The Annual Parish Assembly was held on Tuesday 14th April, 2015 in Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 8.00 p.m.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Annual Meeting and introduced Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor, Police and the Clerk to the members of the public present.

Apologies were received from Cllr Burton and District Councillor Ruffell who were not able to attend.

The Chairman, Cllr Charles presided over a Meeting of 5 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Rob Humby, Mrs A Collins (Clerk), PCSO McCulloch and 9 parishioners.

The Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Assembly were read, confirmed and signed.

The Chairman’s Report was given by Cllr Charles and he gave a detailed Report of the work that has been carried out by the Parish Council over the past year. Included in the Report were details of the planting of commemorative poppies around the village, a community defibrillator has been installed outside of Durley Memorial Hall for use in an emergency, various planning issues and legal battles which have taken a huge amount of time, as well as working alongside residents on a variety of issues which concern them. The Parish Lengthsman has been a great asset to Durley on his half day every week. Councillors and the Clerk were thanked for all their hard work and support over the past year. PCSO Sarah McCulloch has been with us for a short while and will now be joining a different beat. A Tithe Map has been donated by Gwen Houghton to the parish and is hung in the Hall. School parking, faster broadband and an HGV ban through Durley are issues which continue to be pursued.

A Financial Report for the year was given by Mrs A Collins (Clerk). The Accounts were presented in detail at the Meeting by the Clerk and approved. The Accounts will now be audited by the Internal and External Auditors.

A Highways Report was given by Cllr Farr. Many pot holes have been filled in during the year, emergency arboricultural works have been carried out when necessary to clear trees off the roads, jetting of drains and gullies have been carried out and the drainage outside of Rodlands on the junction has been greatly helped by the landowner clearing his ditch. Signing and lining has taken place, a fence outside of Durley Primary School has been replaced and other drainage work has been carried out when required. Cllr Farr reminded members of the public to report any pot holes that they find either on-line via the HCC website, or to her on 02380 694623.

Cllr Smith (Memorial Hall Chairman) gave a Memorial Hall Report. Cllr Smith reported that the Hall is well used and has been gradually updated. New guttering has been placed on the front of the building and the Memorial Hall sign is being re-varnished. Quotes are being sought for the re-tiling of the Hall foyer floor. Cycle hoops are to be placed under the fire exit steps so that bike riders are able to leave their bikes safely. A new hot cupboard has been placed in the kitchen for keeping plates warm, which is regularly used by Lunch Club and other hirers. A hot water machine for hot drinks has been installed in the kitchen and works very well for hirers. Cllr Smith then gave her thanks to all those who help with the running of the Hall in any way, especially John the Caretaker, Sam Frank and Peter for all the maintenance work they carry out and Anne for taking the bookings and keeping everything running smoothly. Also Gerald Taplin who keeps the Hall car park hedge looking so neat and tidy.

County/District Councillor Rob Humby gave a County and District Councillor’s Report of the work he has carried out over the past year. The majority of his work has been related to highways and flooding issues. Trying to achieve a faster broadband for rural areas has also been a priority and he hopes that there will be an update in the next few months. He has supported Durley with grants and given support and advice where needed. He ended his report by saying how much he has enjoyed working with Durley Parish Council and hopes that together we can achieve a great deal and will continue to do so. Cllr Charles thanked Cllr Humby and Cllr Ruffell for all their support during the year.

A Police Report was read out by PCSO McCulloch who was the PCSO for Durley during this year, although she has now been transferred to another area. PCSO McCulloch stated that Durley has a very low crime rate and is a pleasant place to live. A number of police initiatives are in progress at the moment and parishioners were informed about them. Parish Councillors were sad that PCSO McCulloch is not covering Durley any more and thanked her for the work she has carried out during the past year.

Sam Charles gave an update on the progress of the Durley Parish Plan. He said that the Report is being finalised at the moment and then it will go to print. The Report will then be delivered to every household in Durley and a Public Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th June at 7.30 p.m. at Durley Memorial Hall. All residents will be invited to attend.

A resident asked about the possibility of providing allotments in Durley. As this was a question in the Parish Plan Questionnaire this would be looked into again if there was sufficient interest within the Parish Plan process.

A resident wished to thank the Parish Council for all their tireless work on behalf of the residents as sometimes it goes un-noticed all the hours that are spent working on behalf of residents. Durley Lunch Club also thanked Councillors for the new hot cupboard which has been installed in the Hall kitchen.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and refreshments were then served. The Meeting concluded at 9.20 p.m.

103528 CPRE (subs) £29.00
103529 CAH (subs) £90.00
103530 HCC (Hall supplies & paper) £32.72
103531 Neil’s Electrical Services (light repairs) £72.00
103532 Clerk’s January expenses £97.61
103533 February payroll £827.85
103534 HMRC £49.05
103535 HCC £237.92
103536 BWPC (Jan Parish Lengthsman costs) £147.60
103537 BW Tree Care (tree removal) £100.00
103538 Biffa Waste Services Ltd (Hall waste) £407.16
103539 Hall ceiling tiles £52.13
103540 Clerk’s February expenses £54.44
103541 Sawmills maintenance costs £459.50
103542 Key holder payment £72.00
103543 Hall Booking payment £72.00

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th March, 2015 in The Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Farr.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 10th February, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby.
(b) Durley Parish Plan update.
(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School.
(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley.
(f) Durley litter pick response.
(g) Open Spaces Fund – cycle rack outside of Hall.
(h) Maps for School – Walk to School completed.
(i) Defibrillator training evening and publicity in Hampshire Chronicle.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Letter from HALC explaining what they do.
(b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Draft Recommendations.
(c) Precept requirements.
(d) Connecting communities on Streetlife.
(e) Action Hampshire – HARAH Booklet.
(f) Highways Maintenance Newsletter 2015.
(g) HCC Parish Event – Shaping the future of Economy, Transport & Environment

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 10th March will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Dead tree has been taken down in Woodland area at The Sawmills. Repairs to broken fence.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment – Grant from CC Humby towards tiling. Hall ceiling.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

15/00321/LDC. Mrs J Hammal. Use of land for the stationing of a mobile home for residential use (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Cracklewood, Gregory Lane, Durley.

15/00180/FUL. Mr P Collins. Single storey side and rear extension and detached double garage. Homefield, Kytes Lane, Durley.

O/15/75953 Outline Planning permission for 680 dwellings and other associated planning on land at Hedge End North, Winchester Road, Botley from Durley Parish Council.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 10th March will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
4th March, 2015


4 Parish Councillors, County/District Councillor Humby, and the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins were present.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Farr, Cllr Smith and District Councillor Ruffell. Councillors wished DC Ruffell a speedy recovery after a recent eye operation.

were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. CC Humby said that now the shared catchment area had been decided it was agreed that the widening of the road outside of the School would go to the next Highways Workshop Meeting ready for implementation in the 2015/16 Budget.

(b) Durley Parish Plan update. There is a Meeting this Thursday to discuss the analysis and the start of the Report.

(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School. Clerk has written to Rob Marsh, but no response has been received yet. Cllr Charles has spoken to the owners of Quob Stables about the gate at the entrance, but again no response yet. Cllr Charles will chase.

(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley. CC Humby said that he will be able to give more information after a Meeting in March.

(f) Durley litter pick response. Clerk asked WCC for litter picks and black refuge sacks, but the response was not very positive as WCC do not encourage litter picks because of health and safety concerns. This was disappointing. Some parishioners have been seen picking up litter in their patch and Councillors hope that this will continue. Clerk has put in a request to EBC and WCC to carry out a litter pick along the main road through Durley.

(g) Open Spaces Fund – cycle rack outside of Hall. Cllr Pitter gave Councillors information about the price of cycle hoops that could be placed outside of Durley Memorial Hall. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea and agreed that 4 would be purchased to site under the fire escape. Cllr Pitter offered to install them. Clerk will respond to the original enquirer and say that we will be installing the hoops. A Grant will be applied for from the remainder of the Open Spaces Fund.

(h) Maps for School – Walk to School completed.

(i) Defibrillator training evening and publicity in Hampshire Chronicle. The training evening went well and Clerk has written and thanked Steve Cartwright for his help. A photograph and write up was put into the Hampshire Chronicle.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: CC Humby reported that he had stepped down as Leader of WCC due to the recent Silver Hill Development ruling. He is still continuing as our District and County Councillor. Councillors expressed their thanks to CC Humby for all the hard work that he has carried out in Durley for the benefit of its residents. All other items reported on by CC Humby are mentioned under other paragraphs in these Minutes.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: DC Ruffell was not able to attend the Meeting and DC Humby had nothing more to add so there was no District Councillor Report this month.

7. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ITEMS BY INVITATION OF THE CHAIRMAN. There were no members of the public present to bring forward any items.


(a) Letter from HALC explaining what they do. This was noted.

(b) Local Government Boundary Commission – Draft Recommendations. A response has been sent to the Boundary Commission.

(c) Precept requirements. Clerk read out some of the other parish precept requirements as it outlined that our Precept was the lowest of the 4 surrounding rural parishes.

(d) Connecting communities on Streetlife. This was read out.

(e) Action Hampshire – HARAH Booklet. This was noted.

(f) Highways Maintenance Newsletter 2015. This has been sent via e-mail to Councillors.

(g) HCC Parish Event – Shaping the future of Economy, Transport & Environment
Services. Cllr Charles and Cllr Pitter will attend this event.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: A School representative was not present at the Meeting, but Kirstie did inform the Clerk that the flood barrier will hopefully be in place during the Easter time. A letter of response to the Winchester Road development was sent to the Council for their information.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: There was nothing to report.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Dead tree has been taken down in Woodland area at The Sawmills. Repairs to broken fence. Clerk reported that it is alleged that when the tree was taken down it damaged the top of the adjoining fence. The tree surgeon was not aware of this, but has as a good will gesture replaced the fence panel. The house owner is not happy as it looks a different colour. This is because it has not weathered yet. It is hoped that a resolution can be found which is agreeable to all parties. Councillors also noticed that a lot of signs in Durley have been vandalised. Clerk will report these to HCC Highways.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and Councillors signed cheques as agreed.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment – Grant from CC Humby towards tiling. CC Humby was thanked for the Grant of £500. Cllr Charles is still waiting for further quotes. Hall ceiling. The older tiles were located under the stage, but broke up when trying to put them up. Some new tiles have now been purchased and Cllr Charles, Frank Holttum and Peter will put them up next Thursday replacing all the cracked tiles. The guttering will also be replaced shortly.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts reported that the swing chains and seats need replacing. Clerk will order these and if it is felt that they are a danger then the swings will be taken down until the chains and seats are replaced. Repairs are needed to the wood on the veranda and the drain pipe needs re-attaching. Peter will be asked to repair the veranda and Cllr Charles will look at the drain pipe when replacing the Hall guttering. Cllr Watts also said that the gang mowing had started and the grass was not long enough and therefore made marks on the pitch and brought up mud on the pitch. Clerk will make OCS aware of this. Clerk said that Peter is hoping to tidy up some of the overgrown hedge at the end of the Recreation Ground one Saturday and have a bonfire when there is no football game on.


15/00321/LDC. Mrs J Hammal. Use of land for the stationing of a mobile home for residential use (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Cracklewood, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that an objection should be made as the application is based on a mobile home that has been on site for a number of years being lived in and this is not the case. The old uninhabitable mobile home has been derelict for many years and has not been lived in for many years. No Councillors had ever heard of Cracklewood. Councillors were also concerned that if this application was approved it would set a precedent for other derelict mobile home owners in the area.

15/00180/FUL. Mr P Collins. Single storey side and rear extension and detached double garage. Homefield, Kytes Lane, Durley. Councillors had no comments to make on this application.

O/15/75953 Outline Planning permission for 680 dwellings and other associated planning on land at Hedge End North, Winchester Road, Botley from Durley Parish Council. Councillors agreed that an objection would be made on the same grounds as the applications for Boorley Green and Chalcroft developments as the infrastructure would not cope with all these major developments on our boundary. Clerk asked Councillors if it would be worth having a Traffic Survey done now, before all the developments happen in EBC. Councillors agreed that this would be useful as there is going to be so much increase in traffic if all the recent Planning Applications are approved. CC Humby will follow this up and see if a Traffic Survey is possible.

15/00412/FUL. Mr D Hammal. Conversion of former dairy building to ancillary residential annexe. Channels Farm, Gregory Lane, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application, and agreed that this Farm was no longer used as a dairy.

15/00431/LDC. Mr C Reeves. Siting a mobile home/family annexe incidental to main dwelling (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS). Shady Oaks Farm, Durley Brook Road, Durley. Councillors agreed that they had no comments to make on this application as the mobile home was incidental to the main dwelling. However, they would ask that the present mobile home be removed when a new one is installed.

Clerk read out the Appeal result for Church Copse, Greenwood Lane for Mr C Collins against the Appeals served by HCC.

The Clerk reminded Councillors that our next Meeting would be on Tuesday 14th April, 2015. The Monthly Parish Council Meeting would be held at 6.30 p.m. and then the Annual Parish Assembly will follow at 8.00 p.m.


103519 Void
103520 OCS Group UK (Bin at Hall) £3.74
103521 P Reynolds (Internal Audit) £145.00
103522 British Gas (Gas for Hall) £528.84
103523 Ink for printer £62.97
103524 January payroll £827.85
103525 HMRC £49.05
103526 HCC £237.92
103527 Clerk’s January expenses £135.76

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th February, 2015 in The Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 13th January, 2015.

4. Matters arising:

(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby.
(b) Durley Parish Plan update.
(c) Community Defibrillator Training Evening – Thursday 19th February at 7.00 p.m.
(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School.
(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Planning Policy and Implementation News – January 2015 from E.B.C.
(b) Provisional Tree Preservation Order on tree in Gregory Lane.
(c) Letter from parishioner.
(d) WDAPC Executive Committee Minutes – 19th January, 2015.
(e) Letter from parishioner.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 10th February will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report: PACT Report – Cllr Watts.

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Highways List ready for HCC. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – update.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Hall ceiling.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

15/00103/FUL. Mr Rodney Webb. First floor side extension. 9 Mill Way, Parsonage Lane, Durley.

Appeal by Mr C Collins against two enforcement notices in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Report on Appeal Hearing by Cllr Charles and Clerk.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 10th February will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
4th February, 2015


4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk Mrs Anne Collins and Kirstie Baines representing Durley Primary School were present.

At the start of the Meeting the Clerk informed Parish Councillors that ex-Parish Councillor David Poole had sadly passed away this week. A card of condolences has been sent to the family.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Cllr Smith, Cllr Burton, PCSO McCulloch, County/District Councillor Humby and District Councillor Ruffell.

2. ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. There were no Declarations of Interest declared.



(a) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby. No update was available.

(b) Durley Parish Plan update. The analysis is being written up and it is hoped that this will soon be available to report to the Parish Plan Team ready to incorporate into the Report.

(c) Community Defibrillator Training Evening – Thursday 19th February at 7.00 p.m. Clerk has put up posters about the event and on the Parish Council website. It is hoped that parishioners will attend and benefit from this training session. The Hampshire Chronicle will be informed of the donation of the defibrillator so that publicity can be given and everyone will know where it is sited.

(d) Progress on gate at end of footpath opposite School. Cllr Charles has asked the owners of Quob Stables if they could replace the gate, but they are not the owners. Mr Rob Marsh is the owner and so the Clerk has written him a letter explaining the situation, but she has not received a response yet. It was also noted that the gate leading to this footpath opposite the School is in need of repair. Cllr Charles will speak to Quob Stables again about this gate.

(e) Update on faster broadband in Durley. Clerk said that Durley is in Wave 2, but there is no further information yet on when this might be. More details will be known in September.

(f) Home Energy Advice – Cllr Farr has asked Lunch Club and they are going to let the Clerk know when they would like a talk.

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: No Report was available.

6. DISTRICT COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS: No Report was available.

parishioners were present.


(a) Planning Policy and Implementation News – January 2015 from E.B.C. This was noted.

(b) Provisional Tree Preservation Order on tree in Gregory Lane. This was for information only and was noted.

(c) Letter from parishioner. Clerk read out letter which had various items highlighted. Most items were already being dealt with and others would be highlighted through the Parish Plan process. A response has been sent to the parishioner explaining this.

(d) WDAPC Executive Committee Minutes – 19th January, 2015. These were noted.

(e) Letter from parishioner regarding the siting of the bin at The Sawmills. Councillors noted the comments made and will monitor the situation. The wrong sticker has been placed by WCC on the bin so Cllr Charles will remove it.

(f) Cllr Pitter has been asked by a parishioner if a village litter pick could be carried out in Durley. Clerk said that this has been tried before, but only Parish Councillors attended so it was felt that if the community do not respond then we would not do it again. However, this was some years ago and it was agreed that we could try again and see what support there is. WCC will provide Clerk with bags and will collect the bags if we go ahead with the litter pick. Councillors agreed to make the suggestion in the Report and ask if residents would like to help if the Parish Council provides the equipment. There are already a number of residents who do pick up litter in their particular area. Clerk will ask Eastleigh Borough Council to pick up litter in Snakemoor Lane as it is dangerous and really needs a good litter pick.

(g) Open Spaces Fund – Clerk reported that we have £359.36 in the Fund at the moment. This should be spent fairly soon. Cllr Watts suggested that we use the money for replacement swing seats at the Recreation Ground, or alternatively we could use the money for the ventilation measures in the changing area of the Pavilion. Cllr Charles will get a price for the work in the Pavilion and then Councillors can make a decision at the next Meeting.

(h) Update from Persimmon Homes regarding the adoption of the highways through the Sawmills. Clerk said that she has received a response and Southern Water and HCC still need to finalise their legal agreements so that the whole process can be adopted. Clerk will be kept informed by Persimmon Homes.

(i) The Rights of Way priority list for cutting has been sent off to HCC.

(j) Temporary Closure of Footpath 28 has been received from HCC.

(k) Electoral Review of Winchester – Draft Recommendations. Clerk has forwarded on the information to Councillors. It appears that Durley and Upham will be in with Bishops Waltham in the Bishops Waltham Ward. Councillors agreed that this would not be ideal for the smaller parishes as it was feared that BW being the larger parish would take over and Durley and Upham would not get listened to. The review seems all about numbers and not about providing the right level of help to parishes. Clerk will make this point to the Review Team again.

(l) Parish Connect – February, 2015. This was noted.

9. SCHOOL REPORT: Kirstie Baines gave a Report as shown in Appendix 1 to these Minutes. The main issues were flood defences, parking, defibrillator and the Emergency Plan. Kirstie did say that the On-line sessions which are running at the School at working well and it is hoped that a session can be held at the Easter Fayre to show residents what the On-line training is all about. It is hoped that the Hall can be a “hot spot” for the day, but as we do not have internet access at the moment at the Hall Councillors were not sure how this could be achieved, but would be interested to see if it could. Durley footpaths which will be used for the “Walk to School” week were highlighted and Clerk will obtain a digital map from the PSMA for the parents to use.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH REPORT: PACT Report – Cllr Watts highlighted the concerns which were brought to the attention of the Police, although these were items which are continuously mentioned. Clerk said that there had been one theft of scaffolding, ladders etc., and one stolen Ivor Williams trailer in the last month in Durley.

11. HIGHWAYS REPORT: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Cllr Farr had no issues to raise, but items were raised by Councillors that needed attention. Cllr Farr will report these to HCC. Rubbish has been dumped in Netherhill and Snakemoor Lane. Clerk will report this to WCC. Highways List ready for HCC – Nothing more was added to the list. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – update. Cllr Charles said that the dead tree has been felled, but a resident in the adjoining property said that some of her fence was broken at the top when the tree was felled. Cllr Charles has spoken to the tree surgeon and he said that he was not aware that any damage had been done, however he would replace the fence panel. Clerk will respond to the resident.

12. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Councillors agreed invoices presented by the Clerk and signed cheques. Shown as Appendix 2.

13. HALL: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Cllr Charles received a quote for £3,200 inc vat for the Hall foyer and kitchen tiling. This would include removal and re-laying of the tiles. If a Grant was applied for then 3 quotes would be needed. Clerk will see if there are any Grants available for this kind of work. Hall ceiling – new tiles will have to be purchased. Cllr Charles will also put a new lock on the Lunch Club cupboard as the old one is broken. Cllr Farr said that someone is getting into the locked cupboard in the Post Office Room so a locked box is now being used to store items for the Coffee and Chat Group. The guttering is also leaking and Cllr Charles said that this will be replaced when the weather is warmer.

14. RECREATION GROUND: Cllr Watts said that there was nothing to report at the moment.


15/00103/FUL. Mr Rodney Webb. First floor side extension. 9 Mill Way, Parsonage Lane, Durley. Councillors had no objection to this application.

Appeal by Mr C Collins against two enforcement notices in Church Copse, Greenwood Lane, Durley. Report on Appeal Hearing by Cllr Charles and Clerk. The Appeal was held in Winchester on 3rd February and 5 residents attended as well as the Chairman and Clerk. No decision will be reached for about 4 – 6 weeks. A site visit was also made. WCC Enforcement Officers also visited the site the day after the Hearing as workmen were on the site and clearing more of site.

Clerk read out an e-mail stating a concern about a main sewer with an inspection chamber under solar panels which have just been approved in Stapleford Lane. The Planning Department have been made aware of the problems that this could cause in the future.


Durley Parish Council held its Monthly Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th February, 2015 in the Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m. 4 Parish Councillors, the Clerk – Mrs Anne Collins, and Kirstie Baines (School representative) were present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Burton, Cllr Smith, County/District Councillor Humby, District Councillor Rufell and PCSO McCulloch.

At the start of the Meeting the Clerk informed Parish Councillors that ex-Parish Councillor David Poole had sadly passed away that week. David was a Parish Councillor for a number of years and was always willing to help Durley and its parishioners in any way he could. He was a former Parish Council Chairman and will be missed by many.

The Community Defibrillator Training is being held on Thursday 19th February at 7.00 p.m. in Durley Memorial Hall. Anyone is welcome to attend.

It appears that Durley is in Wave 2 of the faster broadband, but we will have to wait until September to know more details about timescale.

There were no County or District Councillors reports this month.

Cllr Pitter has been asked if a village litter pick could be organised. The Clerk will ask WCC for litter picks and black sacks if residents are willing to cover their patch. There are some residents who already pick up litter in their particular lane or road and Councillors do appreciate this help. If anyone is willing to pick up litter in a certain area please get in touch with the Clerk and she will provide you with the necessary tools. Eastleigh Borough Council will be contacted to litter pick along Snakemoor Lane as this is particularly dangerous and has a lot of litter to be picked up.

A Rights of Way priority cutting list has been sent to HCC for consideration. Footpath 28 in Chancellors Lane is temporarily closed.

Kirstie Baines was present to give a School Report. The main issues were the flood defences, parking, defibrillator for the School and an Emergency Plan for the School.

Cllr Watts gave a PACT Meeting Report. She said that the main problems highlighted were inconsiderate parking and speeding, there were also 2 theft incidents during the month.

Rubbish has been dumped in Netherhill along with a fridge in Snakemoor Lane. This fly-tipping will be reported to WCC to be picked up. Some road problems were reported to Cllr Farr and these will also be reported to HCC Highways.

Cllr Charles read out a quote for the re-tiling of the Hall foyer and kitchen floors. Councillors agreed that this needs to be done as the old tiles are getting broken and some need replacing. New ceiling tiles to replace broken ones will also be purchased.

Some residents, along with the Chairman and Clerk attended an Appeal Hearing in Winchester regarding the 2 enforcement notices served on Church Copse, Greenwood Lane by HCC. The result of the Hearing will not be known for a few weeks.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed.

103504 The Society of Local Council Clerks £167.00
103505 Young Persons’ Drop-in Centre £100.00
103506 WCC – Landscape bin £226.80
103507 Southern Electric (Hall) £214.04
103508 Southern Electric (Pavilion) £108.73
103509 Hall Cleaning £858.00
103510 December payroll £815.30
103511 HMRC £41.11
103512 HCC £234.05
103513 Information Comm (Data protection) £35.00
103514 Clerk’s December expenses £54.93
103515 BWPC – Parish Lengthsman (Sept – Nov) £712.66
103516 HCC – Hall supplies £172.50
103517 Performing Right Society fees 2015 £338.78
103518 Fair Oak Fencing (posts at The Sawmills) £360.00

The Monthly Meeting of Durley Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 13th January, 2015 in The Ken Stainer Suite at Durley Memorial Hall, Durley at 7.30 p.m.


1. Apologies for Absence.

2. Any Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct.

3. Agree Minutes of previous Meeting held on 9th December, 2014.

4. Matters arising:

(a) Flashing speed limit sign.
(b) School parking lay-by progress update by Cllr Humby.
(c) Durley Parish Plan update.
(d) Community Defibrillator set up and agree Training Evening if required.
(e) Fund raising Raffle for Defibrillator at School.
(f) Transport Meeting Report – Cllr Pitter to report.
(g) Replacement of fencing over Durley Brook outside of School.
(h) Botley PC Judicial Review – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting held on 16.12.14.
(i) Budget Meeting at WCC – Cllr Charles to report on Meeting.
(j) Change of Meeting date from 12th to 19th May, 2015 due to Elections.
(k) Rights of Way Cutting Priority Programme for 2015 – Cllr Drake and Cllr Smith.

5. County Councillor’s Report: CC Humby.

6. District Councillors’ Reports: DC Humby and DC Ruffell.

7. Public Participation items by invitation of the Chairman.

8. Correspondence:

(a) Update on dog fouling and landscape bin in The Sawmills.
(b) Precept for 2015/16.
(c) Updating of Emergency Plan.

Any correspondence received after this Agenda has been printed, and received before 13th January will be brought to this Meeting.

9. School Report:

10. Neighbourhood Watch Report:

11. Highways Report: Cllr Farr to report on Highways issues. Highways List ready for HCC. Dead tree in Woodland area in The Sawmills – update.

12. Financial Transactions: Councillors to agree invoices presented by the Clerk and sign
cheques as agreed.

13. Hall: Hall foyer refurbishment quotes. Hall ceiling.

14. Recreation Ground: Cllr Watts to report.

15. Planning:

14/02756/FUL. Mr and Mrs Thornton. Demolish conservatory and five outbuildings and build two storey extension to side of existing dwelling, detached triple garage and replacement outbuilding. Swallowfield, Manor Road, Durley.

Eastleigh Borough Council Draft Travelling Communities Development Plan Exhibition – December. Clerk to report.

Any planning applications or decisions received after this Agenda is printed, but received before 13th January will be put to this Meeting for a decision so that Planning deadlines can be met.

Mrs A Collins
Clerk to Durley Parish Council
6th January, 2015