The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 11th June, 2019 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.




  1. Apologies for Absence:


  1. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.


  1. Agree Minutes of previous Meetings held on 14th May, 2019 and 28th May, 2019.


  1. Matters arising:


(a)        Update on table/seating at The Sawmills – Vivien Bartlett will be asked for a Report.

(b)        Clerk to confirm Meeting with businesses in The Sawmills regarding parking issues.

(c)        Bus stop sign reinstatement – Cllr Childs to report.

(d)        Proposal to put Public Participation before Matters Arising on the Agenda.

(e)        Parish Council Newsletter.

(f)         Village of the Year 2019 Competition.

(g)        75th Anniversary of VE Day Commemorations – Clerk to report.

(h)        Updating of Durley Emergency Plan – Clerk to report.

(i)         Broadband speeds in Durley – Cllr Brenchley/Clerk.

(j)         Dog fouling bins in Durley.


  1. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.


  1. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Miller.


  1. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.


  1. Correspondence:


(a)        Proposal to have an update from Durley PCC at Parish Council Meetings.

(b)        Young People’s Wellbeing Service AGM on Wednesday 12th June at 1.00 p.m.

(c)        E-mail from HCC Broadband Team regarding meeting Durley residents.


Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 11th June will be brought to this Meeting.


  1. School Report: Ofsted Inspection results.


  1. Recreation Ground Report: Cllr Watts to report.


  1. Sawmills Report: Cllr Rutherford to report.


  1. Neighbourhood Watch Report: Cllr Watts to report.


  1. Highways Report: Cllr Childs to report. Village Entry signs update.


  1. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.


  1. Hall: Hall flooring has been completed. Hand driers for the toilets.   Painting of main Hall. Date for Management Committee Meeting.


  1. Planning:


19/01027/FUL. Mr Churcher. Proposed barn and storage. Woodlands, Greenwood Lane, Durley.


Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 11th June will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.


Mrs A Collins

Clerk to Durley Parish Council

5th June, 2019