7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), County/District Councillor Humby and 3 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean, District

Councillor Miller, Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett reported that a table and bench set will be donated by Solent Design. Councillors appreciated this offer from Martin Reynolds and once the bench/table is installed we will put something in the Parish Magazine. It is hoped that other businesses will make a donation. Durley Parish Council will also purchase a bench/seat for the green.


(b)        Report on Church Copse. There has been some planting on the site, however prosecution will still be available if compliance is not adhered to. Durley Parish Council was thanked for all their support and hard work in getting this issue to a satisfactory conclusion by residents attending the Meeting.


(c)        Parking in the Sawmills – suggestions from Simon Finch, WCC. Clerk read out the e-mail response from Simon and it was agreed that a letter to residents living in The Sawmills outlining the options that we have available might be the best way forward. It was also suggested that a letter be written to the PCC asking if they would consider making some additional parking spaces where there is currently rubble just outside of the kitchen.


(d)        Report on Planning Forum at Winchester on 5.3.19 – Cllr Charles/Clerk attended the Forum and they informed Councillors that Planning Enforcement issues, especially illegal traveller sites was a problem in many parishes. WCC Officers said that Enforcement Officers were difficult to recruit and retain. The Parish Charter was also discussed.


(e)        Update on erosion of verges in Durley. After the Parish Council response to a Planning Application the applicant had responded stating that he would speak to his tractor drivers about the speed of their tractors, but also said that there are other drivers who drive at speed. The applicant also reassured Parish Councillors that the manure coming onto the site would cease once the cattle have all moved to the Farm in Durley.


(f)         Complaint against HCC regarding hedge in Parsonage Lane. Clerk referred the complaint after last month’s Meeting to HCC Highways and the response was read out to Councillors. Councillors agreed that information will be given to CC Humby and he will speak to HCC about the best way forward to resolve this issue. Clerk will inform the complainant that as there is no access at this point it would set a precedent for the future if we allow an access to be made.


(g)        HCC Highways Meeting (13.3.19). Cllr Delmege offered to attend as Cllr Pitter was not able to go along.


(h)        WCC Local Plan Meeting (13.3.19). Cllr Charles and the Clerk are attending.


(i)         Cllr Watts said that the bus stop sign is still down along Durley Street. Cllr Smith has reported this and will chase up.


(j)         Cllr Delmege said that the Curdridge mini bus is available for sale. Cllr Charles will speak to the Curdridge Chairman and find out more information as it might be useful for some of the smaller parishes to get together if they wish to use a mini bus for their residents.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby went into detail about the Budget Setting and how

budgets have been reduced and savings need to be made, which is difficult when a large amount is needed for education and social care. 2 new Dragon Patchers have been purchased and one will be based in the Bishops Waltham Depot. The HCC Workshop is on 13th March in Winchester. Cllr Smith asked about the pavement repairs in Parsonage Lane to Whitegates. Cllr Smith will send on the photographs and information she has sent to WCC to the Clerk so that it can be forwarded onto CC Humby to follow up.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby reported that a Full Council had approved the Budget and the Gypsy and Traveller Paper has gone through.




A resident asked about the office development in Church Lane, along with the new tarmac driveway.

Clerk will refer this to the Enforcement Officer, although there is planning permission for an office development on the site which was passed some years ago.




(a)        Winchester Strategic Assessment Plan – sent via e-mail. This was noted.


(b)        Fly-tipping in River Hamble – Calcot Lane. Clerk said that she had received photographs from a

resident showing the fly-tipping which had been thrown in the river. The Environment Agency was informed and investigation officers attended. The fly-tipping has now been removed. Councillors agreed that this is disgraceful behaviour and hope that a prosecution will follow.


(c)        Response regarding salt bin alongside Wintershill. Clerk reported that HCC Highways will

relocate the salt bin onto more level ground.


(d)        Election Nomination forms are available from the Clerk. The Election has been advertised on

the noticeboards and in the Parish Magazine. Clerk will be taking the Durley and Upham Nominations up to Winchester on 1st April so needs the Forms returned to her by 31st March.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report. Clerk said that there was no update on the CIL Funding for the School crossing as the Meeting is in April.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts informed Councillors that vehicle and motorbike theft is on the rise, along with numberplates and hub cap being stolen. Keeping your possessions safe and making sure that your property is checked whilst you are away is advised.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that some of the roads and lanes in Durley are going to be surfaced dressed. Village Entry signs update – Clerk said that she had not received any update. The pot hole outside of White Owl Cottage, Parsonage Lane has still not been repaired. Cllr Pitter will report this again. Parking on the double yellow lines outside of The Robin Hood and Beech Corner Garage has been good, but a few cars are starting to park there again. Clerk was asked to write to The Robin Hood and the Garage to inform them that we will enforce and report any regular offenders.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall Meeting Report held on 6.3.19 – Cllr Smith reported that a new foyer mat will be purchased and laid when the floor is laid, quotes will be sought for the carpentry work required and the crowning of the tree in the Hall car park. Hall floor – update on funding. Clerk said that she has received no other funding, Bovis Homes have responded with no contribution, and it is hoped that we will hear soon from BW Rotary Club. Information and cost of Tesla system – Cllr Pitter said that after looking at the figures it appears that this will not be viable at the moment. The system will only work on 1 phase and the Hall is on a 3 phase system. Appointment of permanent Hall Caretaker – Clerk reported that Donna Shorney has now been appointed on a permanent basis and added to the SGW Payroll for monthly payment. The bulbs planted around the village and in the Hall car park in memory of John have flowered and Jose has purchased a plaque that will be placed in the Hall garden on 21st March.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that everything was running smoothly. There was no update on repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion. Cllr Smith asked if signs could be put up at The Sawmills stating that dogs should be on a lead on the Village Green. Clerk will order 2 signs.




19/00117/FUL. Mr and Mrs Ross. Use of land for the siting of three detached holiday let barns. Hunters Moon, Durley Street, Durley. Additional information received. Clerk said that Mr Ross has informed her that they are lowering the roof height of the barns to 45% pitch, and the Environment Agency has made suggestions about the siting to help with the drainage. Mr Ross also confirmed that the stream does not dry up in the summer months at this particular part of the stream, however it does sometimes dry up lower down the stream. Councillors were pleased that notice was taken of the Parish Council comments.


19/00116/HOU. Mr Hammal. Demolition of existing single storey extension, construction of two storey extension. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. GRANTED.


19/00273/LIS. Ms Lindsay Cox of Estera Trust (Jersey) Ltd. Internal alterations including reinstatement of removed structural elements; reinstatement of removed fixtures and fittings in two first floor bathrooms; improvements to fire protection and means of escape through installation of a new ground floor partition wall and door. Stapleford Farm House, Stapleford Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.


19/00221/HOU. Mr Edwards. Retention and conversion of the existing C3 dwellinghouse to use as a garage and residential annex, associated with the dwelling approved under planning permission 15/01869/FUL. Councillors agreed that an objection would be made as this dwelling was previously not suitable to be developed and now that a much larger replacement dwelling has been built it was considered that the Condition imposed to take down the original dwelling and close the original access should be complied with. Councillors agreed that if this application was approved it could have the potential for an additional dwelling in the countryside for which there is no justification.


19/00363/FUL. Mr Gosney. The erection of a general purpose agricultural storage barn. Broom Farm, Kytes Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.


Councillors were reminded that our next Parish Council Meeting will be on Tuesday 9th April and will commence at the earlier time of 6.30 p.m. then followed by the Annual Parish Assembly at 7.30 p.m.



9.30 p.m.




5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 7 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Clegg, Cllr Bartlett, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean.



Declarations of Interest made.






(a)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not at the Meeting to give an update. Cllr Smith offered to help with approaching the businesses. If there is no support then Councillors agreed to go ahead and purchase a seat for the Green.


(b)        Report on Meeting with Inspector regarding Church Copse. Cllr Charles reported that he, and a resident had met with the Inspector and a submission has now been made to the CPS. It is hoped that a decision will be made for our next Parish Council Meeting.


(c)        Update on Broadband questionnaire for Durley residents on website – Cllr Pitter said that now the speeds are faster in Durley if residents sign up to the faster broadband package we should wait and see if residents are still unhappy as many residents will be happy with the present speed available. Councillors agreed that this item will be reviewed in a few months time.


(d)        Parking in the Sawmills – DC Miller has asked Simon Finch at WCC and he asked for full details from the Parish Council. These will be forwarded onto Simon by the Clerk.


(e)        Sports Awards 2019. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Sports Awards to support our nomination – Mr Colin Watts for all his work with Durley Football Club over the past 50 years. Colin was runner up in the Service to Sport Section which was a tremendous achievement and well deserved. A letter of thanks was read out from Colin to Councillors.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: There was no Report available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: There was no Report available.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. The following issues were brought to the Council’s attention by residents attending the Meeting:


3 residents were concerned about the roadside verges and ditch in Manor Road as it has been dug out recently and has now been eroded by vehicles and tractors. A suggestion was made to see if bollards could be placed on the verge to stop vehicles going on it. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask if this could be done. Concerns were also expressed about tractors going at speed along Manor Road.


The lay-by outside of Durley Church is being used for antisocial behaviour again. This has been reported to the Police and they have visited during the evenings. The Clerk will put in a further request for visits to the Church lay-by and the Recreation Ground car park again. Fly-tipping was also reported in the lay-by. This will be reported again to WCC.


Another resident was present to hear a Planning Application which will be discussed later in the Agenda.




(a)        Letter regarding medical equipment for Durley residents. Clerk read out a letter asking if the

Parish Council would be able to take on the medical equipment for the village. Councillors agreed that this was not the sort of service the Parish Council could provide and suggested that perhaps the Durley Good Neighbours Group might be the better Group to ask.


(b)        Complaint regarding puppy farm in Durley. A complaint has been received and this has been forwarded onto the Enforcement Team for investigation.


(c)        Letter from applicant regarding development at 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. A letter was read out asking if the Parish Council has considered the out-buildings at Lower Farm for community use. Councillors agreed that parking would be a big consideration and there were no current plans for any community use on the site.


(d)        Response from Police regarding Hall break-in. Clerk reported that after giving the police the cctv with images of the intruder, and the forensic team obtaining good DNA, the Police are not able to follow-up the information further to identify the person who broke into our Memorial Hall. Councillors were disappointed that there was not a satisfactory outcome to this case.


(e)        Parish Connect – February, 2019. Sent via e-mail.


(f)         Great British Spring Clean – 22nd March to 23rd April, 2019. Councillors agreed that this would be advertised to see if anyone in the village would be willing to participate and clean up “their patch” in Durley.


(g)        Christmas Tree Festival 2019. A letter was read out asking if the Parish Council would like to participate in another Festival this year as it had been so successful. Councillors agreed that they felt every year would be too much, but every other year would be more achievable.


(h)        Complaint against action taken by HCC on Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that as this work was carried out by HCC Highways and the hedge is owned by them, then the complaint should be directed to them.


(i)         Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan (2016 – 2036). Clerk has been informed that a new Inspector has been appointed for the Examination of the Plan.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Response regarding CIL Funding for School crossing and flashing lights – Clerk

reported that the CIL Officer has been in touch and said that the Scheme is being considered for funding and we will go to the Panel in April. Laminated speed signs update – these have been printed and Nick Apps took the signs to give to Kirstie. It is hoped that when the signs go up dog walkers will take notice of them and pick up after their dog. Nick Apps gave a School Report which is attached to these Minutes. He said that the PCSO has visited the School to talk about responsible parking. There has been flooding in the bus lay-bys and litter and dog fouling is a problem alongside the fence outside of the School.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that car registration plates were taken in Parsonage Lane, the Church wooden door was damaged and damage to another car were reported during this month. There have been break-ins in villages around Durley, and a male has been asking residents in Bishops Waltham for pain killers. Clerk reported that the noticeboard in Gregory Lane has been damaged. This has been reported to the Police. Dave Farr will be asked to repair.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter has reported some pot holes in Durley and taken photographs of Manor Road and Kytes Lane which show how the verges are being eroded by tractors and large vehicles. Village Entry signs update – Clerk reported that Andy Burton has been in touch with HCC as they wanted further adjustments.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – update on funding and date for work to be carried out. Clerk reported that she has not received a response yet from Bovis Homes or BW Rotary Club. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with the Contractor at the Hall and agreed that the work would be completed within 2 weeks and they were happy to work on into the evenings, or at the weekend if necessary to meet this timeframe. The date suggested for the Hall to be closed is Monday 20th May to Monday 3rd June. Councillors agreed that this is the 2 week period the Hall flooring should be carried out. Clerk will write to the Hall hirers who will be affected. Fencing alongside field – no quote has been received yet from the landowner. Repairs to solar panels completed. Old sound system – Clerk said that Neil Ellen is trying to sell the equipment for us. Hall Meeting date – Clerk will circulate dates, Cllr Pitter asked if we had considered a Tesla system on the solar panels at the Hall. Although this would be an initial outlay it would give us cheaper electricity. Cllr Pitter will look at prices and the Clerk will add up the electricity bills for the year.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion will be carried out and showed Councillors a plan of the area so that materials can be ordered. The stile has been repaired in Recreation Ground by the side of the Pavilion. Maintenance work at The Sawmills 2019 – Councillors agreed that Shawn Read will be asked to continue for a further year as he will carry out the work for the same price as last year. Clerk will inform Shawn. Cllr Charles will view the climbing frame at The Sawmills.




19/00117/FUL. Mr and Mrs Ross. Use of land for the siting of three detached holiday let barns. Hunters Moon, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that although they have no objection in principle, they do have concerns regarding the sewage and drainage system suggested for the holiday lets. The stream dries up in the summer and if unclean sewage is discharged into the stream this could have a detrimental affect on the wildlife in that area. Councillors also had concerns about the height of the holiday lets. Although these properties are one-bedroom at the moment, there could be an additional 2 bedrooms made in the roof area if required at a later date and this would mean that the sewage system suggested would not be able to cope.


18/02928/FUL. Mr Taplin. Demolition of existing derelict farm buildings; and the erection of a new livestock building; covered manure store, silage clamp, a principal farmhouse, new landscaping and associated works. Durley Manor Farm, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection in principle to this application, but after listening to residents attending the Meeting it was evident that there are concerns within the village regarding the manure store. Tractors with manure have been travelling to the Farm from outside of the village at speed and this has caused concern with local residents who live on route. It is not clear from the Application if bringing manure onto the Farm will continue, or if, when the livestock building is built there will be enough manure on the Farm? If this could be clarified this would be helpful. Perhaps a Condition on the amount of manure brought onto the site could be put on the Application, if approved, so that residents are satisfied that the present practice will not continue.


19/00116/HOU. Mr Hammal. Demolition of existing single storey extension, construction of two storey extension. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application


18/02174/FUL. Mr Barnett. Provision of a barn for agricultural use on land/paddock adjoining Old Forge Cottage. Old Forge Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. GRANTED.


18/02747/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gamblin. Single and two-storey side extension, enlarge front porch. Northside, Stapleford Lane, Durley. GRANTED. Councillors were disappointed that no conditions were put on the Approval to stop any future drainage/flooding concerns. Councillors felt that they had not been listened to when responding with our comments. Flooding in this area was highlighted in our response. An e-mail has been sent to the Planning Officer expressing our disappointment.


19/00024/TPO. Oakmore House, Oakmore Park, Durley. G1 Thuya – Reduce by 40% to maintain the trees to their surroundings and for the avoidance of doubt. Councillors had no comments to make.


RM/18/83875. Land off Crows Nest Lane, Boorley Green. Councillors agreed that any comments should be given to the Clerk or sent individually.





6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, District/County Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 3 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and District Councillor Miller. Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps also sent their apologies.








(a)        Interest from other parishes in our SID sign. Clerk said that she had received enquiries from other Parish Councils who had seen our sign and were interested in purchasing one for their parish. Cllr Delmege is still collecting data and moving the sign every couple of weeks.


(b)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett.reported that she is still waiting for responses, but hopes to have more news in the New Year.


(c)        Report from the Forestry Commission regarding Church Copse due by 12.12.18. There is no further update but Clerk is hoping to hear from the Forestry Commission after the 12th December, if she does not then enquiries will be made.


(d)        Update on Broadband questionnaire in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter, Andy Burton and Clerk have asked the website designer if he is able to design a page on the village website. This will cost £55.00 for a Survey Monkey Questionnaire to be installed. Councillors agreed that this would be well worth the cost. Cllr Pitter will liaise with Jon who designed the website.


(e)        Report on salt bin outside of Durley Church. This has now been done.


(f)         Responses from business units regarding parking at The Sawmills. Clerk said that she had received one positive response to date. It was agreed that this is a problem and the situation will be kept monitored until solutions can be found. Clerk will see if there are any parking conditions put on the development when it was first approved.


(g)        Durley Christmas Tree Festival – Cllr Delmege reported that he has purchased a tree and decorated it showing what the Parish Council’s responsibilities are. The Festival will be held over the weekend of 15th/16th December. Cllr Delmege was thanked for all his hard work on behalf of the Parish Council.


(h)        Report on Parish Council Briefing held in Winchester – Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Briefing and the main topics discussed were waste recycling – including a roadside glass collection commencing in mid-2019, grass maintenance contracts, precepts and planning.


(i)         Report on WDAPC AGM in Whiteley – Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended, and reported that  Mike Evans was re-elected as Chairman. Other issues discussed were enforcement, planning, speeding vehicles and funding.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he had attended a Cabinet Meeting to discuss issues regarding Emergency Planning if there was a no deal Brexit. This was important in this area as we have Portsmouth and Southampton ports very close, and any traffic problems caused by lorries could affect roads in this area. CC Humby also spoke about the Tourist Information Centre and commented that they had sold £50,000 of Christmas cards this year. He has hosted a Meeting at HCC which looked at ways of making the A272 and A32 safer and less noisy. The naming of the HCC gritters has taken place.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Mclean informed Councillors about Winacc and the work that they are hoping to do. Glass roadside collection will be carried out by WCC in September, 2019, and DC Mclean spoke about the recent SHELAA Sites which have been offered in Durley.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. The residents attending wanted to hear about the recent sites which were put forward for development in the next Local Plan.




(a)        Independent Examination of the Eastleigh Local Plan notification. This was noted.


(b)        Rights of Way Vegetation Priority Cutting Programme – 2019. This will be agreed with Cllr Delmege and then sent to HCC.


(c)        Winchester District Sports Awards 2018. Councillors agreed that Colin Watts would be put forward as a nomination for all the work he has done at Durley Football Club over the last 50 years.


(d)        The WCC Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessments were available on

the WCC website and in the Hampshire Chronicle. Clerk said that she has received many telephone calls and e-mails regarding the SHELAA Call for Sites. Residents were alarmed at the number of landowners who have put their land in for potential development. WCC will now assess the sites through their criteria.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Grants for crossing and lights – Clerk is still looking at Grants, but none appear to

be suitable for the criteria. The best option was to apply for CIL Funding when the Grant opens – information should be available within the next few weeks. Cllr Clegg asked Parish Councillors if they would look at posters designed by children at Durley Primary School to try and slow vehicles down along the main road. Councillors were happy to do this and chose the design that they agreed was the better design. The winning design would be laminated and used around the village.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that residents should be aware that if they have parcels delivered at this time of year they should either be in or ask a neighbour to take the parcel as thieves are watching delivery vans and are taking any parcels left on doorsteps. Cllr Watts said that there have been some thefts from vehicles and homes, but only 1 in Durley. Scams are also on the increase.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that the Village Entry signs are hopefully going to be ordered soon, once HCC have agreed the siting.. Response from BWPC regarding HGV restriction in Hoe Road, BW – Clerk has been in touch with BWPC and they have not got an HGV ban along Hoe Road. They did ask for one, but like Durley, did not get one.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. The Budget was agreed for 2019-20 and the Precept requirement for 2019/20 was proposed by Cllr Pitter at being £26,000. Cllr Delmege seconded this proposal and all Councillors present agreed. Clerk will send of appropriate Precept Request Form to WCC.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – Clerk reported that she has been successful in receiving a Grant of £10,000

towards the Hall floor replacement. She is now looking into some smaller Grants to fund the remainder of the floor. It was agreed that a County Councillor Grant will be applied for. Fencing alongside field – no quote has been received to date. Hall break-in – Clerk reported on the recent break-in to the Hall which the Police are investigating. Clerk said that the solar panels have not been working for some time and although repairs have been sought no-one is able to sign off the work as the panels are older and out of the 10 year guarantee period. Councillors agreed that new panels or a new system should be looked at. Cllr Pitter will investigate the options that we have to replace the system.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that access is still being gained via a gate at the top of the Recreation Ground. Councillors agreed that we must put in a shrub and fence, as Colin Chamberlain suggested. Clerk will ask Peter to carry out this work. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – this is in hand. Fencing alongside swings in the Sawmills Play Area – Clerk will ask why this has not been done yet as the fencing arrived a few weeks ago.




18/02588/FUL. Mr and Mrs Denholm. Application Reference Number 11/00893/FUL Variation of Conditions 3 and 4. Conditions 3 and 4 removal. Brokeclose Farm, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they cannot see any justification for additional bedrooms at this particular property. As stated in the Application – children have left home or are at University and with 5 bedrooms in the main dwelling house there appears to be ample bedroom space already available for when they do visit. We would not wish to see an additional property which could potentially be sold at a later date.


18/02674/FUL. Ms K Kelly. Conversion of outbuildings to create a single, 3 bed dwelling, to include the sub-division of the site and setting out of a curtilage to provide amenity space and parking for each dwelling. 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no objection in principle to this Application, but would like to see the hedge remain alongside Parsonage Lane to retain the rural character of the village.







5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also in attendance.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Pitter and DC Miller.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Cllr Delmege review SID sign. Cllr Delmege reported that the SID sign has been moved and is working well. Some statistics were given out and it is hoped that these will give us a picture of traffic movements and peaks in traffic speeds. Kirstie said that the School children were trying to trigger the speed by running along the pavement.


(b)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett said that some businesses had asked if a plaque could be placed on the seating. Councillors were happy with this. A further report will be given at the next Meeting.


(c)        Response from the Forestry Commission/Enforcement Team regarding Church Copse. Clerk reported that she has not received any update from the Forestry Commission. However, the Enforcement Team have said that the landowner was asked to take measures to stop future flytipping. As it appears that the owner has not taken any action there is little that the Council can do apart from take measures if the land is deemed to be untidy by serving a Section 215 Notice (Untidy Land). A site visit will be made by the Enforcement Team. Clerk reminded Councillors that the Forestry Commission’s Report should be completed by 12.12.18 and then the CPS will decide by 12.1.19 if there is to be a case for prosecution.


(d)        Update on Broadband issues in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter is putting together a flyer which will be circulated around the village. Andy Burton is putting something on the website.


(e)        Response from Planning Officer re Decision made before PC comments sent in. This matter was brought up following last month’s Meeting.   Clerk read out the response from the Planning Officer.


(f)         Report on WW1 commemoration weekend. Councillors agreed that the commemorations went very well and the comments received from residents at the Exhibition were very good. The whole weekend went as planned and ended with the beacon being lit, bells being rung and the piper playing.


(g)        Cllr Delmege said that he has arranged for the CAB to visit Durley Lunch Club on 29th November.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that Decision Day had been held at HCC.

Recycling Centres were going to make a £5 charge to non-residents and householders will be able to register 3 vehicles to take to the Centres in the future. Some street lighting will be switched off during 1.00 a.m. and 4.00 a.m. to save energy. Where School Crossing Patrols do not fit the criteria they will not be funded by HCC, although training and equipment will be. Funding has been secured for the Botley By-pass although there are some land ownership issues to overcome. CC Humby has also been to the House of Lords and House of Commons discussing issues. CC Humby also spoke about the Junior Road Safety Officers Training and that children will be naming the 43 gritters which will be on our roads this winter. The recycling of plastics was also discussed.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Mclean reported that a visit was made to Durley by the Director of Place from WCC. The Director’s name is Chas Bradfield. Cllr Charles did ask why the Parish Council was not informed of the visit as he felt that the Parish Council should have been informed. DC Mclean said that no Parish Councils were informed of the visit made by the Director. DC Mclean also said that the Winchester Leisure Centre has got planning permission – this would be a great asset for the Southern parishes. He also spoke about the Station Approach, social housing and that he is now a Trustee on Winacc.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. A resident present asked about the salt bin outside of Durley Church. She has reported this several times and it now needs to be replaced as it is broken and water gets in. A resident present offered to refill the bin if HCC did not fill it shortly. The Clerk has also written to ask that this bin be filled. It was agreed to ask CC Humby to intervene as this is not acceptable.




(a)        Complaints regarding parking at The Sawmills. Clerk read out e-mails regarding inconsiderate

parking at the Sawmills. It was suggested that the Clerk write to the business units and explain the problems that are being caused by workers parking in the residential areas rather than in the car parking spaces which are allocated to the business units. Councillors agreed that this might help highlight the problem to the businsses.


(b)        Polling Station Review. Councillors agreed that Durley Memorial Hall should continue to be the

Polling Station for Durley and did not wish this to be changed.


(c)        Thank you letter to PC for work carried out. Clerk read out a letter from a resident expressing their gratitude for the work carried out by the Parish Council on a particular matter.


(d)        Durley Christmas Tree Festival. Durley PCC have asked organisations in Durley if they would like to put up a Christmas tree in the Church representing their organisation. Councillors agreed that they would like to participate. It was suggested that perhaps we hang items depicting the issues the Parish Council covers.


(e)        Temporary Footpath Closure – Footpath 15. This was noted.


(f)         Request from WCC to sign Register of Interest Forms annually.   Clerk prepared new forms for all Councillors to complete and sign apart from Cllr Clegg who has recently completed one. Councillors did feel that this was a complete waste of time and money because at present a Councillor informs the Clerk if there is a change on their Form and then a new Form is completed and sent to WCC.


(g)        Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Southern Parishes Meeting in Denmead on Monday 12th October. The main items discussed were the proposed Parish Charter, new logo for the Group, SID and speedwatch, enforcement problems and other issues which are affecting local Parish Councils.


  1. School Report: Grants for crossing and lights. CC Humby suggested a Policy and Resources Grant

and the Clerk applied, hoping that a Grant would be approved for £6,099 and that would leave £1,000 to be donated by Durley Primary School and £1,000 donated by Durley Parish Council. However, the Clerk has been notified that they will not accept the Grant Application. This was very disappointing as we had been recommended to try this Grant. It appears that most Grants are not applicable for this sort of project. Clerk will speak to the Grants Officer at WCC to see if there are any other Grants on offer. Kirstie said that the SID signs have been well received by the School. The KS1 children have been looking at transport and were invited by the police to look at the speed guns they use to catch speeding motorists. A competition was won by a pupil at the School, and as a result a banner was presented which has been put outside of the School reminding dog walkers to pick up after their dog. There has been no flooding which has been great. Kirstie said that she is keeping an eye on the Boorley Green School as this is opening in 2019 because we do not yet know how it will affect the Durley School numbers. The School is still waiting for the 2 day Offsted Inspection. Cllr Clegg asked Councillors if they would judge a speed awareness poster competition which children have been designing. Councillors were happy to do this.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that scams and thefts of vehicle number plates and personal items were the main crimes in the local areas.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter was not at the Meeting to give a Report. Village Entry signs – Clerk has been in touch with Andy Burton for an update. Councillors were again asking about a Width and Weight restriction through Durley. We have tried on numerous occasions without success, however DC Mclean said that BWPC had secured one in Hoe Road, Bishops Waltham. Clerk will contact the Clerk at BW to find out details so that we can ask again referring to the Hoe Road restriction.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress. Clerk has put in a Lottery Funding Grant towards the cost of the Hall floor,

but will still look at other sources of funding for the remainder of the cost. A HCC Grant for Councils might be available in the New Year. Fencing alongside field – Clerk received a telephone call from Charlie Reeves regarding the fence which needs to be replaced on the boundary of his field and the Hall car park. It was suggested that we pay half the cost. Councillors agreed with this and the Clerk will ask for a quote for the work so that the fence can be replaced.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the replacement seat has now been installed. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – this work still needs to be carried out. Cllr Charles and Colin Watts will discuss the materials needed. Dogs off their leads is causing problems at the Recreation Ground. Cllr Watts also reported that an unauthorised firework display had been held and this had caused damage to the Recreation Ground along with rubbish left on the football pitch. Councillors agreed that this behaviour was unacceptable and residents should be made aware of this irresponsible behaviour and the damage caused. Clerk was asked to put this in to the Parish Magazine in the hope that we might be able to find out who the culprits were. CC Humby also suggested that we should speak to the Environmental Protection Officer at WCC. Cllr Charles has ordered the fencing for the Sawmills play area. It should arrive this week ready for installation.




18/02185/FUL. Mr and Mrs Beazley. Proposed Additional dwelling using existing access with retention of existing dwelling using existing separate access. Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made on this application.


18/02174/FUL. Mr Barnett. Provision of a barn for agricultural use on land/paddock adjoining Old Forge Cottage. Old Forge Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that a comment would be made on the fact that we cannot see the need for an agricultural barn as there is no agriculture on this land, and the applicant is a builder. It was agreed that there should be some justification of agricultural need for this application to be approved.


18/01086/FUL. Mrs Southwell. Change of use from C3 (dwelling house) to a mixed use of C3 (dwelling house) and sui generis, for the breeding of dogs. 2 Hazeldene, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Approved with Conditions.


18/01894/HOU. Mr Stoneman. Proposed construction of detached garage building. Giles Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Approved.


18/02112/FUL. Mr Barnard. Demolition of existing barn, erection of new indoor sandschool incorporating staling and horse welfare facilities. Brownheath Park, Gregory Lane, Durley. Approved.


Appeal for Erection of two detached infill three-bedroomed houses on land north of The Nook, Kytes Lane, Durley. This was noted.


18/02363/OUT. Messrs Hamal, Butler and Emmett. Construction of dwelling. Land west of The Farmers Home, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that we had no comments to make on this application provided Planning Policies allow this development within the current Local Plan.


18/02373/HOU. Mr & Mrs Evans & Helesfay-Evans. Single storey front and rear extensions. New Strathcona, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.







6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins and 3 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC/DC Humby and Cllr Bartlett.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Cllr Delmege to update and review SID sign. Cllr Delmege reported that he has installed the sign outside of Shady Oaks Farm and it is working well. Some statistics were given which have been achieved to date. Councillors were amazed at the amount of vehicles which use this road. Cllr Delmege will collate the figures given and move the sign as and when required. Positive feedback has been received from residents.


(b)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not able to attend the Meeting so will give an update at the next Meeting.


(c)        Response from the Forestry Commission regarding Church Copse. Clerk read out an e-mail stating that the Forestry Commission referred the case on 21st August, 2018 and they have accepted that there is a prima facia case and are conducting an investigation, based on the Forestry Commission’s initial investigation. Further updates will be sent as the case progresses.


(d)        Footpath inspections – Cllr Delmege reported that he has received no further complaints other than those which are already being investigated. Clerk has written to landowners who own footpaths which need attention, but is still waiting for responses. An electric fence across a footpath needs investigation in Kytes Lane.


(e)        Update on Broadband issues in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter said that he has asked for an article to go onto the website and Andy Burton will feed back any information to Cllr Pitter. Once feedback has been received for interest in forming a Community Funded project then we can take this further.


(f)         Update on grit bin in Wintershill. Clerk has now received a response from HCC stating that the grit bin will be re-levelled and reinstated alongside Wintershill.


(g)        Report on site visit to 2 Hazeldene, Parsonage Lane. After our last Meeting Councillors were invited for a site visit by the owner. The owners showed Councillors the way in which they operate with the dogs and puppies and the facilities that they have. It was not clear whether Southern Water have approved the drainage in place, but the owner was going to check and send the Clerk any information. Clerk informed Councillors that the date for the Planning Committee to discuss this Application is 18th October in Winchester.


(h)        Parish Event – Report from Cllr Charles/Clerk. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended this Event which was in BW hosted by WCC Planning Officers. Discussion took place regarding Enforcement, the review of the Planning Department and the future Local Plan. There was interesting discussion and feedback is invited from Parish Councils.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby was not at the Meeting so no Report was available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. No District Councillors were present so no Report was given.



apart from those already included on the Agenda.




(a)        Letter from Royal Mail regarding scam mail. Clerk has put this onto the noticeboard. It was also

agreed to ask CAB if they would visit Lunch Club to talk to elderly residents about scam letters, e-mails, telephone calls in general. Cllr Delmege will arrange a suitable date with Edna Merritt.


(b)        Letter of thanks from Durley PCC regarding Churchyard donation. This was noted.


(c)        E-mail and response regarding parked vehicle in Whitegates. Clerk has received complaints about a vehicle which was parked in Whitegates for some time. The Police were informed but could do nothing about it as the vehicle was taxed and insured. There are signs in Whitegates stating that parking is for residents only and vehicles which are parked there for days do cause a problem for residents. Clerk said that the owner has now been located.


(d)        Letter from HCC Highways regarding Licence Fee increases. This was noted, but did not affect Durley.


(e)        Letter from Police attaching a Road Safety Report Executive Summary. This was circulated to Parish Councillors for information.


(f)         Complaint regarding lighting in Heathen Street and response from WCC. This matter has now been dealt with.


(g)        Winchester District Gypsy DPD Modifications Consultation. Sent via e-mail.


(h)        Apology from Martial Arts for moving cones in parking area for Parish Council Meeting on 11.9.18. Councillors were assured that this will not happen in future.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Grants for crossing and lights. Clerk reported that she had contacted the Blue

Lamp Trust (Police) and they only give out Grants to Charities. She also looked at the Lottery Grant Funding and they could not give a Grant towards this project as we did not own the land. They also said that HCC had a statutory duty to provide such equipment.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts gave a PACT Meeting Report which is attached to these Minutes.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that white road markings have been placed on the roads to mark work which needs to be carried out by HCC Highways. Cllr Clegg reported some fly tipping in Netherhill. This will be reported via WCC website. Some highways work has been completed.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. The External Audit Report has been completed and is satisfactory. The first half of the 2018-19 Internal Audit has also been completed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – Clerk is still trying to find a suitable Grant. Bulbs have been planted by the Community Payback Volunteers in the garden areas of the Hall car park. The bulbs have been donated by Durley Entertainments Committee in memory of John Sillence – who was Hall Caretaker for 14 years. A plaque will be donated by Jose in due course. Cllr Smith said that the hot water in the extension end of the Hall was not working. Cllr Charles will look into the problem. Cllr Charles will also see what can be done to repair the fridge door.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report. Replacement seat has arrived – Colin Watts and Peter will put this up. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – Cllr Charles will meet with Colin Watts to see what materials can be used to carry out the repairs. Cllr Smith asked if the fencing alongside the swings at The Sawmills could be replaced shortly. Shawn will be asked to take down the old wooden fencing and Cllr Charles will firm up an order for the replacement fencing materials.




18/02104/HOU. Mr and Mrs Hepburn. Extension to existing dwelling house. Cupressus, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that more detailed plans were required on the proposed floor layout before they could make any comments. Clerk will obtain these and send them via e-mail to Councillors for a decision.


18/01894/HOU. Mr Stoneman. Proposed construction of detached garage building. Giles Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application. It was pointed out to Councillors that a decision had been made on this Application the day before our Meeting, despite the Clerk informing WCC that we would be sending in our comments after our Meeting. This will be pointed out to WCC.


18/01745/FUL. Imperial Homes (Southern) Ltd. Erection of two detached houses (1 x 3 bedroom, 1 x 4 bedroom) with associated access and parking. Land adjacent to Lyons Cottage, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Refused.


18/02037/HOU. Mr & Mrs Beaton. First floor extension with elevation alterations. Springside, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.


18/01364/FUL. Mr Whiteside. To open a field from Durley Street into the landlocked field adjoining Tarrytown to the west. Tarrytown, Durley Street, Durley. Granted.


18/02112/FUL. Mr Barnard. Demolition of existing barn, erection of new indoor sandschool incorporating stabling and horse welfare facilities. (THIS APPLICATION MAY AFFECT THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY). Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.







6 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and 6 parishioners were present. A Planning Consultant and Kirstie Baines were also in attendance.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Charles.



Interest in Planning Application 18/01745/FUL under item 15.







(a)        Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign installment. Cllr Delmege reported that some posts have now been made higher and are ready to hold the SID signs. He will check the other locations and then site the sign for a trial period.


(b)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett reported that she has visited the business units and they are willing to contribute towards the seating. Cllr Bartlett showed a bench seat design which is used in BW, along with a plaque stating who donated the bench. Councillors agreed that these were suitable and it is hoped that we will be able to purchase 2 or 3 ready for next spring. Cllr Bartlett will continue to collect donations and report back at the next Meeting with any progress.


(c)        Response from HCC regarding continual sinking of road in Heathen Street. Clerk read out the response stating that the geotechnical report states that the probable cause for the collapse along Heathen Street is the result of some failure of the Southern Water pipe. It is believed that leaking water is washing away fine material within the pipe surround causing voids. HCC are contacting Southern Water to attend to any pipe failure of their pipe. In the meantime, HCC will continue to ensure that any further damage is made safe. If Southern Water provide evidence that they are not responsible, then HCC will make a submission for funding through their Operation Resilience Fund to carry out substantial works. Clerk said that a response has now been received from Southern Water confirming that as a result of their investigation there are no faults with their system. Therefore, HCC are going to do a cost analysis on carrying out a major repair as opposed to reactive maintenance as and when a problem arises. Carrying out reactive maintenance is more cost effective so major repairs will not be carried out in the foreseeable future. A submission will be made for funding a major repair, but we will have to complete against all other submissions county wide. Councillors were not happy that this problem is continuing as we were informed some years ago that it is running sand causing the problem, not a problem with Southern Water. CC Humby is well aware of this long-standing issue and will try and see what he can do to progress the work required.


(d)        E-mails relating to Church Copse Inspection with the Forestry Commission/WCC. The response confirmed that the fly tipping will be followed up with the landowner and the rubbish removed by WCC. However, the Forestry Commission must enforce the felling of the trees. The Forestry Commission have asked Defra to carry out a report and they are waiting for that information.


(e)        Footpath inspections – Cllr Delmege reported that he has walked footpaths which need attention and appropriate action will be taken. A letter will be written to the owners of Brownheath Park to ask about the horses in a field which the footpath goes through.


(f)         WW1 Meeting Report – Cllr Watts/Cllr Delmege/Clerk. Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the recent Meeting and progress is being made on the arrangements for the commemorations. It was agreed that the figures for the Church would be purchased by the Parish Council and donation will cover the cost involved. The beacon will be ordered at a cost of £250. The School and the PCC, along with the History Society are all involved in the preparations which will take place on Sunday 11th November.


(g)        Update on Broadband issues in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter reported that although fibre broadband is reaching some of the cabinets it is not going into properties. He is looking into a Community Funded Scheme, but will need to know how much interest there is. Cllr Pitter is going to put together an article so that it can go onto the website to see how many residents are interested.


(h)        Response from George Hollingbery MP regarding planning on our parish boundary. Clerk read out the response in which George states that he fully understands the frustration of Durley residents and Durley Parish Council regarding the large amount of planning proposed on our parish boundary.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby stated that he has attended many Meetings and apologised for not always being available to attend the Durley Meetings. However, he did say that he is always on the end of the phone or e-mail to help in any way he can. CC Humby listened to concerns about the recent road closure and as lack of communication appeared to be the problem he will take this back and see what can be done about informing Parish Councils about road closures in the future. He is also now on the Board of Governors of the NHS Trust. CC Humby also said how difficult it is attending 14 Parish Council Meetings each month.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Mclean said that he has attended Meetings, which include Overview and Scrutiny, Health Service, Planning – along with site Meetings. He also informed Councillors about the recent Boom Town Event and how impressive the security arrangements were. The fly tipping has also been removed from Church Copse in Greenwood Lane.



to raise are all included in the Agenda.




(a)        Order acknowledgement received for replacement seat at Recreation Ground. The new seat is

scheduled to arrive around 1st October. The old seat has been dismantled.


(b)        Acceptance letter received for the Caretaker post from D Shorney. Councillors were pleased

that Donna has accepted the role of Hall Caretaker.


(c)        Letter of complaint regarding latest road diversion in Durley. Clerk read out the letter and also

added that she had received many telephone calls from residents about the road closure, of which the Parish Council had no notification. She had telephoned HCC Highways and asked that the diversion be changed at the Winchester Road entrance so that traffic was diverted along the Winchester Road rather than through Durley as the large lorries were causing chaos in the Durley lanes. The lanes were getting damaged and ditches filled in as vehicles could not pass each other. CC Humby will take these comments back to HCC and it is hoped that better communication with parishes in the future will help to mitigate these incidents.


(d)        Insurance renewal for 2018-19. Clerk read out the Insurance quote for the year 2018-19. As this is the 3rd year of a 3 year Contract it was agreed that we continue for a further year. Cllr Watts proposed the quote be accepted and Cllr Smith seconded the proposal. All Councillors were in agreement.


(e)        HCC have sent through the costings for the proposed School Crossing and lights. Councillors viewed the quote and agreed that a County Councillor Grant could be applied for to cover £1,000, the vat can be reclaimed of £1,104.27 and this would leave approximately £7,000 more to find. DPC and Durley Primary School will look at Grant funding the £7,000 between them.


(f)         Invitation to the CAB Winchester for Tuesday 16th October from 12.30 – 2.00. If a Councillor can attend they will get in touch with the Clerk.


(g)        Details were given of the Consultation on the proposed route for the Esso Pipeline – this was noted.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: A School Report was given by Kirstie Baines who said that their recent Offsted Inspection had gone well and the School was rated Good. However, they have been put forward for a Section 5 Inspection which might change the rate from Good to Outstanding. It is not known when the visit will take place. There has not been any flooding issues this summer as it has been very dry. House owners have cleared the brook out which must help with the flooding problems. Kirstie asked about the weeds at the sides of the road in Durley Brook Road. CC Humby explained why HCC Highways are only spraying weeds once a year, but the Clerk will write to HCC Highways and see if they can be cleared.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that warnings are still being made about scam e-mails, cold calling suspicious calls etc. The next PACT Meeting is on 27.9.18 at the Jubilee Hall, BW – Cllr Watts will attend. Cllr Smith said that the PCSO will attend Lunch Club to talk to the elderly about scams etc. It was pointed out that the old telephone number for the Police is still in the Parish Magazine. Clerk will ask Helen Childs to delete this and put 101.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that there is a large pot hole at the end of Alma Lane/Durley Hall Lane which he will report to HCC. Road Closure in Durley Brook Road – complaints/no notification to Parish Council – This item was dealt with under correspondence above. Concern from a resident about an oak tree opposite Barn Cottages in Snakemoor Lane was reported to HCC, but it was felt to be safe. Clerk reported that the village entry signs are being followed up by I Medd and A Burton. It is hoped that the signs will soon be ordered. Cllr Clegg said that there is a pot hole in Parsonage Lane – Cllr Pitter will report this to HCC.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – Clerk has 2 written quotes and once she has a 3rd one she can apply for a Grant for some of the cost. Under-stage clear-out – This has been carried out. Caretaking arrangements have now been confirmed and Donna Shorney will be the new Hall Caretaker. Cllr Charles has fitted the brush under the main foyer door. Clerk said that she has had an offer of a freezer for the Hall if we wanted one. Councillors agreed that now that the sound system was in the PO Room there would not be enough room and previously the freezer was only used for storage and kept tripping the electric out so it was agreed that although it was a kind offer we would not accept.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the weed and feed has been applied to the Recreation Ground. DFC have paid half of the cost and the Parish Council the other half. Replacement seat due to arrive on 1st October. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – a suitable metal plate needs to be sourced to put on the edge as it would be more sturdy than wood.




18/01607/FUL. Mr & Mrs Barney. Construction of orangery. Doerleage Cottage, Gregory Lane, Durley. Granted.


18/01745/FUL. Imperial Homes (Southern) Ltd. Erection of two detached houses (1 x 3 bedroom, 1 x 4 bedroom) with associated access and parking. Land adjacent to Lyons Cottage, Durley Brook Road, Durley. After discussion Councillors agreed that we had no comments to make on this application provided Planning Policies allow this development within the current Local Plan.


Winchester Local Plan 2036 Consultation – any comments. No comments were made.


Clerk read out an e-mail from the Planning Officer regarding a Planning Application at 2 Hazeldene,

Parsonage Lane. Councillors agreed that as residents attending the Meeting were still not happy with the situation Councillors agreed that they would still wish this application to go to the Planning Committee. It was also agreed that we need to be assured that Southern Water are well aware of the connections made to the water and sewer systems and that all the regulations are complied with. If this is not so, then problems will arise. Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Officer and ask that assurance be given by Southern Water that the connections have been inspected and do comply with all regulations.


APP/L1765/X/17/3191401 & APP/L1765/C/18/3205323. Clerk informed Councillors that the date for these Appeals has been set for 25th September, 2018 at 10.00 a.m. in The Guildhall.



10.05 p.m.



5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and District Councillor Miller were present, along with 4 parishioners.

At the start of the Meeting Cllr Charles announced the sad death of our Memorial Hall Caretaker – John Sillence.  John has been looking after the Hall for the last 14 years.  A minute’s silence was held in John’s memory.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  Apologies were received from Cllr Bartlett, Cllr Clegg, District Councillor
Mclean and County/District Councillor Humby.

Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign installment.  Cllr Delmege said that he is still waiting for HCC Highways to come back to him.  He was informed that the work on the posts was in the June/July Work Schedule, but has heard nothing since.  Ian Janis has been very helpful, but has now passed the work onto Contractors.  Clerk will ask CC Humby if he could pursue and get this moving again so that the SID sign can go up.  The village entry signs were also discussed.  Clerk will contact Ian Medd to see where we are and then let Councillors know the current situation.

(b) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not present at the Meeting to give an update so this will be given at the September Meeting.

(c) Parsonage Lane footpath/cycleway.  Response from HCC Highways.  The Arboricultural Team are going to put appropriate planting in the gap in the planting season.

(d) Response from HCC regarding continual sinking of road in Heathen Street.  Clerk has written to CC Humby regarding the temporary measures which keep being carried out and asked for a timeframe for the permanent repairs.  No timeframe has been received to date from CC Humby.

(e) Clerk will now follow up Church Copse Inspection with the Forestry Commission as we have received no information or update regarding an Inspection.  Residents were present at the Meeting and are very disappointed that no action has been taken as promised by the Forestry Commission or Enforcement Team.

(f) Report on Home-Start Meon Valley AGM – Cllr Delmege reported that he attended the AGM.  The Meon Valley Home-Start has now ceased and has been incorporated into the Hampshire Homestart.

(g) Footpath inspections – Cllr Delmege.  It was agreed that the landowner will be contacted along Durley Street to see if he would put in 2 stiles which were more accessible and also level ground out which has rutted.  Councillors also agreed that a note will go into the Parish Report asking landowners who have a footpath going through their land to cut it back as the grass is growing quickly at the moment.

(h) WW1 Meeting Report – Cllr Watts attended the Meeting and reported that planning for the Exhibition, Beacon lighting and Church/School services are going well.  A note has gone into the Parish Magazine informing residents of the weekend.

(i) Clerk has received costings for the ACSO and additional Parish Lengthsman hours if we wished to have more hours from Bishops Waltham PC.  The ACSO is £16.41 per hour + £3.28 admin fee and the Lengthsman is £13.50 per hour + £2.70 admin fee + 0.45p per mile.  Councillors agreed that we would most probably have some additional hours, but a decision will be made when we know which other Parishes wish to have extra hours.

(j) After sending a donation to the CAB a response was received concerning our offer of a room for an Outreach Service in Durley.  CAB said that they would not be able to hold regular sessions, but might use the room on an ad hoc basis if we are agreeable.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT:  CC Humby.  There was no Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS:   DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean.  DC Miller was at the Meeting and gave information concerning the Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan, Church Copse re-planting enforcement, questions from residents and an update on the Sports Centre in Winchester.  Cllr Charles said that it was important that the District/County Councillors attended our Meetings, as well as Bishops Waltham Meetings because residents and Parish Councillors do need to ask questions.  Clerk was asked to e-mail District/County Councillors and ask that they attend our Meetings.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN.  2 residents attended to discuss the re-planting of Church Copse and what enforcement action is being taken as no re-planting has taken place to date.  This will be followed up by the Clerk again.  2 residents also attended to ask Councillors about the progress of a Planning Application and also the Bus Consultation at HCC.


(a)       WCC Parish Connect – July, 2018.  Sent via e-mail.  This was noted.

(b)       Letter from resident regarding parking issue.  Councillors agreed that the resident would need to
apply to WCC for a Disabled badge/parking bay as this is not something the Parish Council is
able to control.  However, we would be happy to support this resident if they would wish us to.

(c)       Letter from resident regarding seating and tables on village green.  Clerk circulated the letter and
The content was noted.  The proposed seating and tables would be an asset for all residents and visitors to Durley to be able to use, not just those who live and work in The Sawmills.

(d)       Grant enquiry response from WCC.  Clerk said that she had enquired about the Community
Grant which we had previously applied for, but it is no longer available.  Clerk will look at other Grant resources for the Hall flooring including the Lottery Funding.

(e)       Consultation on the WCC Local Plan 2036.  This was noted.

(f)        An e-mail was received from Durley PCC thanking the Parish Council for their donation towards
the Churchyard maintenance for 2018-19.

(g)        Enquiry from resident regarding hedgehogs at The Sawmills.  Councillors agreed that a
hedgehog house could be placed in the buffer area provided it did not block the inspection

(h) Cllr Pitter has been trying to gain information from BTand Openreach regarding fibre broadband to properties in Durley.  He has not received a response yet, but it does appear that the problem is getting the fibre broadband to premises via overhead cables which is taking the time.  Sciviers Lane to Upham appears to be in progress, but not Durley at the moment.  He hopes to have an update for the next Meeting.

9. SCHOOL REPORT:  There was no School Report as it is the School summer holidays.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT:  Cllr Watts reported that the main issues have been cold calling and break-ins, but not in Durley.  Cllr Watts also said that there is a Older Driver Awareness Course locally.  These items will be place on the website for information.  The next PACT Meeting is on 27.9.18 at the Jubilee Hall, BW

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT:  Cllr Pitter reported that some of the road defects in Sciviers Lane have been repaired and he will go around the village and report any other issues.  The double yellow line markings are working well after checking through the last month.  Letter from HCC Highways – Clerk read out response regarding highways issues along Snakemoor Lane.  National Highways & Transport Survey – Cllr Pitter will complete this. Tipper truck movements through Durley – Cllr Charles advised how to report these movements.  Clerk will write to one particular Company who appear to be going through the village a lot.  The trees are overhanging the “unsuitable for hgv” signs at the bottom of Wintershill so Peter will be asked to cut them back so the signs can be seen.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS:  Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.  Flowers were agreed to be sent from Parish Council and the village to John’s funeral.

13. HALL:  Hall floor quotes – Cllr Charles now has 3 quotes.  Under-stage clear-out – this could not go ahead as Shawn was on holiday.  This will be done once he is back.  Caretaking arrangements – Councillors agreed that as the Relief Caretaker has been covering for the Caretaker whilst he was ill and doing a good job we would offer her the post if she would like it.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that some repairs are required in the disabled toilet and the veranda.  Colin Watts offered to carry out the work, but the Parish Council will pay for any materials required.  Replacement seat for the baby swing has now arrived.  The Clerk will order the replacement seat to be installed and arrangements will be made for the concrete/wooden seat to be dismantled and removed.  Cllr Watts said that litter is a problem and residents reported seeing young males kicking a football against the Pavilion.


18/01379/HOU.  Mr & Mrs Robinson.  Single storey rear extension and new porch to bungalow and the
erection of a detached car port.  Middle Farm, Durley Street, Durley.  Granted.

18/01342/TPO.  Mr Saint.  1 no Oak – fell due to reduced health and structural integrity.  Swiss Cottage,
Sciviers Lane, Durley.  Granted.

18/01346/HOU.  Mr Barnett.  Revision of 17/02846/HOU – Alteration to fenestration materials with a 2 storey extension to front elevation; 2 storey rear extension following removal of existing; single storey barn style side extension.  Granted.

18/01384/HOU.  Mr Cole.  (Variation to approval 17/02530/HOU).  Single storey extension to rear, to provide indoor swimming pool and changing facilities.  Baytrees, Durley Brook Road, Durley.  Granted.

18/01607/FUL.  Mr & Mrs Barney.  Construction of orangery.  Doerleage Cottage, Gregory Lane, Durley.  There were no objections to this application.

18/01089/HOU.  Mr Kurn.  A large side extension and internal alterations to house.  Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley.  Refused.

APP/L1765/X/17/3191401.  Mr M Maskell.  Appeal for The Use of land as an extension to residential curtilage.  This was noted.

APP/L1765/C/18/3205323.  Mr M Maskell.  Appeal for Without planning permission, the construction of a brick barbeque building including chimney, walls and tiled roof.  This was noted.

O/18/83698.  Eastleigh Borough Council plans for land north and east of Winchester Street, Botley for Outline permission for 375 no. dwellings.  Councillors agreed that a letter should be written to George Hollingbery MP stating that Durley is getting very frustrated with planning applications on the Eastleigh Borough Council boundary of our parish which are suffocating our small village.

Planning Appeals – on land adj. Berkeley Farm, Durley Street, Durley.  Both Appeals have been approved.  Cllr Charles asked DC Miller if WCC could consider having specialist Planning Officers for some Planning Applications like this one as WCC Officers did not appear to have the expertise required.

9.45 p.m.


7 Parish Councillors and the Clerk were in attendance, along with District Councillor Miller and 1 parishioner.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and
District Councillor Mclean.

Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Encroachment onto Parish Council land – Report on Inspection Meeting.  Councillors inspected the buffer area on 27th June and said that the bees and hive have been removed, gates have been blocked and the compost bin have been removed.  The only two outstanding issues appear to be the fencing which has been moved and the bins which are still sited on Parish Council land.  It was agreed that the fence was resolve in a previous inspection and the Parish Lengthsman will be asked to put up a post and fence, along with a shrub on the edge of the buffer area.  If the bins continue to be placed on the buffer area then they will be removed.

(b) Cllr Delmege to update on SID sign installment.  Cllr Delmege is in the process of installing the equipment.  He is waiting for HCC to extend the poles.  He carried out an initial test to see how the equipment gathered the evidence.

(c) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett reported that she has not had time to visit the businesses yet, but will hopefully be able to do this next week.  A report will be given at the August Meeting.

(d) Parsonage Lane footpath/cycleway.  A response was read out from HCC Highways and it was agreed that the situation will be kept monitored.  In the meantime it was agreed that the Clerk would respond by stating that the Parish Council would be willing to purchase some hedging or a tree/shrub and we would also like to question the insurance if someone was injured whilst walking the footpath/cycleway at this point.

(e) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (9.7.18).  Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Meeting and gave a brief report.  Items to take back to our relevant Parish Council was to ask if we would like additional hours for a Parish Lengthsman and/or ACSO.  It was agreed that we would be interested in having hours for an ACSO on a variable hours basis so that we could use them when we have village events, or perhaps a problem which needed resolving.  Councillors agreed that we could discuss this at the next Meeting when the hourly rate is known.  Representatives from CAB attended the Meeting and informed Councillors of the work that they do.  It was agreed that if the CAB wish to use a room at Durley Memorial Hall for an outreach session then they could use it free of charge.

(f) Response from HCC regarding continual sinking of road in Heathen Street.  This was read out and it was agreed that we would ask CC Humby again about the funding required and the timescale for major work to be carried out.

(g) Church Copse, Greenwood Lane.  Clerk read out the response from the Forestry Commission stating that an Inspection has not yet been carried out at Church Copse.  Councillors agreed that this should be followed up again in a month if no Inspection has been carried out.

(h) WDAPC Meeting with WCC – Cllr Charles reported that enforcement was discussed at this Meeting and it was generally agreed that enforcement was not fit for purpose as WCC did not appear to have the powers required to make any difference.

(i) Clerk read out response from Jenny Nell, WCC regarding an enquiry for sites for potential housing.  Although there have been over 200 sites submitted in response to the call for sites from all over the Winchester District these will need to be worked through.  A list of suitable sites could be considered through the local plan process.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT:  CC Humby.  No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS:   DC Miller reported on the various major developments which are happening in the Winchester District, mainly in Winchester.



(a)       Letter of thanks from CAB regarding donation.  This was noted.

(b)  Consultation document on proposals to change street lighting, supported transport services and
concessionary travel scheme.  After discussion it was agreed that street lighting did not really
affect Durley, and it was agreed that a nominal charge for concessionary bus travel would be
acceptable to most residents if it meant keeping a bus service through the village.  Clerk will
complete the questionnaire.  The questionnaire has also been put on the website for residents to

(c)  Local Plan update from Eastleigh Borough Council.  Sent via e-mail and on website.  It was
agreed that a response would be made from Durley once the results of the Highways Assessments had been made.

(d)       Winchester Local Plan 2036.  Clerk read out e-mail explaining the next stage of the Local Plan.
This was noted.

(e)        Esso Pipeline Project.  Initial Working Route.  Clerk said that it appears that the pipeline
replacement might not be going through the wooded area at The Sawmills.

(f)        Home-Start Meon Valley AGM on Wednesday 18th July at 12.00 noon in Wickham.  Cllr
Delmege said that he would most probably be able to attend.  Clerk will inform Home-Start.

9. SCHOOL REPORT:  Nick Apps was present at the Meeting and said that the School had an Offsted visit
today, the track entrance is being looked at, the edge of the brook is being cleared to ease the flooding and the School crossing is on hold at the moment with a view to having flashing lights as a priority.  The Clerk said that she has asked Rights of Way to look at the footpaths leading to the School to give any advice on how to make them more accessible.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT:  Cllr Watts reported that thefts of vehicles and bikes are still happening frequently.  The next PACT Meeting will be held on 27.9.18 at the Jubilee Hall, BW.  A note will be placed on the website giving tips to residents for when they go on holiday.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT:  Cllr Pitter said that he has reported many pot holes and about half of them have now been repaired.  He will gradually report all pot holes around the village.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS:  Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.  Agree churchyard maintenance donation for 2018-19.  Cllr Charles proposed that we donate £200.  Cllr Watts seconded this proposal.  All Councillors were in agreement so Clerk will send on a cheque for £200.

13. HALL:  Hall floor quotes – Cllr Charles said that he is meeting with another floor Company to get a
further quote.  Report on Hall Meeting 4.7.18. – Cllr Smith reported that at the Hall Meeting items that were discussed included the Hall flooring, clear-out of the understage area, curtains in the kitchen, caretaking and other minor repairs.  It was pointed out that help was needed with the understage clear-out so Councillors offered to help.  Cllr Smith will circulate dates which the Hall is free and see who is able to help.  It was suggested that Wednesdays are the best day.

14. RECREATION GROUND:  Painting of Pavilion – this has now been completed.  The multi-surface course equipment has also been finished.  The pollarding of the 3 Ash trees has been done and a thank you was received from the resident who lived near to the Ash trees.  Cllr Watts reported that the baby swing needs replacing as it appears that adults have been using it.  Clerk will put in an order.  It was agreed that the seat at the top of the Recreation Ground would be dismantled and a replacement one put in place of it.  There is evidence of antisocial behaviour during the evenings so it was suggested that measures be put in place to catch the offenders.  Cllr Smith asked if the fence was going to be replaced at The Sawmills play area.  Cllr Charles will do this as soon as he is able.


18/01379/HOU.  Mr & Mrs Robinson.  Single storey rear extension and new porch to bungalow and the
erection of a detached car port.  Middle Farm, Durley Street, Durley.  Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.

18/01342/TPO.  Mr Saint.  1 no Oak – fell due to reduced health and structural integrity.  Swiss Cottage,
Sciviers Lane, Durley.  Councillors had no objection to this application.

18/01364/FUL.  Mr Whiteside.  To open a field access from Durley Street into the landlocked field adjoining Tarrytown to the west.  Tarrytown, Durley Street, Durley.  Councillors agreed they could see a need for an entrance to this field, but are also aware that this is a dangerous stretch of road.  However, they have no objection to this application provided HCC Highways are consulted and approve the safety aspects of opening an entrance in this location.

18/01346/HOU.  Mr Barnett.  Revision of 17/02846/HOU – Alteration to fenestration materials with a 2 storey extension to front elevation; 2 storey rear extension following removal of existing; single storey barn style side extension. Old Forge Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that they are happy with the amendments made and have no further comments to make on this application.

18/01331/FUL.  Mr Churcher.  Change of use of land to curtilage and proposed replacement dwelling using existing access from Greenwood Lane.  Woodlands, Greenwood Lane, Durley.  Councillors agreed that they have no comments to make on this application.

18/00975/FUL.  Mrs T Dance.  Extension to equestrian barn, sand school and automatic horsewalker.  Little Oakdale, Durley Hall Lane, Durley.  Approved.

18/01042/HOU.  Mr & Mrs Hounsham.  Change of use of first floor ancillary building for independent holiday accommodation, including the installation of a small kitchenette with cooking facilities.  Appledown Barn, Kytes Lane, Durley.  Approved.

18/01384/HOU.  Mr Cole.  (Variation to approval 17/02530/HOU).  Single storey extension to rear, to provide indoor swimming pool and changing facilities.  Baytrees, Durley Brook Road, Durley.  Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

9.25 p.m.



5 Parish Councillors, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 3 School representatives were present.


  1. Election of Officers:


Chairman – Cllr Smith proposed Cllr Charles. Cllr Delmege seconded this proposal. All Councillors were in agreement and Cllr Charles was duly Elected.

As all Councillors were willing to serve a further year in their capacity the following were proposed and seconded, and duly elected:


Vice Chairman –Cllr Watts was duly Elected.

Hall Management Committee Chairman – Cllr Smith was duly elected.

Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Bartlett was duly Elected.

Highways Officer – Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.

Footpaths Officer – Cllr Delmege was duly Elected.

Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Watts was duly Elected.

Transport Representative – Cllr Pitter was duly Elected.


Cllr Clegg was happy to help where required as she is new to the Council.


  1. Congratulate recently elected District Councillor. Clerk informed Councillors that DC Miller has been re-elected as our District Councillor.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Pitter, Cllr Bartlett, CC/DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean.








(a)        Dog fouling stickers from WCC to put up. Clerk has obtained some signs from the WCC Dog Warden to put up at The Sawmills and the Recreation Ground. A camera was suggested to catch dog fouling offenders if the problem continues.


(b)        Community Payback Scheme – painting of Pavilion. A response has been received stating that we will not be charged for the painting work in the Pavilion which was not satisfactory. The work has now been rectified. DFC will complete the painting in the Pavilion. The high work on the multi-surface court is the only painting remaining to be carried out.


(c)        Arrange Inspection Meeting around The Sawmills for early June. It was agreed that Clerk will circulate dates for mid-June when Cllr Charles is back from holiday.


(d)        Update on SID signs. Cllr Delmege. Clerk has put in an order for the signs. A Licence was required from HCC and this has now been signed. Cllr Delmege reported that 6 locations have been agreed with HCC for siting the posts. It is hoped that they will be sited in June.


(e)        Report on Meeting to discuss commemorations for WW1. Cllr Delmege, Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended a Meeting at the School on 20th April. Discussion took place about the way in which the whole village could get involved. The Hall will be used for an exhibition provided by the History Society, an Evening event run by the Parish Council, Church service and the lighting of a beacon on the Sunday. School children will be involved in finding out about the local war veterans who lost their lives, and it is hoped that village organisations will get involved in various ways. The next Meeting will be held on 8th June in the Parish Council Meeting Room.


(f)        Table/seating for The Sawmills Green. Donations update from Cllr Bartlett. Clerk reported that Cllr Bartlett was unable to attend the Meeting, but she has received positive feedback from the business units for some sponsorship for the seating.


(g)        WDAPC Meeting held on 16.4.18. Cllr Charles/Clerk to report. The main discussion was about the new GDPR Regulations, speeding bikes on the A272 and future topics for discussion.


(h)        Parsonage Lane footpath/cycleway has been cleared. Clerk has received many compliments on the footpath since it has been cleared back. The drain under Parsonage Lane appears to be blocked again so Clerk will report it to HCC.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: Cllr Humby. No Report was available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. No Report was available.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present.




(a)        Fly-tipping in Greenwood Lane at Church Copse. Fly-tipping has been reported in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. As this is on private land Clerk has sent the information onto HCC and WCC as this is an ongoing case with the Enforcement Team.


(b)        Southern Parishes Speedwatch Group. Clerk read out a letter asking if DPC could share any equipment for speedwatch. As we have no speedwatch group or equipment we would not be able to help. In the past we have asked for volunteers to form a Group, but they were not forthcoming.


(c)        Parking at The Sawmills. An e-mail was read out about parking problems at The Sawmills when the business unit workers use the roads in the residential areas to park. As the business units are not owned by the Parish Council it was agreed that there was little that we could do. Clerk did suggest to the resident that perhaps residents could write to the business unit owners and inform them of the problem. Parking at the Pre-school is a problem for residents so the Clerk will write to the Leanne to ask if they could make the car park available for use when needed and also ask parents to park considerately and not arrive before their pick up time.


(d)        Rural Housing Meeting – An affordable housing scheme in every parish. This was noted, but as we did have an affordable housing scheme in the past Durley would not wish to have another one at the moment.


(e)        HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme 2018-19. Clerk confirmed that £1,000 has been received for Durley to spend on the Scheme. Curdridge and Upham have now joined our cluster.


(f)        The Draft Legal Agreement was received for the transfer of the land for the Thresher Room car park from Persimmon Homes to the Thresher Room trustees. Councillors agreed with the condition stating that the car park should be used as a car park or as an outdoor facility when not required as a car park. This was as it was originally agreed when the development was approved.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines (Headteacher), Holly Wood and Nick Apps attended the Meeting and informed Parish Councillors of the issues they are covering to make the journey to School as safe as possible. They are updating their School Travel Plan and educating the children about sensible, considerate parking. The PCSO is hopefully going to educate the parents. It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that Footpath 10 could be blocked and as it will soon be Walk to School Week it was agreed that this would be looked into and cut if required. The footpath leading from the Memorial Hall to the School will also be kept cut back as much as possible. Kirstie informed Councillors of their plans for the future of the School track. It is hoped that a representative from the School will be able to attend the Parish Council Meetings to give a short Report each month. If this is not possible, then a written Report will be read out.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the Nottingham Knockers have been in Durley and this has been reported to the Police. Thefts from vans, cars and sheds have been a problem. Sometimes if hedges are too high this can be a hiding place for potential burglars.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Village gateway signs. Andy Burton and Ian Medd from the Parish Plan Team have been in touch with a design team and are checking the agreed village entry signs with HCC before an order is placed. It is hoped that these signs will be installed over the summer. Councillors agreed that flowers planted below the village entry signs would enhance the signs even more. It was suggested that perhaps residents would plant bulbs and flowers in “their patch” around the village, similar to bulbs planted in Stapleford Lane. The salt bin in Wintershill has been knocked over. Clerk will report this to HCC.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed the invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.


  1. HALL: Hall floor quotes – no further progress. Window in Committee Room – no further progress. The First Aid Notice and a Notice on the trollies for the tables have been done. Cllr Charles will repair the fridge door and provide a steamer for the cleaner to use. A Hall Meeting will be arranged in mid-June. Clerk reported that the Caretaker is still unwell at the moment. Quotes were received and read out for the LED lighting in the main Hall and the media screen. Cllr Charles will discuss these with Neil Ellen. Alternative quotes will be required if we proceed, but at the present time we will not be proceeding with the LED lighting unless the quotes are lower.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts to report. Cllr Charles, Cllr Watts, Cllr Delmege and the Clerk met at the Recreation Ground with the Peter the Parish Lengthsman to discuss the tree branches which are to be removed from trees on our boundary. They also looked at the bridge which was put across the ditch/stream. A letter from our Solicitor was sent to the owner and the bridge has now been removed from the ditch/stream, but it is still on the bank which Councillors agreed was not satisfactory as children could have access to it and put the bridge back, also there is still a possibility that the owner could put the bridge back to access the Recreation Ground. We have been advised by our Solicitor that we have no alternative but to put a fence up to block any future potential access. Councillors agreed that they would like to plant a holly bush and perhaps put a fence around it to protect it and block access. Councillors declined an offer to walk with the owner along this part of Durley Street as they are fully aware of the traffic situation. Clerk will respond to the bridge owner as Parish Councillors suggested.

Cllr Watts said that there was a problem when a resident organised a birthday party without booking the Pavilion. There was a football match on the same day and parking would have been a problem. However, Cllr Watts met with the hirer and she completed a booking form and made sure that the party ended just before the footballers arrived. The contact details for booking the Recreation Ground/Pavilion are on the Parish Council website and anyone who wishes to book a party should contact Cllr Watts so that toilet facilities can be opened and bookings do not clash. Cllr Smith said that the fence at The Sawmills play area still needs to be replaced.




18/00400/HOU. Mr and Mrs Manzi. 1 ½ storey rear and side extensions, roof alterations including 2 no. front and 2 no. rear dormers and front porch with canopy. Green Acre, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.


17/03081/FUL. Mr S Charles. Proposed erection of two detached infill three-bedroomed houses. Land north of The Nook, Kytes Lane, Durley. REFUSED.


X/18/82986. Land to the north west of Boorley Green, Winchester Road, Boorley Green. Variation of Condition 12 of outline planning permission (O/15/75953) to enable foul drainage to be carried out in accordance with either the approved Flood Risk Assessment or details set out in the Foul Sewerage Assessment. Councillors agreed that this Condition should remain as it makes sure that the drainage is installed before the development of the houses. We would not wish to see the drainage put in after the houses as this could cause issues for residents living in the development and further away. Clerk will send in our comment.


18/00538/FUL. Mr and Mrs Curran. Demolition and replacement of two agricultural buildings. Oakdale Farm, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. GRANTED.


18/00457/HOU. Mr Fernandes. Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage. Beech Corner Cottage, Durley Brook Road, Durley. GRANTED.


18/00894/HOU. Mrs North. Single storey rear extension. 2 Swift Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.




The Chairman, Cllr Charles welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting and then introduced Councillors to members of the public present.


  1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from District Councillor Mclean, Cllr Clegg and Cllr Bartlett.
  2. The Chairman presided over a Meeting of 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller, Mrs A Collins (Clerk), PCSO Slater along with another Police representative and 3 parishioners.
  3. The Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly held on 4th April, 2017 were read, confirmed and signed as a true and correct record of the Meeting.
  4. Matters arising. A question was asked last year about the road which keeps sinking in Heathen Street. This has been reported many times and is still a problem. A major road repair is required because there is running sand underneath the road. CC Humby asked the Clerk to send him an e-mail and he will chase this up.
  5. Chairman’s Report – Councillor Sam Charles gave a Chairman’s Report. He detailed the activities which the Parish Council has been involved in over the year and also thanked his fellow County, District and Parish Councillors for all their help and support. He also thanked the Clerk for all her hard work over the year. A Report is attached as Appendix 1.
  6. Financial Report – Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins. A detailed Report of the Income and Expenditure was given by the Clerk. A sum of £16,000 was received from Persimmon Homes to help with future maintenance costs towards the road upkeep in the turning area. The Accounts have been verified by the Internal Auditor and will now go to the External Auditor. A detailed Financial Report is attached as Appendix 2.
  7. Highways Report – Cllr Kerry Pitter presented a Highways Report. Cllr Pitter regularly reports pot holes in Durley and takes photographs to help HCC see where the pot holes are. The double yellow lines at the end of Manor Road and Beech Corner have been marked ready for installation shortly. Cllr Pitter said that pot holes are difficult to report at the moment because they are filled with water. However, he will go round the village soon in the drier weather and take some photographs and then report any pot holes he finds.
  8. Hall Report – Chairman of Hall Committee, Cllr Marie Smith gave a Hall Report. The Caretaker is unwell at the moment and Councillors wished to convey their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Donna Shorney has kindly stepped in to cover the caretaking duties. Hall hire is up a little and the Hall is well used. The sound system has been replaced and is ready for use. The Hall floor is being replaced and quotes are being sought for the work. A detailed Hall Report is attached as Appendix 3.
  9. County Councillor’s Report – County Councillor Humby gave a detailed Report outlining the work that HCC is doing to keep our road network safe, especially during the bad winter weather which we have had this winter. CC Humby is involved in many Meetings which involve going to the House of Commons, visiting local residents and everything in between. Taking responsibility for the highways and environment in Hampshire is a vast amount of work and deciding on the budget for these issues is a big responsibility. Adult and child social care takes up a large amount of the budget so juggling the figures to accommodate all that is required is not easy. CC Humby informed residents about the work that Skanska are doing on our highways and the new machines that they use, e.g. the Dragon Patcher to fix pot holes more efficiently. CC Humby was thanked for all his hard work in Durley over the year.
  10. District Councillors’ Report – District Councillors Humby, Miller and Mclean. DC Miller gave the District Councillors’ Report and outlined the work that our 3 District Councillors do at WCC and the duties that they carry out. DC Miller spoke about the various Grants that are available, facilities that have been purchased recently by WCC, including hopefully having a sports facility in the southern parishes . High class offices are also needed in Winchester. A more detailed Report is attached as Appendix 4.
  11. Police Representative’s Report. PCSO Slater was present, along with a colleague and gave a Report from the Police. She stated that the overall crime statistics for Durley was down this year. She had also visited Durley Lunch Club with Trading Standards Officers to talk to them about scams etc. on the telephone, social media etc. The Police might be able to have a stand at the Church Fete so the Clerk will give PCSO Slater the contact details for the Organiser.
  12. Questions to Council Members. There were no questions asked to Council Members which had not already been asked.