103827 BWPC – Parish Lengthsman (Oct) £146.86
103828 OCS Group UK Ltd (Gang mowing) £165.72
103829 The Soc of LC Clerks (Subs for year) £157.00
103830 Durley FC – Hedge cutting at Rec Ground £75.00
103831 November payroll £844.14
103832 HMRC £64.83
103833 HCC £237.11
103834 Southern Water – Hall £80.39
103835 Hall booking fee £72.00
103836 Keyholder fee £72.00
103837 Sawmills maintenance £725.00
103838 Neil’s Elec. Ser. – Hall lighting £126.00
103839 WCC – Licence fees for year £180.00
103840 BWPC – Parish Lengthsman (Nov) £209.10
103841 HCC – Paper for copier £22.58
103842 Clerk’s Oct/Nov expenses,
Ink cartridges & Christmas decorations £343.45


6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, Mrs Anne Collins (Clerk) and 3 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Kirstie Baines, District Councillor Miller and District Councillor Mclean. Although Parish Councillors understand that DC Miller and DC Mclean are representing both Durley and BW parishes the Clerk was asked to write to both District Councillors and ask if they could split their evening and attend both Durley and BW Parish Council Meetings as Cllr Humby does. It was agreed that we could accommodate them within the Agenda either at the beginning or the end to suit them.

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills. Clerk said that the work was due to start a couple of weeks ago. It appears that they will be able to give a start date tomorrow, but the work will be completed by the end of the year.

(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – There is no further update from CC Humby, other than ditches have been dug out and the pipe under the road at Beech Corner is still being done.

(c) Fly-tipping in Durley. Signs have been put up in the hot spots. There has been fly-tipping reported this month which has been mainly larger items like settees and tv’s. A bath was reported in Netherhill which will be reported to WCC.

(d) Hedge in Parsonage Lane. There has been no response from the letter the Clerk wrote to the owners of White Owl Cottage. Councillors agreed that there was little else that they could do other than refer the matter to HCC Highways. The mirrors are still causing a problem in Parsonage Lane opposite 1 Hazeldene so this will be followed up with HCC Highways as well.

(e) Report on BW Bridleway Project (15.12.16) – Cllr Watts/Clerk will be attending.

(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (28.11.16) – Cllr Charles/Clerk. The main issues discussed at this Meeting included Recycling Centres, Fly tipping, Dog Waste, the Botley By-pass and the EBC development plans.

(g) Church Copse re-planting. No further news.

(h) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs are still being taken. CC Humby reported that DC Miller might be able to find some funding locally, and it is hoped that if agreed then these long awaited double lines can be painted to stop vehicles from parking on the junction.

(i) Co-option of Parish Councillor – Notices have been put up. Clerk said that WCC have confirmed that an Election has not been requested so we will be able to co-opt a Parish Councillor at our January Meeting. At the moment there are 3 applications so Councillors agreed that an interview evening will take place on Monday 9th January, 2017 starting at 7.00 p.m. at half hour intervals. A decision will then be made and the successful applicant will be invited to attend the January Meeting on 10th. Clerk will write letters to candidates after 23rd December in case there are more applications.

(j) Report on ADD Meeting regarding EBC Options. Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended this Meeting with other local Parish Council Chairmen and Clerks who are affected by the EBC proposals. It was informative and support was needed to help fight development in this area.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he is on the HCC Economic Development Board which deals with investments and making the economy work for HCC as there is little left in which savings can be made. Cllr Delmege asked about building more council houses to rent out. CC Humby said that more rental properties are being built, but other services are also being looked at as possible ways of making money to use on services. CC Humby spoke about the huge social care budget, the Highways visit for Clerks and Recycling Centres.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. There was no District Report as DC Humby spoke about the double yellow lines in paragraph 4(h) above.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. All members of the public present were in attendance to hear Planning Applications listed below.


(a) Agree Parish Precept for 2017/18. Cllr Charles proposed that we apply for £22,000 bearing in mind that the Grant from Government will be halved next year and there will be no Grant the following year. We also would like to keep the Parish Lengthsman employed to clear footpaths etc. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal. All Councillors were in agreement. Clerk will complete the relevant forms.

(b) Priority Cutting List for 2017 on Durley footpaths. It was agreed to discuss in the New Year with Cllr Delmege (Footpaths Officer), the Parish Lengthsman who is cutting some of the footpaths, and the Clerk so that we can produce a List.

(c) WDAPC AGM – (6.12.16). This was attended by the Chairman and Clerk. There was a low attendance and the AGM commenced with the Election of Officers. These were the same as the previous year. Other items on the Agenda included the Eastleigh Local Plan, motorbike noise on the A272 and future Meetings.

(d) BT Programme of intended payphone removals. Clerk said that on the List of payphone boxes to be removed is the one outside of The Robin Hood in Durley Street. Councillors agreed that as it has not been used over the last year they could not justify its retention. It is also not a red kiosk so it is not really worth keeping. Clerk will make these comments to WCC.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no School Report from Kirstie. Cllr Farr attended a School Meeting and the issues discussed included: a feasibility study of the holding of water in the memorial garden, the wall at the entrance to the School will be re-built higher, there will be no infants entrance, the playground will be upgraded, the sides of the bank by the stream will be reinforced, the speed of traffic now that the lay-by has been built has increased, Grants need to be applied for and the School signs have been removed. Councillors have asked for speed checks along this stretch of road, but it is not always possible as the Police do not have sufficient resources.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: PACT Meeting Report – Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr attended the Meeting and speeding vehicles, parking and fly tipping were the main concerns. The Meetings will now be held twice a year rather than four times a year. There are more parishes invited and this means that it is difficult to voice your problems. Cllr Watts will take the lead as Linda Summers has now left the village. Clerk did write on behalf of the Parish Council thanking Linda for all her hard work with the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordination within the village.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter reported that there has been two water leaks – one in Durley Street and the other in Snakemoor Lane.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques.

13. HALL: Quote for tiling. Clerk read out a quote of £3,650 Cllr Charles proposed that we accept this quote as we have had difficulty in getting someone to carry out the work. Cllr Pitter seconded this proposal and all Councillors were in agreement. Clerk will find out when they are able to commence work as Hall bookings will need to be worked around or cancelled. They hope to start in January, 2017.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report.


16/02860/FUL. Mr and Mrs Biggs. Conversion of an existing workshop building into two self-contained holiday lets, including the setting out of a curtilage to provide garden and parking area on surrounding land for each unit. Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application.

16/02617/FUL. Mrs Ralph. Continued use of residential caravan for the sole use of the owners who require permanent residence on site to manage the existing animal sanctuary (RETROSPECTIVE). The Piggeries, Mincingfield Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application provided that the current circumstances remain the same.

16/02697/FUL. Mr Le-Vallee. Erection of hay/storage barn, extend hard standing, re-locate entrance gate and hard standing for caravan. Stables opposite Durley Hall Barn, Durley Hall Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to the application, but the hard standing for the caravan should only be for a caravan not a mobile home.

16/02817/HOU. Mr and Mrs Topliss. Ground floor flat roof extension and loft conversion with dormers to front and rear. 6 Durley Mews, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

16/02110/FUL. Ms Denham. Proposed equestrian barn and new access onto Stapleford Lane. Land adjacent to Stapleford Cottage, Stapleford Lane, Durley. GRANTED.

Response from Enforcement Officer regarding enforcement enquiry. It appears that the window extensions on 2 The Sawmills were in the original planning application.

Revised plans were available for The Bungalow, Gregory Lane, Durley. There is a new proposal for a close board timber fence along with hedging. Councillors agreed that this was far more acceptable and more in keeping with a rural village.

O/16/79600. Outline Application for Demolition of existing residential dwelling and associated farm buildings, development of up to 50 dwellings with access from Maddoxford Lane, site infrastructure, open space and associated landscaping. Land south of Maddoxford Lane, Boorley Green, Botley. Councillors agreed to make no comments.

Councillors were concerned that activities at Little Oakdale in Durley Hall Lane do not appear to have ceased. Clerk will ask the Enforcement Officer for an update.


The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 13th December, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence:

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 8th November, 2016 and Planning Meeting held on 23rd November, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – Update from CC Humby.
(c) Fly-tipping in Durley. Signs have been put up.
(d) Hedge in Parsonage Lane.
(e) Report on BW Bridleway Project (15.12.16) – Cllr Watts/Clerk.
(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting (28.11.16) – Cllr Charles/Clerk.
(g) Church Copse re-planting.
(h) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – Photographs.
(i) Co-option of Parish Councillor – Notices have been put up.
(j) Report on ADD Meeting regarding EBC Options. Cllr Charles/Clerk.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Agree Parish Precept for 2017/18.
(b) Priority Cutting List for 2017 on Durley footpaths.
(c) WDAPC AGM – (6.12.16).


Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 13th December will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: PACT Meeting Report – Cllr Watts/Cllr Farr.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Pitter to report.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Quote for tiling.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

16/02860/FUL. Mr and Mrs Biggs. Conversion of an existing workshop building into two self-contained holiday lets, including the setting out of a curtilage to provide garden and parking area on surrounding land for each unit. Lower Farm, Parsonage Lane, Durley.

16/02617/FUL. Mrs Ralph. Continued use of residential caravan for the sole use of the owners who require permanent residence on site to manage the existing animal sanctuary (RETROSPECTIVE). The Piggeries, Mincingfield Lane, Durley.

16/02697/FUL. Mr Le-Vallee. Erection of hay/storage barn, extend hard standing, re-locate entrance gate and hard standing for caravan. Stables opposite Durley Hall Barn, Durley Hall Lane, Durley.

16/02817/HOU. Mr and Mrs Topliss. Ground floor flat roof extension and loft conversion with dormers to front and rear. 6 Durley Mews, Durley.

Response from Enforcement Officer regarding enforcement enquiry.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 13th December will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
6th December, 2016

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th December, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 6 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Rob Humby, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and 3 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from District Councillor Miller, District Councillor Mclean and Kirstie Baines.

The Clerk informed Councillors that the drainage in the Sawmills Play Area should be completed by the end of the year, although a starting date has still yet to be confirmed.

More ditches have been dug out at the Beech Corner end of the village and the pipe under the road will still happen. Councillors hope that this will be carried out soon so that it will ease the water problems at this end of the village during the winter months.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham. The main issues discussed included Recycling Centres, Fly tipping, Dog Waste, the proposed Botley By-pass and the Eastleigh Borough Council development plans.

Parking outside of Beech Corner Garage on the junction is still causing a problem for drivers coming out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane as they do not have good sightlines. DC Miller is trying to see if local funding can be made available to get the doubles yellow lines put down.

Clerk has received notification from WCC that no request has been made for an Election so Councillors are now able to make a Co-option at the January Parish Council Meeting. Notices have been put up on the village noticeboards and website inviting applications from residents who would be interested in helping the village and joining us on the Parish Council. Applications close on 23rd December, 2016.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended a Meeting with other local Parish Council Chairmen and Clerks to discuss the impact on the Eastleigh Borough Council planning options for large development in the local area. Councillors are very concerned about the impact it will have on the smaller villages like Durley as the traffic will increase dramatically when these homes are built.

CC Humby gave his Report which included the work that he is doing at the moment on the HCC Economic Development Board which looks at investments and making the economy work for HCC. Cllr Delmege asked Cllr Humby is more rental properties are being built to rent out as this would generate income. Cllr Humby said that they are investing in properties to rent out, and also services are being looked at as a possible way of making money to spend elsewhere on other services. CC Humby spoke about the huge social care budget.

The Parish Precept for 2017-18 was agreed and Councillors took into account that the Grant received from Government will be halved next year.

The Winchester District Association of Parish Councils AGM was attended by Cllr Charles and the Clerk on 6th December. The Election of Officers was the main item for the evening along with discussion about future Meetings.

BT have a Programme to remove low useage telephone kiosks. The kiosk outside of The Robin Hood in Durley Street is in the Programme to be removed. Councillors agreed that as it has not been used over the past year they would not be able to justify its retention.

Cllr Farr attended a Durley Primary School Meeting and gave a Report which included items on a feasibility study of the holding of water in the memorial garden, the wall at the entrance to the School will be re-built, the upgrading of the playground, the sides of the stream will be reinforced, the speed of the traffic now that the lay-by has been built and Grants which need to be applied for.

Cllr Watts and Cllr Farr attended a recent Police PACT Meeting and said that issues discussed were mainly speeding vehicles, fly-tipping and the frequency of future Meetings. The Meetings will be twice a year rather than 4 times a year. Clerk has written a letter of thanks to to Linda Summers who has been the main Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for many years. Information will now be sent to Cllr Watts.

The quote for the new tiles in the Hall foyer and kitchen was agreed and it is hoped that work will start in January, 2017. There will be some disruption with Hall bookings during this time, but it is hoped that most bookings will be able to go ahead as normal.


Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

103816 OCS – Emptying of bin at Hall £16.20
103817 HCC – Street Lighting £25.36
103818 Steve Dixey – Painting in Hall £850.00
103819 Clerk’s September expenses £68.48
103820 Ink cartridge for printer £59.99
103821 October payroll £844.14
103822 HMRC £64.83
103823 HCC £238.80
103824 P Reynolds – Half year Audit £360.00
103825 OCS – Gang mowing at Rec Ground £165.72
103826 British Gas – Gas for Hall £170.74


3 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor Mclean and 2 parishioners were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Delmege, Cllr Burton, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills – start date. Clerk reported that the Contractor is hoping to start the work in 2 weeks’ time. A County Councillor Grant has been applied for to cover part of the cost.

(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – Update from CC Humby. CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give an update, but the Clerk reported that the pipe under Durley Brook Road has been prioritised by HCC Highways. It is hoped that this work will be completed before the winter weather sets in.

(c) Fly-tipping in Durley. Clerk has asked the land owners’ permission to put up signs in various “hot spots” in Durley and they are more than happy with this. Dick Bastian will be contacted about putting up a sign alongside his land in Greenwood Lane. More fly-tipping has been reported throughout the month and a parishioner present reported that there are some car seats and other rubbish dumped in Durley Road just past the Church. Clerk will report this to WCC.

(d) Hedge in Parsonage Lane. A response to our letter has not been received and Clerk has not been able to catch the owner of the horses in the field to see if she knows who the owner of the hedge is.

(e) Report on BW Bridleway Project – Cllr Watts reported that most of the Meeting was taken up with discussion on a Meeting on Winchester and the costings of the Bridleway Project. There was no discussion on any issues relating to Durley.

(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting – Cllr Charles/Clerk. The Group were introduced to the new CSO Michael Thomas who works for BW and Swanmore Parish Councils. The major part of the Meeting was taken up with questions and answers to Keith House regarding the EBC Local Plan. He also talked about the proposal for the Botley By-pass.

(g) Report from Parish Plan Meeting held on 2.11.16. The Parish Plan Team has successfully re-vamped the Good Neighbours Group which is working well with 9 Committee Members and 18 drivers. Many residents have offered their help. The Village website is now up and running and thanks were given to Andy Burton for leading this. Interest was shown in holding a Village Carnival so a Public Meeting is going to be held in January to see how many residents would be willing to help. A decision will then be made. BWPC has some allotments in Albany Road which is right on the Durley/BW boundary so the Parish Plan members are going to visit the site and see if they would be suitable for Durley residents to hire. There are around 10 residents who are interested in renting an allotment. There are also residents who would like a Community Orchard but before going down this route the Group agreed to see if there are spare trees within the village that have not been picked this year, which could be picked by a Community Group. Ian Medd is looking at village gateway signs and it is hoped that we will be able to put these in place of the present Durley signs.

(h) Church Copse re-planting. There is no further update available. Clerk said that CC Humby is still waiting for a response. A parishioner present said that the trees should have been re-planted by June, 2016 and he is disappointed that no response is forthcoming.

(i) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – DC Miller has responded to the Clerk and Clerk read out the response. Councillors agreed that no progress is being made at the moment, despite residents having safety concerns when coming out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane on a regular basis. Corinne Phillips at WCC appears to dispute the fact that vehicles park on the staggered junction outside of Beech Corner Garage which takes away sight-lines. It was agreed that a resident would take photographs on a daily basis to show WCC what it is like. Many photographs have already been taken by residents.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. DC Mclean reported on development in the area and the impact that it would have on traffic through Durley. He also said that he will be Mayor on 17th May, 2017 and is happy to come to Durley for an Event if we book up in advance through his PA. He offered equipment if we needed it for crushing apples if we held an Apple Day Event. Cllr Charles thanked DC Mclean for this offer.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. 2 residents were at the Meeting to ask about the re-planting of Church Copse, Greenwood Lane and to report some more fly-tipping in Church Lane. An accident was narrowly avoided at the end of Church Lane due to cars parking outside of Beech Corner Garage.


(a) WCC District Local Plan Part 2 – Consultation on Proposed Modifications. Councillors had no comments to make.

(b) WCC Preparation of Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations Consultation. There were no proposed site allocations within Durley, but some on the boundary, which are already registered sites. Councillors had no objections to these sites and therefore will make no comments on the Consultation.

(c) E-mail from resident about bus stop plinths in Durley Street. Clerk has asked WCC to clear the plinths of vegetation so that they can be used by residents.

(d) Resignation letter from Cllr Burton. Clerk read out a resignation letter from Cllr Burton stating that he is no longer able to continue due to work and personal commitments. Councillors could understand why Cllr Burton has to resign and will be sad to see him go. Cllr Charles asked that a letter be sent to Cllr Burton thanking him for all his hard work on the Council over the past few years. Clerk will advertise for a new Councillor.

(e) HCC – Consultation on revisions to the Community Involvement Consultation (Planning). No comments were made.

(f) Parish Connect – November, 2016. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was no Report available.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: Cllr Watts reported that there has been damage to vehicles and windows along Durley Street/Durley Brook Road/Wintershill recently. Clerk said that the village noticeboard in Gregory Lane has been damaged and this could have happened at the same time. Dave Farr is going to repair it. Garden furniture was also stolen from a property in Durley Street from the garden.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Pitter said that there are still some pot holes which are marked which need to be repaired. HCC are aware of the exposed telephone cable in Mincingfield Lane and the erosion of the road edges.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Half year Internal Audit Report. Clerk reported that the Accounts balanced for the half year Audit and the Auditor was happy with the Accounts, but said that the Hall hire money should be banked at the end of each month and some hirers were taking too long to pay.

13. HALL: Christmas decorations have been purchased for the Hall. Clerk said that the Christmas decorations were to be taken down before the Seniors Party in January. In the past they have liked the decorations to stay up for this event. Councillors asked the Clerk to find out why the decorations needed to be taken down early this year. Floor tiling – Cllr Charles said that he is arranging to meet the tiler soon at the Hall. Cllr Pitter and the Clerk will also attend.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the hedge has been cut around the Recreation Ground. Cllr Charles will repair the rope ladder which has been temporarily repaired. Cllr Charles has replaced a bolt on the swing in The Sawmills Play Area recently. Councillors agreed that it is important to carry out the weekly checks on both Play Areas. Cllr Watts carries out checks at the Recreation Ground and Cllr Smith carries out checks in the Sawmills.


16/02516/HOU. Mr D Bradbury. Front oak porch with rendered walls (white) to the front elevation only. Kuldana, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

16/02427/TPO. Mr Seagrave. T1 – Field Maple, fell. The Court House, Kytes Lane, Durley. There were no comments on this application.


The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8th November, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite of Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Delmege and Cllr Burton.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 11th October, 2016 and Planning Meeting held on 2nd November, 2016.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Drainage at The Sawmills – start date.
(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – Update from CC Humby.
(c) Fly-tipping in Durley.
(d) Hedge in Parsonage Lane.
(e) Report on BW Bridleway Project – Cllr Watts.
(f) Report on Southern Parishes Meeting – Cllr Charles/Clerk.
(g) Report from Parish Plan Meeting held on 2.11.16.
(h) Church Copse re-planting.
(i) Double lines outside of Beech Corner – DC Miller.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) WCC District Local Plan Part 2 – Consultation on Proposed Modifications.
(b) WCC Preparation of Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations Consultation.
(c) E-mail from resident about bus stop plinths in Durley Street.
(d) Resignation letter from Cllr Burton.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 8th November will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Pitter to report on pot holes in Durley

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed. Half year Internal Audit Report.

13. Hall: Christmas decorations. Floor tiling.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

16/02516/HOU. Mr D Bradbury. Front oak porch with rendered walls (white) to the front elevation only. Kuldana, Durley Brook Road, Durley.

16/02427/TPO. Mr Seagrave. T1 – Field Maple, fell.
The Court House, Kytes Lane, Durley.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 8th November will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
2nd November, 2016

Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 8th November, 2016 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall. 3 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, District Councillor David Mclean and 2 parishioners were present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Burton, Cllr Delmege, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Miller.

The Clerk informed Councillors that the drainage in The Sawmills Play Area will be carried out in 2 weeks’ time. The pipe under the road at Beech Corner has been prioritised by HCC Highways. Councillors are hoping that the work will be done before the winter weather sets in.

More fly-tipping in various areas of Durley has been reported over the past month. Clerk reminded members that any fly-tipping can be reported via the on-line service on the Winchester City Council website.

Cllr Watts reported on the Bishops Waltham Bridleway Project, but there were no issues that affect Durley.

Cllr Charles and the Clerk attended the Southern Parishes Meeting in Bishops Waltham and were introduced to the new Community Support Officer who works for Bishops Waltham and Swanmore Parish Councils. The major part of the Meeting was spent asking questions to Keith House from Eastleigh Borough Council about the housing proposals. He also talked about the proposed Botley By-pass.

A Report was given from the Parish Plan Team. The Good Neighbours Group is now re-vamped and led by Trevor Richardson. There are 9 Committee Members and 18 drivers. Many residents have offered their help. The Village Website is now up and running. A Public Meeting will be arranged in January, 2017 to see how many residents would be willing to help with a Village Carnival. New ideas will be welcome. A decision will then be made as to whether we will be able to hold a Village Carnival in 2017. The Team is also looking at Village gateway signs for the village.

Parish Councillors are still pursuing the double lines outside of Beech Corner Garage to stop vehicles from parking on the staggered junction. Drivers have difficulty getting out of Stapleford Lane and Church Lane as they do not have visibility when cars are parked in the road.

District Councillor Mclean reported on development in the area and the impact that it would have on traffic through Durley.

2 residents attended the Meeting to ask about the re-planting of trees in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane and to report on some more fly-tipping in Church Lane/Durley Road.

Clerk read out a resignation letter from Councillor Burton stating that he is no longer able to continue due to work and personal commitments. Councillors were sad that Cllr Burton has to resign although they fully understand his reasons. Cllr Burton instigated the Village Website and will be greatly missed by Councillors. Clerk will be putting up Notices advertising for a new Parish Councillor shortly.

Damage to windows, vehicles and the village noticeboard in Gregory Lane were reported. Garden furniture was also stolen from a property in Durley Street. Residents are asked to keep vigilent for any unusual activity.

Cllr Pitter said that there are still some pot holes which are marked which need to be repaired. HCC are aware of the exposed telephone cable in Mincingfield Lane and the erosion of the road edges.

The Internal Audit Report was satisfactory.

Some new Christmas decorations have been purchased for the Memorial Hall. Clerk reported that the decorations need to be taken down before the Seniors Party in 2017. Cllr Charles, Cllr Pitter and the Clerk will meet with the Tiler to discuss the laying of the new tiles in the Hall foyer.

Cllr Watts reported that the hedges around the Recreation Ground have now been cut.

Anne Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council

103802 HCC – Hall Supplies £81.84
103803 Southern Water (Pavilion) £16.59
103804 Heating & Cooling Sol – Toilets at Hall £1,950.00
103805 OCS Group – Gang mowing (Aug) £82.86
103806 SSE – Electricity (Pavilion) £29.98
103807 Hall cleaning £804.62
103808 BWPC – Lengthsman costs (August) £370.82
103809 SSE – Electricity (Hall) £78.28
103810 September payroll £844.14
103811 HMRC £64.83
103812 HCC £238.80
103813 DFC – Hall hire and deposit refund £284.00
103814 BWPC – Lengthsman costs (Sept) £208.56
103815 DPC Lengthsman Account (transfer) £1,000.00


5 Parish Councillors, Mrs Anne Collins (Clerk) and 5 parishioners were in attendance. There were also 2 representatives from Regal Homes to show Councillors proposals for a development in Durley Street.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Delmege and CC/DC Humby, DC Miller and DC Mclean who all had to attend a Meeting in Winchester.

were no Declarations of Interest.



(a) Drainage at The Sawmills update. Cllr Pitter and Clerk met with Clanville Draintech Ltd. and they have subsequently sent through a quote for the work required. The quote is £3,453.75 plus vat. The previous quote from Scandor was £3,981.07 plus vat. Cllr Pitter proposed that we accept the Clanville quote as it has been difficult to obtain a quote as most Companies are not interest in this kind of work. Cllr Charles seconded this proposal. All Councillors present were in agreement. Clerk said that the work will take about a week to complete. The Play Area will be closed when the work is carried out. The remaining Open Spaces Fund will be used to help towards the cost. Clerk will claim the Open Spaces Fund and write to Clanville informing them of our decision and ask when the work is likely to be done.

(b) Flooding at Beech Corner and outside of School – Update from CC Humby. CC Humby was not at the Meeting to give an update. Residents attending said that the bank of tree rubbish has just been left and there is no-where for pedestrians to walk if a large vehicle comes down the Lane. They also asked where the ditches were leading to as they appear to just stop, which will mean that the flood water will back up and cause additional flooding. There should be a ditch through the field down to the stream which should be reinstated. The culvert under Snakemoor Lane has not been done yet, although there has been a pipe put under Stapleford Lane at the top near the Garage. Clerk will inform CC Humby and HCC of the concerns from the parishioners and Parish Councillors will keep putting pressure on HCC to try and resolve this flooding issue which has been going on too long and is making residents very anxious in the Stapleford Lane area.

(c) Fly-tipping in Durley. Signs have now arrived and it was agreed that siting should be agreed with landowners to put up the signs. Various hot spots will be looked at and signs put up.

(d) Update on Broadband speeds in Durley. Clerk has put a request in the Parish Report asking for residents to send in their speeds. There has been little response at the moment.

(e) Report on Meeting with SSE regarding Community Resilient Fund. Cllr Charles and the Clerk met with SSE representatives and it appears that this Fund is not available for individual properties, only community projects.

(f) Report on HCC Workshop – Cllr Watts and Clerk. The Workshop attended by Cllr Watts and the Clerk was in Chandlers Ford and many other Parish Councils attended along with HCC representatives. The main topic of the evening was how services could be devolved down to the parishes in the future. Concerns were expressed about the expertise of Councillors to carry out the work and the finance that would be needed for the parishes to carry out additional duties.

(g) Lorries in Sciviers Lane. Clerk has received a response from the Torbay Farm developers stating that it is not their lorries which are travelling down Sciviers Lane from the Durley end. The situation will be kept monitored, and if the lorries continue then perhaps see where exactly they are going.

(h) Hedge in Parsonage Lane. No response has been received about the cutting or lowering of the hedge in Parsonage Lane. Clerk will ask the person who rents the field who the owner is.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby. No Report available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Humby, DC Mclean and DC Miller. No Report available.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Residents attended the Meeting to discuss the flooding at Beech Corner and tree re-planting in Church Copse – both issues are on the Agenda. All residents were complaining about the junction outside of Beech Corner Garage where vehicles keep parking. It is becoming very dangerous to come out of Stapleford Lane as you cannot see past the vehicles, and a resident came out of Church Lane and had to go on the wrong side of the road with the sun in his eyes and could not see both ways as it was impossible. There will be an accident at this junction if double lines are not put outside of the Garage. The Clerk has been writing to HCC for many years and doubles lines were promised some years ago, but nothing has happened and when enquiries are made we receive a negative response. Parish Councillors asked residents to keep taking photographs and write to HCC. Clerk said that DC Miller is now trying to get the double lines installed.


(a) Consultation Paper on 2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement. Councillors agreed that they did not wish the Parish Precept to be capped in any way. This would be difficult if parishes are to take over more responsibilities and have more powers in the future. Clerk prepared a response and Councillors agreed with the content.

(b) Letter from Regal Homes re development in Durley. Councillors agreed that they would look at the plans, but would make no comment as Durley has no development allocation in the Local Plan. Any development that is allowed would need to go through the MTR3 Planning Policy which would need “clear public support” from residents and if an application was put in then the Parish Council would need to consult with their residents to see what their views were before making a response. The developer was thanked for bringing their plans to the Parish Council.

(c) E-mail from residents regarding progress of tree re-planting in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane. Clerk has received no further update from CC Humby on this issue. 2 residents were present at the Meeting and were unhappy that CC Humby has not responded to their e-mail regarding the tree re-planting as the Forestry Commission has requested this.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: There was nothing further to report other than flood prevention measures are still being discussed. Kirstie hopes to update Councillors at our next Meeting when decisions have been reached.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr reported that 2 cement lorries went through Durley, but she was not sure where they were going to. This will be kept monitored in case it becomes a frequent route. Cllr Pitter reported that some pot holes have been repaired whilst others have not been done. Clerk will see why this has happened. Lorries travelling through Durley with sand/gravel – there were no more reports at the moment, but the situation will be kept monitored.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Update Financial Regulations to comply with recent legislation. Councillors agreed the Updates and the Chairman and Clerk signed the updated Financial Regulations.

13. HALL: Re-painting of the foyer, toilets and kitchen is being done this week. Clerk said that new Hall Christmas decorations were needed. Cllr Charles and Clerk will purchase these at Veal’s. Cllr Charles will get in touch with the Tiler who will be giving a quote for the tiles in the foyer and kitchen.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report.


16/01985/FUL. Mr Young. 2 storey side extension, single storey side extension, new front porch, raise existing roof with new dormers and remodelling of fenestration. The Bungalow, Netherhill, Botley. Councillors agreed that a comment should be made that if approved this dwelling would be a loss of an affordable dwelling in the countryside. The dwelling would also have an impact on the countryside in Netherhill and it is over-development of the width of the plot size.

16/02055/FUL. Mr Gray. Single storey side extension. Oaklands, Durley Street, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application.

Councillor Farr attended a Planning Coach Trip organised by WCC on 7th October and reported that she visited many planning sites including the Old Fire Station in Winchester, developments in Colden Common and Wickham.