The Annual Parish Assembly of Durley Parish Council has been cancelled on Tuesday 14th April, 2020 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 8.00 p.m. Due to the current Coronavirus Emergency and Government guidelines stating that Public Meetings are not to be held.


1. Apologies for Absence.
2. Introduction of Members present at the Meeting.
3. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly.
4. Matters arising.
5. Chairman’s Report – Councillor Steve Delmege.
6. Financial Report – Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins.
7. Highways Report – Cllr Gabe Rappini.
8. Hall Report – Chairman of Hall Committee, Cllr Gemma Miller.
9. County Councillor’s Report – County Councillor Humby.
10. District Councillors’ Report – District Councillors Humby, Miller and Mclean
11. Police Representative’s Report.
12. Questions to Council Members.
13. Declare the Meeting closed.
14. Refreshments.

Anne Collins (Mrs)
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
6th April, 2020




Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Brenchley, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 4 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Rappini, District Councillor Miller,
Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps.

Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills by Cllr Miller. No approach has been made, but Cllr Miller will talk to businesses in a couple of months’ time.

(b) Alternative options to speed signs at each end of the village as HCC have advised that this is not possible – Cllr Delmege reported that he has moved the SID to The Sawmills. He will also look at options for siting the SID sign along Parsonage Lane and Durley Street.

(c) Updating of website – Cllr Delmege said that Andy has been busy, but he will speak to him as soon as he is able.

(d) Public Broadband Meeting. Clerk has written to HCC Broadband Team, but no dates have come forward to consider. CC Humby suggested writing to Patrick Blogg to request some dates. Clerk will write to him.

(e) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. The Rights of Way Officer has offered to meet with Cllr Brenchley to look at the stiles on the footpath from Whitegates to the School. A date has yet to be arranged. Clerk will contact Ria again to see if she has any dates to suggest.

(f) Older childrens’ play equipment – ideas/prices. Report on Meeting with youngsters. A Meeting was held on 3.2.20 with youngsters and their parents and it was felt that a swinging item for older children and some keep fit/gym equipment would be the best options. It was also agreed that if possible, it would be ideal to have one piece of equipment at the Recreation Ground and one piece at The Sawmills as there was nothing there for the older children. Councillors agreed that we would look at prices for this sort of equipment and hopefully get two pieces that we could afford for both sites and then apply for a Lottery Grant to help cover the cost. The Clerk said that there is around £2,000 in the 106 Funding pot (which was a late contribution) and this could be possibly spent on the gym equipment but not on play equipment. This money will also be applied for. Other funding sources were also discussed. DC Mclean said that BWPC have installed some adult and childrens’ gym equipment at Priory Park and this is well used. Clerk will put together suggestions so that costings can be worked out.

(g) Cabinet for School defibrillator. Councillors agreed that the Clerk should order the cabinet and ask Neil Ellen to carry out the required electrical work.

(h) WW2 commemorations in Durley – Cllr Delmege/Clerk. Report on Meeting held on 6.2.20. The Meeting held on 6.2.20 agreed the programme for the Adult social evening on 8th May and the Street Party which will be held on the afternoon of 10th May for the children. Details will be circulated later for the events. Discussion took place on the distribution of flyers to all residents. It is hoped that the Parish Magazine deliverers will offer to deliver the flyers, but if not, then Parish Councillors will deliver them. Cllr Delmege will make contact with Jo Birbeck to arrange.

(i) School Crossing Project – Clerk to report on progress. Clerk has been in touch with the CIL Funding Officer and Andy Smith and the project is moving forwards. An invoice for payment from the CIL Fund will be sent and then the funds will be released.

(j) Planning Training – 20.2.20 at 6.30 p.m. There are 21 Councillors from various Parish Councils attending the Training. Cllr Rutherford is now able to attend the Training.

(k) Response from HCC Highways regarding damage to verges in Manor Road. HCC have been in touch with the Clerk and said that there is nothing that they can do as it is very difficult to prosecute in this sort of situation. CC Humby also explained why there is no action that HCC can take in these circumstances.

(l) Responses about possible closure of Wangfield Lane. Curdridge Parish Council have had no notification of a closure and CC Humby has confirmed that there are no plans to close Wangfield Lane. It was a consideration some years ago, but it did not get sufficient support.

(m) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (3.2.20) – Cllr Delmege/Clerk. The main topic of discussion was the way that the Group is run and administered. Speakers for future Meetings were agreed.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that there will be a full Council Meeting to set
the Budget for HCC and it is proposed that the Council Tax will increase by 4%. CC Humby spoke about the budget for the highways network and an additional £2m for Climate change. He also spoke about the recent storm which claimed a life in Hampshire. There is to be another storm this weekend on Saturday so HCC Highways are working extremely hard at the moment to keep the highways network open. Praise was also given to the HCC Highways staff who had to deal with the fatality when a tree fell across a car killing the driver. Various highways problems were reported to CC Humby which the Clerk will confirm via e-mail. A resident asked about a bus stop on the roundabout at Boorley Park which causes traffic problems. CC Humby will find out if this is a temporary bus stop or permanent.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean. DC Mclean gave the District Councillors’ Report. He said that a recent Planning Meeting had to be cancelled as there were not enough Applications to warrant a Meeting. DC Mclean also spoke about the small Grants Scheme and warned Councillors that the Pond in Bishops Waltham is ¾ full so that shows how high the water table is this winter.


One resident attended to inform Councillors about the drainage problems in Chancellors Lane, along with other highways issues. CC Humby responded to the resident and Clerk will e-mail the blocked drains to CC Humby.

3 residents came to hear about the replacement piano/digital piano at the Hall. The Chairman explained
that this was not for discussion at this Meeting, but all considerations will be taken into account when it is discussed at the Hall Management Meeting.


(a) Planning proposal for land adjacent to Sunnyside, Durley Street, Durley. Patrick Barry from Mapledean Projects Ltd was present at the Meeting and gave a brief outline of proposals for 6 houses in Durley Street. Councillors again informed the developer that Durley has no housing allocation in this Local Plan and we would not be considering any future development until we have the new Local Plan and have consulted with Durley residents. Patrick said that this development was infill and Cllr Delmege asked what infill meant – 1 house in the middle of two houses or a development of 6 houses? CC Humby was not able to answer the question so the Clerk was asked to clarify with the Planning Officer.

(b) Fly-tipping issues in Durley – including a dumped caravan in Manor Road. Clerk has reported bathroom rubbish in Greenwood Lane and a caravan in Manor Road. Clerk said that the caravan has been removed today.

(c) Clerk read out an e-mail from a resident who was concerned about the dumped caravan in Manor Road and the speed of traffic along Durley Street. All these matters have been addressed in other parts of the Agenda.

(d) Parish Connect – February, 2020. This was sent via e-mail to Councillors and noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report available.

10. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report. Clerk has
acquired more WCC dog fouling signs which will be put up at the Recreation Ground.

11. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford reported that everything was satisfactory. Maintenance of the
Sawmills for 2020/21 – Councillors agreed that Shawn Reed should continue as he has done a good job this year. Clerk confirmed that the cost would remain the same.

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts said that there has been no information this month. Clerk reported that our new PCSO is Owen Reeves.

13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini was not at the Meeting to give a report. Flooding in Stapleford Lane and reported blockage of water course – Cllr Delmege has met with a resident in Stapleford Lane and has now located the blocked ditch. Clerk has sent photographs of the ditch and an explanation to CC Humby and the Highways Team so that they can arrange for the ditched to be unblocked. Clerk has reported the dumped caravan in Manor Road a week ago. The flooding in Kytes Lane has been reported and HCC have been out and put flood warning signs up. Clerk has asked for the drain to be sucked out as this is why the water cannot get away. The blocked drains in Stapleford Lane, Sciviers Lane and Kytes Lane will be sent via e-mail to CC Humby. HCC signs are still on the verges around Durley after work has been completed. It is hoped that these will be collected soon as promised by HCC.

14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. The ¾ year Internal Audit Report has been completed.

15. HALL: Hall Report – Cllr Miller. Clerk reported on the CC Grant towards the additional electrical work and new unit to house the dishwasher. It is hoped that the dishwasher can be installed shortly now that the funds are in place. Interest in re-starting up a Youth Club in Durley was brought up at the Meeting with the youngsters at the Play Area Meeting. Councillors had no objection to a Youth Club being started up once a month. The running of the Club would not be the responsibility of the Parish Council, but of volunteer parents. The Caretaker reported to the Clerk that the radiator in the gents toilets was coming away from the wall. It appears that this is being pulled by someone during a booking. She will keep an eye on the situation.


19/02419/FUL. Mrs Reeves. Resubmission application for revised storage area. Use of land for storage of caravans/campervans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained. Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Planning Committee Meeting – 18th February at 9.30 a.m. It was agreed that Cllr Delmege would speak at the Meeting so the Clerk will register him.

19/02478/FUL. Mr Saint. Proposed detached single storey office unit. The Barn, Church Lane, Durley. Permitted.

19/02466/HOU & 19/02467/LIS. Mr and Mrs Atkins. Replacement of existing greenhouse. Durley Mill, Netherhill, Botley. Permitted.

19/02854/HOU. Mr Madgewick. Construction of two storey side extension. Lower Cottage, 3 Kytes Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.

19/02691/PNACOU. Mr & Mrs Drake. Change of use of agricultural building to dwellinghouse (C3) and associated operational development. Barn to the rear of Karma, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.

19/02792/FUL. Mr P Leech. Change of use of an agricultural barn, to the development of a replacement building to house an indoor swimming pool, gym, storage and carport to be connected to the existing dwelling. Durley Oaks, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors were concerned as to whether this Application has met the original planning conditions put on for agricultural use.

9.50 p.m.


Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Miller, District Councillor Mclean, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 11 parishioners were present. Kirstie Baines was also in attendance.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Miller and Cllr Brenchley.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills by Cllr Miller. Cllr Miller reported that she has not been able to make any more progress, but it is hoped that an approach will be able to be made in a couple of months to the businesses.

(b) Speed signs at each end of the village – Cllr Delmege reported that legally we are not able to place permanent signs up at each end of the village. Cllr Delmege will look at alternative options. There does appear to be less large lorries going through the village and a recent accident was reported.

(c) Updating of website – Cllr Delmege is going to speak to Andy Burton.

(d) Public Broadband Meeting on 24.1.20 postponed. Clerk will arrange a further date and has written to the HCC Broadband Team to ask for another date.

(e) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. The footbridge which was reported at Durley Mill has been repaired. Clerk said that a Meeting is going to be arranged with Cllr Brenchley and ROW to discuss the stiles going from Whitegates to the School. Dog fouling was reported on the footpath from Manor Farm to the trig point off Manor Road. Clerk will see if there is a sign that could be put at the entrance to the footpath asking dog owners to pick up after their dog.

(f) Older childrens’ play equipment – ideas/prices. Clerk produced a selection of play equipment ideas along with prices for everyone to consider. These ideas will be presented to the youngsters to get their views. Clerk will circulate some dates and Councillors/youngsters will be able to attend. Once a decision has been made a Grant will be applied for in the next financial year.

(g) Cabinet for School defibrillator. Clerk has asked WEL Medical for a price for the Cabinet and it is £455. Neil’s Electrical can carry out the electrical work required.

(h) WW2 commemorations in Durley – Cllr Delmege/Clerk. The next Meeting is to be held on 21st January. Cllr Delmege has circulated dates for a Meeting to those who are interested in helping, so that we can sort out the arrangements and the food etc.

(i) School Crossing Project – Report on Meeting with School/HCC. Cllr Delmege/Clerk. The Chairman and Clerk have met with Kirstie, School Governors and Andy Smith (HCC) and they have all agreed that the best solution would be to go with Option 1 and install the crossing with flashing lights as per the CIL Funding Application. Councillors were in agreement with this decision and Clerk will write to Andy Smith to confirm that the work should go ahead.

(j) Agree response to developer for proposed planning at Quob Stables. Councillors agreed that as there is no development allocation for Durley in the present Local Plan we do not wish to see any development in Durley. When the new Local Plan is agreed then Durley Parish Council will carry out its own Housing Needs Survey. Councillors agreed that this Survey should be Parish Council and community led not developer led.

(k) Planning Training – 20.2.20 at 6.30 p.m. Numbers of attendees required. All Councillors are able to attend apart from Cllr Rutherford. Clerk reported that other parishes are also sending Councillors along to the Training Session. The cost of the Trainer will be split between those parishes/councillors attending.

(l) Report on HCC Vision 2050 Workshop (9.1.20) – Cllr Delmege and the Clerk attended this Workshop and found it very interesting. Cllr Delmege reported that work skills within Hampshire were discussed, along with Climate change. A speaker informed Councillors of ways in which everyone is affected, and that Parish Councils will be important as they will be able to generate ideas within their community to help with climate change. More information on ideas will be discussed at a future Meeting.

(m) Clerk reported that the two landscape bins are going to be installed on 16th January. One will be in the lay-by opposite Durley Primary School and the other will be in the Memorial Hall car park.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: There was no Report available for this month.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Mclean updated Councillors and residents on the main planning issues which WCC have been involved in. The Sports and Leisure Centre is still going ahead, but the 2 additional sports halls at Swanmore and Wickham are not. The scaffolding around Abbey House is coming down. Reports were given to DC Mclean that the green waste sacks have not been collected in Sciviers Lane or Parsonage Lane. Clerk will report this to WCC.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Residents were attending for various reasons and most items are already on the Agenda. However, concern was expressed about the tractors travelling down Manor Road who are driving on the grass verges and churning them up. Councillors agreed that this was not acceptable, but not sure what action could be taken, but we will find out what could be done. Another resident asked about the possible closure of Wangfield Lane – which would mean that all traffic would travel up Netherhill. Clerk has heard nothing, but will find out from Curdridge Parish Council as Wangfield Lane is in Curdridge parish.


(a) Letter from HCC regarding removal of signs around the village. The letter confirmed that signs will be removed, but due to a backlog it might be sometime. The signs are still on the sides of the lanes at the moment. Councillors agreed that we would give it a couple of months and then write again if they are not removed.

(b) E-mail from resident about language used at Recreation Ground. The e-mail was read out to Councillors, and Cllr Watts said that she has spoken to the Managers of the Durley teams about the complaint. The referee does give cards for bad language and the Managers agreed to speak to their players.

(c ) Enquiry from developer asking if they could come along to our Parish Council Meeting in February. Councillors agreed that they would be happy to listen to the developer, but we are not looking for any development in Durley at the moment.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report, apart from Kirstie reporting on the proposed new School Crossing project which was mentioned in item 4(i) above.

10. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the veranda still needs attention outside of the Pavilion and that some youngsters had taken down the dog fouling signs. Clerk will see if more signs can be obtained from WCC. It was agreed that the large dog fouling sign should be taken down and put at The Sawmills.

11. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford reported that the play area safety surfacing has been cleaned by Shawn. Councillors agreed that he has done a good job.

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts gave a Report, stating that there are still some burglaries in the surrounding areas and a vehicle from the Recreation Ground was stopped on 20th December at 10.00 p.m. by the Police. There are more Beat Surgeries planned for 1st and 29th January, 28th February and 10th March from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at Bishops Waltham Police Station. These Surgeries will give residents an opportunity to ask policing questions to the Police.

13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini has reported 21 pot holes in Durley. He has taken photographs of these pot holes and sent them into HCC. One particularly dangerous hole has been filled in and others have been marked. A resident reported a muck heap in a ditch in Stapleford Lane. Cllr Rappini and Cllr Delmege will take a look as this could be an environmental risk and not help with the flooding in Stapleford Lane. Flooding in Stapleford Lane – a request has been made by CC Humby to HCC for maintenance of the ditch and drainage work to be carried out. Verge marker posts in Mincingfield Lane – HCC are going to dig the ditch out again and then put in marker posts before the ditch gets filled in again.

14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. A summary of the Accounts to date was also given to Councillors.

15. HALL: Hall Meeting Report (8.1.20) – Cllr Miller gave a summary of the recent Hall Meeting, which included trying to achieve more parking spaces and putting tarmac on the whole of the car park, tackling the damp under the stage area, getting a quote for a new ceiling and lighting, the installation of a dishwasher in the former Post Office room along with other maintenance issues. It was agreed at the Hall Meeting that they would hire a full sized 88 key digital piano for the Diamonds Party and the Burns Night. Some residents attending the Parish Council Meeting felt that an acoustic piano should be purchased and Cllr Delmege explained that advice has been sought from flooring experts that the weight of the piano would damage the new floor. Cllr Delmege also added that the digital piano which was hired for the Diamonds Party was well received and the residents he spoke to said that the sound was as good as an acoustic piano. The Hall Committee are trying to compromise and has to consider all Hall users. It was agreed that the Hall Committee will be asked if they will re-consider a piano on the stage as this comprise might be the best option for everyone. Clerk will send an e-mail round to the Hall Committee. It was also agreed that a County Councillor Grant will be applied for to help with the electrical and plumbing work as well as a unit for the dishwasher. The Memorial Hall is in its 100th year as it was opened in December, 1919. The Committee are hoping to hold an event in September 2020 to mark this anniversary.


19/02419/FUL. Mrs Reeves. Resubmission application for revised storage area. Use of land for storage of caravans/campervans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained. Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that this Application should be heard by the Planning Committee.

19/02478/FUL. Mr Saint. Proposed detached single storey office unit. The Barn, Church Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this Application.

19/02367/HOU. Mr and Mrs Wood. Single storey rear and side extension. Fish House, Kytes Lane, Durley. Approved.

19/02631/LDP. Mr Montgomery. Proposed garage conversion, including alterations to fenestration. Middle House, Kytes Lane, Durley. Approved.



Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Brenchley, District Councillor Mclean and the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) were present, along with 7 parishioners.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County/District Councillor Humby and
District Councillor Miller.

Declarations of Interest made.



(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills. The Clerk visited Vivien Bartlett she was not in, but her husband said that she is no longer in a position to be able to give the amount time required to carry on with this project. She will give the Clerk the information and then Cllr Miller will be able to follow-up and take forward the project.

(b) Location of SID sign at The Sawmills – Cllr Delmege reported that 2 locations have been agreed by HCC and plans to extend the posts are being arranged. Once this has been done Cllr Delmege will fit the SID sign. Cllr Delmege is also looking at signs to be used at each end of the village.

(c) Emergency Plan for Durley (communication with residents) – Cllr Brenchley said that there were various ways which are presently communicating – noticeboards, website, Newsletter, Parish News and these should all continue. We could also look at updating the Facebook page on the website. This would be for putting up information as and when required. Andy Burton already manages the Facebook page so Cllr Brenchley will ask him for his views. The Clerk said that this will need to be strictly monitored as Insurance Companies regard this as a high risk factor

(d) Parish Council Newsletter update. Clerk has the article about the bus stop reinstatement and the SID sign. A thank you will also go in thanking the outgoing Parish Councillors for all their hard work and then introduce the new Parish Councillors. It is anticipated that the Newsletter will go out to residents in mid/end of November so that it will avoid the Christmas post. If there is space then Cllr Watts will put in an article about scam fraud.

(e) Public Broadband Event with HCC. Clerk has received no further communication with any possible dates. This will be chased again and CC Humby will be contacted to see if he can push this along.

(f) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. There were no reports of any additional footpath problems this month. Cllr Rappini said that he did not think that the stiles mentioned previously were on Shady Oaks land, but on Richard Emmett’s. Clerk will contact the Rights of Way Officer so that they can investigate.

(g) Older childrens’ play equipment – ideas/prices. Cllr Delmege and the Clerk met with Will from Vitaplay and his suggestions were shared with Councillors. Clerk also looked at equipment from ESP and Playdale. It was agreed that Cllr Rutherford would ask some children and parents what sort of item they would like to play on. A Meeting will be arranged with some of the children and Councillors to discuss some options. A Grant will be applied for to help towards the cost, but it is anticipated that some form of fund raising will be required by the youngsters.

(h) Draft Transport Strategy Launch – Cllr Childs reported that he is hoping to attend on 24th October. A Report will be given next month.

(i) Defibrillators in Durley. Clerk reported that new pads have been put into the Defibrillator outside of The Robin Hood and it has also been added onto the Parish Council Insurance. As the Defibrillator at the School was inside it was suggested that perhaps the School could be approached to see if they would consider putting it on the outside of the building so that it would be available to anyone at anytime – rather than just in School opening hours. Councillors agreed that if this were to happen Durley Parish Council would pay the cost of an outside cabinet and the moving of the Defibrillator. Cllr Delmege will ask Kirstie.

(j) Planning Coach Tour (4.10.19) – Cllr Delmege reported that unfortunately he was unable to attend.

(k) Report on W.D.A.P.C. Meeting – Cllr Delmege and the Clerk attended and reported that the main issues discussed were the Parish Charter and getting Parish Councils involved in Pre-planning Applications. Other issues which affect parishes e.g. transport were also discussed.

(l) Report on WW2 commemorations in Durley. Cllr Delmege outlined what activities were planned for the weekend of 8th/9th and 10th May, 2020. Durley Parish Council is the main organiser for the Friday 8th social event at the Hall so Cllr Delmege asked Councillors to think of ideas. DC Mclean also asked if VJ Day on 15th August, 2020 could be remembered as this day is often forgotten. Cllr Delmege will mention this at the next WW2 Meeting.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean. DC Mclean gave a District Councillors’ Report and he said that Planning Committees are now held during the evening from 5.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. WCC Meetings will be televised. DC Mclean spoke about recent planning issues at WCC – which included Station Approach, Winchester Leisure Centre, the Broadway and the centre of Winchester. WCC have declared a Climate Emergency and the recent Waste Bin Collections (including the delivery and collection of the new glass collection) has been poorly managed. It was noted that some residents in Durley do still not have a glass collection black box.

there to hear various items already on the Agenda.


(a) Response from WCC regarding CIL Funding bid timescales. Clerk read out the response to her request for timescales to hear about the Grant for the School crossing. It is hoped that we will now hear a result in mid-end October.

(b) E-mail stating new Waste Collection arrangements. This was noted. It appears that Durley residents have now been informed of the new collection arrangements.

(c) Parish Connect – October, 2019. This was noted.
9. SCHOOL REPORT: Nick Apps gave the School Report – which is attached to these Minutes.

10. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that fireworks have been lit at the Recreation
Ground. The situation will be kept monitored and if necessary cctv cameras will need to be put up. The swings are also being deliberately put up out of the way of children.

11. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford/Cllr Rappini to report. Cllr Rappini carried out the play area
checks and all the equipment was satisfactory. There were no other issues.

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there have been thefts in surrounding villages, but not in Durley. Scams are circulating all the time and Cllr Watts will put together an article for the Newsletter warning residents of the most recent scams. Dates were also read out for the Beat Surgeries which are going to be held in Bishops Waltham Police Station.

13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini said that he has not had any road problems reported to him recently. The Clerk said that the road surface in Wintershill is breaking up again in places. This will need to be reported. Drainage maintenance work in Stapleford Lane is being carried out by HCC in October. Vehicles parking on the verge in Stapleford Lane are again making a lay-by and pushing in the ditch. Cllr Watts said that there is an increase in large lorries going through Durley. This will be kept monitored, and if possible see who the Company is who owns these lorries. A resident present said that he is preparing a Study of local transport and he will keep us informed of his findings. Councillors agreed that it would be helpful for residents to know timings of buses, trains etc. in the area.

14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Clerk has received confirmation that the Bank signatories have now been changed.

15. HALL: Clerk reported that the stage extension wood-work will be carried out on 23rd/24th October. A Hall Meeting will be arranged once this work is completed. A letter was received to ask if a piano, freezer and dishwasher could be put into the Hall. This will be put on the Agenda for the next Hall Meeting.


19/01415/FUL. Mr and Mrs Reeves. Use of land for storage of caravans/camper vans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained. Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. REFUSED. Councillors were not happy that WCC had again taken no notice of Durley Parish Council, or our District Councillors who were all in agreement on this Application.

19/01835/HOU. Mr and Mrs Hargreaves. Alterations to existing conservatory to provide tiled lean-to roof and alterations to fenestration. Insertion of external door in south east elevation. 2 Hillside Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.

19/01807/FUL. Mr K Larner. Redevelopment of site for mixed use employment purposes comprising B1a Office accommodation and B8 Vehicle Storage with associated ancillary welfare facilities, car parking and landscaping. Jeffreys Yard, Wintershill, Durley. Councillors agreed that an Objection should be made on this Application as the implications would have a big affect on the Durley highways. It was agreed that this Application is also contrary to Policy MTRA3. Clerk will send in our objection.

19/01612/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gailer. Remove existing conservatory and erect a single storey rear extension with a pitch roof extending 6.15m long with roof lights in a vaulted ceiling with grey windows and doors. Natal, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

19/01988/PNACOU. Mr Stutchbury. Refurbishment of existing agricultural store to provide a dwelling.
Land opposite Durley Hall Lane/Alma Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that this is not a suitable building to be converted into a dwelling and if approved it would set a precedent for additional dwellings in the countryside for which there is no justification.

19/02102/LDC. Mr and Mrs Hammal. Land used for equestrian purposes. Old Cow Pen, Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors wanted clarification of the proposal before agreeing the comments. Clerk will ask the Legal Team and e-mail a response round to Councillors so that the closing date can be met.

Eastleigh Borough Local Plan – Clerk asked if Durley Parish Council wished to speak at the Hearing which runs from 21st November to 30th January. It was agreed that Durley Parish Council would not be sending anyone to speak.



Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Miller, Cllr Brenchley, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 4 parishioners were present. Jon Callcutt and Mark Foyle were also in attendance from New Leaf Developments Ltd.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Rappini and District Councillor Miller.

Interest in item 16 – Appeal against Enforcement Notice at Peach Cottage, Durley Street as she is a neighbour.



(a) Update on table/seating at The Sawmills by Cllr Miller. Cllr Miller reported that she has sent an e-mail to Vivien and offered to meet to discuss working together, but there has been no response. It was agreed that this item should be moved forwards so Cllr Miller will approach the businesses.

(b) Speed signs at each end of the village – Cllr Delmege said that he is still investigating which signs to install. The best option was from the Company that we purchased our SID sign from at a cost of £3,475 plus the cost of the posts. Councillors agreed that we should go with this quote. Clerk read out an e-mail from a resident who lives in The Sawmills regarding the speed of vehicles – especially office workers going through the development, and the attitude of some drivers. We are still waiting for HCC to higher the post so that the SID can be sited. Clerk will forward the e-mail onto Cllr Delmege so that he can see that we need the SID sign up as soon as possible he can then forward this onto HCC.

(c) Emergency Plan for Durley (communication with residents) – Cllr Brenchley to report on discussion with Andy Burton. Cllr Brenchley reported that he has spoken to Andy and the best option seems to be to use the village facebook page to put up information. The Clerk will continue to give Andy information that has to go on facebook until the new website is up and running.

(d) Parish Council Newsletter – distribution to residents. Clerk has printed 450 copies of the Newsletter and has evenly distributed them to 5 Councillors and herself. It is hoped that one can be given to every household in Durley before the end of November.

(e) Public Broadband Event with HCC. Clerk read out the latest response from HCC Broadband Team. It appears that they do not really want to come to Durley and talk to residents in a Public Meeting, but would rather individual residents contact them. Councillors agreed that a Public Meeting where residents could ask questions would be the best option for Durley. The Clerk will write to HCC Broadband Team with our response and copy CC Humby in, along with Patrick Blogg and Glen Peacey of HCC.

(f) Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk. There is no further update as the issue with the stiles is with the Rights of Way Officer.

(g) Older childrens’ play equipment – ideas/prices. Cllr Rutherford said that suggestions made by the youngsters included, a log item, spider swing, monkey bars, gym/keep fit equipment, zip wire and a rotating swing like Upham has. Clerk will look at prices for these items and see if any Grants could be available. Fund raising will need to be carried out, along with putting some finance into the Budget for the cost and maintenance of this new equipment.

(h) Draft Transport Strategy Launch – Cllr Childs reported that he attended the Launch and said that this will go out to public consultation before being presented to the Government. The Strategy looks at upgrading the railways, public transport, access to the airport etc. Cllr Childs felt that there was not much meat on the bones. CC Humby explained that the Transport Strategy Launch is trying to lobby the Government and is not a Highways Authority.

(i) Request to Durley Primary School asking if their Defibrillator could be sited outside. Cllr Delmege to report on response. Cllr Delmege has spoken to Kirsty briefly but will speak to her again.

(j) WW2 commemorations in Durley. Ideas to take to Meeting. As there was not much time available Councillors were asked to send any suggestions to Cllr Delmege before the next Meeting on 25th November. The Clerk reported that the WW1 Memorial Plague has been completed. Jamie Balfour will bring it to the WW2 Meeting and give it to Cllr Delmege.

(k) CIL Funding Bid from Parish Council approved to provide School Crossing. Clerk reported that she has now had confirmation that the CIL Funding Bid from the Parish Council has been approved. Agree next steps. It was agreed that Anne would contact Kirsty to progress the project. Any Planning Permission would need to be sought if required.

(l) Agree Notes from Meeting held on 24.10.19 regarding potential development at Quob Stables. The Clerk has circulated the Notes from our Meeting and these were agreed and will be attached to these Minutes. Notes were also received from Wessex Planning and Councillors agreed that there was no need to agree and sign these Notes. The Clerk will respond in this vein and send a copy of our Notes.

(m) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (21.10.191). Cllr Delmege and the Clerk attended the Meeting and reported that the main speaker was Richard Smith from WCC talking about Ecology and Biodiversity. The Local Enforcement Plan, Planning Charter, Eastleigh Local Plan and other issues affecting local parishes were discussed.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that savings need to be made across the
Council. The full Council Meeting has been looking at the Budget costs. There has been an under-investment in the highways network and it is hoped that Government will agree to a 5-year funding settlement so that there is certainty over the next 5 years. CC Humby then spoke about waste and recycling. HCC at looking at Climate Change and working with the Environment Agency. Questions were then asked by Councillors and members of the public.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean. DC Mclean reported that all WCC Cabinet Meetings are stream-lived. However, there is no check on how many views have been made. After a trial period the evening Planning Meetings are no longer happening. The Meetings have now reverted back to the day-time and have moved from a Thursday to a Wednesday. The glass collection service is now operating. Some residents in Durley have still not received their glass collection box so it was agreed that the Clerk would ask anyone who has not received a black box to get in touch with WCC or Durley Parish Council and then we will inform DC Mclean. Updates were given on Station Approach and the Leisure Centre.

there to listen to business that is on the Agenda. One resident did state that the traffic in Manor Road is increasing. He said that a large lorry needed to reverse all the way up Manor Road and then out onto Durley Street – which is dangerous. Councillors agreed that there was little they could do about this, however the problem was noted.


(a) Request from a developer to discuss land adjacent to Hunters Moon, Durley Street. Jon Callcutt and Mark Foyle from New Leaf Developments Ltd spoke to Councillors about potential planning for 7 – 8 homes on land adjacent to Hunters Moon. They spoke about traditional cottages, bungalows for residents to downsize, custom and self-build properties. Questions were asked about the cost of these properties. Cllr Delmege said that Durley has no development allocated in the present Winchester Local Plan and in the Durley Parish Plan most Durley residents did not want further development in Durley. Questions were asked by Councillors and residents to the developer.

(b) Annual Play Area Inspections. It was agreed to ask for Inspections to be carried out at the Recreation Ground and at The Sawmills by an Inspector recommended by WCC.

(c) E-mail about Crib Festival at Holy Cross Church. Councillors agreed that they would like to contribute, but this was a little more difficult that last year when it was a Christmas tree depicting the Parish Council. Cllr Rutherford offered to lead on this and has a crib that could be used. The Clerk will write to Gill Mulley and say that we will participate.

(d) Esso Pipeline – Utility trial trenching. This was noted.

(e) Community Planning Event – 14th November at 2.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. in Bishopstoke. This is part of the Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan. Councillors will attend if they wish.

(f) Winchester District Sports Awards 2019. Councillors will give any nominations to the Clerk.

(g) Letter from resident congratulating the Parish Council on the standard of the maintenance of The Sawmills. This letter was appreciated, and the Clerk will write to Shawn and congratulate him.

(h) Letter received from Sgt Stuart Gilmore who is retiring from the Police Authority. Stuart has been working with Durley for the last 7 years and will be missed by the community.
9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no Report available.

10. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the fence behind the Pavilion and the veranda still need attention. The gang mowing renewal was discussed, and it was agreed to continue as at present. There has been some vandalism at the Recreation Ground.

11. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford said that everything was satisfactory.

12. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there has been some thefts in the local area. Scams are also on the increase and residents are warned about parcels being taken from doorsteps after delivery at this time of year.

13. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini was not at the Meeting, so no Report was available. Clerk will chase up with WCC about the landscape bins that are to be placed opposite the School and in the Hall car park.

14. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed. Agree Budget for 2020-21. The Clerk presented figures for last year’s Budget against the half year spending for this financial year. Additional costings for next year should include Newsletter printing, planning consultation, tarmac of Hall car park, dishwasher and new piece of play equipment.

15. HALL: Stage extension wood-work has been completed. Hall Management Committee Meeting (7.11.19) Report – Cllr Miller reported on the Meeting. Issues discussed were that work has been completed on the panels under the sinks in the toilets, the bar top and sliding doors in the kitchen have been replaced, the hall car park (which it was agreed should have tarmac instead of scalpings), compliments still being received about the new floor, hand driers have been fitted in the toilets, the old piano has been removed and the painting of the main Hall has been completed. A request was made for a new Hall piano, a freezer and a dishwasher. The Committee discussed these requests in detail and it was agreed that we would not replace the piano as the majority of Hall users did not use the piano and it was often in the way for Hall hirers or misused. The Committee did agree to purchase a keyboard for Hall use which could be locked away. This would be hired if required. It was agreed that we would ask if a keyboard would be used before purchasing one, as it would be pointless making a purchase and it not being used. The Committee agreed that they would not provide a freezer as hirers who wish to bring ice cream etc. bring along a cold box. The Committee did agree with a dishwasher being placed in the former Post Office Room (not the kitchen), to go in place of the present unit where the sink is. It will be an under-counter dishwasher and would take up no more space than the present unit. The dishwasher would only be used when it is booked, and a small charge will be made when hired. The photographs will be arranged on one wall at the Hall and new Christmas decorations will be purchased. A “No Parking” sign will be placed above the defibrillator so that it can be easily accessed at all times.


19/01835/HOU. Mr and Mrs Hargreaves. Alterations to existing conservatory to provide tiled lean-to roof and alterations to fenestration. Insertion of external door in south east elevation. 2 Hillside Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.

19/01354/FUL. Mr Barnard. Alterations to siting and design of indoor sand school, incorporating stabling and hose welfare facilities approved under application 18/02112/FUL (Retrospective). Brown Heath Park, Gregory Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

19/02177/FUL. Mr Williamson. Proposed 3 bed dwelling under plain tiles roof brick elevations to front section/oak frame and cladding to rear section with parking area. Mirsh Cottage, Heathen Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that no comments would be made.

19/00994/FUL. Mr Davidson. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, construction of replacement 2-bed dwelling, additional 5-bed dwelling and 2 double garages along with change of use of agricultural land to garden curtilage and return of part of existing garden curtilage to agricultural use. Sunbank, Durley Brook Road, Durley. REFUSED.

19/02235/LDP. Ms K Kelly. As described under planning permission 16/02860/FUL: Formation of two self-contained holiday lets, including the setting out of a curtilage to provide garden and parking area on surrounding land for each unit. The proposal involves internal structural work and fitting out, the laying and connecting of new drainage, formation of new external window and door openings and the insertion of rooflights. The digging of a trench and the laying of foul drains, including a connection into the existing foul drainage system serving the adjacent property. A layout plan and photographic evidence is supplied. 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.

APP/L1765/C/19/3232990, APP/L1765/C/19/3232991. Appeal against Enforcement Notice at Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley. This was noted, but no further comments will be made.

19/01988/PNACOU. Mr Stutchbury. Refurbishment of existing agricultural store to provide a dwelling. Land opposite Durley Hall Lane/Alma Lane, Durley. GRANTED.




Cllr Childs (Vice Chairman), Cllr Watts, Cllr Miller, Cllr Brenchley, Cllr Rappini, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller and 5 parishioners were present.  In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Childs acted as Chairman for the Meeting.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, Cllr Rutherford,

County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Mclean.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Update on table/seating at The Sawmills  – Vivien Bartlett will be asked for a Report.  No Report was available.  Councillors agreed that this has not made any progress for a few Meetings and it was agreed that the Clerk would ask Vivien if she would like someone else to take over this project.


(b)        Response from HCC regarding advice on parking problems at The Sawmills.  Clerk read out the response from Andy Smith at HCC Highways which stated that there is unlikely to be anything that they can offer e.g. road narrowings or other physical speed reducing measures as they would only be considered if there was a recurring speed-related injury accident history through the road.  This location would not be a priority on their safety programmes.  This was a disappointing response, especially as residents attending the Meeting were there to try and resolve the parking and speeding problems in this area.  There are just not enough parking spaces available for all the workers in the office units.  It was suggested that the SID sign be put up if HCC will allow it so that the speed of vehicles could be monitored.  Clerk will ask HCC.  Cllr Brenchley asked if it might be worth forming a Residents Association for the Sawmills.  The residents attending will see if this is feasible.


(c)        Bus stop sign reinstatement – Cllr Childs said that he has received a response stating that the work will be carried out by the end of August.


(d)        Emergency Plan for Durley Update – Agree Plan discussed on 29.7.19.  Councillors agreed the Plan and a final copy will be sent to HCC and WCC Emergency Planning Officers.  Clerk has written to the Farmers Home and Robin Hood to ask if they can still be included as Emergency Stations if required.  Neil Ellen has been asked about providing an electric socket for an emergency generator.  Councillors agreed that this should be provided.


(e)        Report on Parish Newsletter Meeting held on 29.7.19.  Clerk said that Bishops Waltham use Publisher and do their own Newsletter and copying costs around £300.  Clerk will get a quote for 450 copies so that we are able to decide on how often to produce a Newsletter for Durley.


(f)         Broadband speeds in Durley – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk.  Cllr Brenchley reported that he has looked at the suggested website from the last Meeting but felt that it would not be a productive way forward for Durley.  Clerk has chased HCC for a date to hold an Event in Durley, but still there has been no response.  It is still hoped that an Event can be held during October/November so that there can be some publicity.


(g)        Dog fouling bins in Durley – Clerk to advise on prices.  Clerk has asked WCC to look at two locations in Durley to see if a dual-use landscape bin can be put in free of charge.


(h)        Update on footpaths – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk.  Cllr Brenchley reported that brambles are coming over the footpath across Quob Stables to the Church footpath.  He will contact the landowner and ask for them to be cleared.  Clerk has received a response from the Rights of Way Officer regarding the footpath off Durley Street.  Measurements will be taken and then a response will be sent by the Clerk.  It is hoped that once ownership is established the footpath will be more accessible.


(i)         Winchester Green Week 2019 suggestions.  Councillors agreed that a litter picking week would be the best idea as everyone would be able to get involved.  At present the School have the village litter picks, but Cllr Rappini does have some available if needed.  Clerk will advertise the Event.


(j)         Skateboard park prices.  Clerk showed information received from a skateboard Company.  Councillors were surprized at the high prices – ranging from £60,000 – £300,000.  It was agreed that to spend such a large sum of money on a small number of residents would not be feasible.  Vandalism was also a consideration and the recently installed skateboard park in Swanmore was used as an example.  However, Councillors would like to provide something for the older children in the village so it was agreed that we would look at suggestions and then discuss them with some youngsters before making a decision.  Additional funding would also need to be applied for to help towards the cost. Clerk will write to Jack Humphries explaining our decision.


(k)        Report on Southern Parishes Meeting – Cllr Delmege/Clerk.  Clerk reported that the main topics discussed were Peter Wall talking about the work of the Parish Lengthsman, Grass Cutting Contracts, pot hole repairs, WCC Local Council Update, Eastleigh Local Plan Meeting with WCC and ACSO Sharing.  We have been asked to consider whether we would like to share an ACSO.  It was agreed that Durley does not have a big problem with antisocial behaviour and this was an additional cost that was not felt necessary.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby did not send a Report.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS:  DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean.  DC Miller reported on the Winchester Surgery and added that the Bishops Waltham Surgery was not being enlarged or relocated at the moment.




(a)        Two residents attended because they were concerned about the parking and speeding of vehicles in The Sawmills.  These issues were address under item 4(b) above.  They also asked about ownership of the courtyard area, along with the parking spaces in this area.  A question was asked if white vans are allowed to be parked in The Sawmills residential area.  Councillors agreed that this should be on their Deeds, but Clerk will ask about the ownership of the courtyard from Persimmon Homes.


(b)        A resident present asked about the safety of trees in Manor Road after one had fallen across the road and the electric cables over the weekend.  Clerk said that she had phoned WCC and they have been out and inspected two of their trees this afternoon and a letter will be written to the owner of the remaining tree advising that perhaps a safety inspection should be carried out.




(a)        Consider Winchester District CAB donation for 2019-20 year.  Cllr Watts proposed we donate £200 as last year.  Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal.  All Councillors present were in agreement, so the Clerk will send off a cheque for £200.


(b)        Letter from developer to households in Durley.  Clerk circulated a letter which has been sent to several households in Durley.  This was sent to the Parish Council by a concerned resident.  This was noted.


(c)        Parish Connect – August, 2019.  This was circulated via e-mail.


(d)        Thank you letter from Durley PCC for the churchyard donation.  This was noted.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: No Report available.


  1. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that some work has been carried out on the Pavilion, but the veranda still has to be completed.  Car park renovation work – some of the car park needs additional scalpings as there is a drop between the roadside edge and the car park now that the road has been resurfaced.  Clerk will order some scalpings and these will be distributed in the areas required.  Barbeques – it was agreed to add this item to the Agenda for discussion.  Clerk read out information from our Insurance Company regarding barbeques.  Councillors agreed that it would be impossible to monitor the use and also enforce so it was agreed that we would continue as we do at present and have a no barbeque policy at the Recreation Ground and The Sawmills.


  1. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford did not give a report.  Clerk reported that play equipment repairs

will be carried out during w/c 2.9.19.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts informed Councillors that thefts from vehicles in the area is continuing, although not in Durley.  Scams are always present in various forms.  A Get Safe On-line Campaign will be put on the website for information.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini reported that some lanes have been surfaced dressed.  Clerk reported on the tree which had fallen over Manor Road over the weekend damaging electric cables.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.  Cllr Rappini asked about the Parish Precept and how we receive it.  Clerk explained how the Budget is set and the Precept applied for from WCC.


  1. HALL: Hand driers for the toilets have been fitted.   Painting of main Hall – consider quotes.  Only 1 quote has been received as the other person was too busy and did not wish to quote.  The cost quote is £1,000 with an additional £80 to cover the radiators.  Councillors agreed that we should go ahead with the painting as it is the right time of year to carry out the work, and apply for a County Councillor Grant towards the cost.  Report on  Hall Meeting held on 16.7.19 – Clerk reported on the Hall Meeting stating that the areas discussed were the Hall foyer mat, repairs to worktops and sink panels, the under-stage area, Hall floor, fitting of carbon monoxide alarms and heating timer and fitting of hand driers in the toilets.  The Hall piano has been removed as it was damaged and beyond repair.  Painting of the main room was agreed, and Greg will be asked for a quote to put wood on the stage extension to match the floor.




19/01378/HOU.  Mrs. J. Cross.  This proposal is to extend out the rear of the property to provide an orangery style extension.  Well Cottage, Manor Road, Durley.  Councillors had no comments to make on this application.  This has now been GRANTED.


19/01415/FUL.  Mr and Mrs Reeves.  Use of land for storage of caravans/camper vans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained.  Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley.  Councillors agreed that a comment should be made stating that we do not object to this application but there should be a cap on the numbers of caravans on the site and we agree with the applicant that 60 is a reasonable number to be a maximum.  We would also welcome some kind of screening to protect those residents who live near to the site.


Proposals for land adjacent to Sunnyside, Durley Street, Durley.  No plans have been received so this was not discussed.


Response from Planning Officer regarding some recent Planning Application decisions.  Clerk had a telephone call from Nick Parker, Principal Planning Officer stating that Planning Policies do not sometimes allow them to refuse Planning Applications.


19/01354/FUL.  Mr Barnard.  Alterations to siting and design of indoor sand school, incorporating stabling and horse welfare facilities approved under application ref.  18/02112/FUL (Retrospective).  Brown Heath Park, Gregory Lane, Durley.  Councillors agreed that a Condition should remain stating that the indoor sand school should be for personal use and not used for a commercial business as we would not wish to see heavy traffic using Gregory Lane or other lanes leading to Brown Heath Park.


19/00731/HOU.  Mr Maskell.  Erection of domestic garage on existing hard standing (Amended Plans).  Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley.  REFUSED.  Clerk has received a complaint from a resident stating that footings appear to have been dug.  Councillors agreed that this matter should be brought to the attention of the Enforcement Officer to clarify the situation.


19/01612/HOU.  Mr and Mrs Gailer.  Remove existing conservatory and erect a single storey rear extension with a pitch roof extending 6.15m long with roof lights in a vaulted ceiling with grey windows and doors.  Natal, Durley Street, Durley.  Councillors had no comments to make on this Application.


A resident has informed the Parish Council that Church Copse has been advertised in the Hampshire Chronicle as “coming soon”.



CLOSED AT 9.49 p.m.




Cllr Delmege (Chairman), Cllr Childs, Cllr Watts, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins), District Councillor Miller, District Councillor Mclean and 4 parishioners were present.  Kirstie Baines (Headteacher) was also in attendance.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor/District

Councillor Humby.



Declarations of Interest made.







(a)        Update on table/seating at The Sawmills  – Clerk has been in touch with Vivien Bartlett and she will update Councillors at the August Meeting as she has been on holiday and started a new job but hopes to make progress on this project.


(b)        Report on Meeting with businesses at The Sawmills regarding parking issues.  Notes of the Meeting have been circulated to Councillors.  It was felt that the Meeting had been useful and Councillors agreed that Drew Smith should be asked if they have been able to make any progress in finding additional spaces to use from businesses who were not using their full allocation.  The Clerk would write to all the businesses as only 3 responded to our previous letter.  The Clerk would ask HCC if they were able to visit the site and suggest ways in which the traffic could be slowed down through the development.  CC Humby will also be copied in.


(c)        Bus stop sign reinstatement – Cllr Childs reported that he has received a response and now has been allocated a Job Number.  He will keep chasing until the sign is reinstated.  After a complaint from a resident the Clerk asked the Parish Lengthsman to cut the grass verge and clear the tarmac plinth at the bus stop so that anyone waiting can be seen.  This has been done.


(d)        Updating of Emergency Plan and confirm Meeting to update Plan.  Clerk will circulate possible dates.


(e)        Confirm Meeting for Parish Council Newsletter.  Clerk will circulate dates as in item 4(d) above.


(f)         75th Anniversary of VE Day Commemorations Meeting – Chairman/Clerk to report.  A Meeting was held on 1.7.19 with various organisations within Durley and ideas were discussed as to how Durley might be able to commemorate this Event.  The Event will take place on 8th, 9th and 10th May, 2020.  Suggestions were put forward and these will be discussed further at the next Meeting which will be on 23.9.19.


(g)        Broadband speeds in Durley – Cllr Brenchley read out a quote from our website designer to include a new page for residents to complete regarding their broadband speeds.  The total cost was £339.00.  Councillors agreed that this was expensive and we would not get value for money so it was agreed that Cllr Brenchley would look at using “Think Broadband” to try and get some broadband speeds from residents as this was a free service. Clerk has asked for a response to her e-mail asking for dates to hold an Event in Durley with the HCC Broadband Team and they are going to come back to us with a date, but they are a small team so this might take a while.


(h)        Dog fouling bins in Durley.  The cost of providing the red dog waste bins is approximately £300 per bin and to empty them it will be £7.00 per time.  Councillors felt that perhaps a dual purpose bin might be better so Clerk will ask for prices for these bins.


(i)         Response regarding attendance at PC Meetings by PCC representative.  Clerk wrote to Jamie Balfour and he informed the Chairman and Clerk that he felt that it was not necessary to give a Report at each Meeting, but perhaps a yearly Report would be better.  He felt that there is a good rapport with PCC and PC members and if there were any issues to discuss during the year they are addressed at the time.


(j)         Update on footpaths reported – Cllr Brenchley reported that some of the footpaths which are overgrown have been cut, or are going to be cut by the Parish Lengthsman .  Clerk reported that residents had asked why the trig point was no longer included in the footpath across the former Turf Farm.  A letter was written to the new owner and he has agreed to make a triangular piece so that the trig point is included.  Clerk will write a letter of thanks.  A resident at the Meeting asked about various footpaths in Durley and it was agreed that the landowner will be asked about one off Durley Street to see if anything can be done where the cattle have damaged the ground.  The footpath going alongside The Hedges and The Old Chapel needs to be cut back so the owners will be written to.  The footpath by Stapleford Farmhouse also needs cutting.  The hedge at the end of the footpath/cycleway in Parsonage Lane is overhanging the path.  This is the responsibility of HCC, but as this will take a long time Clerk will ask Peter to cut it back from the path.


(k)        Report on Local Councils’ Conference – Cllr Delmege/Clerk.  Cllr Delmege, Cllr Watts and the Clerk attended the Conference in Winchester and the main issues brought to our attention were the introduction of the new Officers, the Residents’ Survey results, Emergency Planning in parishes, Environmental Services Update and the Local Plan update.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby.  There was no County Councillor Report available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS:  DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.  DC Mclean informed Councillors of the new Officers at WCC after the recent Elections.  He also spoke about the Climate Change Emergency which WCC have adopted.  DC Mclean is still on the Planning Committee and WCC are going to trial having Planning Meetings in the evenings from 5.30 p.m. starting in October.  DC Miller said that the Lower Lane planning application in Bishops Waltham is proceeding.  There will be a Parking Review and comments will be welcome.  Although Durley has no public car parks, the Bishops Waltham car park does affect Durley residents.  The Sports Centre in Winchester is progressing.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no additional issues raised by residents.




(a)        Information regarding Winchester Green Week 2019.  This was noted and it was agreed that suggestions would be sought for our next Meeting.


(b)        Dog fouling stickers.  Councillors agreed that we would not put in an order.


(c)        Invitation to Durley School Play – 8th July, 2019.  4 Councillors and the Clerk attended this Event on behalf of Durley Parish Council.  Councillors who attended enjoyed the Play and Clerk will write and thank the School for the invitation and congratulate the pupils on their performance.


(d)        WCC Parish Connect – July, 2019.  This was circulated via e-mail.


(e)        Curdridge mini-bus for sale.  It was agreed that this should be brought to the attention of the Southern Parishes Group as smaller parishes could share the mini bus if viable.


(f)         Parish Councillor Training – Wednesday 24th July at Whiteley.  Councillors will get in touch with the Clerk if they are able to attend.


(g)        Clerk read out a letter from a resident living in The Sawmills who had comments to make about the picnic benches and speeding in The Sawmills.  The comments were noted.  Clerk will respond to the resident.


(h)        A letter was received from an 11 year old resident who asked if the Parish Council could consider a skateboard park in Durley.  Councillors agreed that they would give this suggestion some consideration and Clerk will ask advice from WCC and BWPC as they have installed a skateboard park.  A response will be sent to the resident.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie gave a School Report informing Councillors that an Offstead Inspection and a Church Inspection have been carried out recently.  Pupil numbers are 121 at present and in September, 2019 the numbers are anticipated to be 123 or 124.  There is a new School being opened in September at Boorley Park which will accommodate one Class of Reception children.  A new Assistant Headteacher will be starting at Durley School in September to replace the present one who is moving to be a Headteacher at Sparsholt School.  Kirstie said that the children would be interested in carrying out a litter pick from the School to the Sawmills.  Clerk will drop the litter picks off to Kirstie ready for the children to use.


  1. RECREATION GROUND REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that the swing seats have been cut in places and that the Pavilion locks were forced.  The locks have now been replaced.  The damaged shower tray has been replaced.  There are some tree branches which are over-hanging the Recreation Ground so Peter will be asked if these could be cut back.  The owner of the trees is happy that the branches are cut off.


  1. SAWMILLS REPORT: Cllr Rutherford reported that play area checks were satisfactory.  Quote for play equipment climbing steps from Playdale – Clerk said that the quote for the work was £716.53 and this includes delivery and fitting.  All Councillors agreed that this should be purchased and installed.  Clerk will contact Playdale and place an order for the work.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there has been some thefts in the village recently so she warned residents to be vigilant and keep doors, windows and vehicles locked. Stolen number plates and car wheel nuts being loosened on vehicles is also a problem at the moment.  After writing to our PCSO visits were made to the Recreation Ground and she will continue to monitor the situation.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Rappini said that he has reported one pot hole, but will keep checking the roads and lanes and report any issues that he finds.  Surface dressing is being carried out on some of the roads at the moment.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.  Agree 2019 donation towards the churchyard maintenance.  Cllr Rutherford proposed that we give £200 the same as last year and Cllr Watts seconded this proposal.  All Councillors were in agreement.  Clerk will send on the donation.


  1. HALL: Hand driers for the toilets will be discussed at the Hall Meeting after quote has been received from Neil Ellen.   Painting of main Hall to be discussed at the Hall Meeting on 16.7.19.




19/00990/HOU.  Mr K Kurn.  A side extension and internal alterations to house (resubmission).  Peach Cottage, Durley Street, Durley.  GRANTED.


APP/L1765/W/18/3206530 – Mr C Page.  Change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site consisting of one mobile home, one touring caravan and conversion of part existing stable into utility dayroom.  Land to the east of Maybank Cottage, Durley Hall Lane, Durley.  THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN.


19/01027/FUL.  Mr Churcher.  Proposed barn and storage.  Woodlands, Greenwood Lane, Durley.



19/00845/FUL.  Mr Beazley.  Proposed change of use of existing detached Dwelling to use for holiday letting accommodation with associated parking.  Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley.  GRANTED.


19/01415/FUL.  Mr C Reeves.  Use of land for storage of caravans/camper vans in addition to the agricultural use which would be retained.  Clerk received this Application via e-mail half an hour before the Meeting, but the plans were not uploaded so Councillors were not able to view the full Application.  It was agreed that Councillors would view the plans before making a decision.


Councillors were disappointed at some of the recent decisions made by the Planning Officers and the Clerk was asked if someone from the Planning Department would be able to come to a Meeting to discuss our concerns.



10.15 p.m.




4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 2 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC Humby, DC Mclean, Cllr Bartlett, Cllr

Smith and Cllr Clegg. Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps after the Meeting.



Declarations of Interest made.






(a)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not at the Meeting to give an update.


(b)        Enquiry made to the Forestry Commission regarding Church Copse Report due by 12.12.18. Clerk read out the response from the Forestry Commission stating that they were waiting to hear back from the CPS. A resident gave Parish Councillors more information so this will be passed onto the Forestry Commission.


(c)        Update on Broadband questionnaire for Durley residents on website – Cllr Pitter/Andy Burton/Clerk and Jon from the website Company are going to meet to set up the questions to put on the Survey Monkey. It is hoped that David Ashe (Chairman of Upham PC) might be able to help with the questions.


(d)        Response from WCC regarding Parking Conditions at The Sawmills. Clerk has received a response from the Planning Department confirming that there were no Conditions put on the Planning Application regarding parking. DC Miller offered to look at the problem and see if “residents only” parking could be imposed, or any other restrictions.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available. DC Miller did say

that the Dragon Patcher is coming soon to repair pot holes.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Miller gave the District Council Report and he stated that the Sports Centre building will commence in mid-March and it is anticipated that finances will break even in 40 years. Outline Planning Permission is being sought for the Station Approach regeneration. Funding has been applied for to build more Council houses at Knowle and £100,000 has been approved for the car park at the Jubilee Hall in Bishops Waltham.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Two residents who attended the Meeting informed Councillors of tyres which have been dumped in Church Road and comments were made about the general litter in the lanes of Durley. The lay-by opposite the Church is also targeted for anti-social behaviour and litter. The Police will be informed so that they can visit the lay-by during the evening.




(a)        Draft Licensing Policy for Consultation – sent via e-mail. There were no comments made.


(b)        Draft Statement of Principles for Consultation – sent via e-mail. This was noted.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Grants for crossing and lights – Clerk reported that she has asked for CIL Funding to be considered. WCC advised that HCC should be asked, but when Clerk asked they have spent all their CIL Funding for this year so referred the Clerk back to WCC. Clerk is waiting for a response from WCC. DC Miller offered to investigate CIL Funding so Clerk will send on details to him. Laminated speed signs have been printed and will be delivered to the School shortly.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that scams pretending to be from the HMRC and BT are the most prolific ones at the moment.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter said that pot holes have been reported. Clerk said that Calcot Lane is to be closed on 10th January. Village Entry signs update – Andy Burton has been in touch with HCC to ask if the agreed signs are acceptable. When a response is received an order will be placed. The kerb has been dropped at Beech Corner after a request from the Parish Council.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – confirmation of Grants and funding available. Clerk reported that she has secured Funding for £16,000 towards the cost (comprising £10,000 Lottery Funding, £1,000 County Councillor Grant, £3,000 from a donation, £2,000 from Durley Entertainments Committee). Clerk will also approach the BW Rotary to see if they will contribute. Councillors agreed that the work should now be programmed in the Hall diary and a date set. The cost is £21,080 and if no other funding is available then the Parish Council will pay the remaining £5,080. Clerk will arrange a Meeting with the Contractor and Hall Committee to agree terms and conditions. Fencing alongside field – no quote has been received yet from the land owner. Update on repair/replacement of solar panel on roof – Cllr Pitter, Clerk and Neil Ellen are meeting representatives at the Hall to consider our options. It is hoped that the present system can be repaired.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that access is still being gained by an unauthorised entrance. Peter will be putting in a shrub and fencing as suggested by our Solicitor. Clerk will ask for this to be done as soon as possible. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – this will be done as soon as help is available. Fencing alongside swings in the Sawmills Play Area has been completed.




18/02747/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gamblin. Single and two-storey side extension, enlarge front porch. Northside, Stapleford Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that drainage in this area is a big consideration and we would not wish to see any development that would cause additional flooding issues in this area. A comment will be made so that drainage is a major consideration.


18/02373/HOU. Mr & Mrs Evans & Helesfay-Evans. Single storey front and rear extensions. New Strathcona, Durley Brook Road, Durley. GRANTED.


18/02185/FUL. Mr and Mrs Beazley. Proposed Additional dwelling using existing access with retention of existing dwelling using existing separate access. Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. WITHDRAWN.



9.55 P.M.




Cllr Watts, Cllr Childs, Cllr Rutherford, Cllr Miller, Cllr Rappini, Cllr Brenchley, the Clerk (Mrs Anne Collins) and 10 parishioners were present at the Meeting.




As this was a new term of office and the out-going Chairman was not present Cllr Watts (outgoing Vice Chairman) started the Meeting. She asked everyone to introduce themselves to members of the public and other Councillors present. The Election of Chairman then took place.


Chairman – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Delmege and Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal. There was a proposal from Cllr Brenchley for Cllr Childs, but as there was no seconder Cllr Delmege was duly Elected.


As Cllr Delmege was not able to be at the Meeting Councillors were happy that Cllr Watts continued to chair the Meeting in his absence.


Vice Chairman – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Childs. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Childs was duly Elected.


Hall Management Committee Chairman Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Miller. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Miller was duly Elected.


Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman – Cllr Miller proposed Cllr Rutherford. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Rutherford was duly Elected.


Cllr Miller and Cllr Rutherford asked about the Management Committee as they were new to the Committee. The Clerk explained that there are members already on the Committee and hopefully they will continue to help with the Hall. Cllr Rappini said that he would be willing to help with the Hall Committee.


Highways Officer – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Rappini. Cllr Childs seconded this proposal and Cllr Rappini was duly Elected.


Footpaths Officer – Cllr Watts proposed Cllr Brenchley. Cllr Rappini seconded this proposal and Cllr Brenchley was duly Elected. Cllr Rappini also offered to help with the footpaths if required.


Recreation Ground Chairman – Cllr Miller proposed Cllr Watts. Cllr Rutherford seconded this proposal and Cllr Watts was duly Elected.


Sawmills Representative – Cllr Rappini proposed Cllr Rutherford. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal and Cllr Rutherford was duly Elected.


Transport Representative – Cllr Brenchley proposed Cllr Childs. Cllr Watts seconded this proposal and Cllr Childs was duly Elected.


As this is a new term of office Councillors signed a new Acceptance of Office Form and agreed to abide by the Durley Parish Council Code of Conduct. All Declaration Forms were signed apart from Cllr Delmege who was not able to attend the Meeting. Clerk will obtain his when he returns from holiday.


  1. Congratulate recently elected District Councillor – David Mclean. Clerk will send a letter of congratulations to DC Mclean as he was not able to attend the Meeting.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were sent from Cllr Delmege who was on holiday, and County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Mclean and District Councillor Miller who all had to attend a Meeting at Winchester City Council.


  1. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Interests Declared regarding items on the Agenda.






(a)        Seating and table at The Sawmills. Former Cllr Bartlett was meeting with the businesses in The Sawmills so it was agreed to ask her how the meetings were going and then report back.


(b)        Church Copse replanting – no further update from Defra. As the trees have been replanted and Defra will be monitoring the situation this item will be taken off the Agenda until there is something new to report.


(c)        Parking problems within The Sawmills – arrange a Meeting date with businesses. Clerk has received 3 responses from businesses who are willing to attend a Meeting with Councillors to discuss ways to resolve this issue. It was agreed that the Clerk will circulate dates to Councillors and then arrange a Meeting with the 3 businesses.


(d)        Bus stop sign reinstatement in Durley Street. Clerk reported that the bus stop appears to have disappeared, but we do not know why. Clerk will contact former Cllr Pitter to see if he has any update as he reported this problem.


(e)        Pavement outside of Millway has been repaired. Councillors were pleased that this was carried out so promptly.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby – There was no Report available.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. There was no Report available.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Some residents attended for no particular reason and other residents attended to hear a Planning Application which will be discussed later in the Agenda. One resident asking about parking in Manor Road and the School. Councillors explained that Durley Parish Council has been trying to achieve better parking outside of the School for many years and it is better now than in the past. Manor Road parking is really up to the residents to park considerately.


Cllr Childs asked if the Public Participation section of the Agenda could go at the beginning of the Agenda. Clerk said that we do alter the order of the Agenda for the County and District Councillors if they have to attend the Bishops Waltham Parish Council Meeting on the same evening. This item will be put on the Agenda for the next Meeting.


Cllr Brenchley asked if we could consider a periodic Newsletter like Allbrook Parish Council. This is a printed booklet type document which could be circulated to each household in Durley. We have in the past produced a Newsletter on A4 sheets, but stopped doing it as most ended up in the bins. Councillors were agreeable to providing a Newsletter again and this will be discussed as an Agenda item at the next Meeting.




(a)        Hampshire Association of Local Councils Affiliation fees 2019/20

and National Association of Local Councils levy for 2019/20. Clerk read out the Levy for 2019/20 and it was agreed that this should be paid.


(b)        Village of the Year 2019 Competition. It was agreed that it would be good to participate but it would need all the village organisations to participate. Clerk will advertise our interest and see what response we get before committing to enter.


(c)        Driver Skills Event – 28th May, 2019. Clerk has advertised this Event on the website and on the village noticeboard for interested residents.


(d)        75th Anniversary of VE Day on 8th – 10th May, 2020. It was agreed that this should be a village Event like the WW1 Commemorations. Requests for help will be put in the Parish Council Report, noticeboards and website. It was suggested that perhaps this Event and the Village of the Year Competition could be a combined advertisement for any interested residents and organisations.


(e)        Victim Support – donation request. It was agreed that we would not be able to give a donation at this time.


(f)        Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley. It was agreed that as this is a new

term of Office for Councillors we should update the current Emergency Plan with updated contacts and details. There is also a need to update the vulnerable residents who might need assistance in an emergency. Clerk will write a letter to residents as we have done previously and Councillors will distribute.


(g)        An e-mail was received regarding slow broadband speeds in Gregory Lane. Councillors agreed that because Durley residents have varying speeds and we come under 2 different exchanges it is difficult to know how to help. Cllr Brenchley suggested that perhaps we could ask for residents to go onto the website and confirm their current speeds so that we could see what speeds residents are achieving in various parts of Durley. Andy Burton would need to be contacted to see if this could be carried out on the website. Cllr Brenchley offered to ask him.


(h)        Local Councils’ Conference – 18th June, 2019 at 4.00 p.m. Cllr Watts and Cllr Childs offered to attend, along with the Clerk. However, if Cllr Delmege wished to attend then Cllr Watts would step down. Clerk will book for 2 Councillors and the Clerk and ask if there is a reserve list.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report. Clerk said that there is no result yet on the Grant Application for the School Crossing from the CIL Fund.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that unfortunately a horse was shot at in Durley Street recently, theft of dogs is a problem, and general thefts in the area – which involves a white van with Highways Maintenance on the back (which is nothing to do with HCC Highways). Cllr Watts also said that some scams are also being circulated. Any useful information to residents will be put on the website.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Village gateway signs – Clerk reported that Andy Burton now has the new Village Entry signs, and is hoping to install them shortly along the main road through Durley.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Clerk will arrange for Bank signatories to be updated to new Parish Councillors.


  1. HALL: Hall floor – help needed to clear Hall on Sunday 19th May after 5.30 p.m. Some Councillors were able to help with the clearing-out of the Hall. Former Councillors Pitter and Charles are happy to oversee the work and help with the clearing out. The tree in the Hall car park has been crowned. Clerk reported that the Hall and car park has now finally been registered with the Land Registry.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that we are still waiting for the metal plate for the veranda of the Pavilion. If we cannot get the plate soon we might have to look for an alternative material. Capsules are still being found at the Recreation Ground. The dog fouling sign will be moved from the Recreation Ground to the Sawmills as agreed. Cllr Watts will move this. It was suggested that more dog bins be available around the village. Clerk will look into costings for the next Meeting.




18/02363/OUT. Messrs Hamal, Butler and Emmett. Construction of dwelling. Land west of the Farmers Home Public House, Heathen Street, Durley. REFUSED.


19/00731/HOU. Mr M Maskell. Erection of domestic garage on existing hard standing. Rear of Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley. After listening to residents who attended the Meeting Councillors agreed that comments should be made regarding the size and mass of the garage, is there a real need as there are garages already next to 1 and 2 Belmore Cottages, the proposed garage is elaborate, the position is right in view of neighbouring properties, there is already a number of additional buildings on this piece of land and Councillors agreed that it is overdevelopment of the site and to add another building would create a back-filling development.


18/02674/FUL. Ms K Kelly. Conversion of outbuildings to create a single, 2 bed dwelling, to include the sub-division of the site and setting out of a curtilage to provide amenity space and parking for each dwelling. 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. REFUSED.


18/02928/FUL. Mr P Taplin. Demolition of existing derelict farm buildings; and the erection of a new livestock building, covered manure store, silage clamp, a principal farmhouse, new landscaping and associated works. Durley Manor Farm, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.


19/00573/HOU. Mr A Shawyer. Single storey front extension. Oaktree Lodge, Snakemoor Lane, Durley. GRANTED.


19/00835/FUL. Mr Marsh. Demolition of the existing two storey semi-detached dwellings (1×2 bed and 1×3 bed) and outbuildings and erection of one two bed bungalow and one five bed chalet bungalow. Erection of detached garage to the rear of plot 2 with revised vehicular accesses from Church Lane. Church Farm Cottages, Church Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.



CLOSED AT 10.30 p.m.





4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Miller and 2 parishioners were present.


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from CC Humby, DC Mclean, Cllr Bartlett, Cllr

Smith and Cllr Clegg. Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines and Nick Apps after the Meeting.



Declarations of Interest made.






(a)        Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett was not at the Meeting to give an update.


(b)        Enquiry made to the Forestry Commission regarding Church Copse Report due by 12.12.18. Clerk read out the response from the Forestry Commission stating that they were waiting to hear back from the CPS. A resident gave Parish Councillors more information so this will be passed onto the Forestry Commission.


(c)        Update on Broadband questionnaire for Durley residents on website – Cllr Pitter/Andy Burton/Clerk and Jon from the website Company are going to meet to set up the questions to put on the Survey Monkey. It is hoped that David Ashe (Chairman of Upham PC) might be able to help with the questions.


(d)        Response from WCC regarding Parking Conditions at The Sawmills. Clerk has received a response from the Planning Department confirming that there were no Conditions put on the Planning Application regarding parking. DC Miller offered to look at the problem and see if “residents only” parking could be imposed, or any other restrictions.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. There was no Report available. DC Miller did say

that the Dragon Patcher is coming soon to repair pot holes.


  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean. DC Miller gave the District Council Report and he stated that the Sports Centre building will commence in mid-March and it is anticipated that finances will break even in 40 years. Outline Planning Permission is being sought for the Station Approach regeneration. Funding has been applied for to build more Council houses at Knowle and £100,000 has been approved for the car park at the Jubilee Hall in Bishops Waltham.


  1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Two residents who attended the Meeting informed Councillors of tyres which have been dumped in Church Road and comments were made about the general litter in the lanes of Durley. The lay-by opposite the Church is also targeted for anti-social behaviour and litter. The Police will be informed so that they can visit the lay-by during the evening.




(a)        Draft Licensing Policy for Consultation – sent via e-mail. There were no comments made.


(b)        Draft Statement of Principles for Consultation – sent via e-mail. This was noted.


  1. SCHOOL REPORT: Grants for crossing and lights – Clerk reported that she has asked for CIL Funding to be considered. WCC advised that HCC should be asked, but when Clerk asked they have spent all their CIL Funding for this year so referred the Clerk back to WCC. Clerk is waiting for a response from WCC. DC Miller offered to investigate CIL Funding so Clerk will send on details to him. Laminated speed signs have been printed and will be delivered to the School shortly.


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that scams pretending to be from the HMRC and BT are the most prolific ones at the moment.


  1. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter said that pot holes have been reported. Clerk said that Calcot Lane is to be closed on 10th January. Village Entry signs update – Andy Burton has been in touch with HCC to ask if the agreed signs are acceptable. When a response is received an order will be placed. The kerb has been dropped at Beech Corner after a request from the Parish Council.


  1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques as agreed.


  1. HALL: Hall floor progress – confirmation of Grants and funding available. Clerk reported that she has secured Funding for £16,000 towards the cost (comprising £10,000 Lottery Funding, £1,000 County Councillor Grant, £3,000 from a donation, £2,000 from Durley Entertainments Committee). Clerk will also approach the BW Rotary to see if they will contribute. Councillors agreed that the work should now be programmed in the Hall diary and a date set. The cost is £21,080 and if no other funding is available then the Parish Council will pay the remaining £5,080. Clerk will arrange a Meeting with the Contractor and Hall Committee to agree terms and conditions. Fencing alongside field – no quote has been received yet from the land owner. Update on repair/replacement of solar panel on roof – Cllr Pitter, Clerk and Neil Ellen are meeting representatives at the Hall to consider our options. It is hoped that the present system can be repaired.


  1. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that access is still being gained by an unauthorised entrance. Peter will be putting in a shrub and fencing as suggested by our Solicitor. Clerk will ask for this to be done as soon as possible. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion – this will be done as soon as help is available. Fencing alongside swings in the Sawmills Play Area has been completed.




18/02747/HOU. Mr and Mrs Gamblin. Single and two-storey side extension, enlarge front porch. Northside, Stapleford Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that drainage in this area is a big consideration and we would not wish to see any development that would cause additional flooding issues in this area. A comment will be made so that drainage is a major consideration.


18/02373/HOU. Mr & Mrs Evans & Helesfay-Evans. Single storey front and rear extensions. New Strathcona, Durley Brook Road, Durley. GRANTED.


18/02185/FUL. Mr and Mrs Beazley. Proposed Additional dwelling using existing access with retention of existing dwelling using existing separate access. Greenwood Farm, Greenwood Lane, Durley. WITHDRAWN.



9.55 P.M.