Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th February, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m. 4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and Kirstie Baines (School representative) were present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Burton, Cllr Smith, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Rufell and PCSO McCulloch.
At the start of the Meeting the Clerk informed Parish Councillors that ex-Parish Councillor David Poole had sadly passed away that week. David was a Parish Councillor for a number of years and was always willing to help Durley and its parishioners in any way he could. He was a former Parish Council Chairman and will be missed by many.
The Community Defibrillator Training is being held on Thursday 19th February at 7.00 p.m. in Durley Memorial Hall. Anyone is welcome to attend.
It appears that Durley is in Wave 2 of the faster broadband, but we will have to wait until September to know more details about timescale.
There were no County or District Councillors reports this month.
Cllr Pitter has been asked if a village litter pick could be organised. The Clerk will ask WCC for litter picks and black sacks if residents are willing to cover their patch. There are some residents who already pick up litter in their particular lane or road and Councillors do appreciate this help. If anyone is willing to pick up litter in a certain area please get in touch with the Clerk and she will provide you with the necessary tools. Eastleigh Borough Council will be contacted to litter pick along Snakemoor Lane as this is particularly dangerous and has a lot of litter to be picked up.
A Rights of Way priority cutting list has been sent to HCC for consideration. Footpath 28 in Chancellors Lane is temporarily closed.
Kirstie Baines was present to give a School Report. The main issues were the flood defences, parking, defibrillator for the School and an Emergency Plan for the School.
Cllr Watts gave a PACT Meeting Report. She said that the main problems highlighted were inconsiderate parking and speeding, there were also 2 theft incidents during the month.
Rubbish has been dumped in Netherhill along with a fridge in Snakemoor Lane. This fly-tipping will be reported to WCC to be picked up. Some road problems were reported to Cllr Farr and these will also be reported to HCC Highways.
Cllr Charles read out a quote for the re-tiling of the Hall foyer and kitchen floors. Councillors agreed that this needs to be done as the old tiles are getting broken and some need replacing. New ceiling tiles to replace broken ones will also be purchased.
Some residents, along with the Chairman and Clerk attended an Appeal Hearing in Winchester regarding the 2 enforcement notices served on Church Copse, Greenwood Lane by HCC. The result of the Hearing will not be known for a few weeks.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.