outside the School.
  2. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that sheds and vehicles need to be kept locked and in driveways, as this appears to be the main problems at the present time. There has been more fly-tipping in Chancellors Lane and Councillors agreed that signs at either end of the Lane warning that offenders will be prosecuted and that cctv is in operation will be put up.
  3. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that there are some pot holes in the area, but they are filled with water at the moment so he cannot photograph them. These will be reported as soon as the weather is better. Clerk read out an e-mail from a resident regarding traffic through Durley Street asking if the signage could be changed. Councillors viewed the photograph of the signs and agreed that we would not be able to have these signs as we do not have a ban on HGV vehicles through the village, we can only have advisory signs. Councillors felt that since the newer signs have been put up the amount of larger lorries through the village has decreased. Cllr Clegg said that the roadside edges in Kytes Lane are eroding – these will be reported to HCC. Cllr Delmege said that the area around the manhole at the end of Stapleford Lane is broken in places. Clerk will report this. Peter has cleared the Parsonage Lane footpath.
  4. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Agree Financial Regulations – as there was no change in the Financial Regulations these were agreed by Councillors. Clerk reported that the laptop connection to the battery was faulty and it would cost £125 to repair. Councillors agreed that as the laptop is a few years old it would be more cost effective to purchase a new laptop. Clerk will purchase.
  5. HALL: Hall floor quotes – two more quotes are going to be obtained. Hall Caretaker – Clerk informed Councillors that the Caretaker is unwell at the moment and gave a progress report. Donna Shorney is cleaning the Hall whilst John is absent. Councillors wished the Clerk to send John their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sound system – Clerk reported that this is booked in to be installed on 21st March. Cllr Smith said that the hoover is not working. Councillors agreed that a Henry should be purchased. Clerk will purchase one.
  6. RECREATION GROUND: Sawmills play area renovations update – roundabout spindle has been unlocked. Councillors agreed that the Clerk should purchase a new scramble net rather than just the two pieces of rope. Cllr Smith said that she had received a request for a table and bench for the green area. Councillors agreed that this would be a good idea and perhaps the business units could be approached for a donation as it could be used by their employees for their lunch-breaks. Cllr Bartlett offered to speak to the businesses. Painting of Pavilion – this is continuing. Wooden posts around The Sawmills green area – Cllr Smith will ask Shawn when this is likely to be done. Bridge built across ditch at Recreation Ground. A resident has built a bridge across the ditch without the permission of the Parish Council and it was agreed that this is not only a health and safety concern, but also there is no access to the Recreation Ground from this point. Further action will be taken to ensure that the Recreation Ground is safe and no unauthorised accesses are made. Legal advice will be sought. A letter will be written to the resident. Cllr Watts said that the water pipes did burst during the recent snow as the water had not been turned off. DFC have repaired the damage. The new bin has arrived and is now chained to the Pavilion. DFC Manager will put it into the car park when it needs to be emptied.




APP/L1765/W/17/3184059. Mr T Keet. Appeal for the use of land as a Gypsy and Traveller caravan site consisting of 4 pitches, each containing 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, 2 semi-detached utility building, play area and associated development. Land adj. to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Provisional date for Hearing is 27th June, 2018, but this is not confirmed yet.

18/00507/HOU. Mr and Mrs Nicholls. Conversion and extension of attached garage to provide habitable accommodation, ground floor front extension to dining room. First floor extension over dining room and garage to provide an additional bedroom and bathroom. Single oak framed carport with lockable store. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.

18/00540/HOU. Mr D Stoneman. Extension to rear and side and addition of first floor. Giles Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment would be made that this is still a loss of an smaller dwelling in the countryside, but the applicant has tried to make the dwelling have less of an impact on the street scene of Greenwood Lane than the previous application.

18/00400/HOU. Mr and Mrs Manzi. 1 ½ storey rear and side extensions, roof alterations including 2 no. front and 2 no. rear dormers and front porch with canopy. Green Acre, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.



5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins and 5 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, DC Miller and DC Mclean.

Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. DC Miller has informed the Clerk that this is with the Legal Team at WCC. It is hoped that advertising will commence within the next 2 weeks.

(b) Community Pay-back Scheme update. Paint for equipment and Pavilion. Clerk reported that the clearance of the ditches and hedging at the Recreation Ground is nearly completed and on 18th October the volunteers are going to start painting the play equipment, multi-surface equipment and Pavilion. Cllr Charles will liaise with Colin Watts to purchase the paint required.

(c) Encroachment onto Parish Council land. Councillors agreed that a visit should be made as soon as a pathway is cleared. Cllr Charles reminded the resident that they do not have permission to be on Parish Council land and that we have a duty of care for residents who live in the adjoining properties and that the original complaints came from residents who had severe allergic reactions to bees and wasps. Councillors will meet and view the area.

(d) Suggested sites for speed indication sign. Cllr Delmege has been in contact with HCC Highways and is hoping to meet an Officer to discuss possible sites for the signs. Once this is carried out then we can discuss what sort of signs to have and test the Curdridge sign. Costings will also have to be agreed.

(e) Agree siting of seat at Durley Memorial Hall. The Hall Committee agreed that the memorial seat in memory of Pat Parker could be sited opposite the main entrance to the Hall under the tree. Parish Councillors agreed with this decision. The Parker family will install the seat.

(f) Seat and table for Recreation Ground – arrange site visit to agree siting. Grant approved. The seat and table will be arriving this Wednesday so it was agreed that a site visit would be made after its arrival. Clerk will then claim the Grant.

(g) Planning District Coach Tour – Friday 6th October. Report by Cllr Charles. Cllr Charles said that he had visited sites in Winchester, Bishops Waltham, Swanmore and Waltham Chase. He found the trip interesting, but tiring.

(h) CAB AGM – Cllr Delmege reported on the AGM and said that fund raising is still important and getting more difficult to compete with other fund raising organisations. 90% of the income comes from WCC and Parish Councils, but this does not cover the expenditure. Thanks were given for their continued support.

(i) Response to fly-tipping letter has been put in Parish Magazine. Clerk was informed that there was not enough space for the Parish Council to put in a response so it had to be included as a separate sheet of paper. Councillors felt that this was not satisfactory as information from the Parish Council should take priority over some items which are published which have no connection to Durley or could be left until the following month. It was agreed that the situation will be kept monitored.

(j) The Chairman and Clerk reported on the HALC 70th Anniversary Event that they had just attended in Winchester prior to this Meeting. Cllr Charles said that there were two speakers and refreshments. Many Councils were represented.

(k) Botley to BW Bridleway Meeting. Clerk attended the Meeting and gave a Report.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that savings needed to be made within HCC over the next two years so suggestions were being put forward to make these savings. These included School crossing patrols, waste recycling centres and free bus passes. Some of these measures need Policy changes. CC Humby also spoke about average speed cameras and the Sub National Transport Body. CC Humby will also speak to Andy Smith about the lorry count which was agreed for Durley Street.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no separate District Councillors’ Report.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Members of the public were present but were invited to speak when their item was raised in the Agenda.


(a) Letter of resignation from Cllr Farr. Councillors were disappointed that Cllr Farr was resigning from the Parish Council after 6 years of service to the Durley community. A letter of thanks will be sent to Sue and advertising will commence to fill the vacancy.

(b) External Audit completed and returned. Clerk reported that the External Audit was satisfactory and has been placed on the village noticeboard and website.

(c) Parish Councillor Training – Code of Conduct. Cllr Bartlett attended.

(d) Response regarding Width & Weight restriction through Durley from Cllr Humby. CC Humby said that implementing a weight restriction does not meet the casualty reduction and could not be considered a priority over other safety led schemes. These schemes are not wholly supported by the Police as they are difficult to enforce. HCC also do not wish to displace problems onto other nearby, and perhaps less appropriate routes. Cllr Charles said that Durley has been pushing for a width and weight restriction for many years and some places in Durley Street are impossible for 2 large vehicles to pass. Clerk will ask Andy Smith about the lorry count which was promised. A resident attending said that it was too dangerous for his children to walk from their property to the bus stop outside of The Robin Hood as there is no pavement and the traffic is so fast.

(e) Response from HCC Highways regarding Parsonage Lane. HCC have put in an order to get it cut as it is a safety concern. Clerk reported that the hedge has been cut. The vehicle parking opposite 1 Hazeldene will be followed up by WCC.

(f) Request to HGV Company concerning their lorries. Cllr Pitter spoke to the owner of the Company involved and he was assured that lorries are asked to turn right onto the Winchester Road rather than going through Durley. It appears that the lorries which were seen must have been temporary drivers.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there was nothing for Durley, apart from one resident who phoned to say that someone had entered her garden whilst she was out. This should be reported to the Police. Clerk reported that drawing pins had been put into the hole where the key goes in on the Sawmills noticeboard. The problem had been rectified and different drawing pins will be used in future.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter said that he had met with the resident living in Three Gables, Stapleford Lane regarding the ditch which was dug out by HCC a year ago. The resident suggested that it would be better to fill in the ditch and put a pavement down. Councillors agreed that they would not support this as the flooding of properties was a major concern in this area, and to date there has been no more serious flooding. Clerk will respond to the resident.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. A Meeting will need to be arranged to set the Budget for 2017-18. Clerk will circulate possible dates.

13. HALL: Freezer – this has been emptied and switched off, but Lunch Club are not sure at the moment if they do need a freezer or not. They will let Clerk know. Quote for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles will chase this up.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that everything is working well at the moment.


17/02160/HOU. Mr W Croot. Reconstruction and extension of house following a major fire. Ground floor to be extended to side (in line with original building line) and rear to be extended by 2.6m. Hipped roof to be extended with a side and rear dormers. All external materials and finishes are to match the originals. Buena Vista, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment should be made saying that the extension might over-shadow the property which is adjacent, and this should be a consideration when agreeing the size and mass of the extension. Councillors were also concerned that the work has already commenced before planning permission has been approved.

17/01831/FUL. Mr C Page. Change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of one mobile home, one touring caravan and conversion of part existing stable into utility dayroom. Land to the east of Maybank Cottage, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Many residents have telephoned objecting to this application, along with residents attending the Meeting and Councillors therefore agreed that an Objection should be made on the same grounds as the previous gypsy site application in Durley Street. There are enough sites allocated within the Winchester District for Gypsies and Travellers within the Winchester Local Plan so there is no need for additional sites.

An Appeal has been lodged against WCC on behalf of Mr T Keet for Refusal of Planning Application (16/03090/FUL) to use land as gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 4 pitches, each containing 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, 1 semi detached utility building, play area and associated development in field adjacent Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley.

An Appeal has been lodged against WCC on behalf of Mr T Keet against an Enforcement action (17/00051/ENF) on field adjacent Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Since the Appeals have been lodged a further mobile home has been installed on the site. The Enforcement Officer has visited and will inform the Planning Inspectorate of the additional mobile home.

17/01519/FUL. Mr Gardener. Amended plans for the erection of a new 3 bedroom detached dwelling with link attached garage following the demolition of the existing garage (Amendment to 16/00940/FUL). Land adjacent to Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that no further comments would be made.



3 Parish Councillors, the Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman Cllr Smith chaired the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr
Pitter, Cllr Farr, CC/DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. PCSO Slater also sent her apologies.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse Meeting with George Hollingbury MP Report. Clerk reported that a Meeting was held with George Hollingbury, the Forestry Commission, County and District Councillors with Parish Councillors and residents. All Officers are now well aware of the concerns regarding the Copse. TPO’s will be put on all the larger trees in the Copse by WCC, and if there is any further destruction or fly tipping then action will be taken. If the replacement trees are not planted by April, 2018 then Court action will be taken by the Forestry Commission.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. There is no further updated.

(c) Community Pay-back Scheme update. The volunteers are working well and clearing the hedge and ditches at the Recreation Ground.

(d) Play Area update. Steps to climbing frame enquiry. Clerk has ordered the wet pour and the swings, chains and rope for the play area. An enquiry was made for steps to get onto the climbing frame as at present there is wooden footholes to get up to the tower. Councillors were not sure if the climbing frame would accommodate steps as it was a ready-made frame. It was agreed that we would ask Playdale about the possibility when they deliver the wet pour and swings.

(e) Response from resident regarding encroachment onto Parish Council land. It was agreed that this item will be discussed at our next Meeting when all Councillors will be present.

(f) Enforcement Notice has been served on land in Durley Street. Clerk updated Councillors on the enforcement situation on land in Durley Street. The Enforcement Officer has notified the Parish Council that an Appeal has been lodged against the original Refusal of the Planning Application.

(g) Response from Curdridge PC regarding speed indication sign. A response was read out from Curdridge Parish Council stating that the signs are in constant use around the village so we would need to ask for a specific date and time. Cllr Delmege will liaise with the Clerk about possible sites and then we would need to contact HCC. We will then contact Curdridge again with a date.

(h) Buffer area Inspection Report. Councillors viewed the buffer area and agreed that any over-hanging branches can be cut down if they over-hang a neighbouring property. It was felt that no other action was required other than what Shawn was already doing.

(i) Southern Parishes Group Meeting Report. Clerk reported that the majority of the discussion was about highways and the Constitution of the Southern Parishes Group.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no Report available.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. A resident present asked about the banning of HGV lorries through Durley. Clerk explained that this is an ongoing issue and we have tried for many years to achieve a width and weight restriction but with little success. The signs that we have are advisory and therefore it is not breaking the law to bring HGV’s through Durley. Clerk was asked if CC Humby could give us an update on the situation at our next Meeting. Clerk was also asked if AFS Transport could be asked if they could use the main Winchester Road rather than coming through Durley.


(a) Donation of seat at Durley Memorial Hall in memory of Pat Parker. Councillors agreed that this was a kind gesture and a letter of thanks will be sent to Pat’s family. It was agreed that a site for the seat would be agreed at the next Meeting. Councillors will look at the area opposite the main Hall door and the grass island in the car park just before our next Meeting.

(b) Agree seat for Durley Recreation Ground. Councillors agreed that the additional seat for the Recreation Ground would be with a table attached to the seat as this would provide additional resources, but would be of the same design. Clerk will apply for a CC Grant towards the cost. The siting of the seat will be agreed at a site visit at the Recreation Ground.

(c) National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey. This was noted.

(d) Insurance Renewal for 2017-18. Councillors agreed with the renewal of our present Insurance which is on a 3 year term. The cost will be £1,835.80.

(e) Enquiry about frequent electricity cuts in Durley. Clerk has received many complaints about frequent short power cuts in the village recently. Councillors agreed that an enquiry should be made to SSE. Cllr Smith has already written to SSE so it was agreed to wait until she receives a response. Clerk will put the 105 number in the Parish Magazine and on the website so that residents know the number to dial.

(f) Planning District Coach Tour – Friday 6th October. Cllr Charles has agreed to attend.

(g) WCC Parish Connect – September, 2017. Circulated via e-mail.

(h) CAB AGM – Monday 9th October 6.30 – 8.00 p.m. in Winchester. Cllr Delmege is already attending. Cllrs Bartlett and Smith will also attend. Clerk will inform CAB.

(i) Report in Parish Magazine regarding fly-tipping. Councillors felt that the report in the Parish Magazine was unjustified stating comments like “It is high time that the Parish Council addressed this matter with a proactive and effective response” and “Many residents are angry about the lack of action regarding the fly tipping in the village”. Durley Parish Council – along with many other parish councils spend alot of time reporting and giving information to various Authorities on the fly tipping in the area. Signs have been put up in the hot spots and these have worked well as there has been no fly tipping reports in these areas since the signs have been put up. Councillors felt that it was a pity that these residents who wish to publish incorrect facts do not come along to the Parish Council Meetings to see what hard work is carried out in their best interests. A response will be prepared for the Parish Magazine.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: A Report was sent via e-mail. The noticeboard backing at The Sawmills is getting water in it and coming away from the sides. Clerk said that this has already been a problem with this noticeboard as it is more exposed than the others. Clerk will ask Dave Farr to look at it and see if we can put a different backing on it to give the board some protection.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Complaints about a vehicle parking in Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that HCC Highways should be informed as this vehicle is forcing other vehicles to go on the wrong side of the road on a blind bend. There has been many near accidents and this is a growing concern. WCC will also be informed as it is difficult for residents in the end Council property to come out of their driveway. Councillors suggested putting a bollard or sign stating “no parking” to stop vehicles from parking on this verge. The hedge is also very over-grown and is a safety concern. HCC will be asked if they can cut it back from the roadside.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Freezer. Quotes for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles was not at the
Meeting to give a quote for the window. Clerk has ordered some toilet door signs, including one for baby changing facilities. Cllr Bartlett offered to look at freezers at Wadd and Cllr Delmege will look at the freezer to check that it has not tripped out during the recent power cuts. The stage curtains have been cleaned. Cllr Smith has been asked if we could put a dishwasher in the Hall. This issue has been discussed before and Councillors agreed that there are not many bookings who have large amounts of washing-up and it was felt that cups would be left in the dishwasher and not available for the next hirer. It would also take up additional space in the kitchen. Councillors agreed that a dishwasher would not be purchased.

14. RECREATION GROUND: No Report available.


17/01792/HOU. Mr and Mrs Wren. Single storey first floor extension to create a new bedroom. 12 The Sawmills, Durley. Councillors had no objections to this application. The application has now been APPROVED.

17/01995/HOU. Mr Campbell-James. Construction of a triple car barn/garage, driveway extension and associated works. Swallows Barn, Stapleford Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

Clarification of enquiry regarding barn in Durley Hall Lane. Clerk informed Councillors that WCC were aware of the situation with the barn, and although permission has been approved once work commences the Planning Department will ask for justification, the applicant will then have to justify his application.

Meeting with George Hollingbery MP and other Councillors from local Parish Councils to discuss the Eastleigh proposed plans in the area and the impact it would have on surrounding parishes. Cllr Pitter and the Clerk attended this Meeting on Friday 8th September. Clerk reported that the impact on the highways infrastructure which is already congested is the main concern. Environmental damage was also discussed and it was agreed that the ADD Group would co-ordinate local interests and liaise with WCC, CPRE, the Woodland Trust and other organisations. It was noted that HCC had a conflict of interest as it was advising EBC on traffic matters. District Councillors, along with our MP’s would put pressure where they can at a higher level. The next Meeting will be arranged for November.

Public Consultation on proposals for Uplands Farm Estate. Exhibitions to be held on Friday 22nd September from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at the Botley Centre, High Street, Botley and Saturday 23rd September from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Hedge End 2000 Centre, St Johns Road, Hedge End. Clerk will advertise this on the noticeboards and website so that residents can attend if they wish.

CLOSED AT 9.15 p.m.


5 Parish Councillors, District Councillor Miller, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and 4 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC/DC Humby, DC Mclean, Cllr
Smith and Cllr Bartlett.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting – response from WCC to George Hollingbery MP. Clerk read out the response from the Leader, and it was agreed that the responses received from the Forestry Commission and WCC do not appear to correspond. Councillors agreed that this matter needed to be resolved and agreed that a Meeting between WCC Officers, the Forestry Commission, County and District Councillors, along with Parish Councillors and residents should be held to see what can be done to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Clerk will arrange a Meeting and also invite Cllr Caroline Brook at the suggestion of Cllr Miller.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. Support has been given from our County, District Councillors and the Police. DC Miller reported that he has asked for an update and it appears that the advertising will take place shortly.

(c) Community Pay-back Scheme. The dates for August are 23rd and 30th. The work will commence at the Recreation Ground and Cllr Charles and the Clerk will meet the Group on site when they start. Any Councillors are able to attend if they wish to meet the Group.

(d) Report on Site Meeting at Play Areas. Councillors and the Clerk agreed the maintenance work which is to be carried out. It was agreed that Playdale would be contacted so that they can look at their equipment and give us a price to carry out any maintenance and replacement work. Clerk has confirmed a Meeting for Wednesday 23rd August 9.30 a.m. in The Sawmills Play Area with the representative. We can then decide on what we would like them to do. Other maintenance work will follow as appropriate. Maintenace work in the play area at the Recreation Ground will be mainly carried out by the CPS workers. Cllr Charles suggested replacing the wooden fence panel near the swings with a metal fence as it would be easier to maintain. Clerk has sent for details. Councillors agreed that an additional seat will be ordered with a CC Grant for the play area at the Recreation Ground, the same as the one already there.

(e) Report on HCC Workshop Forum re Uplands Farm. Cllr Pitter attended this Forum and reported that it was a very thought provoking Forum with many suggestions coming from various Councils and Groups. This is the first stage of the Consultation process and will now go out to Public Consultation.

(f) Report on Transparency Code update. Clerk attended this update and informed Councillors of items which need to go onto the village website. The Clerk will discuss this with the Website Manager to see how items can be put up.

(g) Clerk read out the response from the Parish Magazine Editor regarding our concerns about publishing Parish Council information without prior notice.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Miller gave a report on the Sports Centre in Winchester, Winchester Bus Station, Council homes being built in Stanmore and answered questions about the selling of Council houses and where the proceeds went from Councillors.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no additional questions raised other than those from residents asking about Church Copse and a Prior Notification Notice Court Judgement which are dealt with in other parts of the Minutes.


(a) Complaint regarding vehicles parking in private premises. Clerk read out an e-mail from a business in the village. Councillors agreed that this is really a private matter not for Parish Council, although we do sympathise with their situation. Clerk will respond to the correspondent and suggest putting some kind of barrier across the entrance when not in use.

(b) E-mail regarding Hampshire Highway Service Contract for Highway Maintenance. This was noted.

(c) E-mail from Holly Wood regarding Sawmills maintenance in buffer area. Councillors agreed that a Site Meeting to see the area concerned would be useful. If it was felt that some of the trees needed attention then a Tree Surgeon would be employed. Clerk suggested meeting just before the site Meeting with Playdale on Wednesday 23rd August at 9.00 a.m. Councillors were in agreement with this date and time.

(d) HALC 70th Anniversary – 10th October. Change Meeting date to 8.00 p.m. Cllr Charles said that he felt that he and the Clerk should attend this event, but to get back from Winchester for a 7.30 p.m. Meeting would not be possible. Councillors agreed that we should commence our Meeting in October at 8.00 p.m. to allow sufficient time to get back.

(e) Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan e-news update – July, 2017. Noted.

(f) Parish Council Questionnaire 2017. Councillors agreed to make no comment.

(g) Hampshire County Council – News for Local Councils. This was noted.

(h) Broadband Universal Service Obligation Consultation. This will be sent via e-mail.

(i) Parish Connect – August, 2017. This was sent via e-mail and noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No School Report was available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Suggestions for Beat Priorities. Councillors agreed to ask for feedback from residents via the Police. This would then give an indication of what Durley residents felt were the most important issues.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he will send on the bus timetables to the Clerk so that they can be put into the Parish Magazine and on the village website. Cllr Delmege asked about considering speed monitoring in Durley. The speed monitoring signs he was considering cost about £4,400. Cllr Charles asked if it might be beneficial to borrow a sign from Curdridge to see how it worked before we purchase anything. Councillors agreed with this suggestion. Clerk has responded to HCC regarding the adoption of the highways in The Sawmills and the comments made by residents on lining and signage. A response has not yet been received from HCC about the comments.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.

13. HALL: Freezer. Cllr Farr looked at 2 freezers one was £109 which she felt would not be large enough and one for £129. Cllr Charles will check the size required to fit in one of the cupboard spaces. Councillors agreed in principle to purchase a freezer, but it would be for any Hall user to use. Quotes for new window in Committee Room. Cllr Charles has not been able to obtain these yet.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda has now been repaired. Clerk reported that she has received a £50 donation for allowing a Media Company to film at the Recreation Ground.


17/01519/FUL. Mr and Mrs Gardner. The erection of a new 3 bedroom detached dwelling with link attached garage following the demolition of the existing garage (Amendment to 16/00940/FUL). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the property is now larger and is over-development of the site. It is also a loss of a smaller dwelling in the countryside. Councillors often feel that they are not listen to and hope that on this occasion their views will be taken into account as they represent their community.

17/01291/HOU. Mrs Lane. Extension to existing dwelling. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

Update on Enforcement Notice to be served on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Clerk read out the latest update from the Enforcement Officer stating that the Enforcement Notice is still with the Legal Team, but hopes to be served on the land-owner this week.

Cllr Pitter reported that the piece of land in off Durley Hall Lane was advertised as having planning permission for a barn and, electricity and water. Councillors agreed that they were not aware of any approval being given for a barn, or that there was water and electricity on the site. A Prior Notification Application was made in 2016, but was withdrawn as it needed to be a full Planning Application due to being within 3K of Upham Airfield. Durley Parish Council has not been informed that any Application has been successful since an Objection by WCC in February, 2016. DC Miller will ask the Legal Team to investigate further as there appears to be a Court Judgement approving the barn. Councillors asked if WCC were present at the Court Hearing, and if there is an Appeal process that can be used.

CLOSED AT 9.15 p.m.


5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, the Clerk – Mrs A Collins and 1 parishioner were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Pitter and
District Councillors Miller and Mclean.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting – any update. Complaints have been received from residents in Greenwood Lane that a further removal of trees has taken place to make a potential entrance. This is causing concern and Clerk has asked if this potential entrance would require permission from HCC or WCC. CC Humby said that Simon Finch at WCC should be informed. Clerk will write to Simon and copy CC Humby into the e-mail.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. Councillors were pleased to receive notification that proposed parking restrictions have been shown on a plan – 810402/373/001. This will be for double yellow lines at the end of all lanes on the cross roads at the top of Wintershill and at the staggered junction outside of Beech Corner Garage. Durley Parish Councillors have been asking for this safety measure to be taken for many years and it is supported by the Durley Parish Plan. County and District Councillors also offer their full support. Clerk will respond to Corinne Phillips with our support for the scheme to go ahead as soon as possible.

(c) Consultation on Sawmills Highway proposals. Letters were sent out to all residents living in The Sawmills. Clerk read out the responses and Councillors agreed that the majority of residents who responded wanted no parking restrictions, but did want clear road markings to show which driver has right of way. Clerk will write to Andy Smith with the results of the Consultation.

(d) Response from Curdridge PC regarding closure of Wangfield Lane. Curdridge PC was in favour of a road closure along Wangfield Lane. As this road closure would lessen the traffic through Curdridge and they were consulted, along with Botley PC Durley Parish Councillors felt that it was not fair to expect Durley residents to have the lanes through Durley becoming more of a rat-run than it already is. A letter of Objection has been sent from Durley Parish Council. Many residents have also sent in their objection to the road closure.

(e) Community Pay-back Scheme. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with Jeff Harris the Supervisor of the Scheme and discussed the suggestions that had come forward for work with the volunteers. Jeff said that they hope to spend around 3 days in August at the Recreation Ground clearing the long grass and weeds and also re-painting the multi-surface court equipment. Other work will be carried out at the Hall and on the highways in Durley at a later stage.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that a Consultation is in process at the moment to consult with residents on how they feel savings could be made at HCC throughout the County. These savings are required for the Budget next year. CC Humby also reported that the recycling tips are going to be open as they are at the moment. The City Bus Station in Winchester is being re-vamped and is going onto the next Phase. CC Humby also explained to Councillors how joining up funding for road schemes is working. CC Humby is also chasing up the results of the Area Wide Traffic Survey which was carried out.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no separate District Report as CC Humby included District matters in his County Report.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. One parishioner was present to hear any updates concerning the serving of an Enforcement Notice to the Gypsy Site owner in Durley Street and to ask if the Parish Council has considered village gateways to the entrances in the village. Cllr Charles said that these gateways are being considered and costs are being sought by the Durley Parish Plan Team at the moment. It was agreed that they would enhance the entrances to the village.

Some Councillors were concerned that articles put into the Parish magazine which contained Parish Council information were put in without the knowledge of the Parish Council. Some residents assumed that these articles were put in by the Parish Council and this was not correct. Clerk was asked to contact Robin Whiteside and ask who monitors the content of the the Parish magazine.


(a) Winchester Passenger Transport Forum – Report by Cllr Pitter. In the absence of Cllr Pitter Clerk read out a written report of the Forum. At the Forum held on 26.6.17 it was noted that Stagecoach was the main bus provider for the Winchester area and they travelled 2.2 million miles per year on the various routes, carrying 3.2 million passengers. This represents a 20% increase over the past 10 years. All the new buses have WI-FI and contactless card readers to speed up the paying process. Present and future cuts from HCC will not affect the Stagecoach bus service in our area. Winchester Bus Station will be closed for a re-vamp on 14th July and will re-open at the end of September – pick-ups and dropping off will be in the Broadway.

(b) Churchyard maintenance donation for 2017. Cllr Farr proposed that we make a donation of £200 as we did last year. Cllr Charles seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement. Clerk will send on a cheque.

(c) Live for the Future Newsletter – June, 2017. This was noted.

(d) Report on Parish Plan Meeting – 27.6.17. Cllr Charles reported that no further feedback has been received from the website about any events which residents would like arranged in the village. One family have taken up an allotment in Albany Road. If there is sufficient interest then we would try and arrange an Apple Picking Day. A Village Market/Table Top Sale is to be arranged and if it is a success then future days will be organised. Village Entry signs are being discussed and costs will be sought. Village gateways will also be considered at the same time.

(e) Report on BW/Botley Bridleway Trail – 6.7.17. Clerk attended this Meeting and said that Dedication Agreements were going to be drawn up for Landowners in the BW area which had been agreed in principal to the project. However, Landowners in the other sections were still not going to allow the Trail through their land. A letter will be written to Cowplain Turf Co again, although they have refused twice to allow the Trail on their land.

(f) Play Inspection Reports – arrange a site Meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk would suggest dates for a Site Meeting at both the Recreation Ground and The Sawmills Play Areas to view the equipment.

(g) Launch of Winchester Traveller Development Plan Document. Consultation period commences on 10th July and ends on 4th September. Councillors agreed that any comments would be sent to the Clerk so that a response could be made if required.

(h) Winchester Sport and Leisure Park – July Engagement. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Response regarding PC comments on recent highways proposals. Clerk read out response from Holly Wood regarding the response agreed at our last Meeting. Councillors still agreed that this was a reasonable response and hoped that the School would act on our comments in the interests of everyone in the Durley community. CC Humby would take our comments on board and discuss with the School that although we agree in principle to the proposals and we obviously take the safety of children very seriously, we do expect parents to help and park appropriately.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Sgt Gilmore has sent an e-mail to warn Parish Councils that travellers were being evicted from a Park and Ride in Winchester. Recreation Grounds and open spaces should be locked.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: As Cllr Pitter was not at the Meeting, no Report was given.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall Management Committee Report – 22.6.17. Cllr Smith reported that the Hall foyer
has now been completed. Alan Hounsham has been asked to repair the toilet seats. Work in the Hall car park was discussed so that volunteers can carry out the work required. Small tables and trollies have been purchased and the old tables have been given to the Church for use in the Community. Cllr Smith and Bartlett will clear out the under-stage area. The freezer which keeps tripping out the electrics will need to be disposed of. This belongs to Durley Luncheon Club. It was agreed that Cllr Farr will look into the cost of purchasing a small table top freezer which could be used to replace the old one. To enable more use to be made of the Committee Room consideration is being given to putting in an additional window so that more light can get into the room. It is hoped that this room might be then used for elderly residents during the day-time for activities.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report. Report on Site Meeting held on 29.6.17. Cllr Charles, Clerk and Peter met with Mr Nicholls, the owner of Mistletoe Downe and it was agreed that the hedge would be cut down by Peter and then we would see what else needed to be trimmed. A Tree Surgeon would be used to crown a couple of the trees which needed attention. The veranda has been replaced at the entrance of the Pavilion.


17/01291/HOU. Extension to existing dwelling. Alem House, Durley Street, Durley.
Councillors agreed that a comment would be made that the proposed plans are over-development of the original site and should be reduced.

17/01531/HOU. Single storey rear extension. Oaklands, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made on this application.

17/01362/HOU. Proposed alterations to double garage previously approved under planning application 15/02793/FUL. Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no objection to this application provided that the building is used as a garage and storage area not as a dwelling.

Update on Enforcement Notice to be served on land next to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. Clerk reported that the Enforcement papers are with the Legal Department at WCC. The Enforcement Officer is visiting every week. Hopefully the Legal papers will be served soon.

CLOSED AT 9.45 p.m.


7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 10 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.

Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting. There is no update, but it is hoped that now the Elections are over George Hollingbery will be able to follow this up again with the Forestry Commission. Residents informed CC Humby and Parish Councillors that trees with TPO’s on have been felled. Clerk has asked the Tree Officer to visit and take appropriate action. Residents who were present at the Meeting were getting very frustrated that no action was being taken against the owner of the Copse and he is still felling trees. Clerk will get in touch with George Hollingbery and CC Humby to ask if this case can be given some priority as it is feared that soon another entrance will be made and more damage will be caused.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. Clerk has chased this up again and asked when the lines are to be done. DC Miller was present and agreed to find out when the lines would be done as Wickham is now completed.

(c) Report on Meeting with Andy Smith (HCC) at The Sawmills. Cllrs Watts, Pitter and Smith, along with CC Humby and the Clerk met with Andy Smith and discussed options for making the road safer and try and ease the parking problems for residents. Andy has sent the Clerk an idea of the options available. Councillors discussed the ideas and agreed that the best way forward would be to write to the residents in The Sawmills with Andy’s options and hold a Consultation in perhaps the Thresher Room to hear residents’ views before responding to Andy. Clerk will write a letter and arrange a date for a Consultation.

(d) Completion of drainage in the play area at The Sawmills. This work has now been completed and Cllr Pitter has checked the work and said that it all appears satisfactory. He did suggest keeping £400 back as a deposit to see if the drainage worked when the wet weather appears and to see if the ground settles where the drainage was put in. Councillors agreed this proposal so Clerk will write a cheque for the final amount less £400 which will be paid later once Councillors are happy the drainage is working and the ground levels are correct.

(e) Report on Depot Contract Option Workshop. Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended this Workshop and discussed along with other Councils the options available to dispose of the waste we have in Hampshire in the most cost effective way. Some Councils wanted to take on more responsibility for the landscape maintenance and others did not. It was feared that if some of the larger Councils to take on some of the work it will make it more expensive for the smaller Councils.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give a Report.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Miller gave a District Council Report and said that the Architect has been appointed for the development in Winchester.

residents were attending for was the breach of Planning Regulations on the land adjacent to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street. Travellers arrived at 18.04 on Friday 9th June and installed caravans and used diggers on the site to put down hard-standings in the entrance and on the site. As Planning Permission was refused on this site for 4 gypsy pitches the previous week residents were not happy that the site was being used for this purpose without planning permission. The Enforcement Officer went on site on Monday 12th June a.m. and informed the Council that a Temporary Stop Notice/Injunction would not be the best approach as the site was fairly complete so the benefits would be marginal. The better option would be to serve an Enforcement Notice to clear the site and restore it. He has spoken to the Legal Department at WCC and they agree that this will be the best option and he will be working on a draft over the next few days. The timescales would be approximately: Enforcement Notice issued – Monday 17th July, 2017; Enforcement Notice takes effect – Monday 28th August, 2017 and the Date for Compliance – 28th November, 2017. These are approximate dates. Once these dates are definite the Clerk will put a Statement on the village website so that residents are aware that action is being taken.


(a) Land Registry Title Deeds for the land on the North East Side of Gregory Lane at The Sawmills. This has now been received.

(b) Letter from Seafarers UK re flying the flag for the Merchant Navy Day. This was noted.

(c) Community Pay Back Scheme. Clerk said that there was an opportunity to use this service for £80 a day to carry out tasks around the village. It was agreed that a schedule could be drawn up and then we could see how many days we might need them. Clerk has been in touch with the organiser who runs the Scheme and he will be happy to accommodate our needs. Councillors will e-mail the Clerk with a “wish list” and then we can see how many days we wish to start with.

(d) Rural Housing Week 2017. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report, but a feasibility study has been sent to Councillors from HCC with crossing options and flashing school lighting. Councillors have viewed the Study and agreed that as they are representing the whole parish and the funds of the parish we would need to have assurance that the scheme would be used properly by parents before committing to a Grant. At the present time the Lay-by Scheme is not working as it is not used as a Drop-Off Point like proposed, but used as additional parking spaces. There was proposed to be 2 members of staff meeting children and crossing them over the track and this does not appeared to have happened. Councillors also questioned why the gate which was installed with the Scheme does not appear to have been opened for use. Councillors agreed that there is no point in entering into another Scheme if the last one is not used as intended. As this additional cost has not been budgeted for Councillors agreed that we would not be able to take any cost out of the Precept, but could apply for a Grant towards some of the cost if there was a Grant available. Clerk suggested that perhaps a County Councillor Grant might be available. Clerk will send our comments to the School.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that some more gates have been stolen in Winterhill.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter said that Heathen Street has been repaired again and he is going to go around Durley and plot any pot holes and send them to HCC. Cllr Delmege asked when the Traffic Survey is going to be available as it would be beneficial to have the results before the Boorley Green homes are occupied. Clerk will ask CC Humby as Durley was proposed to be the first village to be surveyed.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. The External Audit has now been sent off.

13. HALL: Arrange next Hall Meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk would circulate dates to see which date would be suitable for most on the Committee.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda on the front of the Pavilion is going to be replaced as it is rotten in places. Broken dragons teeth on The Sawmills Green. It was agreed to ask Peter if he would be able to replace the ones which are rotten, if he is not able to do this then Fair Oak Fencing will be asked to replace them. Clerk read out an e-mail about the hedge and trees at the back of the Pavilion adjoining the property. Councillors agreed that Cllr Watts, Cllr Charles, the Clerk and perhaps Peter could meet the neighbour to see what the problem is.


Boorley Green Traffic Management Proposals. Plans available in window of former Post Office Room at Durley Memorial Hall or on-line via Councillors agreed that an Objection would be made as it would create more traffic through Durley. The lanes through Durley are not built for heavy traffic and are narrower than Wangfield Lane.
Most traffic will come along Netherhill which is a single track lane. Many lanes have blind bends and few passing places. The additional traffic will have an adverse impact on Durley residents and for those who walk and ride through our lanes. Many cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders use the lanes in Durley and it would make the lanes more unsafe for users. There are no pavements, or street lighting along the lanes to get out of the way of vehicles. Parish Councillors agreed that the infrastructure should have been agreed when the original planning permission was approved as this could have had an impact on the final outcome of the application decision. A resident suggested going to the Ombudsman to see if there is anything that can be done to complain as the infrastructure should have been considered alongside the houses to be built. Clerk will also find out from Curdridge Parish Council what views they have.

16/03090/FUL. The use of land as gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of 4 pitches, each containing 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, 1 semi detached utility building, play area and associated development. Field adjacent to Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley. REFUSED.



5 Parish Councillors, County Councillor Humby, District Councillors Mclean and Humby, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) along with 2 parishioners were present. 2 developers were also at the Meeting to present a potential development to Councillors.


Chairman – Cllr Pitter proposed Cllr Charles. Cllr Smith seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Charles was duly Elected.

Vice Chairman – Cllr Charles proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Watts was duly Elected.

Chairman Hall Management Committee – Cllr Charles proposed Cllr Smith. Cllr Bartlett seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Smith was duly Elected.

Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Pitter proposed Cllr Bartlett. Cllr Smith seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Bartlett was duly Elected.

Highways Officer – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Pitter. Cllr Charles seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.

Footpaths Officer – Cllr Charles proposed Cllr Delmege. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Delmege was duly Elected.

Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Charles proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Watts was duly Elected.

Transport Representative – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Pitter. Cllr Smith seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement and Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.

2. Congratulate recently elected County Councillor. Cllr Charles gave Cllr Humby the Parish’s congratulations on getting re-elected as our County Councillor for a further term of office.

3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr and Cllr Delmege.

4. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest Declared.



(a) Church Copse replanting – any update. Clerk has received no further update from George Hollingbery. 2 residents attending said that there has been some activity on the site recently so this will be reported to George and also an update will be asked for.

(b) Double yellow lines at Beech Corner and end of Manor Road update. WCC have informed the Clerk that now that Wickham is almost complete, Durley will be next. It is hoped that we will see some progress soon. Clerk has sent in a photograph of parking at the end of Manor Road which was taken by Cllr Pitter.

(c) Confirmation of new HGV advisory signs for Durley. CC Humby has confirmed that the signs will be replaced in the next 2 – 3 months.

(d) Report on Meeting in Winchester on Planning. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended this Briefing and although it was interesting it was felt that we already have a good relationship with WCC Planning Officers – although they do not always listen to our views. The Enforcement Officer also spoke at the Briefing about enforcement in general which was not very useful.

(e) BW to Botley Bridleway Meeting. Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended this Meeting and reported that Cowplain Turf would not allow the Bridleway to go through their land. The Project is progressing, but with lack of ownership of some of the land required it might be a long time before the total Bridleway is constructed.

(f) Arrange Meeting with Andy Smith (HCC) at The Sawmills. Andy Smith has offered to meet with Councillors at The Sawmills to discuss the road adoption and line markings etc. CC Humby would also like to attend, so he will send dates he is available onto the Clerk. A Meeting can then be arranged.

(g) Drainage in the play area at The Sawmills. Clerk has been in touch with Clanville Drainage and spoken to Rob who said that he would hopefully be commencing on Monday 15th May. Clerk has asked for clarification as he appeared a little muddled with the actual date.

7. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby thanked everyone for their support and said that he was pleased to be able to represent Durley for a further 4 years. He does not know yet what kind of position he will hold within the Council as the full Council Meeting is arranged for 25th May and this is when the Cabinet is appointed.

8. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: The District Council Report was given by DC Mclean. He reported that Friarsgate will be re-opened and the Winchester Bus Station has been purchased by WCC. An Architect has been appointed for the Leisure Centre. DC Mclean is now not on the Planning Committee. As from Wednesday 17th May DC Mclean will be appointed Mayor so he will not be available for some Meetings.

9. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. The only issue raised by residents was concerning their disappointment at the re-planting of Church Copse as noted in Item 6(a) above.


(a) Live for the Future April, 2017. Sent via e-mail. This was noted.

(b) Depot Contract Option Workshop – Cllr Watts and Clerk attending.

(c) Complaint regarding dog issues. Clerk read out an e-mail which has been received
about dog fouling, and noise from dogs as well as an unauthorised building. Clerk has responded saying that WCC Enforcement Officer will give advice on any unauthorised buildings and the Environmental Officer at WCC will give guidance about noise from dogs and dog fouling issues.

(d) Clerk read out a letter from a resident complaining about bee hives being in the Parish
Council buffer area at the back of the houses in The Sawmills. Councillors agreed that this is again not acceptable as it is Parish Council land not the owners of the property. Councillors will need to check that the rest of the boundary is intact and then write to the owners of the property and ask them to remove the bee hives and take out the gate.

11. SCHOOL REPORT: Summary of Meeting regarding highways issues. Parish Councillors, along with CC Humby had a Meeting with Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) and School Governors to discuss ways in which the road could be made safer outside of Durley Primary School. It was suggested that a crossing from Quob Stables to the opposite side of Durley Brook Road and flashing 20 mph signs warning drivers that there are school children in the vicinity. Parish Councillors agreed that these ideas were worth looking into further, but it would depend on funding etc. Cllr Charles did comment that now that the drop-off lay-by was installed we were warned by some residents that the traffic would go faster – which does appear to be the case. CC Humby will forward the details of the proposals onto the Clerk so that Councillors can see them. The School will keep us informed of any developments or proposals and future Meetings will be arranged as required.

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that gates have been stolen again from properties in the village. Gates from Stapleford Lane and Greenwood Lane were reported.

13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he has almost completed taking photographs of pot holes etc. around the village to report to HCC. Clerk said that the road is sinking again in Heathen Street. This will continually be a problem as there is running sand underneath the road. Clerk will report it and so will Cllr Pitter in the hope that HCC will finally rectify the problem.

14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Internal Audit Report was satisfactory and needs to be signed.

(a) Chairman and Clerk agreed and signed the Annual Governance Statement 2016-17 for the Annual Audit Return.
(b) Chairman and Clerk agreed and signed the Accounting Statements for 2016-17 for the Annual Audit Return.

15. HALL: Guttering outside of PO Room has been repaired.

16. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that everything was satisfactory and that DFC has one more game to play. Clerk said that a vehicle has been performing dough-nuts in the car park and making gravel go onto the road. Dog fouling continues to be a huge problem.


17/00386/FUL. Mrs T Dance. Equestrian storage building (revised plans for permission 10/01826/FUL)(RETROSPECTIVE). Little Oakdale, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

17/00180/HOU. Mr R Young. Erection of two storey side extension single storey side extension, new front porch, raise existing roof with new dormers and remodelling of fenestration and two storey rear extension. The Bungalow, Netherhill, Botley. GRANTED.

16/03209/FUL. Mrs T Gregory. Conversion of existing agricultural barn to dwelling. Findens Farm, Kytes Lane, Durley. REFUSED. Councillors were disappointed at this refusal and felt that this is a clear example of how WCC do not listen to the Parish Councils. CC Humby offered to speak to WCC about this sort of Application, which had full support.

17/00795/LDC. Mr Maskell. The use of land as an extension to residential curtilage. Belmore Cottages, manor Road, Durley. APPROVED.

17/00426/HOU. Mr Rappini. Vehicle access to Bungalow, Berkeley Farm from Durley Street. Berkeley Farm Bungalow, Durley Street, Durley. APPROVED.

17/00838/LDP. Mr and Mrs Gray. Single storey rear extension with a detached Garage/car port. Oaklands, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that they would not make any comments.

Development Consultant attending to discuss potential planning application in Heathen Street. Mr Muddiman and Mr Pride were present and informed Councillors of their general plans for land in Heathen Street which was used as the former allotments in Durley. Councillors said that Durley had no development allocation in the Local Plan, however they were happy to look at any plans that were produced at a future Meeting.



The Chairman, Cllr Charles welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting and then introduced Councillors to members of the public present.

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean.

2. The Chairman presided over a Meeting of 7 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller, Mrs A Collins (Clerk), PCSO Slater and 3 parishioners.

3. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly (12.4.16) were read, confirmed and signed.

4. Matters arising: There were no matters arising from the Minutes.

5. Chairman’s Report – Councillor Sam Charles gave a Report giving details of all the Parish Council activities throughout the year. This is shown as Appendix 1.

6. Financial Report – Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins. A detailed Report was given regarding the
Income and Expenditure for the year. The balance to carry forward for the next financial year is about £5,000 less than the previous year. This is because the Expenditure was up by £10,000 and the income was up by nearly £5,000. A detailed set of Accounts is attached as Appendix 2.

7. Highways Report – A Report was given by Cllr Pitter, which included reports of many pot holes in Durley that have been repaired, and verge problems around the village.

8. Hall Report – Chairman of Hall Committee – Cllr Marie Smith. Cllr Smith reported that the Hall has had new flooring in the foyer and kitchen which brightens up the Hall entrance. New tables and trollies to keep them in have been purchased. These tables are lighter and easier for hirers to put up and down. The main entrance and kitchen have been re-painted. Cllr Smith thanked various Clubs for hiring the Hall on a regular basis and for their support. She also thanked CC Rob Humby for the Grant which he has approved towards the new tables, WCC have also given a Grant towards the tables and trollies which is appreciated. Cllr Smith then thanked John the Caretaker, Sam, Kerry and Peter for all the maintenance work they carry out at the Hall and Anne for taking the bookings and keeping everything running smoothly. A Report is attached as Appendix 3.

9. County Councillor’s Report – County Councillor Humby. County Councillor Humby gave a written Report and this is attached as Appendix 4. CC Humby ended his Report by thanking the Parish Councillors and the Clerk for all their support over the year.

10. District Councillors’ Report – District Councillors Humby and Miller. District Councillor Humby did not have a specific District Council Report, but incorporated matters in his Report above. District Councillor Miller reported on the work that he carried out in the Estate Management of WCC. He also oversees the Grants which are allocated at WCC to various organisations. DC Miller said that he is still following up the double yellow lines which have been requested in Durley at Beech Corner, end of Manor Road and outside of the Primary School.
11. Police Representative’s Report – PCSO Slater gave a Report saying that she is based at Hoe Road in Bishops Waltham along with other Officers. PCSO Slater mainly deals with Neighbourhood offences and low level crime. Some statistics were available and PCSO Slater read them out as comparisons from last year to this year. She is going to visit Durley Lunch Club soon with a Trading Standards Officer.

13. Questions to Council Members:

A parishioner present said that the road is sinking again between Mitford and the Farmers Home in Heathen Street. This is a on-going problem as there is running sand under the road and this is a major repair. HCC are aware of the need to deal with under the road rather than just repair the sinking road. Cllr Pitter will report this to HCC Highways again.

14. There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and
refreshments were then served. The Meeting concluded at 9.10 p.m.


7 Parish Councillors and the Clerk were present for the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from DC Mclean, CC/DC
Humby and DC Miller.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. Cllr Smith declared an Interest in paragraph 15 regarding a response to Findens Farm application for a barn conversion. Agree updates from WCC. Councillors agreed with the minor updates to the Code of Conduct.



(a) Church Copse re-planting – George Hollingbery MP is following up. There is no further update.

(b) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs sent to Cllr Miller in the hope that these lines will be painted soon. The line marking machine has already done the lines in Bishops Waltham and it was hoped that Durley would be done at the same time. DC Miller has been asked to chase up again. Cllr Bartlett and Cllr Pitter will take photographs at the end of Manor Road to send to WCC so that they can see why double yellow lines are required at this location as well.

(c) Southern Parishes Group (20.3.17) – Report by Cllr Charles/Clerk. Cllr Charles reported that the Constitution for the Group was agreed and will be formally signed at the next Meeting. Councillors agreed with the Constitution and are happy for it to be signed on behalf of Durley Parish Council. Future Meetings were discussed and CC Humby will be invited to attend the next Meeting.

(d) E-mail from CC Humby regarding updated HGV signs for main road. CC Humby has confirmed that the updated signs will be put up shortly replacing the older ones. Thanks were given to CC Humby for following this issue up for us.

(e) Report on Meeting with Parishes/WCC regarding EBC planning. Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr Pitter and the Clerk attended this Meeting and after a Presentation was made by ADD Group on the proposed planning for future development in Eastleigh Borough Council area, questions were asked. WCC Councillors were also in attendance, along with representatives from other Parish Councils. It was a worthwhile Meeting of the parishes and it is hoped that future updates will be forthcoming via a similar Meeting.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: A Report will be given at the Annual Meeting.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: A Report will be given at the Annual Meeting.

of the public were present.


(a) Invitation for a Walking Relay on 1.7.17 from Colden Common PC. This has
been placed on the village noticeboards so that anyone who wishes to participate can get the details.

(b) Consultation on WCC Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan. Councillors had no
comments to make on the Consultation as no sites were proposed in Durley. Individual Councillors can make their personal comments if they wish.

(c) The Clerk reported that the HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme is continuing for
2017-18 so Durley will be the Lead Parish again for Durley and Upham.

(d) Home-start Meon Valley has asked for more volunteers for their Charity so the Clerk has put up posters on the village noticeboards to see if any residents would like to help.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report at this Meeting.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: No Report at this Meeting.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter to report any urgent problems. Cllr Pitter has reported some pot holes which have appeared in the village. The remainder of his Report will be given at the Annual Parish Assembly.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Tables and trollies have been delivered and are in use at the Hall. The old tables have been given to the PCC for use at the Church Fete and other village events if required.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report any urgent issues. Cllr Watts said that there were no issues at the moment.


17/00795/LDC. Mr Maskell. The use of land as an extension to residential curtilage. Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

16/03445/FUL. Mrs T Hounsham. Alteration to existing garage roof, creating a dormer with balcony to the rear; second air source heat pump (PART RETROSPECTIVE). Appledown Barn, Kytes Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

17/00386/FUL. Mrs T Dance. Equestrian storage building (revised plans for permission 10/01826/FUL)(RETROSPECTIVE). Little Oakdale, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that new windows and a door into this building does look as if it could be accommodation in the future so they would like the condition which is already included in the previous permission to include “The building permitted shall only be used for the purposes ancillary to the equestrian use at Little Oakdale and shall not be used for any separate business, commercial, industrial or living accommodation purposes”. Councillors felt that this was necessary to protect the interests of the amenities of the locality.

17/00426/HOU. Mr Rappini. Vehicle access to Bungalow, Berkeley Farm from Durley Street. Berkeley Farm Bungalow, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

16/03209/FUL. Barn conversion at Findens Farm, Kytes Lane, Durley. After a site visit by Cllr Charles, the Clerk, Cllr Humby and Agents it was agreed that this Application should go to the full Planning Committee rather than by delegated powers. Subsequently, the Case Officer has asked if we would reconsider. Councillors agreed that they still want this application to go to Committee as they see no reason why it should not be approved. Clerk will write to WCC stating this and quote other barns which have been converted. Cllr Humby will also support the application.

Clerk has been asked by Mark Muddiman if he could meet with Councillors to discuss a potential planning application in Heathen Street. Councillors agreed that he could come along to the next Parish Council Meeting on 9th May. Clerk will confirm.



6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins were present. Two PCSO’s attended the first part of the Meeting.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, District
Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage work at Beech Corner – pipe under the road has been completed and ditches have been dug out. Cllr Humby was thanked for all his work in getting this work carried out. It is now a matter of waiting to see how it works. The roadside edges have been reinstated along Snakemoor Lane whilst the road was closed. Clerk has asked HCC to reinstate some of the roadside edges in Durley Road as this was used for traffic during the road closure.

(b) Church Copse re-planting – CC Humby said that he has been following this up with George Hollingbery, but nothing has been forthcoming from the Forestry Commission and it is them that should be making sure that the replanting is carried out. CC Humby will ask if George will take this up and the Clerk will write to Roy Warren and update him.

(c) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs. As no further news has been received from WCC regarding these double lines Councillors agreed to take photographs and then it is hoped that these can be used along with the ones already taken. Cars parking outside of the Garage, especially at night are dangerous and one Councillor present said that she nearly had an accident when a vehicle decided to over-take not realising that vehicles were parked on the junction. Councillors are concerned that there will be a serious accident at this location.

(d) Southern Parishes Group – Agree Constitution. Councillors discussed a Draft Constitution and agreed with the content, but would prefer that the Chairman was elected by the Group every 6 months/yearly so that this Office was shared with parishes rather than just Bishops Waltham.

(e) Maintenance of The Sawmills – 2017/18. Clerk reported that she has asked the present Contractor and he is willing to carry out the work, but he has to make an increase of £200 due to fuel and disposal costs. Councillors agreed that Shawn Read has made a good job of the maintenance work over the year and they would like him to continue. The price agreed will be £1,650 for 2017 and for 2018 and 2019 if we wish to have him for the next three years. Councillors were happy with this and Clerk will write to Shawn. It was also agreed that the buffer area behind the houses should be checked for any encroachment and the new shrub area by Gregory Lane will be included now that we have taken over ownership.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that the drainage has been
carried out at Beech Corner and now it is a matter of waiting to see what happens when we have heavy rain. He has been involved in the School Travel Plan and has met with the Headteacher and School Governors to discuss ways of making the road safer e.g. speed of vehicles, a crossing etc. He has asked that the School inform the Parish Council as support will be needed from the Parish Council. CC Humby explained about the work he is carrying out with the National Infrastructure Commissioner who deals with major roads in the country. 3 roads in Hampshire are dangerous and will hopefully have improvements made within the next 4 – 5 years. Fly tipping has gone down in Hampshire. CC Humby was asked about the Traffic Survey which was being carried out in Hampshire. There have been no results available yet, but CC Humby is chasing for them.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. DC Mclean was not at the Meeting but gave the Clerk a verbal Report. He said that he has visited Durley and taken the new Chief Executive of WCC around Durley visiting the roads works at Beech Corner, the main road through Durley and the Clerk’s Office. DC Mclean said that WCC are working with Vanguard on planning issues and the Mayoral duties are continuing to develop. He also sent his apologies for the Annual Parish Meeting as he will be on holiday.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present so no issues were raised.


(a) Donation request from The Olive Branch Service. Councillors agreed that they
would not be able to make a donation this year.

(b) Gang mowing for 2017 at Recreation Ground. Councillors agreed to carry on
with OCS for 2017/18 year as the gang mowing at the Recreation Ground has improved.

(c) E-mail complaints regarding parking at The Sawmills. Clerk read out e-mails
regarding parking in The Sawmills by workers using the Office Units. Now that the road has been adopted by HCC, Clerk has asked for the line markings at the sides of the road, and signs to be put up to show who has right of way. Clerk has received a response from Andy Smith (HCC Highways) and he is checking details with colleagues at WCC and the Adoptions Team. He will then get back to the Clerk. It is hoped that this can be sorted fairly swiftly as residents and Parish Councillors have been waiting years for the road to be adopted by HCC.

(d) Support for BW-Curdridge Bridleway Project coming through Durley. Cllr Watts
and the Clerk have been attending the Meetings to discuss this Project and showed Councillors the proposed route of the Bridleway. Councillors agreed in principle with the Project, but as it would have little impact or benefit for Durley residents they would not be able to commit any finance for the Project at the present time.

(e) WCC Parish Connect – March, 2017. Sent via e-mail and noted.

(f) A letter of thanks was received from CAB thanking us for the recent donation.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no Report available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: – Cllr Watts reported that some vehicle number plates were being tampered with or stolen.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that he will be going round the village
reporting any pot holes which need repairing. Mincingfield Lane has been closed whilst ditching work has been carried out. Road signs and lines in The Sawmills – this was dealt with in 8(c) above. Response to request for updated “unsuitable for HGV” signs. Clerk received an unsatisfactory response from HCC so CC Humby offered to follow this up. Clerk will send CC Humby an e-mail stating that we do not want new signs, but updated ones with the red line through the middle. After a recent road closure a resident has asked if Durley Road could be for “Access only” as it is so narrow. Councillors agreed that this road is no different to many other lanes in Durley and it would set a precedent, also it could not be enforced. The recent problem in Durley Road was made worse because of the recent road closure. The pot hole in Durley Street has been reported again – this needs to be filled permanently as it gets filled with water and then washes straight out again. The road is breaking up in Sciviers Lane, but this will be reinstated once building work has been completed in Torbay Farm.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Councillors agreed the salary increase for the Clerk as per the National Salary Award 2016 – 2018. The increase is for £2.13 per week from 1.4.17.

13. HALL: Grants successful for Hall tables and trollies. CC Grant has been received for £545 and CC Humby was thanked for his support. A WCC small Grant was also successful for £350. Clerk reported that John, the Caretaker is hopefully going to return to work soon, after his recent sickness. Cllr Smith asked if the guttering outside of the former Post Office room could be repaired. Cllr Charles will do this. 2 trees have been taken down in the car park as they were dead. Cllr Smith reported that the textile bins are working well and are emptied 3 times a week.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report at the Recreation Ground.


16/03459/HOU. Mr and Mrs Kurn. Two storey side and rear extensions with attached double garage (as previously permitted 12/00617/FUL). Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

17/00180/HOU. Mr Young. Erection of two storey side extension, single storey side extension, new front porch, raise existing roof with new dormers and remodelling of fenestration and two storey rear extension. The Bungalow, Netherhill, Botley. Councillors agreed that if approved, this property would be a loss of an affordable dwelling in the countryside. It was also felt that this size would have an impact on the surrounding countryside and was considered to be an over-development of the original plot. The street scene in Netherhill would be compromised with such a large dwelling – if approved.

A Meeting has been arranged with Cllr Horrill (Leader of WCC), Laura Taylor (Chief Executive of WCC), Parish Councils and District Councillors on 29th March in Durley. 3 representatives are able to attend from Durley and Cllr Chalres, Cllr Watts and Cllr Pitter will be attending, along with the Clerk. The Meeting has been arranged by Upham Parish Council to enable the Leader and Chief Executive of WCC to discuss with local parishes what they are doing to lessen the impact on neighbouring parishes in the Winchester District with regard to the EBC Local Plan. It will also be an opportunity for Parish Councils to discuss their concerns about the impact these plans will have on their communities.

16. Councillors were reminded that the next Meeting will be the Annual Parish Assembly
on Tuesday 4th April, 2017 commencing at 8.00 p.m. The Monthly Parish Council Meeting will be at 6.30 p.m.