104123                        Painting materials for Pavilion                       £20.84

104124                        Churchyard donation for maintenance         £200.00

104125                        Repairs in Pavilion                                          £22.00

104126                        Hall cleaning                                                £125.60

104127                        Baby swing replacement seat                      £200.65

104128                        2 x cctv signs                                                  £29.06

104129                        Hall cleaning                                                £125.60

104130                        July payroll                                                £1,053.30

104131                        HMRC                                                         £195.82

104132                        HCC                                                             £335.47

104133                        Key holder fee for Hall (April-July)               £72.00

104134                        Booking Clerk fee for Hall (April-July)         £72.00

104135                        British Gas – Gas for Hall                           £204.60

104136                        Gang mowing (July)                                    £116.40

104137                        HCC – Office supplies                                    £23.40

104138                        July expenses                                                  £65.42

104139                        Hants & IOW CRC Ltd – Comm payback     £85.00

104140                        Hall cleaning                                                £125.60




HCC Parish Lengthsman Account:




104108                        NALC                                                             £17.00

104109                        Hall cleaning                                                   £125.60

104110                        CAB donation                                                 £200.00

104111                        SSE (Hall)                                                       £226.76

104112                        SSE (Pavilion)                                                 £40.45

104113                        April & May expenses                                    £164.41

104114                        Sawmills maintenance payment                     £825.00

104115                        Hall hedge cutting                                          £60.00

104116                        June payroll                                                  £1,053.10

104117                        HMRC                                                            £195.82

104118                        HCC                                                                £335.47

104119                        Hall cleaning                                                   £125.60

104120                        Speed Indicator sign & kit                           £2,301.60

104121                        Gang mowing at Rec Ground                         £232.80

104122                        Tree surgery work at Rec Ground                  £540.00


HCC Parish Lengthsman Account:

100005                        S Read – Footpath clearance                           £165.00










104075                        HCC Street Lighting Maintenance                 £27.97

104076                        Chamberlains                                                  £40.00

104077                        Chamberlains                                               £540.00

104078                        Paint for Pavilion                                         £149.36

104079                        HCC – Hall supplies                                    £146.06

104080                        Shaw & Sons Ltd –Ledger                             £76.74

104081                        SWBS – Water bill                                         £24.62

104082                        Ink toners for printer                                    £272.02

104083                        SSE – Street Lighting Energy                         £87.62

104084                        April payroll                                               £1,053.30

104085                        HMRC                                                         £195.82

104086                        Parish Lengthsman HCC – Curdridge PC £1,000.00

104087                        Parish Lengthsman HCC – Upham PC     £1,000.00

104088                        Parish Lengthsman HCC – Durley PC       £1,000.00

104089                        Admin for HCC Parish Lengthsman             £300.00

104090                        HCC                                                             £335.47

104091                        Equestrian Fencing – wooden posts             £356.40

104092                        Playdale Ltd – Climbing rope                    £1,575.28

104093                        H & IOW CRC Ltd – Community Payback   £85.00

104094                        British Gas – Gas for Hall                           £605.46

104095                        DEK Graphics – printing for Meeting            £15.19

104096                        Hall cleaning                                                £125.60

104097                        OCS Group UK Ltd – Gang mowing          £116.40




HCC Parish Lengthsman Account:


100004                        S Read – Footpath/cycleway clearance       £457.50





104055                        Ink toner and March expenses                        £95.37

104056                        BWPC – Parish Lengthsman costs Feb         £219.78

104057                        Henry Hoover                                                £119.00

104058                        Southern Water – Hall                                   £145.74

104059                        Sound system socket & repairs                       £84.00

104060                        Key holder fee for Dec – March                     £72.00

104061                        Booking fees for Dec – March                        £72.00

104062                        Southern Electric – Pavilion                           £36.10

104063                        Sound system at Hall                                   £3190.91

104064                        Hall car park extension rental                        £100.00

104065                        Yearly water wayleave                                   £10.00

104066                        March payroll                                               £1048.06

104067                        HMRC                                                           £146.10

104068                        HCC                                                                £323.01

104069                        HALC – Yearly Levy 2018-19                       £332.00

104070                        Southern Electric – Hall                                 £230.82

104071                        Cannon Hygiene – Bin at Hall                        £60.43

104072                        HPFA – Subs for 2018-19                              £40.00

104073                        Internal Audit – End of Year fee                    £110.00

104074                        BWPC – Parish Lengthsman costs March      £149.05

HCC Parish Lengthsman Account:

DURLEY PARISH COUNCIL                                        1.4.18


INCOME FOR 2017/18

Finance b/f from 2016/17                                                       52,171.44

V.A.T. refund                                                                            3,935.46

Recreation Ground rental                                                               370.00

Bank Interest                                                                                   29.93

Precept                                                                                                22,000.00

Hall Hire, donations and recycling at Hall                             14,415.27

Electricity Wayleave                                                                        67.57

Parish Plan Market Day                                                                  87.10

Solar panel payments                                                                 1,427.35

County Councillor Grant for seat/table at Rec. Ground                600.00

Payment from Persimmon Homes                                          16,000.00

HCC Parish Lengthsman Scheme                                              2,200.00

Donation from media for filming                                                    50.00


TOTAL INCOME                                                   113,354.12




INCOME                                                              113,354.12


EXPENDITURE                                                     54,122.89




This balance is represented by:

Current Account (less o/s cheque)                                            5,768.57

Tracker Account                                                                     25,730.32

Hall Account                                                                             1,927.30

Lloyds Account                                                                      25,200.04

HCC Parish Lengthsman Account                                              605.00



Anne Collins (Mrs)

Clerk to Durley Parish Counci



2018 – 2019




Precept                                                                                                                   £24,500

Hall Hire                                                                                                                £15,000

Grant for Parish Lengthsman                                                                            £1,000

General reserves                                                                                                  £4,200

c/f from 2017/18                                                                                                 £59,231


TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME:                                              £103,931





Payroll, pensions, expenses                                                                               £19,500

Administration                                                                                                     £4,500

Recreation Ground and Sawmills maintenance                                            £4,000

Highways/Parish Lengthsman                                                                          £4,000

External and Internal Audit fees                                                                            £900

Hall expenditure (not inc floor)                                                                        £12,000

Street lighting                                                                                                           £150

Donation for Churchyard maintenance                                                               £200

Other donations                                                                                                        £300


TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS                                                                         £45,550




Earmarked Funds

available for:                        Hall floor replacement                       £20,000

Village gateway signs                         £4,000

Sawmills maintenance                       £8,000

Sawmills roadway maintenance      £16,000

Speed Indicator Sign                           £4,000




Income less Expenditure will leave a surplus of £6,381 for any additional expenditure.


It was agreed at the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th December, 2017 that the Precept would be £24,500 so that we would be able to fulfil our expenditure requirements and have some reserves for unforeseen expenditure.

104026 CPRE (subs for 2018/19) £36.00
104027 HALC (GDPR Legal Training) £48.00
104028 Hall noticeboard repairs £155.00
104029 Bowls and plates for Hall £88.71
104030 Zerodotnine – website links & input £264.00
104031 BWPC – Parish Lengthsman costs – Dec £207.80
104032 Hants & IOW Comm Payback Scheme – Dec £160.00
104033 HCC – Hall supplies £329.05
104034 H & C Solutions – water heater repairs £78.00
104035 Clerk’s Dec expenses £98.74
104036 January payroll £1048.06
104037 HMRC £146.10
104038 HCC £323.01
104039 T G Services – plumbing repairs in Pavilion £36.00
104040 Ink toner for printer £69.96
104041 P Reynolds – ¾ year internal audit £530.00
104042 Performing Rights Soc – Yearly fee £338.21
104043 British Gas – Gas for Hall £583.25
104044 Paint for Pavilion £74.80
104045 Payment for key for Hall £8.00

HCC Parish Lengthsman Account:

104006 Playdale Ltd (play equipment parts) £1,513.09
104007 Teenage Drop-in Centre (donation) £200.00
104008 Home-Start Meon Valley (donation) £100.00
104009 ZeroDotNine (website updating) £1,055.70
104010 SLCC Subs for 2018 £165.00
104011 Sawmills maintenance £825.00
104012 Nisbets (Cups for Hall) £59.40
104013 SSE (Electricity for Hall) £229.46
104014 SSE (Electricity for Pavilion) £49.31
104015 Playdale Ltd (wet pour surfacing) £2,487.02
104016 The Open Spaces Society (subs for 2018) £45.00
104017 Hants & IOW Ltd (Comm. Payback Scheme) £80.00
104018 December payroll £852.74
104019 HMRC £65.72
104020 HCC £258.20
104021 Clerk’s December expenses £67.13
104022 ZeroDotNine (website domain for 2018) £19.20
104023 Information Commissioner (2018/19 fees) £35.00
104024 Hall cleaning £910.60
104025 HCC (Hall supplies) £58.98