The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 11th December, 2018 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley 7.30 p.m.
- Apologies for Absence:
- Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.
- Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 13th November, 2018.
- Matters arising:
(a) Interest from other parishes in our SID sign.
(b) Table/Seat for The Sawmills Green and report on approach to businesses – Cllr Bartlett.
(c) Report from the Forestry Commission regarding Church Copse due by 12.12.18.
(d) Update on Broadband questionnaire in Durley progress – Cllr Pitter.
(e) Report on salt bin outside of Durley Church.
(f) Responses from business units regarding parking at The Sawmills.
(g) Durley Christmas Tree Festival – Cllr Delmege to report.
(h) Report on Parish Council Briefing held in Winchester – Cllr Charles/Clerk.
(i) Report on WDAPC AGM in Whiteley – Cllr Charles/Clerk.
- County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.
- District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Miller, DC Mclean.
- Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.
- Correspondence:
(a) Independent Examination of the Eastleigh Local Plan notification.
(b) Rights of Way Vegetation Priority Cutting Programme – 2019.
(c) Winchester District Sports Awards 2018.
Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 11th December will be brought to this Meeting.
- School Report: Grants for crossing and lights – Clerk to report.
- Neighbourhood Watch Report: Cllr Watts to report..
- Highways Report: Cllr Pitter to report. Village Entry signs update. Response from BWPC regarding HGV restriction in Hoe Road, BW.
- Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed. Agree Budget and Precept requirement for 2019/20.
- Hall: Hall floor progress. Fencing alongside field. Hall break-in.
- Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report. Repairs to veranda outside of Pavilion. Fencing alongside swings in the Sawmills Play Area.
- Planning:
18/02588/FUL. Mr and Mrs Denholm. Application Reference Number 11/00893/FUL Variation of Conditions 3 and 4. Conditions 3 and 4 removal. Brokeclose Farm, Durley Hall Lane, Durley.
18/02674/FUL. Ms K Kelly. Conversion of outbuildings to create a single, 3 bed dwelling, to include the sub-division of the site and setting out of a curtilage to provide amenity space and parking for each dwelling. 2 Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley.
Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 11th December will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.
Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
5th December, 2018