The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 14th June, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Charles and Cllr Pitter.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 10th May, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills update.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner – SSE Grant for pipe under road. CC Humby.
(c) Grass cutting and maintenance at The Sawmills.
(d) Report on Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in Durley.
(e) Update on village website. Cllr Burton.
(f) Wheely bin speed signs have arrived. Distribution.
(g) Report on Bridleway Project in BW – Cllr Watts and Clerk.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Fly-tipping in Netherhill. Reported to WCC.
(b) Letter from HALC regarding Hampshire Devolution. Sent via e-mail.
(c) E-mail regarding speeding through the village.
(d) WCC – May 2016 Parish Connect. Sent via e-mail.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 14th June will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report: School lay-by update.

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Next PACT Meeting 30.6.16 in Bishops Waltham at 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report. Pay phone sign still not removed.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Mircrophone for sound system – this has been purchased and is now working.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report. Guttering outside of Pavilion has been completed.

15. Planning:

16/00696/FUL. Mr A Mulley. Demolition of existing shed next to Church and erection of a new shed in the Churchyard on a site away from the Church. Holy Cross Church, Church Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

16/01097/LDC. Mr M Maskell. Change of use of land from orchard to residential curtilage (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Belmore Cottages, Manor Road, Durley.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 14th June will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
6th June, 2016

The Annual General Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th May, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Election of Officers:

Vice Chairman
Hall Management Committee Chairman
Hall Management Committee Vice Chairman
Highways Officer
Footpaths Officer
Recreation Ground Chairman
Transport Representative

2. Congratulate recently elected District Councillors.

3. Apologies for Absence:

4. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

5. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 12th April, 2016.

6. Matters arising:

(a) Report on Drainage Meeting with CC Humby and HCC Highways.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner – SSE Grant for pipe under road.
(c) School lay-by – work to commence on 31.5.16 for 2 weeks.
(d) Final preparations for Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations in Durley.
(e) Direction sign to the Thresher Room at Durley Memorial Hall. Cllr Burton.
(f) Any issues raised at the Annual Parish Assembly which need attention.
(g) Update on village website. Cllr Burton.

7. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

8. District Councillors’ Reports:

9. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

10. Correspondence:

(a) Clerk’s Legal Update Training – Tuesday 14th June.
(b) Fly-tipping update in Greenwood Lane and further e-mails.
(c) Examination of the WDLP Part 2 – Draft Programme. Sent via e-mail.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 10th May will be brought to this Meeting.

11. School Report:

12. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Next PACT Meeting 30.6.16 in Bishops Waltham at 7.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

13. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report. Report by Cllr Delmege on Speeding Traffic in Durley.

14. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

(a) Chairman and Clerk to agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2015-16 for the Annual Audit Return.
(b) Chairman and Clerk to agree and sign the Accounting Statements for 2015-16 for the Annual Audit Return.

15. Hall: Mircrophone for sound system. Taps have been replaced in kitchen and toilets.

16. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

17. Planning:

16/00696/FUL. Mr A Mulley. Demolition of existing shed next to Church and erection of a new shed in the Churchyard on a site away from the Church. Holy Cross Church, Church Lane, Durley.

Response from WCC regarding Enforcement enquiry.

Report on Meeting with potential applicant for planning application in Durley. (26.4.16).

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 10th May will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
3rd May, 2016

The Annual Parish Assembly of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 12th April, 2016 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 8.00 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence. Cllr Farr.
2. Introduction of Members present at the Meeting.
3. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly.
4. Matters arising.
5. Chairman’s Report – Councillor Mr Sam Charles.
6. Financial Report – Clerk, Mrs Anne Collins.
7. Highways Report – Written by Councillor Mrs Sue Farr.
8. Hall Report – Chairman of Hall Committee, Cllr Marie Smith.
9. County Councillor’s Report – County Councillor Humby.
10. District Councillors’ Report – District Councillors Humby and Ruffell.
11. Police Representative’s Report.
12. Progress of the Village website – Cllr Burton.
13. Questions to Council Members.
14. Declare the Meeting closed.
15. Refreshments.

Anne Collins (Mrs)
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
5th April, 2016

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 12th April, 2016 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 6.30 p.m


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Farr.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 8th March, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner. CC Humby to report on any progress.
(c) Village website update – Cllr Burton to report.
(d) School lay-by proposal progress.
(e) Update on Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.
(f) Response from HCC Highways regarding digging ditches.
(g) Direction sign for Thresher Room.
(h) Southern Parishes Meeting 4.4.16. Report by Cllr Charles and Clerk.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby. This will be given at the Annual Meeting.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell. This will be given at the Annual Meeting.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) CPRE Newsletter available.
(b) Bishops Waltham Design Statement 2016.
(c) HCC – News for Local Councils – forwarded via e-mail.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 12th April will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: A full Report will be given at the Annual Meeting.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering.

15. Planning:

16/00475/FUL. Mr Mann and Ms Hemsley. Two storey and single storey side extension and roof terrace (south east). Single storey side extension (north west). First floor rear extension (south west). Alterations to main roof to provide additional accommodation including side facing (south east) dormer windows and raising of ridge height. Purbeck Cottage, Manor Road, Durley.

16/00459/LIS. Mr & Mrs Atkins. Minor modifications to existing permissions. Durley Mill, Netherhill, Botley.

16/00569/LIS. Mr & Mrs Hall. Replacement of existing doors and windows with new timber painted windows and doors (Affects the setting of a Listed Building. Listed Building Grade II). Elm Tree Farm, Durley Street, Durley.

Any Planning Applications received before 12th April will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
5th April, 2016

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8th March, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 9th February, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(b) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley.
(c) Flooding at Beech Corner Meeting Report. CC Humby/Clerk to report.
(d) Village website update – Cllr Burton to report.
(e) School lay-by proposal progress.
(f) Response from enquiry regarding phone mast.
(g) “Clean for the Queen” Litter Picking Campaign in Durley.
(h) Update on Village Event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.
(i) Report on HCC Devolution Workshop – Cllr Charles and Clerk.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) E-mails and responses regarding fly-tipping in Durley.
(b) HCC Walking Strategy Consultation.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 8th March will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment. Wall lights in Hall.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering.

15. Planning:

16/00168/APN. Mr Ozmen Safa. Proposed storage barn. Land between Durley
Street and Durley Hall Lane, Durley. OBJECTION RAISED.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 8th March will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
1st March, 2016

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 9th February, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 12th January, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(b) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley.
(c) Flooding at Beech Corner Meeting Report. CC Humby/Clerk to report.
(d) Village website update – Cllr Burton to report.
(e) Proposed School lay-by Consultation response.
(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (1.2.16).
(g) Report on BW Bridleway Project (4.2.16).

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Clean for the Queen Litter Pick Event.
(b) Parish Connect – January, 2016.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 9th February will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Old table tennis table removed.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering.

15. Planning:

15/02793/FUL. Mr Smith. Proposed double garage (option 2 on submitted plans)(Amended description 10.12.15). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

15/02595/TPO. Mr Pitter. 2 no. Oak trees to crown and reduce by 3m plus cut out all of the dead wood in the trees. Green Pastures, Sciviers Lane, Durley. REFUSED.

15/02580/FUL. Mr and Mrs Bartlett. We are proposing to demolish an existing conservatory and build a new single storey rear extension, create a small porch area with pitched roof to the front of the property and alter the landscaping at the front of the property to create some additional off-street parking. All materials to match existing. Casa Flori, Manor Road, Durley. GRANTED.

Enquiry regarding Application 15/02882/APN.

Agree Parish Council response to Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan – Issues and Options Consultation.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 9th February will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
3rd February, 2016

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 12th January, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 8th December, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(b) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign.
(c) Updating of Emergency Plan for Durley.
(d) Flooding at Beech Corner Meeting.
(e) Village website update – Cllr Burton to report.
(f) School Meeting dates for 2016.
(g) Proposal School lay-by Consultation response.
(h) Memorial to Sir Jeremy Black.
(i) Drain cleaning enquiry from previous Meeting.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Response from Persimmon Homes regarding large sign at The Sawmills.
(b) The Spending Review – Briefing Note.
(c) Eastleigh Borough Council – Planning update.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 12th January will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Table tennis table.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering. Emptying of small bin at The Sawmills.

15. Planning:

15/02793/FUL. Mr Smith. Proposed double garage (option 2 on submitted plans)(Amended description 10.12.15). Well Cottage, Mincingfield Lane, Durley.

15/02784/FUL. Mr Burton. Conversion of two cottages into one (internal alterations). Two new dormers to front elevation, reinstatement of two previously blocked up windows, removal of chimney, removal and replacement of part of roof. Removal of garage, proposed timber carport. 1 Durley Brook Cottages, Durley Brook Road, Durley.

15/01869/FUL. Mr Edwards. Demolition of an existing 2 storey detached dwelling and 2 no. outbuildings; construction of a 2 storey detached replacement dwelling plus detached garage; associated hard and soft landscaping; relocation of the existing access to site further along Durley Street. Four Winds, Durley Street, Durley. GRANTED.

15/02564/APN. Miss J McGeoch. Agricultural storage building. Stapleford Farmhouse, Stapleford Lane, Durley. THAT NO OBJECTION BE RAISED.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 12th January will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
5th January, 2016

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8th December, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Pitter.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 10th November, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby to report.
(b) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(c) Quiet Lanes Meeting (24.11.15) – Cllr Watts and Clerk to report.
(d) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. Response from WCC.
(e) Report on Emergency Planning Workshop – Cllr Charles and Clerk.
(f) Flooding at Beech Corner – progress by HCC. CC Humby to report.
(g) Report on School Meeting – Cllr Delmege.
(h) Agree Councillor to attend next School Meeting.
(i) Durley Parish Plan Meeting Report – Cllr Charles.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Thank you letter from CAB regarding donation for 2016/17.
(b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Draft Recommendations.
(c) Response from Enforcement Officer to enquiry.
(d) Maintenance of Recreation Ground – gang mowing renewal.
(e) Request from Bus Company regarding cutting back of hedges.
(f) Letter from Home-Start Meon Valley.
(g) E-mail expressing concern over the proposed School lay-by.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 8th December will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Police Report. Response from Police regarding attendance at Meetings.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Baby changing facilities have been installed.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering.

15. Planning:

15/02580/FUL. Mr & Mrs Bartlett. We are proposing to demolish an existing conservatory and build a new single storey rear extension, create a small porch area with pitched roof to the front of the property and alter the landscaping at the front of the property to create some additional off-street parking. All materials to match existing. Casa Fiori, Manor Road, Durley.

15/02595/TPO. Mr K Pitter. 2 no. Oak trees to crown and reduce by 3m plus cut out all of the dead wood in the trees. Green Pastures, Sciviers Lane, Durley.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 8th December will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
1st December, 2015

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th November, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 13th October, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby to report.
(b) Drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Pitter to report on quote.
(c) Quiet Lanes Meeting (24.11.15) – Cllr Watts and Clerk.
(d) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. Response from WCC.
(e) Flooding at Beech Corner – progress by HCC. CC Humby to report.
(f) Enquiry regarding tree felling at entrance to Oakmore Park.
(g) Representative for School Meetings.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Letter from CAB regarding donation for 2016/17.
(b) Highways Maintenance Newsletter – September, 2015.
(c) Parish Lengthsman Agreement.
(d) Draft Walking Strategy Consultation – HCC.
(e) County Councillor Grant Application.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 10th November will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed. Agree Precept for 2016/17.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Report on Meeting with Cleaning Company to deep clean the toilets. Risk Assessment update. CCTV installation.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering. Play Area repairs to rope climbing frame.

15. Planning:

15/01376/FUL. Mr C Acton. Proposed carport and store following demolition of out buildings. 1 Mincingfield Terrace, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. WITHDRAWN.

15/01885/FUL. Mr J Gosney. Agricultural storage building with adjoining hard standing. Lane opposite L’Eglise, Durley Street, Durley. PERMITTED.

14/01842/FUL. Mr C Chandler. Demolition of existing store and erection of 1 no two bedroom bungalow with detached single garage and 14 no. solar panels. Land adjacent to Rodlands, Durley Street, Durley. APPEAL DISMISSED.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 10th November will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
3rd November, 2015

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 13th October, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 8th September, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Update on faster broadband – CC Humby to report.
(b) Drainage at The Sawmills. Cllr Pitter to give further quote.
(c) Agree Action Plan produced by the Parish Plan Team.
(d) Report on Sharing Parishes Recycling Meeting – Clerk.
(e) Report on Quiet Lanes signs Meeting – Cllr Watts and Clerk.
(f) Parking at entrance to Manor Road/Beech Corner/Pay Phone sign. DC Ruffell.
(g) Planning Coach Tour – Cllr Chares to report.
(h) Code of Conduct Training – Cllr Delmege and Clerk to report.
(i) Report on HALC AGM – Cllr Charles.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Flooding at Beech Corner.
(b) Open Spaces Funding.
(c) Letter from WinAcc.
(d) Publicity for Veolia Trust.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 13th October will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. County Councillor Grant towards cctv system. Sound system. Deep clean of toilets. Risk Assessment update.

14. Recreation Ground: Guttering. Play Area repairs to rope climbing frame.

15. Planning:

15/01885/FUL. Mr J Gosney. Agricultural storage building with adjoining hard standing. Land opposite L’Eglise, Durley Street.

15/01700/FUL. Mr and Mrs Scivier. Proposed extension of outbuildings to serve as ancillary accommodation to main cottage to form bedroom and playroom (RESUBMISSION). Corner Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Durley. PERMITTED.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 13th October will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
6th October, 2015